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My name is John B. Alexander, Ph.D. I’ve researched many controversial topics. Ask me anything

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:50 PM
Thanks for your reply.

If I may ask another question...
I was very much interrested in the RV phenomenon.
As I read more about it, I learned that Ingo Swann was particularly gifted.
Soon I found his writing: Penetration.

Though much that he wrote was quite 'out there', I was willing to accept it as truth.
But about half way through, I couldn't go on reading without thinking that it was just too strange.

What do you think of his testimony?
If true, how could I begin to open my mind to accept it as such?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:51 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

Thanks for the reply. I'd like to ask another question which has always fascinated me.

Have you been involved with, or do you have any knowledge of any experiments along the lines of the movie, flatliners? If you're not familiar, it's about causing death and bringing the subjects back to life so they can experience the afterlife. If so, what were the findings?

(Great movie btw, well worth watching)

Many thanks.

edit on 30-9-2013 by Scorchio because: (no reason given)

That would be extremely dangerous and I would highly recommend against any such experimentation. There were ancient secret orders that did use such techniques. The problem is we only hear from the survivors!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Colonel Alexander

Thanks for participating here on ATS. After reading this thread and your answers to member's questions , I am looking forward to your web-sites and books. What with your wide and varied experience and education I have a question for you.

What is your opinion of the direction our country is headed in ; is there any positive course out of our economic and geo-political problems ?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:54 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

You are a conundrum. On the one hand you preach non-lethal deterrence in the theatre of war, yet the very notion of deterrence implies violence in one form or other and on the other hand you clearly have an awakened soul willing to listen and learn from the Shamans of the world. How can you keep one foot in the belief that warfare is required although needs to evolve and another in the spiritual realm where interconnectedness and oneness with fellow man is required to move evolutionary and spiritually forward? The two have no synergy, indeed they are diametrically opposed.

To add: a long number of years ago I spoke with Jim Channon and he remains a Facebook friend on my dads account.
edit on 30-9-2013 by LarryLove because: (no reason given)

Non-lethal weapons are about pragmatic application of force. Obviously you have never heard of the warrior monk tradition.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:57 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

It is an honor to have you here with us, Mr Alexander, very impressive journey and this is already a very impressive AMA.

I know your plate is guetting quite full already, but if you have time, my question would relate to this sentence from your opening statement:

We saw things that can’t happen” but did.

Example, please. Could you tell us one of those stories, a sort of ATS exclusive?

Thank you so much for your time, Sir.


Quite a bit happened in those two months. Top of the list goes to the voodoo fire ceremonies. I'm well aware of fire acts, and I have seen nothing like what we experienced on UTube. For example holding burning coals in your mouth for over a minute. I'll be doing more with that material in the future.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:57 PM

What's the agenda?

And what kind of time scale are "They" working towards?

edit on 30-9-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Hello, and thank you for taking your time to come here.

Regarding the "First Earth Battalion", what was the purpose of the organization, and who was in charge of it?

Thank you

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:00 PM



Welcome to ATS and thank you very much for your time.

Are you currently bound by any secrecy agreements or confidentiality oaths or anything of that nature? I'm sure you would have been at one time, just curious as to whether they are still in effect. Thank you.

Security oaths are for life. That said, I've never encountered any regarding UFOs.

I find your answer to this post intriguing....logically, it says that you were never given government access to highly classified UFO information, which would have required a "security oath for life"...or... government didn't have any viable information at all, in regards to UFO' were given the same information and access as any standard military man of your rank would have......yet you were in the military and government, and say that "security oaths are for life"...which would indicate that any information concerning government secrets involving our own craft, our own space programs, our own advanced space propulsion systems, etc....could not, and will not, be divulged by you............ my question is...was your response to this members post intentionally answered in this manner?

We'll agree to disagree. This is a central theme in the book where I list names and sources. Especially true in the later paperback edition.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Welcome to ATS mr Alexander...and greetings from The Netherlands AKA Holland...the land of the dutch..not to confuse with dutchland...and certainly not with deutchland.

Anyways...ask you anything hhû..Okay, have you ever been to my country and if you did how did you like it?

Talking about my country...what is your opinion about the existing monarchies of the world....Do you think it is something which does not fit in the times we live in today..?

A complete different question...

To put is bluntly..Do you think there is a secretive global conspiracy going with the sole goal to have a government which is in control of the entire world?

If you do, can you tell me what it is "they" want to achieve when they know that probably half of the world population do not welcome such power in one place....and maybe more stupid such power for one man?

It is almost not to belief but do you think that if there is such a conspiracy that these men and women in power are crazy enough to kill everybody who doesn't agree with them..?

Thanks for reading my interesting questions ...

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Hello Colnel

Welcome to ATS, I have a fascination with black eyed kids, or BEK's

Have you ever had cause to come to any conclusion as to their existence or agenda ?

Assuming of course you have had cause to investigate them


edit on 30/9/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

Never heard of them before.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:02 PM
Mr. Alexander i don't know if you have knowledge of this,but this is a conspiracy site so we discuss everything here. There is talk of a major event centered on Puerto Rico of a global scale possible incoming meteorite,reports of increase US military there and also Fema and lots of body bags.Does the government know something that we don't and would they even tell us

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:03 PM

Hello Colonel , I had to say it like that as because .. Well you were a Colonel and is a great pleasure on this site it shows how respectable this site is we really do appreciate your time

Question: (sorry if someone has already said this I've jumped the very last page)

You said you've travelled all 7 continents, Antarctica. May I ask what your business was there? You don't have to answer that obviously and also do you have any knowledge or have heard of UFO stories surrounding the frozen continent, operation high jump (I think) what was that about

Antarctica was a cruise and I highly recommend it. Amazing place- but try to get on a trip that allows you to go ashore.

Have never hear about operation High Jump.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:04 PM
I get ignored as usual lol


posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Obviously you have never heard of the warrior monk tradition.

You know John, and I suspect that you do, it's not a tradition; it's a traditional story. The story in itself carries much more influence and power than there actually being enlightened warrior monks, you and I both know that the only enlightenment concerning war teaches that he who does it hardest and first wins.

Which leads me to a question that I wanted to squeeze in, what do you now about the narrative weapons, based on computational linguistics that DARPA has been developing?

DARPAs in UR Brainz, Hacking UR Storiez

Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors

We have been studying that and William S. Lind's model for generational warfare casually for about 3 years now trying to make sense of it.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

I thank you for taking the time to reply sir

My respects and gratitude


posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

I understand only too well that concept, but you are still applying an application of violence. I trained for many years in Wing Chun and that was all about begetting violence to accomplish the end goal. Any form of defence (warrior or not) requires you meet violence with violence. I, however, do not believe a spiritual soul is fully in tune with the earth if the earth's only role is to support and nurture life.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:08 PM
I notice in a picture of you in uniform that you were wearing none of the usual rack of medals. (Sr. Parachute noted!) Contrast this to General Petraeus, for example, whose coat would stand up in a corner all by its lonesome. Was this intentional on your part, i.e.; a "statement," or was it just not done at that particular duty station?
edit on 9/30/2013 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:11 PM
Mr Alexander, it would seem to me that you have travelled far and wide in seeking out groups or individuals that have the capacity to make a person question what they understand as reality, in many ways you remind me of the mystical tourists of the 19th century, who with their fantastic tales and acquired learnings initiated the occult revival that led to such organizations as the Golden Dawn and Thule.

Is it not the case that in any re-conditioning of the mind of a subject, that the first stage is to pull the rug from under their feet, as it were, by causing them to question the most basic premises of what they hold as true...?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:14 PM
I'd like to thank you in advance for your consideration of my question. I'm shocked no one has brought it up yet but...

Based on the current body of evidence, do you believe that elements of the US gov had an active role in the 9/11 attacks or the collapse of any of the 3 WTC structures?

If not, do you believe that elements in the US gov had prior knowledge of the event, down to date and locations?


posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:16 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

I understand only too well that concept, but you are still applying an application of violence. I trained for many years in Wing Chun and that was all about begetting violence to accomplish the end goal. Any form of defence (warrior or not) requires you meet violence with violence. I, however, do not believe a spiritual soul is fully in tune with the earth if the earth's only role is to support and nurture life.

What makes you think the earth's only role is to support and nurture life? "Nature red in tooth and claw" (Alfred, Lord Tennison) and all. Crocodiles and lions aren't exactly rocking their babies asleep. Take humans entirely out of the equation and earth is a pretty brutal place without us. I don't think spiritual equates to peaceful, except in the New Age Kumbaya follies movement.

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