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Ultimate Secret of Freemasonry Revealed!

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posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 08:48 PM

Well first off, you said you could translate anything I am having trouble translating so tell me how taking this literally is wrong, and how I can't see the symbolism in this. I keep posting but nobody will tell me the how?

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court of portico of the Temple...

This was already explained to you. Pike erroneously believed, as many people did at that time, that Masons were related to the historical Knights Templar and that the Blue Lodge was ignorant of this fact. He felt that the Scottish Rite knew the 'truth' and that Blue Lodge Masons were being 'mislead' for failing to adopt this position. He was ultimately proved wrong as there is no connection between Masonry and the Templars and thus his statement is inaccurate.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:10 PM
WHOA Please show me where there is NO connection between the Knights Templars and Freemasonry. I will be glad to read it. Blue Lodge is an obvious stepping stone into other fraternal orders. Show me yours and then I'll show you mine, since you made a sweeping statement that it's proven there is no connection. Blue Lodge is separate, and yet most members would never be tapped for any other fraternal order without going through Blue Lodge.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:11 PM

edit on 27-2-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:41 PM

Oh smack Danbones, I almost missed you there, buddy.

Hmmm, interesting article, so the cross is really symbolic of a fantastic unit of multi-use measurement device/tool.

No I think it has more of a connection to the zodiac in that the cross with the circle is symbolic of the equinoxes and solstices, and is also symbolic of the four evangelists of Christ(os) Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John. Then it is symbolic of cherubim. It is 11,2,5, and 8. Or Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. But it can also represent eternal life, just like the Ankh of Life cross. But in your case it is the symbolism of Jesus' sacrifice. Before he attained eternal life.
edit on 27-2-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

and if a cross was carved 2100+ years ago....would it still have something to do with jesus and his disciples?

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:58 PM
Clever use of symbolism. Many CULTures have adopted the cross as a symbol of their religious faith. Different meanings but it's always there and it has a deeper symbolism either hidden or openly taught by the Mystery Schools of old. There are hundreds if not thousands of variations of the cross. Hindus had the swastika, the sumerians even had a variation of the Maltese Cross.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:59 PM
For the Christian religion that particular cross had that particular meaning.

Edit: But just coincidence with the crosses.
edit on 27-2-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by 112233

I'm looking at this from the perspective of a member of several of these organizations and one who has a strong understanding of how it all works. Please don't assume to say what I know or don't know.

Well, I'm a member of Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Cryptic Masons, Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Order of the Sword of Bunker HIll, York Rite College, Red Cross of Constantine, St. Thomas of Acon, Allied Masonic Degrees, Order of the Corks, Masonic Order of the Bath, Order of the Knights Preceptor, Order of the Silver Trowel, Order of the High Priesthood, Scottish Rite, Eastern Star, Grand College of Rites, and Royal Order of Scotland. In most of these I've been the presiding officer, I'm currently an officer, or I'm currently a Grand officer. I've also been invited to join the Knights of the York Cross of Honor and Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF).

Well, there's very few documents that go back to the 13th century and even then we have no records of actual Lodges (or any body) actually meeting. I read up on this kind of things...this is a huge hobby of mine.

Please point out in this quote where I misquoted, I'll add the parts before and after it if you'd like. But in that specific paragraph what am I mistranslating?

You're taking one paragraph and trying to represent an entire system when that is not how Freemasonry works. You need to read the entirety to understand what Pike was talking about as I previously discussed.

Anything that you use over and over again, all of it symbolic but these are sacraments that you use in your rituals.

Repetitive nature is not a sacrament. Please show me a specific example of where in Freemasonry a sacrament occurs.

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teaching are instruction in religion." page 213

Pike also states in the same book that we are not a religion. The Fraternity even states itself that we are not a religion.

Edit: By the way, what are your thoughts on the symbolism of the Acacia branch and what it's true symbolism hides?

I could write a book on the symbolism of the 3rd degree, but it's late, I've had a long day, and I need sleep.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by 112233

From the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA:


Stephen Dafoe, Past Grand Historian of the Sovereign Great Priory of Knights Templar of Canada, wrote a great book called "Compasses and the Cross" about the Templar-Mason perpetuation myths out there.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 05:39 AM

WHOA Please show me where there is NO connection between the Knights Templars and Freemasonry.

OK, but first, prove to me that you are not an alien from Galgamex.

I am interested in the short version of why you don't like those groups. I do have a good reason for starting that line of logic. You state that you are interested in masonry and if so, you will need know a few things. (that you may "think" you know already)

And please, don't get hung up on Pike. There is a book given to newly initiated Scottish Rite masons called "A Bridge to Light" that is easier to read than Morals and Dogma and would be a better start. It explains much of Morals and Dogma in todays language.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:07 AM

WHOA Please show me where there is NO connection between the Knights Templars and Freemasonry. I will be glad to read it. Blue Lodge is an obvious stepping stone into other fraternal orders.

Huh? How do you prove a negative? Anyone who thinks there is a link between the historic Knights Templar and Masonry needs to provide the evidence, not the otherway around.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:09 AM

network dude
OK, but first, prove to me that you are not an alien from Galgamex.

Being that you are so probe-able it would be hard for me to hide my alien origins with any modicum of believability.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Wow, a yankee going straight for the anal probe angle. Shocker.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:45 AM

network dude
Wow, a yankee going straight for the anal probe angle.

Just trying to help you re-live the outcome of that little North/South dustup we had.


I can accomodate this request as well.

edit on 28-2-2014 by AugustusMasonicus because: Not evil enough

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 06:31 PM

To all of you Haters out there who spit venom at the meek:

For far too long the Masons have hid in their lodges fearful of the Inquisition!
You simply don't know what they think, and mistakenly misconstrue everything for the purpose of witch burning.

Stop Judging and Hating People you know NOTHING of!

YOU must pass through this EYE of the CAMEL lest you face the same fate you speak towards others!

Fools, this log in thine eye is larger than a forest of Redwood.
I was also misled into fear and anger and hate...
No Longer, I now Know GOD, and I LOVE ALL.

well said muzzleflash
"You" think 'they' are all about SATAN? WRONG!
"YOU" Are ALL about Satan!
That's all you think about, you look for Satan everywhere in everything and everyone.
Humans are not Targets for Condemnation at your whims.
Please, Forgive and Love and STOP Judging, LET GOD JUDGE ALL.
You have NO FAITH!!!

Sure MAYBE some PEOPLE individually did EVIL, but this goes against the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of MASONRY.
They Taint the Honor of the group, just as bad apples do EVERYWHERE in ALL GROUPS.


edit on 21-10-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by watcher6342

well said, muzzleflash..

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:55 PM
Those who know, teach. Those who don't know, can't. Those who know that don't speak, may as well be apathetic.

Network dude
This is going to be a long couple of posts, sorry I'm not one who likes to make generalizations or sweeping statements or dismiss anything without some facts to back it up. Which my mind is more versatile because I hold only a few beliefs and entertain many ideas. I have been studying the occult and all things "fringe" for the last five years, not a long time for some but I have a great passion for this, especially my own spiritual journey, and I am pretty sure I will be on par as far as knowledge goes on almost any subject matter. I'm not joining because you guys hold such secret knowledge as much as trying to find people who talk about this stuff and to make connections to make some miracles happen and if you PM me I'll tell you what it is.

If I join and I read that book you mentioned I will only do it if it is required. Morals and Dogma is NOT a hard read at all. You don't need someone to translate it for you. If YOU do, that's cool. ME, I don't need their help. Not in translating, at least.

I'm not from Galgamex, I'm from Alcyone.

I will make another post on the why on the particular societies I mentioned even though Now I remember which one's I should have added. Sorry gotta list the reasons for you.


Hey buddy, I don't recant my statement just because you belong to several groups. Many of them are harmless. You have a great understanding of how it works to a degree. But unless you're being deceptive you can't tell me you know what goes on with say Skull and Bones, Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree, highest levels of say OTO, Golden Dawn, Order of the Garter, Opus Dei. Rituals or maybe worse. The reason I say they fall under the Masonic umbrella is because they use a mosaic floor, altar, white gloves, apron and all that. Although, I don't know about Skull and Bones or Opus Dei. Skull and Bones though has released pictures where you can see the hidden geometry that had been laid out on purpose.

Besides you seem like a good man, they wouldn't want you, unless they thought they could corrupt you.

So are you saying the Anglo-Norman Charges is irrelevant?

I am not using that paragraph to represent all of Masonry, but I am using it as an example that what is learned in Blue Lodge is considered misleading, it is very symbolic to me that it is found in the Knight Kadosh chapter and not sooner like say in the Master or Apprentice chapter. Even if you will never admit that Blue Lodge is given misleading info that perhaps it is looked at that way at say the Supreme Council of the Thirty Third degree which is a potential point that can be reached starting out in Blue Lodge. That this is a book that is given to people who become 33 degree Scottish Rite Masons, or at least used to be.

Repetitive nature is not sacrament, it's what is used symbolically in those rituals that are the sacraments.

The Fraternity on websites and stuff might say Freemasonry is not a religion but isn't it surprising that some of it's most prolific writers say otherwise?

Yep, it's hard to trace, although there is proof the Knights had lands and estates in Scotland and roamed England. They didn't form Freemasonry but I certainly think they merged with it. Hard to prove but their fingerprints are everywhere. Look at the Mithraic and Christian Mystery schools and their similarities. I find it funny that many of their estates were given over to the Knights of St. John, or Knights Hospitalier, or Knights of Malta.

Now to start on the piece concerning the groups I mentioned and on the connection between Freemasonry and the Knights Templars.

edit on 5-3-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by 112233

I can see you have done some research. It appears you started at Rense and moved on to watchy's site after that. There is no way I will convince you otherwise with just words. You kind of have to experience this to understand it. Learning tolerance is important. Once you learn that the one group you belong to is not the horrible baby eating, devil worshiping cult everyone claimed it was, then the smart folks start to thing about all those other groups that eat babies and worship the devil. Perhaps they were wrongly labeled as well.

I know many men who are 33rd degree masons. They are all good men. I know about 3 that were 32nd degree masons and are now 33rd. A few others are KCCH right now (I was there when they were given that honor, so I knew them when they were 32nd's just like me). If they had to start worshiping Balphomet, they sure haven't mentioned it to me. And I think they would. That kind of thing transcends keeping masonic secrets.

The OTO and the Golden Dawn. They are just mystery schools that teach lessons and Magick. I don't claim to know what they teach, but I know some members and have spoken with them enough to feel comfortable that they are not much different than any other mystery school.
I know nothing of the Skull and Bones, but suspect it's an ivy league group fashioned after a secret society that has some ritual and elite membership. I do not believe they are evil either. I do believe that some very powerful people have been members of that group, but also some very normal members as well.

Evil people are that way from birth. You don't learn to be a psychopath.

I think you would do well to spend a bit more time studying things and trying to understand it all BEFORE you attempt to join masonry. That's just my opinion. But to fear the very men you will be expected to trust is not a good thing, and if you join, I will bet that a few men at your lodge will be 33rds.

Good luck with your journey.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by 112233

Who says I don't know what goes on in the Supreme Council? I don't need to be a 33rd to know what goes on. The other groups I could care less because they have no real impact on me. No, they don't all fall under the Masonic umbrella, only the Supreme Council does. Having any of those items doesn't make them Masonic; symbols and regalia doesn't have fixed or singular purpose, use, interpretation, meaning, or definition. Someone wearing white gloves doesn't make them a Mason or under our umbrella. That is one of the most ridiculous things I've read.

So are you saying the Anglo-Norman Charges is irrelevant?

It's relevant that they were the originally published charges in Anderson's Constitution, but each Grand Lodge has it's own Constitution and it's own charges. It's relevant that it influenced much of the early works. It's a great historical tool

That this is a book that is given to people who become 33 degree Scottish Rite Masons, or at least used to be.

Actually M&D is given out with one simply joining the Scottish Rite, but most prefer "A Bridge to Light" by Rex Hutchens.

Repetitive nature is not sacrament, it's what is used symbolically in those rituals that are the sacraments.

What in our ritual is symbolic of a sacrament?

The Fraternity on websites and stuff might say Freemasonry is not a religion but isn't it surprising that some of it's most prolific writers say otherwise?

As I've pointed out, Pike states that Freemasonry is not a religion.

They didn't form Freemasonry but I certainly think they merged with it.

You should read "Compasses and the Cross" by Stephen Dafoe.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:37 PM

Actually M&D is given out with one simply joining the Scottish Rite, but most prefer "A Bridge to Light" by Rex Hutchens.

In the Valley of Wilmington, NC, the book "A Bridge to Light" is what is given to new initiates since 2007. I cannot speak for any other valley or state as I have not traveled other than to the House of Temple.

Just to clarify that fact.

And we no longer get a ring, but a fake ring cast in a clear plastic pyramid. You can purchase a ring separately if you wish.
( the ring is a 14th degree ring)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:11 AM

network dude

Actually M&D is given out with one simply joining the Scottish Rite, but most prefer "A Bridge to Light" by Rex Hutchens.

In the Valley of Wilmington, NC, the book "A Bridge to Light" is what is given to new initiates since 2007. I cannot speak for any other valley or state as I have not traveled other than to the House of Temple.

Just to clarify that fact.

And we no longer get a ring, but a fake ring cast in a clear plastic pyramid. You can purchase a ring separately if you wish.
( the ring is a 14th degree ring)

In my old Valley (demitted) new SR Masons were given a copy of "A Bridge to Light" but have since switched back to Morals and Dogma .

I can count on one hand how many of the SR Masons I personally know who have actually read it though and this number includes 33rds . We have many 33rds in my district and I have asked most all of them if they read it and the general consensus is that it is one huge "sleeping aid" . Only one 33rd , my friend , has read it in it's entirety and enjoyed it .
edit on 7-3-2014 by Stonecutter45 because: (no reason given)

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