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Be nice to the Human's! Following any kind of Relg is hard, let alone all of them! Here's a tee bit from that book you might like! The true hallmark of a spiritual person is one who has understood that there is so much wonder, so much mystery, and so much life that is totally beyond the realm of finite understanding that they have fallen into a space of gratitude and joy and acceptance.What do you think?
I want to take a minimal swing at
this post. All religions, and I mean ALL of them, are important. Each has something to share. The present-day problem with their dogma, is that they do not evolve from where they are, they're not designed that way. No religion has managed to encapsulate God ... that's not possible. The other problems with religions are that you can't find their foundations, they're fleshed out by/with allegory, and some of it seems to be flat out misleading/wrong (yet somehow formally 'blessed'). However, to discredit them is a disservice to their contributors, who provided insight to the seeker of the divine. What a shame!
So his only son was computer too? Robot Jesus?
I must say this; You get it.
Regarding the dimensions, imagine trying to conceptualize as a 'flatlander' 1st the 2nd or 3rd, not possible. The higher can look down and manipulate them (they have a major problem, they have to become dense enough, drop down; lower their vibration and
to do this is painful).
Consceptions of God are as follows-
There is not a singular God Aspect, never was. What exists is a field of energy that has stupendous potencial to organize itself in to SELF AWARENESS (compartmentalize itself) and has (never as an individual that I know of) but there have been opportunists that used this to further their power and influence.
Who are they? the ones that were tasked to be our geneticist creators, seeing an opportunity to control the specie for self gain took an advantage.
Where was/is our concept of God? Alive and well as a human (NOT AS GOD itself not possible) and watching everything that has transpired (with humor, grace and the memory of an elephant who was murdered for its ivory tusks).
You are refreshing Snarl and give me cause to hope my friend.
To understand God ... let go of what you think you know.
This is the mathematical concept of God. God exists as infinity, zero, and one ... the Holy Trinity. We are fractional components of what exists, definitively, between zero and one. If everything in existence came together, we would be one, we would be God. If everything disappeared, we would be zero, we would be God. Only God can represent infinity.
Let's go back to the Big Bang. A massive Computer that knew all only felt nothing so decided one day it needed to learn How to Feel?
Let's go back to the Big Bang. A massive Computer that knew all only felt nothing so decided one day it needed to learn How to Feel?
So... Who then built the computer called God? We always get into the chicken or the egg causality dilemma.
We were given the mouth to speak, many lang and the chance to see eye to eye. Computer's have taken this away, now you need only text, tweet or smileface. I see it as a way to block off you Inner Power, cut off from your sences so you can't know what really is going on.
Of course I have no idea on what I am saying although I feel it is so. Feeling has never let me down, most of the time right; considering Ego way, it Love's the computer! Being face to face is so much better then on the keyboard pretending to be something else; since really who would know?
So, good luck to remembering your purpose and not taking any of this too seriously ITS A GAME YOU ARE PLAYING WITH YOURSELF.
How will humans evolve to keep pace with all these technologies we've created over the past century and will create in the next? That's the thing that can be troubling because it's uncertain. I do not doubt these technologies will change us, but I am unsure whether it's a net positive or a net negative. I hope it's nothing like WALL-E.
So we go full circle and go into yet another "Golden Calf" of a God who is a computer, commanding, designing, and constructing the complex instruction set of the Physical Universe, our own playground. We are but miniature intelligent computers functioning with the "Will of God" or "Embedded" DNA recordings of how a human being should function. Yes? Folks, if you really want to know God, stop trying to create your own image or version of God. Because no matter how many different pictures you draw of what or who God is, you are still making a picture. I understand that you are just trying to figure out God, or in some cases, get to know Him. But this is like me trying to tell you what Venus is like. I can tell you all about it until I get blue in the face. But if you never have been there, you will never, ever really know what Venus is like. All you are going to do is fantasize and create pictures in your head what it looks like, feels like, and how it is to experience Venus.
As I said in many of my own posts, to know God is to experience God directly. Stop trying to analyze what God is. Experience God by being God. And to Be God is to look within your mind, your consciousness. God is Spirit. That is the essence of being "Spiritual." As you raise your mind to a higher understanding and self-transcendence, you will eventually know God within you. After all, you are God, but since you came into the flesh, most if not all memory of your current mind have been erased. However, your Mind of God or Larger Mind (Christ Consciousness) stored all of your memories. Tap into it and you will know. This is why some people can remember their past lives. If you continue to look for God outside of you, you will be looking forever. And forever is a long time indeed.
reply to post by ctophil
We become god when we accept that we are the only ones who are responsible for our experiences, our attitude towards ourselves and our effect upon the universe. We are Miniature creator gods; A product bought to you by 'Real Living Breathing Immortal Giant Phantasmically Technologically Spiritually Superior Mecha Lizard Deities!'.
'Earth' is the popular interstellar show, #1 on the cosmic reality TV frequency.
I must say this; You get it.
That was my understanding long before it was said. There are others. I want to find them.
There's been more than a few revelations on this forum testifying to an increase in something not so easily defined by whatever OP put fingers to keyboard.
to do this is painful).
Truthfully ... are you not in agony at this point? I don't think I can continue in this thread much longer ... but it started off great. Every time I start to post now, it feels like my head is being scrunched in a vise ... like I'm being punished for doing something wrong.
Conceptions of God are as follows-
There is not a singular God Aspect, never was. What exists is a field of energy that has stupendous potencial to organize itself in to SELF AWARENESS (compartmentalize itself) and has (never as an individual that I know of) but there have been opportunists that used this to further their power and influence.
Those opportunists are taking advantage of the weak/simple/ignorant. They are the swine you don't cast your pearls before. Most of them want this and invite it upon themselves. Please don't get dragged down by them, there is no way to save them from themselves, and they WILL have their own full opportunity in God's time.
Who are they? the ones that were tasked to be our geneticist creators, seeing an opportunity to control the specie for self gain took an advantage.
I suspect it was the one who came after ... the one who cursed and blessed us with the female species. Riddle me this: "Have you ever met a woman with ' ' the depth of understanding ' '?"
Where was/is our concept of God? Alive and well as a human (NOT AS GOD itself not possible) and watching everything that has transpired (with humor, grace and the memory of an elephant who was murdered for its ivory tusks).
ATS: Pay attention to the above. It is one of the short steps you must navigate on your path to enlightenment.
We're gonna get there together. I hope I recognize you when we arrive.
lord sword
I remember a Ats thread some time back that had something to do about god being a computer and how it worked with the multiverse .
Took little looking and i found it here it is Secrets of Our Existence and Universe Unraveled.
Hope this helps the thread.
reply to post by infoseeker26754
The venus analogy is much the same as the 1st dimension trying to grasp the 2nd or 3rd, its limited awareness is the cause. Much the same for the human in its inablity to grasp the higher lighter 4th-6th, it attempts an understanding of its relationship to a "God" force that IT THINKS obviously created it, but there you go you have the same unanswered question of "then what created god". All rememberances of 'before' exist in our DNA profiles, they have been scrambled 10 strands on purpose, leaving us only with 2; which brings in the next question? Who did it and why was this done; if we are to be mini computers aka mini gods, (which I believe we have the potencial to be) we were definately thrown a curve ball.
Christ Consciousness is one way to understand or get around the loss of your past existances; but that would be a hard sell for anyone that did not understand what this means. Its a universal MIND concept, not limited to Christianity. This is not easy, no quick fix sudden revelation, and humans have been indoctrinated to look outside themselves for guidance, not within, and the exploration of ones own mind will certainly at least keep them busy for the rest of their lives in a very personal and challenging exploration of the universe which is them (they just dont know it).
Well, I did briefly answered the question of where God came from in one of my earlier posts here: God Before Creation. In that post, I was referring to the second aspect of God. There are Two Ultimate Aspects of God. The first aspect are the Presences of Allness. These Presences are from a place Outside the World of Form or our known Universes, Omniverse, and Multiverse. I say, "Presences," but they are ONE. It is highly difficult to explain to an audience who are too familiar with separation. When I mean ONE, there is no separation in the supreme structure of the Mind of the Presence. The Presences are Allness. This means that they do not expand nor contract like how the energies of Yin and Yang do in this world. The Presences DO NOT ever change. They DO NOT have a beginning nor an ending. The Presence is just ITSELF. It just BE.
Please understand that I am trying to describe Beings that are way beyond a physical human brain can contain, especially speaking through a human language as English. No language nor depictions in this world can truly describe the Presence. Anyways, the second aspect to God is the "Creator." The Ultimate Creator of this Universe described in the post above is the being we talk about all the time. The Presences realized they wanted to experience the Art of Creation. So they manifested into the Creator. From there, the Creator developed the "World of Form" we know today. The Creator's purpose is expansion, to continually evolve and become MORE than IT was yesterday. It is the FLOW of creation, transformation, and evolution. In direct contrast to the Presences, The Creator changes and evolves all the time. Again, please read the above post to understand what I'm talking about here.
So you ask, "Why is our DNA been cut down to a mere two strands?" We have devolved in our development as human beings. No one did this to us. We did it to ourselves. It happened through the Laws of the Universe. Earth's civilizations as you know have been once upon a time much more advanced than we are today, both in science/technology and spirituality. Due to our Ego conflicts, we destroyed these ancient civilizations. Since our minds devolved from those times (the last known high-tech civilization was 16,000 years ago), our own physical DNA decreased its potential to a lower form of human. Remember that the illusory world we know here is the projection of our collective minds. How we evolve or devolve all boils down to how high or low our consciousness is at the current depiction of time. This is why I always ask people to raise their consciousness. And to do so is by focusing on ONENESS instead of Separation. This means Oneness with God, Oneness with family and friends, and Oneness with all beings in the Universe, animate and inanimate.
Christ Consciousness is one way to understand or get around the loss of your past existances; but that would be a hard sell for anyone that did not understand what this means. Its a universal MIND concept, not limited to Christianity. This is not easy, no quick fix sudden revelation, and humans have been indoctrinated to look outside themselves for guidance, not within, and the exploration of ones own mind will certainly at least keep them busy for the rest of their lives in a very personal and challenging exploration of the universe which is them (they just dont know it).
The Christ Consciousness is a Mind of God that exists OUTSIDE of the Mind of Man or Subconscious (Ego Consciousness). If you have been following my posts on ATS, I explained that 99% of people use their Ego to function on a daily basis. They use it in ALL things that they do. They may not know it. But they surely do. All of the people in history who have ascended to Heaven in the past used the Christ Mind in full. Don't confuse yourself with Jesus Christ. The reason he was called Christ Jesus was because he used the Christ Consciousness. Christ is "Christos" or The Anointed with Oil. Your Kundalini Energy does contain this Oil within your body. As it rises, it opens up the Christ Mind or Crown Chakra on top of your head, opening up a large door to God's Energy or Light that comes down from the higher planes and dimensions. When you reach Enlightenment as the East calls it, you are using the Christ or Buddha Consciousness. If your name is James, you can be called Christ James or Buddha James.
In that post, I was referring to the second aspect of God. There are Two Ultimate Aspects of God. The first aspect are the Presences of Allness. These Presences are from a place Outside the World of Form or our known Universes, Omniverse, and Multiverse. I say, "Presences," but they are ONE. It is highly difficult to explain to an audience who are too familiar with separation. When I mean ONE, there is no separation in the supreme structure of the Mind of the Presence. The Presences are Allness. This means that they do not expand nor contract like how the energies of Yin and Yang do in this world. The Presences DO NOT ever change. They DO NOT have a beginning nor an ending. The Presence is just ITSELF. It just BE.
ctophilIn that post, I was referring to the second aspect of God. There are Two Ultimate Aspects of God. The first aspect are the Presences of Allness. These Presences are from a place Outside the World of Form or our known Universes, Omniverse, and Multiverse. I say, "Presences," but they are ONE. It is highly difficult to explain to an audience who are too familiar with separation. When I mean ONE, there is no separation in the supreme structure of the Mind of the Presence. The Presences are Allness. This means that they do not expand nor contract like how the energies of Yin and Yang do in this world. The Presences DO NOT ever change. They DO NOT have a beginning nor an ending. The Presence is just ITSELF. It just BE.
That is scientifically incompatible and logically ridiculous.