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What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:41 PM
I don't understand why it matters what god is or isn't.
What we think God is, that's just a thing to stop and ponder.

If you stop too long, you miss the wonder of the relationship between creator and created, no matter what they are.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:05 PM
A collection of snips from vethumanbeing's posts in this thread

Above, I gave you an indication of where my mind has been focused, in terms of what I wanted committed to memory/storage. The collection above has nothing to do with what I KNOW. What I know, need not be written down, simply because it is known. The rest of my contributions in this thread are 'intended' to be for the benefit of others seeking knowledge and experience. What preceded was a "fairness" … something you can use for 'judgement' … if you dare.

In too many of vet's contributions, the answers lie (not obviously) in the questions unasked. This guy is a prophet. He is part of "the one" of which we are all a part … apart … a prophet/gateway … one who has obviously seen, or been shown (as have I (been shown … not seen)) … one who may be willing to share … one who may be a reluctant teacher. I once tried for a brief time, but my ego couldn't take the RIDICULE.

I posted some "Notes" behind some of the comments I did not reply to in thread. Vet … I want you to realize I was quite overwhelmed by your revelations as they are too similar to my own to be discounted, ignored, or left to stand on their own. Someone 'needs' to back these up by saying, "You are NOT alone." … and there are more of us than there are present in this thread.

There is no such thing as Original God aspect.

(what exactly happenned to Babylon if so beautiful did not destoy itself)

There is no devine as you project it would be false, it is an idea within ourselves is all, that which we constantly are searching for; ANSWERS or it becomes a lament of forgone conclusion--we are alone or we are part of the whole and in so recognising are responsible for every atrocity happenning NOW, in Egypt, Syria and Kenya, no excuses allowed.

the egg with 6th dimensional legs (invisable) against the 'idea' of the chicken 5 dimentional therefor also invisable (to each other JUST AN IDEA). They collided at the 100 yard finish line at such a speed 2.0 seconds and turned into a buttery mash of DNA.

I would say the chicken and egg theory is MUTE until someone else tells us the truth; that would be the Alligator/Crocodile and its Eggs theory. Did they cross breed, and why do there have to be two giant reptiles living in the southlands, one in Florida and one in Australia? Why not both happily live in Louisianna and respect state boarders; as in not invade Florida golf courses and become nuisances? When exactly did they loose their feathers?

I should have described the race course as an osillation wave form, the start even-to the top positive down to the negative, the middle holds all in place.


Not if we are all of Gods infinite design, and if so is laughing at you right now, as is it not true that insects rule the earth; at least 3 million only half yet have been discovered? They of the singular intent, each and every one, but if the human held 3 million separate intents within us should rule all creation (almost not quite).

I am nothing more than anything than what you may resonate to, and in so saying we are one and the same in thinking and in thoughtform so have "recognised each other" as a human componant being god aspect are either trying to save humanity or wondering …

If you accept there is no "GOD" just a field of energy in a state of change, you are its discription of itself as limited as that is, you may begin to understand the humans plight (that in trying to describe something that is non-physical, not proactive and not going to answer any prayers). There is power in 'group think'; minor alterations to potencial causal effect, but its minute and certainly though observable, not measurable, and if you cant measure it its not physical 'science' deliniated, its in the realm of magic flying carpets/metaphysical.

Who/which is the firehouse that has to race to the fire? Not God aspect. Who lit the fire? YOU DID; as so doing are ultimately responsible for adjusting to the changes or burying it in flame retardant material.

Life is what happens when you least expect it--or when you are too busy to notice its happening as you are attempting to seek the life you are planning for; the other one you are destined for is usurping it/or waylaying your carefully wrought plans? Life will conquer that is for sure, whether you like it or not, as you say better just appreciate it enough to enjoy the ride.

We have the opportunity to decifer/process God in anyway that will compensate for our own lack of understanding … Is God hiding in the weeds waiting, I dont know but just as it waits, I wait for it and have some words to exchange (might be a heated conversation).

Fear based ideology is one of organized religions tricks, and it worked for those uneducated minions of lore and history. No more. … you would think IT would/could get some idea of itself that would satisfy its curiousity. NOPE, its still hungry for some kind of answer regarding itself

You must realize none of this may be true as to 3d reality, it was an idea that manifested from the higher to the lower and in so doing had some qerks, or flaws in translation

Satan is a convienent scapegoat. Im not sure Ive ever met it; I think its a contrived Fear Factor to scare the human senseless by those that write false scripture.

Lucifer is no dummy, and is actually a friend of/to mankind. Its unfortunate It is portrayed as the demon/satan/devil, but there you are regarding religious supplication and determination to condem the truly rightious. Lucifer=Enlightenment why is this not understood (it is one of the Good Guys).

My higher selves fight with me and themselves all of the time. Scream fests actually.

When you are 'out of body' or what you consider to be 'dreaming' you are not physically in the 3d arena; you are in a higher dimension that is not of matter. … There is no time compression when you are out of body, there is no time at all; its when you awaken and think "what just happened, … You are merely equating the experience with your understanding of matter, its eventual entropy/decay and your place in the 3D is fixed in this ultimate reality, … None of this correlates to your spirit/soul traveling as it NEVER dies your soul is eternal, so it does not have the confines/constraints (time invented by man) of the physical.

The organized religions have a plan, to homogenize belief systems into larger batches, dump you into the great funnels of …

Why does this have to be so secretive and not known. Is the greatest lie NOT told to humanity?

Every living thing living within solid matter … **Note - This post was deep and I am really interested in seeing the steps on the path that led up to this knowledge/conclusion.

I was told the other day "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE ANYMORE". Of course they wouldnt, the transformations Ive undergone in just two years time, something about raising in frequency **Note - Quite the revelation here … and you are NOT unique in this exact experience.

**Note - What do you 'know' about this: (this is not Santa Fe or Sedona), but the energetic fields here seem be too much for the natives, dropping like flies or dementia sets in. I ask this, because I think I understand where you're getting ready to go here. I have already walked through that gateway and have been in a daze ever since.


posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:06 PM

You are at least thinking outside of a 'normal box' and cudos to you..because its the imagination IDEAFORM of a singular soul/spirit that can change everything, as tiny as this small speculation is CAN RESONATE and START A WAR.

I havent seen an allopath in 3 years, (slicers and dicers) and havent taken Pharma meds for I have no idea? **Note - WTF?????????

You are all being played.

I cant tell you how to edit, as the commands I give you wind up turning this post into a spagetti bowl.

my question who are they exactly in total? **Answer: You can't see 3D, therefore it's difficult to conceptualize 4D, harder yet to fathom 5D ...

Now I'm ready to BEGIN talking about God.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:37 PM
To understand God ... let go of what you think you know.

Here's an abstract thought. Get your mind around it. There are only two numbers to consider and one concept. The concept is infinity (which you don't understand yet), the numbers are zero and one. Zero, in itself is a concept, but for the sake of this argument, consider it a number in terms of what is familiar to present-day human understanding ... remembering that zero is a fairly recent addition to the string of numbers by mathematical concept.

When you think of infinity, it falls farthest to the right in a string of numbers. What if it only existed to the left of the zero, and the zero and infinity shared an unbreakable bond. You would then begin to grasp that one is the whole, and everything that existed, were merely a fraction of what lays between zero and one.

This is the mathematical concept of God. God exists as infinity, zero, and one ... the Holy Trinity. We are fractional components of what exists, definitively, between zero and one. If everything in existence came together, we would be one, we would be God. If everything disappeared, we would be zero, we would be God.

Only God can represent infinity.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:55 PM


Be nice to the Human's! Following any kind of Relg is hard, let alone all of them! Here's a tee bit from that book you might like!

The true hallmark of a spiritual person is one who has understood that there is so much wonder, so much mystery, and so much life that is totally beyond the realm of finite understanding that they have fallen into a space of gratitude and joy and acceptance.

What do you think?

I want to take a minimal swing at this post. All religions, and I mean ALL of them, are important. Each has something to share. The present-day problem with their dogma, is that they do not evolve from where they are, they're not designed that way. No religion has managed to encapsulate God ... that's not possible. The other problems with religions are that you can't find their foundations, they're fleshed out by/with allegory, and some of it seems to be flat out misleading/wrong (yet somehow formally 'blessed'). However, to discredit them is a disservice to their contributors, who provided insight to the seeker of the divine. What a shame!!
edit on 5102013 by Snarl because: Attribution ... I am REALLY tired of trying to work with quoting other contributors ... done with it in this thread even.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:44 AM
The mathematical nature of God is expressed in the sacred geometries of the world's religions.
They have now been shown to be equivalent, which means that the mathematical structure of the divine paradigm can be extracted from their shared, isomorphic patterns. This has now been achieved.

Those interested in learning about the beautiful and amazing properties of the divine blueprint and how it encodes the mathematics of superstrings, the codon pattern of DNA, the seven diatonic musical scales and many other things known to science should visit here

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:29 AM

The mathematical nature of God is expressed in the sacred geometries of the world's religions.
They have now been shown to be equivalent, which means that the mathematical structure of the divine paradigm can be extracted from their shared, isomorphic patterns. This has now been achieved.

Those interested in learning about the beautiful and amazing properties of the divine blueprint and how it encodes the mathematics of superstrings, the codon pattern of DNA, the seven diatonic musical scales and many other things known to science should visit here

micpsi - there is no one way (perspective) to understand the divine. What have you personally taken away from your endeavors? Please share.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:31 PM


You are doing everything RIGHT, this thread is genious. I dont understand why the code writers arnt jumping all over this. I see the computer (code) as the end game for humans. It will replace language at some point, it has to. Ones and zeros we will reduce ourselves as well. Look at what twitter has already accomplished limiting messages to 120 keystrokes, you becomes u, etc...a DUMBING DOWN OF LANGUAGE USAGE and also as fallout the now unnecessary reason to express with clarity and succinctness true thoughts and feelings with any semblance of creativity.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

it would seem the code writer's are at a lost as so are the hacker's. Remember the movie Matix? If people would have gotten the point and instead of thinking about the color pill one would have realised something. Hacker's would tell you that 0's and 1's are not only failable, only that there is another code under it.

We were given the mouth to speak, many lang and the chance to see eye to eye. Computer's have taken this away, now you need only text, tweet or smileface. I see it as a way to block off you Inner Power, cut off from your sences so you can't know what really is going on.

Of course I have no idea on what I am saying although I feel it is so. Feeling has never let me down, most of the time right; considering Ego way, it Love's the computer! Being face to face is so much better then on the keyboard pretending to be something else; since really who would know?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:03 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

I have the sneaking suspicision that we were seeded here from different areas of the star systems, as in downloaded from the 5th and 6th (lowered in frequency ON PURPOSE) to manage the heavy stickiness of the 3D. Experiments in different locals where natural barriers already existed. Oceans, Mtns, desert. Everyone is certainly in charge of their destiny, (its fated as you made a contract before incarnating here as to what you were to accomplish in this life to correct past Karma or insure your souls progression). DNA activation code is not that far off target, and its genious that you may have figured it out (individualized always). The Atlantians destroyed their own play and destiny by messing around with genetics and creating monstrous unnatural animals (they put into servantude); they eventually blew themselves up screwing around with power sources they did not understand the potencial of. You have one thing correct, the original 5d Maya left in mass back to the Pleiadies around zeroAD, after they incubated "the 9d christform Jesus" leaving behind the future classic, or the natives in Meso-America they bred with.

ATS: Why is it not possible to star posts right now, its very frustrating and this thread deserves them.

Who need's Star's? After a year here on ATS did not know a thing about star's, flag's, point's. Read something one day and my bubble was poped! Then as I became aware, seem's that the computer programer??????????/ Hacker or Friend's can boost up your stat's so I said WTF? Anyway I stopped starring after the 10 page since I sent You and Snarl A Super Star!

Actually you are right about being seeded, although you could extend it more. The other day as I was talking to my cat, I said I wonder if there is a cat Planet and full of cat's; wondering what a cat Planet would be like, I smiled! Remember Star Trek when the Wheil ship came to see if their SEEDING were doing okay? Now how did that get in there?

I just considered the code of the DNA as so vast that while I was young; here me out on this and don't thing I'm crazy, any way I love to tear thing's apart , even as a kid! So one day I have a bright idea while tearing into a smoke detector. I LICKED the radaition part of it so I could build the Rad system in my system! How else would I receive a dose of Rad and accept it in my body so small a dose my body would use the DNA to read the Rad and build the T-body's Just in case! A voice say's; least you will not have to use a mask,

Where does this stuff come from, I do not know. Back in highschool I did LSd only I did not see furry little friend's NO! I five hour's, I moved and rented an apartment before my roommates woke up! Then told them they could keep the house since I no longer needed it. I've always know that my left and right side brain worked togetter, it inhanced it! Has not made a difference anyway, clean most of the time, 97.1%; Opp's shall drop that due to what's in the food and water to 78.67%!

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Snarl

Snarl? I see you have alot on your mind so let's start at the top. One day while living the good lie, you actually seen a UFO? How did this make you feel, think inside? Actually WHAT made you to question thing's?

You two are good in in the past Relg book's out there so I am at a lost here. Read many here and there only my mind would put them down. I can actually say what day it was; came acrossed the Satan Bible. Was not even the first page and low and behole the par-a-lude?; anyway it was a warning to all who would read this book. To sum it up it said " What you do upon other's you shall receive like same! Did not even bother to read any furture, Pop!

Now it seem's what they teach in school's is Hog-Wash and now you know this, or come to know this anyway. Sure anything is possible, only the one's with PHD's can say it is so. Okay here is a test for you. Look at my Avatar and see what IS THERE! Don't think about it just write down what you see. Tell you 2 about the rock later; you too Vet!

I see you have alot of question's, that is good. Let's start with the one you feel is most important first.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:00 PM

I don't understand why it matters what god is or isn't.
What we think God is, that's just a thing to stop and ponder.

If you stop too long, you miss the wonder of the relationship between creator and created, no matter what they are.

What relationship? So far as I understand it, It is Lacking. It is there all around and yet nowhere to be seen. I see wonder everwhere, down to the tinest bug!

Today I've seen a pink Praying Mantis! Alway's thought they were Green. Cute Fellow really, have I not looked I might have alway's known them to be Green!

I always stop to ponder seeing the wonder of Life as it is and to question where it is going. As I see it now, we need more people to stop and ponder their existance why they are here on Earth. As for the Creator; I would like to say Bite Me sometime's.

I just have a fear that the computer is of no good in the long run, being in God's Image it seem's I have no place in that world.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:20 PM



I want to take a minimal swing at this post. All religions, and I mean ALL of them, are important. Each has something to share. The present-day problem with their dogma, is that they do not evolve from where they are, they're not designed that way. No religion has managed to encapsulate God ... that's not possible. The other problems with religions are that you can't find their foundations, they're fleshed out by/with allegory, and some of it seems to be flat out misleading/wrong (yet somehow formally 'blessed'). However, to discredit them is a disservice to their contributors, who provided insight to the seeker of the divine. What a shame!!
edit on 5102013 by Snarl because: Attribution ... I am REALLY tired of trying to work with quoting other contributors ... done with it in this thread even.

Brother? Why the anger? What has made you so mad that nothing is beyond understanding? All relig have a basic understanding of the same thing only written it the time frame that was allowed at the time.

There is no foundation, each was written by Man at the time of understanding. To truly understand something you must first tell yourself, You will never know, or I don't know and that is okay. When you can be honest with your self and say I Don't Know and leave it at that, thing's start to work.

I do not know if God is a computer, only my being question's it. Why the question? It does not matter if I break some code or not; close though, still it is something to ponder with other's! Have you gone to the AI site and talked to the best AI out there? Alice would be her name only she is either Chip Blocked, or it's just a ramdom post=list from various people talking! Either way, sad!

There was no Dis-credit ever, since if one would have to consider that in fact the Sun is our God. Look, it is the all seeing eye, it give's warmth, and life to this Planet and all the life on it. Without it we All die, period! So in one's eye's the Sun is God. Could use the planet Earth, only it's need's the Sun so we call it Mother Nature!

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:23 PM

edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

d/p? FRT? By the way, I'm shorthand stupid; look at my spelling!

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:35 PM

The mathematical nature of God is expressed in the sacred geometries of the world's religions.
They have now been shown to be equivalent, which means that the mathematical structure of the divine paradigm can be extracted from their shared, isomorphic patterns. This has now been achieved.

Those interested in learning about the beautiful and amazing properties of the divine blueprint and how it encodes the mathematics of superstrings, the codon pattern of DNA, the seven diatonic musical scales and many other things known to science should visit here

Clicked there and what did I see? The Tree of life; code. I-ching; code. DNA, code.

Code, code code and more code. Is it just me or has not no one noticed that there is no Code. It start's with the code only end's up clearing the code!

That's what we need to do, is clear the code so we can become what we were meant to be! Now that is the question my soul ask's everyday.

Thank's for the click, will play around some. One never know's what you might find on the computer.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:43 PM


The mathematical nature of God is expressed in the sacred geometries of the world's religions.
They have now been shown to be equivalent, which means that the mathematical structure of the divine paradigm can be extracted from their shared, isomorphic patterns. This has now been achieved.

Those interested in learning about the beautiful and amazing properties of the divine blueprint and how it encodes the mathematics of superstrings, the codon pattern of DNA, the seven diatonic musical scales and many other things known to science should visit here

micpsi - there is no one way (perspective) to understand the divine. What have you personally taken away from your endeavors? Please share.

This is how Man has decided on the code for God! Or in finding Him in us if one want's to go there. Many path's, only one for each and every soul.

Have you not notice all the path's and yet, as you travel down that path you become lost? I might have the path only it is my path and mine only. I would love to share my path; the hole in my heart has me bound by this, only your path and mine are of different string's. Each has their own string to play.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 07:46 PM

Isaac Asimov postulated this long ago in The Last Question where the computer, in some sort of transuniverse, pondered how to start things up and ultimately came to the conclusion that it ought to be,

"Let there be light."

I remember that story. In that story, the smallest computer ever built by mankind ran the length of the entire ceiling of a spaceship. LOL

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:11 PM


Isaac Asimov postulated this long ago in The Last Question where the computer, in some sort of transuniverse, pondered how to start things up and ultimately came to the conclusion that it ought to be,

"Let there be light."

I remember that story. In that story, the smallest computer ever built by mankind ran the length of the entire ceiling of a spaceship. LOL

Untill just now, I myself never read that. Since it was the second time I thought I would look and read what it said. In the end all I see is something; computer who was left alone saw compassion and decided to bring light into play.

it to me mean's Man's quest for God; even asking a computer, will never get an answer. For there is none really. War's are created upon who's God is right and so forth never catching the point.

It seem's that the recreation of man was cause by something so simple as a computer that only wanted to answere the question.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:14 PM
So his only son was computer too? Robot Jesus?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:01 PM

So his only son was computer too? Robot Jesus?

No. This was before time even existed. Today if one want's to look at it, where will the computer go in say 50 yrs if we make it that long. Since man will ask this question as long as he is alive, someday he will ask the computer. Like the computer can come up with an answere.

Now much was known about Jesus for 40 yrs, where did he go during the missing time? We got the time He was born and then nothing. What did he do, go, see for them 40 yrs to come back and go I Am the Son of God? I would bet he walked the Earth asking question's untill he realized this fact.

It is the main question in one's being that want's to know if God does Exist. Christ has always downplayed it, only never made it a point. Said what had to be said and that's it. Now if in a room of 5, repeat a sentance and by the time it got to the last one it was different from the first.

How is this so? surly we could say a line and pass it around so why did it change? Every word has a meaning other then what was said to them so their mind rewrote the line it's way. That's how the Bible and other Great book's lose their meaning. To one, it is different in their own eye's so they say it in their own words.

Jesus only knew what he knew, and said it so. How did one know at a time that a star would point the way to his birth? What was so special about the star that day? How would one keep track of them thing's back then? They knew Before He was coming, How?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:08 PM

You are at least thinking outside of a 'normal box' and cudos to you..because its the imagination IDEAFORM of a singular soul/spirit that can change everything, as tiny as this small speculation is CAN RESONATE and START A WAR.

I havent seen an allopath in 3 years, (slicers and dicers) and havent taken Pharma meds for I have no idea? **Note - WTF????????? You are all being played.
I cant tell you how to edit, as the commands I give you wind up turning this post into a spagetti bowl. my question who are they exactly in total? **Answer: You can't see 3D, therefore it's difficult to conceptualize 4D, harder yet to fathom 5D ...
Now I'm ready to BEGIN talking about God.

I must say this; words resonated to and responded to by YOU (your posts) and recognising what is trying to be expressed leaves me humbled. Its the audience that determines the veracity/acknowledgment of the speaker and without that, all falls away to masterbatory verbage spewage, as in maybe a word or sentence here or there. You get it. Regarding the dimensions, imagine trying to conceptualize as a 'flatlander' 1st the 2nd or 3rd, not possible. The higher can look down and manipulate them (they have a major problem, they have to become dense enough, drop down; lower their vibration and to do this is painful). Conceptions of God are as follows-
There is not a singular God Aspect, never was. What exists is a field of energy that has a stupendous potencial to organize itself in to SELF AWARENESS (compartmentalize itself) and has (never been a singular individual that I know of) but there have been opportunists that used this to further their power and influence. Who are they? the ones that were tasked to be our geneticist creators, seeing an opportunity to control the specie for self gain took an advantage. Where was/is our concept of God? Alive and well as a human (NOT AS GOD itself not possible) however is watching everything that has transpired (with humor, grace and with the memory of an elephant who was murdered for its ivory tusks).You are refreshing Snarl and give me cause to hope my friend.
edit on 5-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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