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My name is John B. Alexander, Ph.D. I’ve researched many controversial topics. Ask me anything

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 04:59 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

I understand only too well that concept, but you are still applying an application of violence. I trained for many years in Wing Chun and that was all about begetting violence to accomplish the end goal. Any form of defence (warrior or not) requires you meet violence with violence. I, however, do not believe a spiritual soul is fully in tune with the earth if the earth's only role is to support and nurture life.

How do you explain aikido then? There are no offensive moves, and to injure the opponent a mistake.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:04 PM

I notice in a picture of you in uniform that you were wearing none of the usual rack of medals. (Sr. Parachute noted!) Contrast this to General Petraeus, for example, whose coat would stand up in a corner all by its lonesome. Was this intentional on your part, i.e.; a "statement," or was it just not done at that particular duty station?
edit on 9/30/2013 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

Actually that's a "Master" Blaster, not senior wings. That said, the answer is yes, it is a statement. Unfortunately the award system is very arbitrary at all levels. That is not to take anything away from those who have responded heroically and often paid a terrible price in the process. It is more about those who also performed heroically but the events were not witnessed by the right people, or the right chain of command was not in place. I do use my Purple Heart on my car tags (but in Nevada you still pay full price for them).

Thanx for noticing

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Hi John, Welcome to ATS!

My question are about remote viewing & similar phenomenon.

What is the strangest or most important thing you got out of being involved in such work?

Is there any eye opening visions or things viewed that you know of that changed your perception of the world and man kind's future?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:06 PM


reply to post by JohnAlexander

I understand only too well that concept, but you are still applying an application of violence. I trained for many years in Wing Chun and that was all about begetting violence to accomplish the end goal. Any form of defence (warrior or not) requires you meet violence with violence. I, however, do not believe a spiritual soul is fully in tune with the earth if the earth's only role is to support and nurture life.

How do you explain aikido then? There are no offensive moves, and to injure the opponent a mistake.

Aikido, like other disciplines is all about form: what do I do when he/she does this. You are taught to drill the form but when unpredictable violence manifests itself or a change in evolutionary course presents itself can you be fluent and confident in your response?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:06 PM

Mr Alexander, it would seem to me that you have travelled far and wide in seeking out groups or individuals that have the capacity to make a person question what they understand as reality, in many ways you remind me of the mystical tourists of the 19th century, who with their fantastic tales and acquired learnings initiated the occult revival that led to such organizations as the Golden Dawn and Thule.

Is it not the case that in any re-conditioning of the mind of a subject, that the first stage is to pull the rug from under their feet, as it were, by causing them to question the most basic premises of what they hold as true...?

Quite frequently that is true. In general one must be out of their comfort zone to really grow.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Thanks for your reply.

Thinking SNAFU and FUBAR are similar observations ??

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:08 PM

I'd like to thank you in advance for your consideration of my question. I'm shocked no one has brought it up yet but...

Based on the current body of evidence, do you believe that elements of the US gov had an active role in the 9/11 attacks or the collapse of any of the 3 WTC structures?

If not, do you believe that elements in the US gov had prior knowledge of the event, down to date and locations?


No and No.

Sorry, but IMHO the 9/11 CTs don't stand the test of logic

BTW I'm sure that comment will bring wrath on this web site

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:10 PM

reply to post by schuyler

I maintain that Mr Alexander cannot be so militaristic and spiritually compassionate at the same time. One nullifies the other. Is life so pragmatic that even the violence of the 'non-lethal kind' can align with being a good human being. Whatever that is?

I accept that you believe this. In fact, I suspect this is a common view. But you are criticizing Alexander because of this, and that is an unfair criticism, in my opinion. There is no rule (so to speak) that says being "spiritual" and being militaristic are mutually exclusive. They could be much more compatible than we can imagine. You allude to the complexities of this yourself when you say "...a good human being. Whatever that is?" In other words, it's not all that easy to tell and a whole lot depends on context, including your political beliefs which define what side you are on in any controversy. To put it in mundane terms, it took considerable militaristic thinking to defeat Hitler, whom many believe was the epitome of evil. But Hitler had and has his followers, who believe he was a righteous man. So we're in a mess before we even get started.

But spirituality, all by itself, is not at all peaceful. Angels are fearful foes (aka as "very scary dudes"). Jesus upset the tables of the moneychangers. If we've learned anything about UFOs and other-worldly beings it is that they don't take our notion of Civil Rights at all seriously. In other words, being spiritual is not all sweetness and light and does not lack violence.

So, in my opinion, one does NOT nullify the other; they are quite compatible.

Perhaps we should start a separate thread on this issue. There's not enough room here and besides, it's Alexander's thread.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:10 PM


reply to post by JohnAlexander

I understand only too well that concept, but you are still applying an application of violence. I trained for many years in Wing Chun and that was all about begetting violence to accomplish the end goal. Any form of defence (warrior or not) requires you meet violence with violence. I, however, do not believe a spiritual soul is fully in tune with the earth if the earth's only role is to support and nurture life.

What makes you think the earth's only role is to support and nurture life? "Nature red in tooth and claw" (Alfred, Lord Tennison) and all. Crocodiles and lions aren't exactly rocking their babies asleep. Take humans entirely out of the equation and earth is a pretty brutal place without us. I don't think spiritual equates to peaceful, except in the New Age Kumbaya follies movement.

Have no idea what you are talking about. Certainly does not fit with anything I wrote.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander
I've been there (the link that is) Which is why I had to ask if you knew, and would be willing to explain what the 1EB is all about. From there site (1EB: Commanders intent 2013):

Submitted by jim on Wed, 01/09/2013 - 19:05.
The commanders intent

The supreme objective in all operations is the protection of LIFEFORCE on planet earth and for all sentient beings.

A secondary but similar objective is the creation of integral omnicentric LIFEFORCE in people and groups of people.

The primary objective in our reconaissance and exploration is to seek spartan solutions from nature.

We favor natural security as national security is already oversubscribed.

We are continually preparing BIOFORCE OPNS and bIoregional recovery plans for use by traditional force structures.

All warrior monks are empowered to maintain the posture of victory when it comes to the repair of the BIOSPHERE. We strive to mainatin a state of wonder and seek excellence in all that we do to remain human. The camera and unwavering observation are our hallmark skill sets. When possible we call the stagnant forces into the most ethical actions they can manage.

The definitions of dark and light are not relevant. The super soldier seeks the side of the LIFEFORCE and uses proto-mythology and prospiracy techniques to inspire the most effective LIFEFORCE for all concerned.

The ultimate award in the New Earth Army is the Order of the Chrystal Covenant for evolutionary LIFEFORCE rescue and creation. In the end life in the universe is the key to all warrior adventures.


Special operations are constantly being created under the famed tradition of mon ki do. Where the
ultimate act is to seduce the problem into the solution using the problem force as the action agent. ie. remind Oil companies publically that they are liguid transportation companies and that fresh water costs more than oil. This frees up the natural energy solutions and feeds those companies who have slaved long and hard to bring us liquid resources we formerly needed.

In the modern context on earth …..Baiting, Ruses, Greenmail and other forms of creating an ethical vistories are on the books for further refinement. Often the action agent is the public so web related leverage is a common new toolset. THE EARTH IS ONE CULTURALLY UNIFIED WORLD get it!

Our think-tank the FIRST EARTH BATTALION continues to connect the warrior class worldwide to upgrade their thinking about all new campaigns. We encourage spin-off units by any name to engage the stagnant locations with LIFEFORCE operations.

In the end NATURAL SECURITY must prevail or our playing field will disappear.

It all looks like (to me at least, and if I'm wrong please correct me) an Eco-Extremist group mixed with new-age movement principles.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

Thank you so much for answering our questions Colonel Alexander! This next bit is not a question for you, just replying to another poster in your thread:

To LarryLove: After the response to your first question you may wish to agree to disagree. I really doubt there is much future in debating pacifist philosophy with a career military employee.
edit on 9/30/13 by Malynn because: Punctuation

edit on 9/30/13 by Malynn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Hello Mr. Alexander , I am from across the pond and would like to hear your opinion of what happened over the Christmas period at Bentwaters/Rendlesham in 1980?

Despite Colonel Halt's tape confirming some very strange aerial phenomena, according to information in the public domain, at no point was the base put on any kind of alert. Something I find very strange.
edit on 30/9/13 by mirageman because: Mucking Furds Wuddled?

In the book I address this as one of the most important, and well documented cases. I know Ridpath won't agree with that, but Nike Pope will. We both know Chuck Halt and find him to be a credible witness. Missing in most of the Bentwaters debate is that this was NOT a one or even two night event. Strange things happened long before, and continued well after December 1980.

As for going on alert; alert for what reason? Most of the events happened off the base and there was no threat to the base or the weapons stored there.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:16 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

Welcome! I have just one question for you:

What have you heard about the military's secret space program?

We had classified work in space since we began launching satelites

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:18 PM

reply to post by JohnAlexander

Hello Mr. Alexander and Welcome to ATS!

I was wondering if in your travels you may have acquired any information in regards to American Computer Company and the supposed occurrences that took place after some rather drastic information was posted on their website in 1997.

Of course this information was concerning Bell labs acquisition of alien technology early on, but equally as interesting was what happened at ACC after this event.

Do you know of anything you may be able to share?

Thank you again for joining us!

edit on 30-9-2013 by wutz4tom because: typo

Saw most of the nonsense when that happened. Don't think alien technology was involved.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

There are no offensive moves, and to injure the opponent a mistake.

Yeah, only after the Japanese had the snot bombed out of them were there no more offensive moves, and to injure the opponent a mistake, in Aikido.

Ueshiba himself is quoted as having said that Aikido is 90% atemi, which means clocking your foe in the mug over and over until he submits to some of the elegance of application that Aikido is supposedly known for.

Sorry, but that particular bit of misinformation concerning Aikido is personal to me. Not because it has to do with Aikido, necessarily, but because it comes from such a deep place of misunderstanding concerning the post-WWII Japanese culture.

That's why the revisionists had to kick the crap out of Anthroplogy in the 70s and 80s; the taint that comes from the fact that all of the texts and all of the analysis was done by conquering overlords that were more or less turning their victims over and over in a specimen jar while decrying how wonderful their "cultures" are. They are only cultures once they are in the dish.

Another tall tale: Aikido is non-offensive and is some kind of a viable model for non-lethal warfare. Warrior-monks again.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Hi John, Could you please let myself and a couple of others know what were the 2 physical things that just showed up out in Mongolia. Please put us out of our misery

The first was a round balls - about marble size, that came from a shaman and fell on the floor. Normally I would have not thought much about that as could easily have palmed it and intentionally dropped it. However, the locals who see him all the time were amazed. That suggested to me it was not put of his normal routine. The second was the appearance of a shiny Australian 50 pence coin in our tent. We took the tents down and literaly shook them each day, so there is no way it could have been hidden somewhere.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:24 PM

reply to post by LarryLove

Thank you so much for answering our questions Colonel Alexander! This next bit is not a question for you, just replying to another poster in your thread:

To LarryLove: After the response to your first question you may wish to agree to disagree. I really doubt there is much future in debating pacifist philosophy with a career military employee.
edit on 9/30/13 by Malynn because: Punctuation

edit on 9/30/13 by Malynn because: (no reason given)

You are absolutely correct but one cannot advocate non-lethal violence and claim an obscure form of pacifism as a way of life too.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:27 PM


If people, objects, monsters and gods can appear and disappear into nowhere as so many stories claim, where do they go?

if many ancient cultures speak of wandering into the woods, or near a certain lake, and getting pulled into another world are taken as stories of abduction into other worlds then wouldn't this become a problem with alternate realities interacting and influencing one another?

If these events are taking place, can we assume some sort of doorway is opened that allows transfer between realities?

Are there any preceding or proceeding events that can signify this?

Great questions and I haven't the foggiest idea. This is why I think we are not even at the point of asking the right questions yet.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:28 PM

hello John.

a Breath of Fresh air!

thank you for coming here.

I can think of one question now, actually two rolled into one.
1...October 1st is tomorrow and the prediction sites are in the red line over how from october 1st, and for weeks later, there will be a zillion ways we all could die! quakes, meteors, flares, volcanoes....etc! I do not mean some little quake either: some huge Event is inferred! how about yellowstone blowing up soon? [question 1b.]

What are the possibilities the predictors will be right, for the next few weeks or even years?!

2....the Remote viewing community sees the Killshot coming, they have seen it coming, now, for years. a solar flare or some asteroid or ???. How "Right" are they? is there Something coming? they have missed, so far.

I can ask a third question too.
ww III. what are the chances of a World war III happening, within the next few years, with or without nuclear missiles?!

these are Interesting Times, John.

I was in the air force, myself, viet-nam era. a wonderful time in Japan. the Intelligence Community.

I agree with what you write of.

And i grit my teeth when ever i read of some fake UFO or faked happenings. this so unravels the trust of anyone examining a real Event. the world, and life, and the Mind, is a very very mysterious thing.

I am now 72 years old, and live in a independant senior home. there are people here who are sitting on the Bech just waiting for the undertaker bus to come by to pick them up.
I am playing Wizardry 8, now....Skyrim might be next.

I thank you again for coming by.....


posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Hi John, and thank you for your time here on ATS!

My question is a bit tired, but please indulge me if you have time.

To your knowledge, has our government (past or present) knowingly harmed U.S. citizens (or faked it) to justify an act of aggression against another nation, or to push for a certain agenda within our own borders?


The nation, and some states, do have the death penalty. I'm sure that is not what you meant. I'm well aware of the CTs in this area, but find them generally unsubstantiated. One could argue that many of our current laws do just that. Drugs and immigration are used to keep prisons full, especially the private ones run for profit. That's a business that should be returned to governments.

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