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Enlightenment in 15-30 days, an EXTREMELY fast method. Mahasi Style Noting

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posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 12:36 AM
Has been on/off with this approach.
Sometimes I forgot to note.
The most frequent notes I usually do (almost never skip) is walking.

I can start to feel 'The Center'
It is ridiculously difficult to hold, especially when doing complex movements like crouching, rotating, tilting, etc.
The ego is very aggressive

It always tries to take the attention to the outside.

I'm sure I can improve 'the effort' to note by being more alert and presence.

(BTW Does non-veg diet make ego stronger?)

Thanks for this method


posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:32 PM
Why so many days are required? Enlightenment only happens in the present...

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 04:28 PM

Why so many days are required? Enlightenment only happens in the present...
Regardless of how many days it takes to happen, when it does, the default is that it is always the present moment regardless.

We further breakdown Enlightenment into categories of gradual and sudden. There as many unique ways there as there are people.

To put any restrictions or limits on how long, when, where, how, why, is sort of like trying to catch the wind

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by dominicus

15-30 days just doesn't sound really fast to me for something that can be experienced instantly and constantly. It could just as well be made 3 seconds, a lifetime or multiple lifetimes like the more traditional Buddhists believe.
One way of saying tomorrow never comes, that's what it sounds like at first glance.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 07:06 PM

reply to post by dominicus

15-30 days just doesn't sound really fast to me for something that can be experienced instantly and constantly. It could just as well be made 3 seconds, a lifetime or multiple lifetimes like the more traditional Buddhists believe.
One way of saying tomorrow never comes, that's what it sounds like at first glance.

The one problem with a 3 second sudden realization of Enlightenment, is that it's so sudden, the intellect can't make out the mechanics of what happened. Whereas this MEthod, gives you Insight along the way into the nature of the instincts of body, the nature of senses, the nature of the subconscious mind and thought itself, the nature of awareness/Being/Consciousness along the way. It's thorough.

But of course, I am open to any method as long as people go for it, and 3 seconds is perfect for some. If you know a method via 3 seconds, then please share it. If you are fully and permanently Enlightened via the 3 second method, please do share

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I was saying even three seconds is too long...
The most common misconception is that enlightenment can be somehow achieved or arrived at with conscious mental effort or even lack thereof. This is why you have a multitude of methods, the 30-day method, multiple incarnations, donning sackcloth, becoming virtuous, doing this technique or that one, relinquishing your possessions etc. Wouldn't everyone be enlightened if it was that easy or there was a method to it?

Why am I claiming you don't need to wait? Because, it is more a shift of mental paradigm that can happen instantly as opposed to a mental construct that can take days or lifetimes to build. When that shift happens, all else will fall naturally in its proper place. Peace.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 03:17 PM

reply to post by dominicus

I was saying even three seconds is too long...
The most common misconception is that enlightenment can be somehow achieved or arrived at with conscious mental effort or even lack thereof.

It's not a misconception, but a truth. It's the conscious mind that eventually see's the futility in regular mode of existence, and hence falls in love with the idea of Enlightenment. Then it works with you to achieve such.

This is why you have a multitude of methods, the 30-day method, multiple incarnations, donning sackcloth, becoming virtuous, doing this technique or that one, relinquishing your possessions etc.

Of course there are a number of methods. But donning sackcloth has probably the worst odds of that person ever getting Enlightenment, vs. the 30 day method, or grace, or via some other proven high percentage method. I am talking about best and highest and fastest success rates.

In those terms, wearing sackcloth would rank amongst the worst ways to get anywhere

Wouldn't everyone be enlightened if it was that easy or there was a method to it?

No not everyone would be. People are addicted to their own subjective bias bubbles of illusion, bubbles which are filled to the brim with worldly programming. Very few ever question that, and hence why so few ever get Enlightenment, which is an actual reality & phenomenon

Why am I claiming you don't need to wait? Because, it is more a shift of mental paradigm that can happen instantly as opposed to a mental construct that can take days or lifetimes to build. When that shift happens, all else will fall naturally in its proper place. Peace.

I'm not talking about "a mental construct that can take days or lifetimes to build" in the 30 day method. Instead, it is an utterly thorough seeing and removing/getting out of the way, of all mental constructs.

And are we talking about the same thing? I do not see Enlightenment as just a "shift of mental paradigm", like they teach in Neo-Adviata i.e. "there is no you, and there never was, so there is nothing to do and no one to do it."

But hey, if it can be instant, or 3 seconds, please leave your method here. Whatever helps people discover enlightenment

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by dominicus

It is just my impression that your proposed method is not different from mantra chanting, it will not make you any more enlightened, it will just dull your mind and make you more asleep with some self induced fantastic lucid dreaming as many that tried your method claim here on the 'effects'. There is no need to think certain thoughts or avoid them. As long as enlightenment comes from the sphere of the mind, it is not enlightenment.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." If I recall correctly, it was Wittgenstein who said that. Well, the statement is incomplete in my opinion. It should read.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world and the wordless does not even know 'no limit'."

You were asking for a faster method, well, make a wish, surrender, trust and wait for existence to provide. It will, when you are ready and it will be instantaneous and completely effortless. Any effort on your part, will probably just do the contrary.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by TatTvamAsi

It is just my impression that your proposed method is not different from mantra chanting, it will not make you any more enlightened, it will just dull your mind and make you more asleep with some self induced fantastic lucid dreaming as many that tried your method claim here on the 'effects'. There is no need to think certain thoughts or avoid them. As long as enlightenment comes from the sphere of the mind, it is not enlightenment.

And in this quote above, is exactly where the problems begin: "Assumption".
You are assuming the method is the same as Mantra and (let me guess) probably never genuinely tried the method yourself for more than 20 minutes, therefore you have no idea about whether or not it is a legit method, therefore superimposing the projection that it is the same thing as "Mantra".


Mantra is using the Mind to repeat a Phrase over and over again.

Mahasi Noting Method is the Use of Awareness & Attention to Observe and be Aware of the Mind, Senses, Breath, Body, Subconscious, etc. It is a strengthening of the Awareness/Observer aspect of the person.

When you Access & Strengthen Awareness/Observer, then guess what happens? You are at the door of Stream Entry/Enlightenment and become Aware of which Door to enter. Here's a little picture for you to see for yourself:

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." If I recall correctly, it was Wittgenstein who said that. Well, the statement is incomplete in my opinion. It should read. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world and the wordless does not even know 'no limit'."

I don't care what "Wittgenstein" said. We are discussing blueprints and maps to a tangible Enlightenment experience. One that can be followed and a fruitful destination "found" via the method.

You were asking for a faster method, well, make a wish, surrender, trust and wait for existence to provide. It will, when you are ready and it will be instantaneous and completely effortless. Any effort on your part, will probably just do the contrary.

Yea, well I've tried that about 10 years ago and nothing happened. Plus, you're statement above is contradictory because you say it's "effortless" and yet say you have to "make a wish, surrender, trust and wait for existence to provide."

Look, I'll be Frank with you. I've been at this for 10+ years now and have actually met a handful of people who are modern day Saints, completely stabilized in 24/7 Enlightenment, all via a number of different paths. A Sufi, another a Christian Hermit, a third a Buddhist, a fourth a Mystic and Advaitist, a fifth a Yogi, and maybe 3-4 more, and guess what, it's the same destination for all of them, just like you see in the Illustration above. It's a Universal process, but they each go about it different ways. Some via Grace, some via wisdom, others via practice, and so forth.

It is a very direct science to this. It is legit. There are blueprints and maps for this and they are genuine, legit, and quick. Other MEthods/Paths will drag you for decades to nowhere and you stay always the same or even stagnate.

I'm not trying to be a douche or anything, but "make a wish, surrender, trust and wait for existence to provide," is very broad and scattered. Whereas the method provided here is very narrow and direct and has given me access to Enlightenment and a few others I know as well are now in it 24/7 via the Method.

Eventually you see the thoughts "I" & "Me" are just thoughts, imaginations, and that there really is no you, and that's when Awareness/Observer opens the door to the heart.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by dominicus

You said I was contradicting myself in the sentence "make a wish, surrender etc.". Actually, it may seem so.

What went wrong then with you if it didn't work for you?
Was it maybe that instead of wishing, surrendering and trust there was mental effort or a wish not in accord with reality. There was no surrender, just desire to force your will on existence? No trust either, since in this world it is much easier to make a claim and capitalize on it. All of these, are not easy, I do admit that. The mind will fool you in a myriad ways.

I have also met dozens of people who claim to be enlightened or gurus. Guess what, none of them who claimed to be such, actually were gurus, just like Krishnamurti, they were parrots instead. Mind is so easily lulled by authority combined with elaborate words, isn't it? Actually, personally, the most help I have had from the people that claimed nothing, wanted nothing and initially told me to get lost when I approached with my preconceptions and questions. Ironical, isn't it?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:36 PM

reply to post by dominicus

You said I was contradicting myself in the sentence "make a wish, surrender etc.". Actually, it may seem so.

What went wrong then with you if it didn't work for you?
Was it maybe that instead of wishing, surrendering and trust there was mental effort or a wish not in accord with reality. There was no surrender, just desire to force your will on existence? No trust either, since in this world it is much easier to make a claim and capitalize on it. All of these, are not easy, I do admit that. The mind will fool you in a myriad ways.

I have also met dozens of people who claim to be enlightened or gurus. Guess what, none of them who claimed to be such, actually were gurus, just like Krishnamurti, they were parrots instead. Mind is so easily lulled by authority combined with elaborate words, isn't it? Actually, personally, the most help I have had from the people that claimed nothing, wanted nothing and initially told me to get lost when I approached with my preconceptions and questions. Ironical, isn't it?

I get where you are coming from. Apologies on the late response, just got back from a 40+ day trip abroad for spiritual studies and retreat.

Anyway. My whole reason and purpose for existence, as remembered in my pre-existence prior to being born, is to figure out and provide a conglomerate of a path that has the highest success rate to who-ever has the ears to hear about it and the will/gut to try it for themselves. FOr me its about the quickest way there, with the highest success rate.

If you can provide a methodical approach to fully stabilized permanent Enlightenment, then please do post it either here or in another thread. I will personally give it a go with the purest of intentions and follow exactly to a "T" and see what happens, reporting the results back here for you and the rest of the public to see.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 02:44 AM

Why so many days are required? Enlightenment only happens in the present...

Because this is not enlightenment! It might be something, but it isn't enlightenment.
There is nothing "you" can do to become enlightened. There are no "you" in the first place.

What many talks about in this thread can in some ways be called awakening or clear seeing. This are transitory states. They never last. Real enlightenment is more correctly called liberation, because it is the falling away of "you". Nothing more.

Liberation happens in spite of "you" and what "you" try to do. Everyone's natural state is liberation. Everyone is already enlightened, if you rather prefer that word. It's not something you become. You're already it!. There are no "free will" that "you" can use as a tool to follow this recipe so that "you" can become "enlightened". This isn't the real thing!

What I observe here is the "Seeker". Searching for a way to end the sense of separation. But the Seeker can never achieve that. Because what he ultimately is looking for, is the absence of itself...

I have no idea about what the op is talking about, but I know it completely misses the mark if this is a recipe for "enlightenment".
edit on 22-2-2014 by Koyaanisqatsi because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Koyaanisqatsi

Yes - there is only light but there seems to be many people searching for it. When the seeking ends that's it!
It is already.
edit on 22-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 03:51 AM


Why so many days are required? Enlightenment only happens in the present...

Because this is not enlightenment! It might be something, but it isn't enlightenment.
There is nothing "you" can do to become enlightened. There are no "you" in the first place.

What many talks about in this thread can in some ways be called awakening or clear seeing. This are transitory states. They never last. Real enlightenment is more correctly called liberation, because it is the falling away of "you". Nothing more.

Liberation happens in spite of "you" and what "you" try to do. Everyone's natural state is liberation. Everyone is already enlightened, if you rather prefer that word. It's not something you become. You're already it!. There are no "free will" that "you" can use as a tool to follow this recipe so that "you" can become "enlightened". This isn't the real thing!

What I observe here is the "Seeker". Searching for a way to end the sense of separation. But the Seeker can never achieve that. Because what he ultimately is looking for, is the absence of itself...

I have no idea about what the op is talking about, but I know it completely misses the mark if this is a recipe for "enlightenment".
edit on 22-2-2014 by Koyaanisqatsi because: Spelling

reply to post by Koyaanisqatsi

Yes - there is only light but there seems to be many people searching for it. When the seeking ends that's it!
It is already.
edit on 22-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

To both of you guys, you are promoting a neo-advaita entrance into the observer or some sheer luck pure methodical odds chance of possibly breaking through, and yet no way to do it. What both of you propose have so many traps along the way, that I've literally met at least a dozen people addicted to reading books about how "there is no you" & "drop the seeking and that's it," and they are in the same exact state that hey have been for a decade or more, with no breakthroughs or dropping of a personal self like you guys are proposing.

That's the funny thing. Let me ask you how many people have awakened to your truth via what you are saying?

Mahasi noting method does the same thing!!!!!! You note so much, eventually it becomes clear that "I" is just a thought, & everything being noted is object, and that the subject is gone at the end of the day. Only its methodical and produces very high success rate of breakthroughs.

Even with your method, there is still spring cleaning to do with left over residue of constructs, archetypes, and a massive amount of subconscious material that all has to take its course.

Listen, I understand your approach is legit as well in a certain sense & degree. But I used to spew the same thing and only 1 guy awoke from the dream. The rest didn't get it. Or some only had glimpses. With Mahasi, I know already 5 people that I met, who only had glimpses via neo-adviata like your proposing, but via Mahasi, broke through to the deepest & permanent levels of no-self & Beingness/Isness.

Its all about most successful, fastest, deepest, highest success rate, spring cleaning, complete total, etc.

By the way, I was just in India for 40+ days of travel, solitude, pilgrimage, visiting various teachers to get their take on things, and eventually met a fully enlightened Buddha in the Himalayas. He had something much different to say than what you guys are saying and I could tell from the massive amount of light emanating from his Being and the changes I was undergoing just being around him, that he was 100% for real. Perhaps you'd like to read the thread before you continue on the neo-adviata dogma trip.

Here you go:
I Met a Fully Enlightened "Buddha". Here's what he said:

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:07 AM

Anyway. My whole reason and purpose for existence, as remembered in my pre-existence prior to being born, is to figure out and provide a conglomerate of a path that has the highest success rate to who-ever has the ears to hear about it and the will/gut to try it for themselves. FOr me its about the quickest way there, with the highest success rate.

Well, isn't that funny. I thought likewise once upon a time. I guess you still have at least this issue to work on then.
I wish you all the best on your futile quest!

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:15 AM
I've done that some yrs ago and I kept it up for a whole two weeks before I was mentally exhausted. If some one thinks that you can achieve enlightenment in 15-30 days then they don't know what enlightenment is. Even dedicated monks have no garauntee of achieving it in a lifetime and can die unknowing. All I got from it was a massive sense of quiet which is peacefull but it can get lonely in your head when there is no self talk. There are no quick fixes but hey try it and see.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:16 PM


Anyway. My whole reason and purpose for existence, as remembered in my pre-existence prior to being born, is to figure out and provide a conglomerate of a path that has the highest success rate to who-ever has the ears to hear about it and the will/gut to try it for themselves. FOr me its about the quickest way there, with the highest success rate.

Well, isn't that funny. I thought likewise once upon a time. I guess you still have at least this issue to work on then.
I wish you all the best on your futile quest!

That's cool you once thought that, and did you fulfill this?

It could be said, each person has a mission, destiny, etc. Regardless at the end all concepts and thoughts are dropped or seen through anyway, and whatever is supposed to manifest, will.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by dominicus

What I meant was that I saw through this preconception of mine. It isn't a selfless desire even though it might seem like a noble one, it is an obstruction on the path nevertheless. Just as a reminder for you, anything that doesn't manifest in
nowness is illusion. The searcher has not stopped searching, even if it is for the benefit of others.

Like the saying goes, the teacher will manifest when the pupil is ready. Do you honestly think no-one before you tried
to make best efforts to provide the ultimate tool to enlightening others? Look at the plethora of methods already in existence...

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by March of the Fire Ants

I plan to learn the art of lucid dreaming... when I'm older? It's not a priority now, but when my legs and arms and back are withered, what better way to live your dreams than stepping into the Holodeck? I have many dreams to fulfill. Good thoughts

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Thankyou for posting this! I have actually come across this method before, not from anyone telling me or anything, I didn't know it was a "thing" so to speak, I just realized that this was an effective method to expand you awareness, by simly taking note of all that occurs, but i never thought it could take you to the goal. This is also hinted at in Srimad Bhagavatam, that throughout your day just bringing the wandering awareness back to the moment, or to Krishna can greatly expand awareness, but I always thought this would have to be backed up by meditation and Bhakti as well. I'm gonna give it an earnest shot anyway

P.S Wondering if anyone else has understood the importance of being earnest in spiritual progress?

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