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Enlightenment in 15-30 days, an EXTREMELY fast method. Mahasi Style Noting

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Echart Tolle uncovers it.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:38 AM
I feel as though I have failed to gain control of myself.
I have drifted into a form of no thinking.
I now remember this state at every extremely intense moment of my life, marriage, near death experience, first awakening moment.
I experienced a self directed and spontaneous practice of meditation that I have never learned and it brought healing and massive waha guru feelings.
I experienced a day of uncontrollable sadness until I let my ego project a future plan
Immediately I was released from the depression
Now I see that the point is not to control but accept and experience
Can I really let go
I feel like I should start trying to let go of old patterns but it seems extremely difficult as soon as I try my mind is constantly bombarded by the ego and it is draing and destracting
I have come to the realization that living in the egoic mind is more than a prison as I feel more like a slave and zombie obsessing on past and future
I have found the chains and they are invisibly tied around our every move
However we are free in the present and precursor realm.
Am I strong enough to cross this bridge
I feel it is of utmost importance as I look into the dieing eyes of the last generation that sucame to this egoic life in regret
I reflect on the past few years of my life, in unconscious surf dum , in regret

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:57 AM
And the noting has not stopped
The mind words fade away almost instantly when I snap into the moment as the precursor thought is more at home and has much more meaning than the mind words that the egoic mind tries to guess at.
This way I can note almost an infinitive number of perceptions without being slowed by describing them in words
And the perceptions themselves know almost no end in their fullness. It is quite possible you could never describe them in entirety.
And there is such a rich steady stream of them even on a quiet empty space.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:32 AM
I wonder what would come of it if this was practiced right after a severe ego death induced from outside sources.... Maybe one would be able to speed up and understand the practice more intuitively.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:41 AM


In regards to the OP, in my opinion you are clearly not enlightened or even close to being enlightened. Anyone who says agree with me or GTFO is quite simply very full of ego. That one statement you made negates everything you have said.

As a Buddhist my self, most of us realize that enlightenment is something that can take a lifetime or more to master and that is usually pertaining to monks. The path is much harder and longer for a lay person but not necessarily impossible. But the notion of enlightenment in 15 days simply using mindfulness is absurd. It sounds like something you'd see on an infomercial.

I'm pretty sure that when The Buddha attained enlightenment, he didn't walk around the country side spreading the dharma by saying I'm enlightened and if you don't believe me or want to challenge me GTFO.

You have created a mask of what characteristics a person filled with light should have and what abilities the person have. Just because you know all is one and all parts are on the way home do not mean that you wont be annoyed with parts who will not listen and think it is a waste of time to teach parts that are not ready to hear and test what you say.

Teach those who want to hear and ignore the rest and see if they find their way home. Sometimes the unconscious know when it shall be awoken and will not listen until it is "it's" time and sometimes that road is extremely fast.

The ego loss can be temporary and the ego is transformed to an more ego less ego. Even the ones who is perceived as having no ego have an ego that is non dualistic and without ego.

edit on 7-10-2013 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

Actually I was thinking the same thing about your post... Passing judgement on others is the work of the ego, thered no arguing that. The only thing you can do is be aware that they are different and that that is ok.
The teachings of the Dalai Lama and Buddha himself accepts all man kind and accepts that not every man can feel the same. But compasion should still come naturally for you anyways.

Gtfo is not compassion...

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:16 AM

Somewhere around day 15-30, is when you will shift into the Center of Awareness, which will then Merge with the Oneness.

That sounds cool, and I noticed you said you're in this oneness now too. I just have to say : if you think you've reached some type of final enlightenment, your ego is very likely deluding you into thinking you're further than you are, and you still have quite a way to go. If you'd just reached enlightenment, I really doubt you'd be warning those potentially coming into the thread to argue and cause problems to "GTFO out of here", you'd probably have better ways to deal with that issue!

Not trying to burst your bubble when it comes to trying to help others, as far as I know this is a Buddhist method that can actually lead you to being enlightened, and it's great that you're sharing this, so I wouldn't do that. The ego has all types of tricks that can lead you into thinking you're "fully" awake before you get there though, so I'm just suggesting you try to be aware of that. Maybe you'll sense that something is still slightly off eventually, and it'll drive you onto really pushing for some other level.

If you really were awake, fully, well I think it'd just register with some of us intuitively that you'd managed it. I do think you're in a place that very few others get to though, (and that in itself is amazing.) and good luck with keeping it going.

Have done this too at times and yeah it really does seem to heighten your awareness. For some reason though I've always gone back to other methods. Maybe I need a bit of time before waking up myself, am just better using other methods, or I'm due to do it in another life or something. Hopefully one of the first two.

edit : After reading through some of your posts, it does seem like you've had some type of awakening. I still think there's other levels you have to go through to reach "enlightenment" though! I think awakening is the first of a few stages, (if you've read of stream entry in Theravada, it seems like you might have got close to entering the stream, possibly? Or something related.) but yeah, well done for managing what you have done already, and it's great that you're sharing and helping others try to do it.
edit on 21-10-2013 by robhines because: typos + added

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by robhines

In my own path I have experienced the same. Thinking of full enlightenment, when it was only a step at the bottom rung of the ladder. Stream entry its called in Theravada, and the four stages of awakening to full enlightenment. Other belief systems have similar steps. Pick your vehicle. Some see it a as a chariot on the road to a holy mountain, others as a boat to cross the river and get to the other shore. Expressions through thought/culture/social/individual matrixes.

One must keep reassessing, because when we 'come' back, and keep coming back, in each perception, each form of communication, lanugage, symbolism; these things are not it. Not our actions, our perceptions of our actions, whether good or bad, awareness of what the action is and its separation from all other actions happening at once. We keep breaking it down into one small part of the whole instance. We focus and we zoom in, make partial. It can never be captured, or known, in such a way, as all other things can be known and captured and categorized by mind.

So it always comes back to the moment, always. What is going on here, even for the arahant, mind keeps going, and one reassess always. It is different in the way that the stream has become cooled and clear, with no need to put effort into fighting the mind stream in aversion or desire. So it has made it easier.

Everyone has buddhahood inherently. Do not get too caught up in awakening taking this long or that long, with so many lives left until the goal is reached, so many things needed to be completed before the final goal is achieved. Best to say, I do not know! I do not know if it will come in this life or the next, in this meditation session or the next. It becomes an expectation, one that will be chased in those moments of meditation where one is making good progress. One will think phenomena arising is the enlightenment, visual/audio/physical/mental, one will think pure state of being connectedness or full body/mind/soul bliss is the enlightenment. These seem to be more fruits falling from the tree of enlightenment and its path. As enlightenment itself is the fully developed. But what are we developing? We are letting go. Letting go of all the crap that doesnt work, and most of it doesnt really work too well, works well enough, until it doesnt, then youre not happy anymore. So we learn to unlearn. Funny isnt it, when its put like that.

I do not know, I do not know, but what can I find out about here, my body, my mind and the different phenomena arising. What can it tell me, what can it help me uncover. Here, here, here. Here before the mind knows the here.... here. Its hard, but I promise you, you'll fall in love with it, and it is wonderful, because it is EVERYWHERE.

The eternal lover.
edit on 21-10-2013 by preludefanguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by flice

Gtfo is not compassion...

It is compassion, and also a mechanism to filter out the window shoppers. If you're own ego is so bothered by "GTFO", that it has caused you to fail to look passed it and to discover the gold within the thread, then tough luck for you and you aren't ready.

I Love you more than you know and would do anything for all sentient beings to return to the Source/Enlightenment. If you would rather argue/debate/fight me about methods, instead of using them to gain your own Enlightenment, then just like I said earlier, you can gtfo because the rest is wasting time talking about things you don't know about.

I have had teachers who have said worse things to me so I can become aware of my own ego. Gtfo is nothing, is supposed to make you aware of your ego.

reply to post by robhines

That sounds cool, and I noticed you said you're in this oneness now too. I just have to say : if you think you've reached some type of final enlightenment, your ego is very likely deluding you into thinking you're further than you are, and you still have quite a way to go. If you'd just reached enlightenment, I really doubt you'd be warning those potentially coming into the thread to argue and cause problems to "GTFO out of here", you'd probably have better ways to deal with that issue!

If you yourself are deeply in Enlightenment and can verify my own stabilization/access, then I will listen, like I listen to my own teachers who are permanently in Enlightenment. If you are passing through and have no access to these things, then I cannot take anything you say about something you have not access to as serious.

This is not a thread to debate anything. Use the method and see for yourself if its true. Otherwise it is like explaining colors to a man with no eyes. Debate/arguing is a waste of time and many on this thread have set that aside and are already themselves deep within via the method.

Who is right? Many are not bothered by gtfo and you, and maybe 2-3 others are. You are projecting. Let it go.

Not trying to burst your bubble when it comes to trying to help others, as far as I know this is a Buddhist method that can actually lead you to being enlightened, and it's great that you're sharing this, so I wouldn't do that. The ego has all types of tricks that can lead you into thinking you're "fully" awake before you get there though, so I'm just suggesting you try to be aware of that. Maybe you'll sense that something is still slightly off eventually, and it'll drive you onto really pushing for some other level.

Did I ever say anywhere on the thread that I am finished and complete? No........ Where I was in the One last week, is now a millions time more potent this week, and so things change and progress and continue to expand.

I am not sitting on some high chair ready to debate and you do not know my inner being/states/attainments, so let it go, do not project. I love you and want nothing more than your own Enlightenment to happen. Try the method and let us know how it goes....... "Me, I, gtfo, attainments", are not up for debate and I don't care about I, me, is all bs illusions. Try the method yourself and get Enlightenment yourself, other wise you are wasting time remaining in unenlightenmentunconsciousness.

If you really were awake, fully, well I think it'd just register with some of us intuitively that you'd managed it. I do think you're in a place that very few others get to though, (and that in itself is amazing.) and good luck with keeping it going.

Thank you, and my Love for you is tremendously explosive!!!!! But this is not about me and "where" I am in this. It is about the method. I am saying, "Here is a method, it is fast, legit, worked for me, now go see for yourself if what I say is true." Very simple.

If you do not go see for yourself if it is true, then debating this is a waste of time.

Have done this too at times and yeah it really does seem to heighten your awareness. For some reason though I've always gone back to other methods. Maybe I need a bit of time before waking up myself, am just better using other methods, or I'm due to do it in another life or something. Hopefully one of the first two.

Your ego has you scatter brained via a number of methods that you don't stick with all the way to completion (permanent stabilization). That was a problem with me as well. Choose one and ride it to the end. Don't fear it.

edit : After reading through some of your posts, it does seem like you've had some type of awakening. I still think there's other levels you have to go through to reach "enlightenment" though! I think awakening is the first of a few stages, (if you've read of stream entry in Theravada, it seems like you might have got close to entering the stream, possibly? Or something related.) but yeah, well done for managing what you have done already, and it's great that you're sharing and helping others try to do it.

Thank you brother. Yes stream entry is there, yet there are more steps, yes they are occuring and changing weekly. yes there is constant progression and continuation. I am aware of all of this and many different paths have different definitions of a complete "Enlightenment" as well.

However again this is about the Mahasi Method, not me. Extremely Fast and extremely Potent method. Satnam & Dodol are already deep into it, can even argue they to have the beginning of stream entry after only a week of practice.

Enlightenment is the only answer and cure to the worlds ills. We come from "That", to "That" we return, in "That", there is pure Love for others, compassion, selflessness, etc.

Again, if gtfo bothers you, then examine why it does this. And wrestle with why it does not bother others. Who is then that has that issue? This thing is really simple. I have made a claim and shown the method that got me to the claim. All that's left is to test this out for one's self to verify its truthfulness. Anything else is assumption

Love you tremendously!!!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by satnam

You're in a stage of fear and anxiety when this happens, it's completely natural and part of the process. Since you're noting when these strong feelings arise note them too, if they do not vanish as easily as taking out the trash, doing the dishes... then take a deep look at the feeling itself, note how it is in the stomach the chest the throat... these 3 centers or cakra whatever anyone wishes to call them are typically in tandem with the perceived ego self and are a very strong triad. First there is a gut feeling that alters the breath, this altering of the breath creates a tension or tightness in the chest, then the mouth gapes open almost as a silent groan as the throat seems to be swelling shut so you can get more air. The bottom two and the top two are apart from this triad, the bottom two are mainly concerned with animal drives, the top two insight and wisdom.

The triad are used to ego vibrations, changing their vibration by disregarding their habitual drives makes a person feel very out of balance and something feels inherently wrong. As you said you allowed the ego to plan and as a result the familiar vibrations eased the symptoms you were experiencing.

The inside is the outside and the outside is the inside as far as the all or oneness is concerned, the shift is simply the all being inside but not affected by the body, the speech, or the mind. When body, speech and mind are affected by the outside and discriminates it internally this is the false or perceived self or delusion covering reality. Everything you have ever experienced with the senses are empty out side but only take form when inside, this happens because we feel separate from all we experience instead of a part of it... the duality.

You are a part of everything you experience, everything is a part of you no matter what ones internal feelings are. The ego separates us... uggh that bum on the corner is disgusting, what is it that makes such a judgement? That bum on the corner is just as much you as you are a part of they. The eyes see the same things, the ears hear the same things, the mouth tastes the same things, the skin feels hot or cold just the same, the difference is only housed in the mind, the ego differentiation is the only real separator between oneself and all the senses fall on, we become attached to these mental apparitions thinking them to be reality as we know it a solid self that is different than everything else it can attach a thought to.

Let go of regret have compassion for yourself, you did the best you could with the tools you had at the time, as experience with this grows your tools and skillfulness grows as well, you are no more nor less guilty than anyone else when previously acting out of the ignorance of dualism. The 3 things that keep those chains tight, are greed, hate and ignorance those three things feed all of societies ills, it's a case of they know not what they do so who can you fault them for it? To them ignorance is bliss, to the awakened ignorance is hell, and everyone is burning alive in a house and are not even aware of it, out of compassion all one can do from there is stand calmly unharmed by the flames and point the way out as long as the all is still in the container of the body.

The self demands it exists that consciousness means more than an echo because we have given various forms of matter a name and can separate experiences out... in the grand scheme all of that has no relevance, other than to make one feel as if they have a purpose in life so we intentionally try to alter and change things to fit how we want them to be or accept what someone else has pigeonholed it to be or mean. Purposelessness one might say, is my purpose.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:35 PM
It's interesting how many people have chided the OP over GTFO... the enlightened mind can echo all words when firmly set in reality exactly like the wall echos bounce off of that never actually uttered the words, it's just a reflected experience of hearing or seeing those back out. Of course he has stated it was his intention to do so... skillful or unskillful is his kama or cross to bear the intention is what matters. Everything experienced can be seen the same way, in fact mimicry, is how we started moving away from living in reality and the moment as it arose, when we were little children.

That's why enlightenment is similar to the beginners or child mind, children echo what they experience without understanding the social impact their echo can have on others, it means no more to them than any other word they don;t understand it is just a different sound vibrating on the vocal chords until they learn that sound has some meaning many might not like to hear behind it. When a child says a curse word does the child know what it means? Of course not it is an echo, what we perceive as a self, is simply what we echoed and how someone else reacted to that echo creating our feelings about what we perceive. If you hear a foreign language you are not familiar with do any of the sounds have a meaning to you? Would you know if someone was insulting or praising you with these strange noises? When the mind gives up the fight and quits labeling and discursive thinking using these echos, they become the same as the foreign language, they are meaningless in pure awareness unless you consciously make them a point of focus, or intentionally string some together to try to convey a meaning, that only you comprehend 100%, even if made very clear peoples attachments of positive / negative or neutral of what is being said gets in the way.

I do agree that there is an initial awakening, then that awakening grows deeper and wider as the ego is cracked open until it falls completely away, drives will still be there as the natural course of having a body. Some initial awakenings are accompanied by depression some by excitement... on one hand it's "my goodness how could I have been living so blind... how much damage have I done to myself or others?" Then the other is "At long last after struggling and determination the goal has been reached!" Both ends are indeed awake but are at extremes of enlightenment, as one continues walking the path it stops being a tight rope constantly hunting for balance, with the pole, to as wide as 6 lane super highway, to eventually just the whole surface of the earth... there's no way to fall or walk off the path, as the whole middle ground is earth and all we can experience here on it.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Hi again, and thanks for the reply.

The reason GTFO bothered me was because it was connected to the thread title that mentions enlightenment. I just see enlightenment and awakening as different that's all, and I guess you know what I mean so will avoid going into it. I really don't have big issues with it, it's just mixed wording and I can see that you're helping others, so I'm not going to get in your way.

Anyway, personally I don't prefer using this method, but after posting here and then realizing that you're probably way further on than I am, I kind of felt daft really. So this has given me a kick up the arse and I'm back to meditating as much as possible. My preferred method is anapanasati/mindfulness of breathing, and have been really focusing on it today, more than I have done in quite a while, so thanks for the inspiration!

I ended up going to a shop that's miles away like I often do for a walk, but yesterday after replying here I decided to start focusing more, and did walking meditation like I usually do. But this time I really focused on my breath, and held my concentration pretty much most of the way there and almost all of the way back, whilst getting totally drenched in the rain. It was great, and again, thanks for the inspiration.

But yeah, you have teachers, you've done a retreat/retreats, what you're describing seems to make sense too, so it clearly looks like you're genuine and good luck to you and others here pushing for awakening/further awakening.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by robhines

In your experience have you noticed the natural state of the breath when at ease? Have you noticed how it changes when something like the GTFO statement crosses your path? Or how it changes with other mental states? I hate to lump a concept on you but if you imagine it like a tachometer... there is an idle rpm(relaxed calmly abiding breath) then when something like GTFO arises the mental motor revs and the breath changes, just like a throttle awareness of this change can allow you to bring the breath back to idle, we waste a lot of vital force or prana and send this energy into all sorts of channels we may not be consciously aware of causing our throttling to be all over the place, as a rider on the cycle of life an uncontrollable throttle is not a very calming equipment to have.

If you were not aware of this with breath meditation I hope it helps your practice. If you were aware my apologies for putting a gas tank on a dead horse.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Yep, have been at it on and off for a good few years now, so am familiar with the way it changes to an extent. The good bit is when you stop being so attached to emotions and notice that your breath stays calm during experiencing something that would've normally set it off going heavy/faster, etc. Am just getting back into it but really pushing to keep it going for a lot more of each day, so with enough effort I might be able to get to where some people here are with the method in this thread. It's definitely going to take some work, but worth it if it happens, of course. Thanks for trying to help anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:44 PM

reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Yep, have been at it on and off for a good few years now, so am familiar with the way it changes to an extent. The good bit is when you stop being so attached to emotions and notice that your breath stays calm during experiencing something that would've normally set it off going heavy/faster, etc. Am just getting back into it but really pushing to keep it going for a lot more of each day, so with enough effort I might be able to get to where some people here are with the method in this thread. It's definitely going to take some work, but worth it if it happens, of course. Thanks for trying to help anyway.

I tried anapanasati for months and months and its extremely difficult because the ego is constantly on a rampage, there is lack of a high degree of stabilized concentration, and lack of stabilized one-pointed attention with out breaking.

The Mahasi MEthod is anapanasati on steroids. It worked for Buddha cause he already spent 6-7 years on various other foundation practices, concentration, one-pointedness, etc.

With this, you immediately build concentration/mindfulness/discrimination from the get go, and it cuts through the ego and the winds which cause you to break away from concentrated awareness/One-pointedness on the breath.

I've done both, and Mahasi knocks Anapanasati out of the water, and yet includes a portion of it as well since the breath is the default with which to be aware of.

For example, I would do Anapanasati, and get good at it, but eventual mind would arise, produce a day dream, and attention would get lost in thought, or fall asleep, or become unconscious. Mahasi Method cuts through daydreams, mind, sleep, unconsciousness constantly at each moment producing the end fruits quicker.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Yeah, can relate to some of what you're saying there, it's definitely hard. (in under 24 hours am noticing my concentration picking up though and the gaps between awareness are decreasing quite a bit.) Maybe it's a lot better for people who are out of the way of the chaos of the modern world too, and the distractions it brings. Will stick with it for the time being anyway, I just think that if I really persist with it and refuse to give in, it can work just enough. It might just be better suited to me too if that happens. If I get stuck though will probably give the mental noting a try again and let you know how things turn out.
edit on 21-10-2013 by robhines because: typo

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by robhines

No worries breath mediation works the same way, one simply notes the type of breath naturally occurring in moment to moment experience, and the other notes all types of action occurring moment to moment. Both are vipassana just a different frame of reference to pull the mind back to when it wanders off. I agree there is no need to jump ship since both are heading to the same destination, it's the same as hunting for a good parking space by the time you find one close that suits you, you could have already arrived to the same distance that is suitable from driving around.

The real difference I have seen in sudden and gradual is one awakens quickly, but lacks wisdom and skillfulness on the path... the other builds skillfulness and wisdom on the path then awakens. One hops on the tightrope immediately then has the arduous task of widening wisdom of the path, the other simply widens the path first.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:53 AM


reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Yep, have been at it on and off for a good few years now, so am familiar with the way it changes to an extent. The good bit is when you stop being so attached to emotions and notice that your breath stays calm during experiencing something that would've normally set it off going heavy/faster, etc. Am just getting back into it but really pushing to keep it going for a lot more of each day, so with enough effort I might be able to get to where some people here are with the method in this thread. It's definitely going to take some work, but worth it if it happens, of course. Thanks for trying to help anyway.

I tried anapanasati for months and months and its extremely difficult because the ego is constantly on a rampage, there is lack of a high degree of stabilized concentration, and lack of stabilized one-pointed attention with out breaking.

The Mahasi MEthod is anapanasati on steroids. It worked for Buddha cause he already spent 6-7 years on various other foundation practices, concentration, one-pointedness, etc.

With this, you immediately build concentration/mindfulness/discrimination from the get go, and it cuts through the ego and the winds which cause you to break away from concentrated awareness/One-pointedness on the breath.

I've done both, and Mahasi knocks Anapanasati out of the water, and yet includes a portion of it as well since the breath is the default with which to be aware of.

For example, I would do Anapanasati, and get good at it, but eventual mind would arise, produce a day dream, and attention would get lost in thought, or fall asleep, or become unconscious. Mahasi Method cuts through daydreams, mind, sleep, unconsciousness constantly at each moment producing the end fruits quicker.

A well tended tree can bear the load of the fruit, and a tree rushed to fruition can destroy the tree that supports the fruit. One builds wisdom first one builds wisdom last, this is the difference between gradual and sudden. Tend to your branches my friend, deepen and widen the path you suddenly found after walking in circles. I fear your branch of equanimity is being neglected a bit, feeling there is a superior and an inferior... do you not see this root of duality creeping up your trunk?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:40 PM
You are an excellent guru after all
My fear and regret were transmuted by acceptance and forgiveness
What a beautiful transformation
While I was reading the above comments I found myself doing breathing meditation
This in combination with noting was extremely powerful
Kept my mind clear and the breath brought focus and vibrancy to the mindless state
I found myself naturally slipping into walking meditation at the same time and this had a powerful impact
By slowing I began noting the many beautiful perceptions
The breath meditation and your comments helped me find the energetic flowes of all that was affecting me
I simply noted them breathed and brought them into balance through walking accepting and forgiving
When I sat I des covered a blocked energy path in my chest which I emediatly began the small heavenly cycle chi gong meditation which cleared up my chakras
Now for 5 hours every step word action has been effortless joyfull patient accepting flowing without mind chatter from my heart chakra out
Every perception is new and wonderous
I discovered everything makes subtle sounds as if the world and all it's things are talking to us all the time.
I ride the waves of chakra flows
My movements were slow intentional present and perceived
I am inspired by the widening path
There is hope that my dreams of permanent enlightened presence is possible
What a priceless gift you have given me
Thank you soo much
I know it must be draining with all of the comments
Not sure what followes but I want this state to root and become who I am moving forward

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:12 PM

You are an excellent guru after all
My fear and regret were transmuted by acceptance and forgiveness
What a beautiful transformation
While I was reading the above comments I found myself doing breathing meditation
This in combination with noting was extremely powerful
Kept my mind clear and the breath brought focus and vibrancy to the mindless state
I found myself naturally slipping into walking meditation at the same time and this had a powerful impact
By slowing I began noting the many beautiful perceptions
The breath meditation and your comments helped me find the energetic flowes of all that was affecting me
I simply noted them breathed and brought them into balance through walking accepting and forgiving
When I sat I des covered a blocked energy path in my chest which I emediatly began the small heavenly cycle chi gong meditation which cleared up my chakras
Now for 5 hours every step word action has been effortless joyfull patient accepting flowing without mind chatter from my heart chakra out
Every perception is new and wonderous
I discovered everything makes subtle sounds as if the world and all it's things are talking to us all the time.
I ride the waves of chakra flows
My movements were slow intentional present and perceived
I am inspired by the widening path
There is hope that my dreams of permanent enlightened presence is possible
What a priceless gift you have given me
Thank you soo much
I know it must be draining with all of the comments
Not sure what followes but I want this state to root and become who I am moving forward

This awesome!!!!!! You are in it, deep!!!!!

All these "additional items" arose in me through surrender.......that's all I have to add, at the end of the heights of Mahasi Method, there is Deep, Permanent Surrender into the vastness, Oneness, No-I, reality, Beingness, Present Moment.....

Tons and tons of infinite Love!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by satnam

Nice the breath is the anchor to life, it will always add stability in the storm. The sensations seemed new vibrant and wondrously beautiful yet completely familiar yes? The beginner's mind has found it's way home, welcome back

Homage to the Buddha, Dhama and Sangha, om mani padme hum.

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