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Enlightenment in 15-30 days, an EXTREMELY fast method. Mahasi Style Noting

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Hollie

Befor you were seeking enlightenment as a Blind man asking about color
Now that you have a teast, you know that there is another way
If you fall our of practice
You will always know that there is another way
You know what it is you seek having glimpsed it but through a small crack
The question you must ask yourself
Do I seek this's in my life?
It seems as though the answer is yes from your posts
Return to the noting, for 15 days as the op sugestes.
Alow yourself to do this IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.
The alternative is like an automated sleep walking.
The choice is intrinsic to life itself when glimpsed .

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 03:21 AM
Started doing this yesterday, sometimes forget to do it for a minute or so, sometimes trip over my thoughts and actions.

My morning meditation was certainly different, can you concentrate on breath in and out rather than raising and falling?

have you got wives, because my wife talks alot, and its hard to pay attention when i have internal dialogue going on all the time.

Thanks Dom.

12hr shift at work, this should be fun lol

edit on 28-10-2013 by siriussam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:03 AM

The Key to Enlightenment, is to Awaken Awareness as an individual Presence devoid of the mixing of ego/mind/conceptual thought.

Here is one of the quickest ways to shift into this Mode/State/Awareness and then Enlightenment. Its called Mahasi Style Noting.

Basically, all through out the day, you make mental notations of what Awareness is aware of:

Every time one sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, or thinks, one should make a note of the fact. But in the beginning of one's practice, one cannot make a note of every one of these happenings. One should, therefore, begin with noting those happenings which are conspicuous and easily perceivable.

Further instruction:

We must make ourselves aware of them by observing them and noting thus: `Seeing, seeing', `hearing, hearing', `smelling smelling', `tasting, tasting', `touching, touching', or `thinking, thinking.

When you start doing this, eventually your ego/mind will come up with excuses to not do it, and to revert/go back to the old state/mode of Being. You have to keep this up, all throughout the day, and eventually you get into a hyper-aware groove, and can continue to practice all throughout the day.

Somewhere around day 15-30, is when you will shift into the Center of Awareness, which will then Merge with the Oneness.

All the instructions are here:
Mahasi Style Noting Instructions

It covers very intricate details as well. Such as when the mind begins to wander into day dreaming, or a string of thoughts, you simply note, "Wandering, Wandering" or if its a string of thoughts, then "thinking, thinking."" And so on.

This is ONE of the quickest way to Enlightenment. There is a whole forum called dharmmaoverground, that specifically focuses on this method, and there are tons and tons of testimonies of regular folks just like you and me, achieving massive success using this method, whole 1-2 week retreats are built around this method, and it is EXTREMELY POTENT.

I will check out the links. It's worth trying out. I bet it's a lot harder to do than it sounds.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by siriussam

The incessant internal dialouge that's much adeu about nothing is what practice stills, many different realizations quiet the different parts down, emptiness quiets the constant labeling, compassion quiets the constant judgement... well you get the idea. The more practice the more peace and quiet happens on the inside and really become aware of whats occuring in moment with full attention.

When we are small this is how we always were, then as we learned what things were and were not, we built discursive thought that keeps at it, like it or not without practice to quiet it down. When you look at a door do you need to think door? No but many people do think door when it's wholly unnecessary, to think door or about how one operates once you have experience of them, the same goes for many other contents flipping across the mind at what seems to be uncontrollable.

The mind goes where it likes, says what it wants, and makes one feel chaotic emotions, it makes one act, makes one say, makes one think that run away mind blithering on about nonsense non stop is a real self, instead of just a reflection of the senses checked against the mental repository of past sense impressions. This distorts what is actually going on, which gives rise to delusions that fuel greed, hate and ignorance.

The Buddhist path puts an end to all of that needless suffering arising from all this usless stress.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:59 PM

reply to post by siriussam

The incessant internal dialouge that's much adeu about nothing is what practice stills, many different realizations quiet the different parts down, emptiness quiets the constant labeling, compassion quiets the constant judgement... well you get the idea. The more practice the more peace and quiet happens on the inside and really become aware of whats occuring in moment with full attention.

When we are small this is how we always were, then as we learned what things were and were not, we built discursive thought that keeps at it, like it or not without practice to quiet it down. When you look at a door do you need to think door? No but many people do think door when it's wholly unnecessary, to think door or about how one operates once you have experience of them, the same goes for many other contents flipping across the mind at what seems to be uncontrollable.

The mind goes where it likes, says what it wants, and makes one feel chaotic emotions, it makes one act, makes one say, makes one think that run away mind blithering on about nonsense non stop is a real self, instead of just a reflection of the senses checked against the mental repository of past sense impressions. This distorts what is actually going on, which gives rise to delusions that fuel greed, hate and ignorance.

The Buddhist path puts an end to all of that needless suffering arising from all this usless stress.

Sorry dude, think Ive given you the wrong impression with regards to internal dialogue...... I was meaning in relation to noting. My mind is pretty blank most of the time lol, but whilst noting and dealing with other people, particularly talkative ones, it is for me incredibly hard to keep noting.

Been doing it all day, got very tired doing it after about 8 hours at work, feeling numb and mentally exhausted at some points, even forgetting to note for periods of time (think I was fairly blank at these points). At some points I was wondering what the hell I was playing at, could hear my ego saying "what if it doesn't work, 30 days wasted, doin something that knackers you out" hehe.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by siriussam

Ah so you meant you are annoyed with her talking, not annoyed that your internal dialogue was preventing you from truly listening to her.

I was merely telling you what the results of what you are doing eventually are, I cannot give you suggestions to quiet the annoyances you have from her talking other than perhaps caring about what she has to say.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:25 AM

reply to post by siriussam

Ah so you meant you are annoyed with her talking, not annoyed that your internal dialogue was preventing you from truly listening to her.

I was merely telling you what the results of what you are doing eventually are, I cannot give you suggestions to quiet the annoyances you have from her talking other than perhaps caring about what she has to say.

No she doesn't annoy me, sorry i'm not making myself very clear at all, nevermind, thanks for the replies though.

I think i may be missing something, will go back to doing some research.
edit on 29-10-2013 by siriussam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by siriussam

The activity around you doesn't have to enter your egoic mind unless you want it to.

You can process it much faster without using the analytical parts try the intuitive side.

In the pause between speaking return to noting.

I have hope for you as you are clearly interested and trying with your morning meditation.

The quiet numb is temporary as you need to empty your cup befor you can fill it with something more.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by satnam

Have kept it up since sunday, yesterday at work was interesting, I was unable mentally to keep up with the things i was noting, was kind of scarey, my mind was fumbling over itself, like I was going over speed bumps. My spine from the thoracic upwards started to sway into my occiput.

Thank you, your post is helpful, do you mean i should note it but not necessarily say in my mind eg seeing, feeling, smelling, but acknowledge that that is what is happening? I was having problems with conversations, saying in my mind looking beacause I was looking at their eyes or face, then saying hearing because I was listening to them, but then I wood see again, and this would repeat every 5 seconds so I would end up just having seeing, hearing in my mind like a game of tennis, but not actually hearing the full content ofwhat the person was saying.

This seems very like Zen mindfulness.

Any way my mood is peaceful and happy.

edit on 30-10-2013 by siriussam because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2013 by siriussam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 09:16 AM
A path for life thanks guys.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by siriussam

I'm not sure if the op is still here but I will do what I can

I find the mental dialog does help to root me better than the intuitive but when the presence stabilizes you will flow with what is happening engaging the analytical mind when you want to rather than being obsessed with it.

The incessant noting can move to more macro type actions like walking in stead of stepp by step

The goal is to home in on your presence, clear your analytical chatter, and begin choosing from that timeless instant of the now, channeling through your essential self.

This is only the first step.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 11:51 PM
I have started reading your referenced material and must agree that this is the path I have been looking for.

Sadly I know intimately the warnings are true and this concerns me but does not and has never changed my path.

I experimented with some pot on the weekend and discovered that my chakra connection was massively increased but for a few hours. After that I suffered headless ness for 3 days and the ensuing effects of automatic egoic life. Certainly a regression.

I have discovered an energetic connection to the manifesting reality happens through our energetic chakras. Stabilizing these flowes brings an intimate connection and concentration that enhances my understanding awareness and focus.

Of course there are many more steps to take on this journey less journey.

It seems that by quieting the mind and embodying acceptance love and forgiveness I have discovered that all of my psychic abilities are all ever present. Chi, communication with objects, telepathic projection and reception all much more readily available. The world opens up whith this meditation.

I understand that these are simply glitter at the foot of the ladder of enlightenment. I do not know what this is that I seek. Intuitively is feels right, and I have never reached a more powerful state of philosophical focus.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by satnam

yes, the more silent you are, the more the connectedness is able to spring up, unbounded in your silence, no longer slave to your categorical mind

it seems that the moments you slip back, is your body/mind/self working through past karma, whether in spirit or in actual neural network form, resetting, working through it, changing, adapting, and moving forward...

so when you make huge steps forward so quickly, there are a lot of experiences that would normally go one way in your reactions, but now that you have a new awareness growing, your automatic responses are being looked at again, and changed, just as you are continually changing yourself

almost like a dance at certain stages, two steps forward.... one back... but still forward, at this point it was important for me to keep focused on my lower chakras, and give plenty of focus to your willpower chakra

if you need rest, take it, even in rest, your awareness is taking note of what is happening, whatever the case is, at the back of your mind, you have clarity, even if in the front of your mind there is chatter even on the egoic level, always test and measure

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 03:57 PM
I don't have to say "seeing" "hearing" etc twice right?

Thanks for this amazing, thread. I will do this.
edit on 1-11-2013 by DeniesEGO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by DeniesEGO

no need. just regularly noting between several seconds (2-4) in will do.
for examples when hearing
hearing... hearing... hearing
there are some videos on noting meditation in youtube


posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by DeniesEGO

I would say its slightly important as a subconscious cue to repeat it twice

the idea is that if you say it once, you will think I am hearing, when saying 'hearing'

and when you say it twice the idea is that you are aware that there is hearing going on by your body, so, hearing hearing, what is it that is hearing THE hearing, thats the question

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:07 PM
I find it is extremely important to do morning meditation. Without that residual storage of consciouse focus I may be doomed. With it I have found nirvana throughout the day. Moral, loving, patient, compassion in every action.
This is truly a great way to live the rest of my days. Few things are more enjoyable and sustainable.
To think this temple of bliss resides in all of us. All we need is some simple rituals and an elevation in consciousness happens.
Makes me wonder what other levels there are to find!
Life feels a bit more playful, energetic, and fulfilling.
I have started looking into you're referenced core teachings of the budda.
I am saddened that the language is not precise as there is much interpretation, and I am fortunate to understand these things but I worry for those with no background.
As the material goes beyond my level I to am worried the ambiguity will become a wall.
I look forward to climbing as much or as high as I can.
I find it interesting that you can achieve most if not all of the states without going through some iterative path - for example spontaneous ocean consciousness or kundalini expansions.
It seems though to venture past the instant into stability , that is where the teachings help.
I am finding a deep connection with rooting, mountain pose, chi gong, chakra stimulation, breathing, and especially walking meditations are extremely effective.
I find myself longing to uncover the secrets of impermanence and the release of my ego.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:20 PM
I can see the veiel is lifting.
It's not about changing our controlling your inner state. That would be egoic control, and an impossible venture.
Rather it is to discover that you are not the events in your mind that make up your emotions or energy or thoughts or anything.
In stead you are the observer of these impermanent flashes. We are to observe these as separate from the observer.
This is freedom and true self, the formless void of consciousness. This realization is the overcoming of all that which is not you, and the path to self discovery and realization.
The noting takes you straight home.
Everything else is a self prescribed ofliction.
Now back to the joyous and playful observation of the reality we create in our minds.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:49 AM


Here is one of the quickest ways to shift into this Mode/State/Awareness and then Enlightenment. Its called Mahasi Style Noting......

....Somewhere around day 15-30, is when you will shift into the Center of Awareness, which will then Merge with the Oneness.......

If only the 'Masters' of the past had known this instead of spending their whole lives and maybe more learning, studying, working, praying and meditating to reach 'enlightenment'...

This is ONE of the quickest way to Enlightenment. If you are just an arm chair philosopher, who came here to argue and debate on this thread, basically, you can GTFO of here.

Even though you tell these people who want to debate this topic to "GTFO of here", it doesn't seem so rude coming from an enlightened soul who has 'merged with the oneness' in only 15-30 days such as yourself...

Regards from a Gnobody

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Gnobody

If only the 'Masters' of the past had known this instead of spending their whole lives and maybe more learning, studying, working, praying and meditating to reach 'enlightenment'...

There are literally 100's of ways "there". Being that I am of make up of Western Psychology, know that Westerners don't want to wait decades to bear fruit. So I have always wanted to find the fastest route. Thus far it's Mahasi, Koans, Nondual Pointers. Very simple.......

Even though you tell these people who want to debate this topic to "GTFO of here", it doesn't seem so rude coming from an enlightened soul who has 'merged with the oneness' in only 15-30 days such as yourself...

It is not fair to "debate" via assumptions/projections. So unless you have tested the method, and can bring anything of vale to this thread via the Method itself, it is entirely useless to debate.

I don't know anything about: Mechanical Engineering, Dentistry, or Rugby...and have no experience in any of those fields, therefore you do not see me in threads or forums based on those topics, wanting to debate something I have no idea about. So to myself, I have GTFO out of threads I have had no clue is just as applicable to me, as this point was to other in regards to this thread

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