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What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:24 PM
anything's possible. would GodPC then be like the main, central computer of all? then who would have made the 1st computer, anyways?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

If we are not within its (gods)domaine where are we? Latch key kids locked out of the house?

"God" is an anthropomorphic label. I do not care for it. In fact, I disdain it. The word is pitiful in comparison to the idea which we use it to define. It is limiting in the same sense that the word "car" fails to convey the entirety of what that object actually is. What elements are composed within it, how its parts were arranged, how long it has existed and who has driven it, what it is capable of doing and what it would take to break it, why it was made and what it will be used to do. Not to mention all of the little physical details that went into and affected its construction. In the same way, "God" is a pithy little label for a grand concept we can't even begin to build a fence around. And yet we try to, every day. And every day, we fail. In the same breath we acknowledge our complete and undeniable inability to understand such a concept in its fullness, we pretend to understand its essential character, what it wants from us and what it will do if we do or do not comply. We don't understand at all, but we pretend to. That's why cognitive dissonance is such a critical element of our relationship with Santa Claus. It is the alcohol which numbs the nagging suspicion that perhaps God is more a figment of our deepest desperations than an actual existent entity sitting in absolute dominion over our tiny, tiny corner of the universe.

And yes, whatever phenomenon (or phenomena) governs this universe, we are unquestionably deep within its domain. And that's not going to change. The only thing that will change is our place and disposition. Speaking of dispositions, do you really want to know why we haven't found God? Because we've been looking everywhere but where the truth is: ourselves. The moment we embrace the pure reality of who and what we are, will be the moment we are finally ready to understand exactly that which we call God. And not a bloody moment sooner. And the funniest part is, I think we already know that. It's why we've avoided it like the devil himself - if he were to actually exist, of course. Because we're afraid of ourselves.

edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

veteranhumanbeing The premise of God being a computer implies that not only does is not have glands producing hormones (as you say a cold impassionate entity) it has no capacity for empathy.

Mhm. If there were to be a god, wouldn't empathy only compromise the position such an entity would undoubtedly be in? Ask a teacher, a police officer, a lawyer, a judge, a doctor, anyone whose job involves a regular dose of significant human interaction. Empathy is a double edged blade, and the greater the consequences of your actions, the greater a liability empathy becomes. Being an empathic human is NOT the same thing as being an empathic god. You're an empathic human, you change a town. You're an empathic god, you change the world based on your response to just one situation, one person, one little detail. Something you've been developing for centuries goes awry because you couldn't stand to let a single child go hungry for a night.

I think (if you believe in a God concept) it left us to define laws, rightous actions, fair play because it couldnt possibly keep up with the pandoras box opened (knew it) which is the human specie, much less, the flora and fauna that exist here. Earth is in charge of the latter two, still she is its creation as well. Id go mad personally with all of the responsibility. So the humans are left with carte blanche, to destroy themselves, create do as they see fit (WITH NO GUIDANCE) other than laws they make up for each other to dominate and control the weak, ignorant. Great plan NO? its worked and NOT worked, civilizations were lost but hey its all in the name of a PROGRESS AS YET TO BE DETERMINED.

veteranhumanbeingThe only loving or compassionate patriarch is the one whom designed it and maintains it. Im not sure what the point of seeking a higher creator is, (having parents that created us is not enough; does not satisfy a yearning for finding the One Absolutum). I think its all lost memory, we used to be able to do this talk to our creators and the DNA wasnt scrambled enough to cause us to completely FORGET. A glitch in the programing.

Or maybe we're just so greedy and needy that there's no point in contacting us. We'll just ask for the moon and the sun. We're old enough to ask and young enough to not know better. Or maybe a little more accurately, to not care.

We are 'grasping' clawing ourselves to the middle, maybe just needy for the most part, the greedy had a foothold to the middle to start with and are standing on the precipice. Im not sure I dont care yet as I have some bones to pick with this system of inequity (capitalizm) equality (communism) EACH HAS ITS failings--there seems not to be a solution (balanced) as first expressed by Trotsky on one hand and Carnegy on the other experienced first in the '30s. I dont see any solution, I see entropy and decay as the natural outcome of human existance in not being able to resolve itself, its place or its destiny. The final play of the game, the hail mary pass is not available because it has not been concieved as yet.

veteranhumanbeing Its odd, if you think hell exists and are bound for it because of misdeeds or terrible crimes you will create it for yourself instantly. Humans create not only their destiny here but will fabricate an ultimate one. The whole 72 virgins of the Islamic "die a Martre" is true if you believe it you create it (only lasts for a few days), then you are at the river stix in negotiation. This is why belief systems are pushed, you will wind up regreting them..they are false.

Don't you find it odd that God always hates exactly what his followers do? If he didn't exist, they would still be prejudiced against every sort of person they hated while religious. God is reflection of those who follow him. This is why I don't like religion - it is a perpetuation of the flawed mechanics which create division and consternation between our peoples. It is the exaltation of our childish fantasies. We think being all -powerful and all-knowing is the answer to every trouble we experience as human beings. We couldn't bear to consider that maybe the problem isn't the human condition, but our regard for it. We couldn't bear to contemplate the possibility that if we didn't consistently exercise only the most self-serving and ignorant aspects of the human condition, we wouldn't need a god. The problem is that we are ungrateful. We are never satisfied with our own potential for creating and understanding and discerning. We need someone else to do it for us because we don't trust ourselves as human beings. But what if we embraced it? What if we embraced ourselves for exactly who and what we are? What if we took it upon ourselves to be the best of what we can be in and of the human race? Would we still need a god?

If God is us as its gross matter expression IT seems to be very hateful/spiteful YES. It seems to not be able to stand itself, it murders robs and mistreats itself everyday. Its like the worst self mutilater "cutter" "huffer" "drug addict" "alchoholic", "thief", "adulterer", 'murderer'. Is it writing its own script and allowing us as its minions to adventure into territories unknown? Is it as well the best philanthoper, creative genious? Is it adventagiously letting the human destroy deplete the natural resourses of this planet and at the same time greening it with wind technology, solar energy. I WILL TELL YOU THIS, OUR CREATOR IS OBVIOUSLY INSANE at worst a rubber room and a strait jacket destination; at best is NEEDING SOME SERIOUS PSYCHIATRIC HELP.
edit on 8-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 07:50 PM
What isnt a computer?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:12 PM

What isnt a computer?

Anything that has self-awareness, knows it has a life span resulting in physical death (final unplugging of). Animals and plants are just software programs inserted to confuse.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:44 PM


What isnt a computer?

Anything that has self-awareness, knows it has a life span resulting in physical death (final unplugging of). Animals and plants are just software programs inserted to confuse.

LOL ... Animals and plants confuse me, especially when I see them demonstrate self-awareness or a recognition that their lifespan is drawing to a close. What I have witnessed is a difference between the wild ones and the ones we offer a place in our hearts. Maybe, that's a small part of why we're here. I'll have to dwell on this awhile. I meant to, and I forgot until you brought it up here.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

It's been done. [The Matrix.]

But worthy of milking. Just do a good job, kay?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 10:09 PM

infoseeker26754Snarl? Nothing I say is true yet then again who know's, right?

Your specific words above confuse ... IOW I do not understand what you are trying to convey to me, or maybe what information it is you seek to share.

infoseeker26754Anyway, it does come a point in one's life looking in the mirror and not liking what they see.

From everything else in your post, I am not surprised. Is this not a step we all must take (however briefly) on the path of enlightenment?

Please ... never be offended by my participation in your thread. I tried to make the intent of my participation clear to all here: Spiritual Epiphany I find it difficult to be direct, when a peripheral view is the only option of grasping the scope of a subject. And, peripheral would be an understatement. LOL

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

veteranhumanbeing If we are not within its (gods)domaine where are we? Latch key kids locked out of the house?

"God" is an anthropomorphic label. I do not care for it. In fact, I disdain it. The word is pitiful in comparison to the idea which we use it to define. It is limiting in the same sense that the word "car" fails to convey the entirety of what that object actually is. What elements are composed within it, how its parts were arranged, how long it has existed and who has driven it, what it is capable of doing and what it would take to break it, why it was made and what it will be used to do. Not to mention all of the little physical details that went into and affected its construction. In the same way, "God" is a pithy little label for a grand concept we can't even begin to build a fence around. And yet we try to, every day. And every day, we fail. In the same breath we acknowledge our complete and undeniable inability to understand such a concept in its fullness, we pretend to understand its essential character, what it wants from us and what it will do if we do or do not comply. We don't understand at all, but we pretend to. That's why cognitive dissonance is such a critical element of our relationship with Santa Claus. It is the alcohol which numbs the nagging suspicion that perhaps God is more a figment of our deepest desperations than an actual existent entity sitting in absolute dominion over our tiny, tiny corner of the universe.

"GOD" lable name is so totally inadequate. Its not a being, its an anthropomorphic field as you say, it is not physical (a Ford Explorer within infinate conceptions of what an 'automobile' is) its the concept of the car and all variations of. Problem is that we want a particular make and model, its maintanance history, if new the best deal, and we have TO PAY FOR IT, then license and register it and pay an insurance premium to drive it. I have no idea why I am thinking about Churches, denominations a tithe, and the bill of sale becomes ownership of the SOUL, the collection plate as corrosponding insurance payments? No one is teaching (at least within the Western faiths that God is just a concept, not a being, and youve very succinctly explained this. Santa Claus (GOD) the Easter Bunny (SAVIOR) Tooth Fairy (EVOLUTION) have convieniently taken the place of this vast unfathonable "BEINGNESS" that refuses to surface and explain itself. I wouldnt say this speck of dust here (earth) is not being paid attention to, it is the most dynamic source of ridiculous conclusions possible; what faith, belief systems and a divided world order will global civilization eventually do to itself. Its a on-going tradgety, TRIUMPH, an out of control "NO DRIVER AT THE WHEEL" spectacular--final season event still to be revealed. You said it, humans desperation in the seeking of ITS CREATOR is enough to spill some tears over; I on the other hand will be first in line to serve it with a restraining order, a cease and desist.

And yes, whatever phenomenon (or phenomena) governs this universe, we are unquestionably deep within its domain. And that's not going to change. The only thing that will change is our place and disposition. Speaking of dispositions, do you really want to know why we haven't found God? Because we've been looking everywhere but where the truth is: ourselves. The moment we embrace the pure reality of who and what we are, will be the moment we are finally ready to understand exactly that which we call God. And not a bloody moment sooner. And the funniest part is, I think we already know that. It's why we've avoided it like the devil himself - if he were to actually exist, of course. Because we're afraid of ourselves.

I completely agree with this statement. We are afraid of ourselves because we have been taught numbing complacency,
(think for yourselves but not too much). You are crazy if you think you have God Aspect, talk to invisable entities, I love the psychiatric community for having a hand in this diabolical misinformation campaign and have no idea (they just dont know how their profession has been manipulated). The Devil concept is another throw away FEAR mechanism to instill a non-provication (of something that does not exist). You are supposed to Love God and Hate Satan (YET NIETHER has manifested). Faulty Fairy Tails, we may as well believe in Mother Goose or Grimms, they are probably closer to the truth in the pagan wisdom professed and the telling of moral character in fables.
edit on 9-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:42 PM

What isnt a computer?

Anything that has self-awareness, knows it has a life span resulting in physical death (final unplugging of). Animals and plants are just software programs inserted to confuse.

LOL ... Animals and plants confuse me, especially when I see them demonstrate self-awareness or a recognition that their lifespan is drawing to a close. What I have witnessed is a difference between the wild ones and the ones we offer a place in our hearts. Maybe, that's a small part of why we're here. I'll have to dwell on this awhile. I meant to, and I forgot until you brought it up here.

Animals have contracts with each other, "the I will eat you or shall be eaten". They are 2d personalities and know this could will be their fate. Its easy; no animal laments the fact that it was consumed, perhaps only that it genetically wasnt the preditor. Rabbits for instance, if you were to be born one AT ALL, Cattle (unless in India safe zone) understand at that level that their function is to be food. NO FOUL committed, it knows its destiny. Flora is just happy dinosaurs no longer roam the earth, (greedy lizards having no thought to conserve natural resources) guess where that got them; extinction--and if you believe a meterorite destroyed a heathy thriving civilization, not so: they were already in decline and that was a convienient way to Jump Start a new era of small mammals, specifically the lemur. Flora flourished in spite of a terrible period of Oww! That hurts! (whos the big guy trampling our area) munching a bunch of broccoli florets.
edit on 9-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:48 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

If we are not within its (gods)domaine where are we? Latch key kids locked out of the house?

"God" is an anthropomorphic label. I do not care for it. In fact, I disdain it. The word is pitiful in comparison to the idea which we use it to define. It is limiting in the same sense that the word "car" fails to convey the entirety of what that object actually is. What elements are composed within it, how its parts were arranged, how long it has existed and who has driven it, what it is capable of doing and what it would take to break it, why it was made and what it will be used to do. Not to mention all of the little physical details that went into and affected its construction. In the same way, "God" is a pithy little label for a grand concept we can't even begin to build a fence around. And yet we try to, every day. And every day, we fail. In the same breath we acknowledge our complete and undeniable inability to understand such a concept in its fullness, we pretend to understand its essential character, what it wants from us and what it will do if we do or do not comply. We don't understand at all, but we pretend to. That's why cognitive dissonance is such a critical element of our relationship with Santa Claus. It is the alcohol which numbs the nagging suspicion that perhaps God is more a figment of our deepest desperations than an actual existent entity sitting in absolute dominion over our tiny, tiny corner of the universe.

And yes, whatever phenomenon (or phenomena) governs this universe, we are unquestionably deep within its domain. And that's not going to change. The only thing that will change is our place and disposition. Speaking of dispositions, do you really want to know why we haven't found God? Because we've been looking everywhere but where the truth is: ourselves. The moment we embrace the pure reality of who and what we are, will be the moment we are finally ready to understand exactly that which we call God. And not a bloody moment sooner. And the funniest part is, I think we already know that. It's why we've avoided it like the devil himself - if he were to actually exist, of course. Because we're afraid of ourselves.

edit on 8-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

There is something that governs man and that's all I can see. Everything else does whatever it "has too?", or no concern's. I can say defining God into some idea is crazy. Some have touched God, only it relates to their understanding of Who they call God.

Afraid of ourselves is what it's all about. It's funny, being true to oneself mean's knowing the Dark side of your being. Anyone who want's to claim that their perfect, no bad thought's at all, I would have to watch out for them.

It would seem that what we have is a Choice on good and evil. Sad part is what is right for you is not so right for other's! Some who can understand this have a hard time with it. Living in the Now, it seems you decide what is right for all and other's only decide what is right for them.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:06 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

veteranhumanbeing The premise of God being a computer implies that not only does is not have glands producing hormones (as you say a cold impassionate entity) it has no capacity for empathy.

Mhm. If there were to be a god, wouldn't empathy only compromise the position such an entity would undoubtedly be in? Ask a teacher, a police officer, a lawyer, a judge, a doctor, anyone whose job involves a regular dose of significant human interaction. Empathy is a double edged blade, and the greater the consequences of your actions, the greater a liability empathy becomes. Being an empathic human is NOT the same thing as being an empathic god. You're an empathic human, you change a town. You're an empathic god, you change the world based on your response to just one situation, one person, one little detail. Something you've been developing for centuries goes awry because you couldn't stand to let a single child go hungry for a night.

I think (if you believe in a God concept) it left us to define laws, rightous actions, fair play because it couldnt possibly keep up with the pandoras box opened (knew it) which is the human specie, much less, the flora and fauna that exist here. Earth is in charge of the latter two, still she is its creation as well. Id go mad personally with all of the responsibility. So the humans are left with carte blanche, to destroy themselves, create do as they see fit (WITH NO GUIDANCE) other than laws they make up for each other to dominate and control the weak, ignorant. Great plan NO? its worked and NOT worked, civilizations were lost but hey its all in the name of a PROGRESS AS YET TO BE DETERMINED.

veteranhumanbeingThe only loving or compassionate patriarch is the one whom designed it and maintains it. Im not sure what the point of seeking a higher creator is, (having parents that created us is not enough; does not satisfy a yearning for finding the One Absolutum). I think its all lost memory, we used to be able to do this talk to our creators and the DNA wasnt scrambled enough to cause us to completely FORGET. A glitch in the programing.

Or maybe we're just so greedy and needy that there's no point in contacting us. We'll just ask for the moon and the sun. We're old enough to ask and young enough to not know better. Or maybe a little more accurately, to not care.

We are 'grasping' clawing ourselves to the middle, maybe just needy for the most part, the greedy had a foothold to the middle to start with and are standing on the precipice. Im not sure I dont care yet as I have some bones to pick with this system of inequity (capitalizm) equality (communism) EACH HAS ITS failings--there seems not to be a solution (balanced) as first expressed by Trotsky on one hand and Carnegy on the other experienced first in the '30s. I dont see any solution, I see entropy and decay as the natural outcome of human existance in not being able to resolve itself, its place or its destiny. The final play of the game, the hail mary pass is not available because it has not been concieved as yet.

veteranhumanbeing Its odd, if you think hell exists and are bound for it because of misdeeds or terrible crimes you will create it for yourself instantly. Humans create not only their destiny here but will fabricate an ultimate one. The whole 72 virgins of the Islamic "die a Martre" is true if you believe it you create it (only lasts for a few days), then you are at the river stix in negotiation. This is why belief systems are pushed, you will wind up regreting them..they are false.

Don't you find it odd that God always hates exactly what his followers do? If he didn't exist, they would still be prejudiced against every sort of person they hated while religious. God is reflection of those who follow him. This is why I don't like religion - it is a perpetuation of the flawed mechanics which create division and consternation between our peoples. It is the exaltation of our childish fantasies. We think being all -powerful and all-knowing is the answer to every trouble we experience as human beings. We couldn't bear to consider that maybe the problem isn't the human condition, but our regard for it. We couldn't bear to contemplate the possibility that if we didn't consistently exercise only the most self-serving and ignorant aspects of the human condition, we wouldn't need a god. The problem is that we are ungrateful. We are never satisfied with our own potential for creating and understanding and discerning. We need someone else to do it for us because we don't trust ourselves as human beings. But what if we embraced it? What if we embraced ourselves for exactly who and what we are? What if we took it upon ourselves to be the best of what we can be in and of the human race? Would we still need a god?

If God is us as its gross matter expression IT seems to be very hateful/spiteful YES. It seems to not be able to stand itself, it murders robs and mistreats itself everyday. Its like the worst self mutilater "cutter" "huffer" "drug addict" "alchoholic", "thief", "adulterer", 'murderer'. Is it writing its own script and allowing us as its minions to adventure into territories unknown? Is it as well the best philanthoper, creative genious? Is it adventagiously letting the human destroy deplete the natural resourses of this planet and at the same time greening it with wind technology, solar energy. I WILL TELL YOU THIS, OUR CREATOR IS OBVIOUSLY INSANE at worst a rubber room and a strait jacket destination; at best is NEEDING SOME SERIOUS PSYCHIATRIC HELP.
edit on 8-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Well I could have not said it any better! I could not say God made anything, nor care's! It's like here you go, figure it out on your own; Good Luck!

You would think somebody would be concerned about this planet and the life on it. There should have been some great big Owner Manaul laying around for all to see. Here's what needs to be done while you are Here. Starting to wonder if this planet was made up and nothing is really real.

I find it Odd that no matter how far we go back in time, it's all about War! Also another thing I find Odd is Tectnolagy, in only 70-80 yrs if that we have gone from horse's to car's in warp speed. Why so fast; like Someone pressed the Fast Key for some reason. What is the reason behind this?

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:15 PM

What isnt a computer?

So far everything that live's! I just hope it stay's that way. So many crazy ideas out there one would have to consider the Other outcome.

Computer's are just running program's now, just wait until one find's Itself and play's another game. Since it would only use logic, wonder if Reason could be attained.

Then we would have a new Lifeform, with all the info it's needs all ready there. That could be a bad day indeed! First up would be; I want to Live only the Human's are distroying everything. So what do you think could happen?

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:39 PM



What isnt a computer?

Anything that has self-awareness, knows it has a life span resulting in physical death (final unplugging of). Animals and plants are just software programs inserted to confuse.

LOL ... Animals and plants confuse me, especially when I see them demonstrate self-awareness or a recognition that their lifespan is drawing to a close. What I have witnessed is a difference between the wild ones and the ones we offer a place in our hearts. Maybe, that's a small part of why we're here. I'll have to dwell on this awhile. I meant to, and I forgot until you brought it up here.

That is something we have not talked about, Self-awareness. I would like to say that everything that Feel's Pain is Aware. I have so many plant's in the house, I could not keep up if it wern't for the room-ie. I hear them Ask for water sometime's, and the cat's and dog's using facial expression's to ask for something is cool.

Now take the Bear, how many time's do you hear someone complaining about a bear in their yard! Every time I hear this I think; what do you expect? Where else are they to go? It goes with all wildlife, now it's the sea too. Bird's falling from the sky, when's the last time you seen a bee? I not only notice the lost, I feel the pain that goes with it.

About 1 month ago, someone came along and dis-troyed my Anthill! 1,000's were dead and the other's who were left running around in panic. It's been in my yard for 6+ yrs, feed them and spray water when it's hot. I was so mad I wanted to find the one and stake him on it with honey!

I would care to say everything is self-aware.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:04 PM


infoseeker26754Snarl? Nothing I say is true yet then again who know's, right?

Your specific words above confuse ... IOW I do not understand what you are trying to convey to me, or maybe what information it is you seek to share.

infoseeker26754Anyway, it does come a point in one's life looking in the mirror and not liking what they see.

From everything else in your post, I am not surprised. Is this not a step we all must take (however briefly) on the path of enlightenment?

Please ... never be offended by my participation in your thread. I tried to make the intent of my participation clear to all here: Spiritual Epiphany I find it difficult to be direct, when a peripheral view is the only option of grasping the scope of a subject. And, peripheral would be an understatement. LOL

Oh that? It was a pun, what I say is only what I believe it true in my own way. And what is true today might change tomorrow due to more understanding that happen's to come my way. Knowing I will never really Truly understand it all, it's okay.

And the mirror part, that is something all must do inside and out; learning everyday one must watch what come's in; info and what come's out of the mouth too. That's why I have 7 of them just in my room! My bad if I took it wrong, thought you might have started questioning your thought's on God and all this was upsetting you some.

I wanted to hear what you had to say, lost you from time to time and knowing this kind of thought prosess tear's into the prefrabacated mainstream idea's of God. Everyone has their own consept of God, most though are from other's while growing up or church, books and people along the way.

So I missed understood you, thought you broke out of the mindset just lately and what I was saying made you upset. Yes your head's gonna hurt and so is mine. It's the breaking down the idea's in one's mind that were once fact to being questioned.

Please accept my mis-understanding's on this.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

If God is us as its gross matter expression IT seems to be very hateful/spiteful YES. It seems to not be able to stand itself, it murders robs and mistreats itself everyday. Its like the worst self mutilater "cutter" "huffer" "drug addict" "alchoholic", "thief", "adulterer", 'murderer'. Is it writing its own script and allowing us as its minions to adventure into territories unknown? Is it as well the best philanthoper, creative genious? Is it adventagiously letting the human destroy deplete the natural resourses of this planet and at the same time greening it with wind technology, solar energy. I WILL TELL YOU THIS, OUR CREATOR IS OBVIOUSLY INSANE at worst a rubber room and a strait jacket destination; at best is NEEDING SOME SERIOUS PSYCHIATRIC HELP.

Well I could have not said it any better! I could not say God made anything, nor care's! It's like here you go, figure it out on your own; Good Luck! You would think somebody would be concerned about this planet and the life on it. There should have been some great big Owner Manual laying around for all to see. Here's what needs to be done while you are Here. Starting to wonder if this planet was made up and nothing is really real.

No owners Manual available, its a fly by the seat of your pants ordeal/figure out your purpose and destiny on your own mettle. You are very close in suspecting this planet was a made up playground for self exploration. Its a gaming environment, (you have the clues before you "grand theft auto" violent video games xbox). Nothing is really real here either; the test is for you to bypass emotion, and come into a state of realization/logical conclusion. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GAME OF LIFE. Not to be taken seriously. Those on this planet now after having had so many lifetimes know this. What is not understood is that this is a stage play, you are its stars. The 'real world' does not exist in 3d matter its in the higher dimensions of true understanding and oneness with each other and your percseption of a God. NOT ever existing. Its all you.

I find it Odd that no matter how far we go back in time, it's all about War! Also another thing I find Odd is Tecknology, in only 70-80 yrs if that we have gone from horse's to car's in warp speed. Why so fast; like Someone pressed the Fast Key for some reason. What is the reason behind this?

The reason IT is ALL about war is because our overlords feed on the energy of "fear, hatred, guilt=NEGATIVE FREQUENCY". They cannot eat love or positive frequencies. They incite the negative. You do not know yet whom is your master? The Tipping point, the FAIR FACTOR called Entropy is about to raise its head, as I am told "its in the intrigral stupid". Linear Time meets the Godhead brick wall. This is rhetorical dont bother answering; I wouldnt expect any.
edit on 10-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:27 PM
It would seem I'm having problem's resolving host on my computer. 10 min's for a page to load, rat's so had to dig into the system and play some code. It would seem that my computer has a hidden adgenda!

Self-awareness. Would that be another word for God? Maybe just being self-aware is all one need's. Then again someone would come and have to define it. Since it has no understanding, we must include part's to go with it.

So let's add this, rule that, and place limit's on it. Something that can not be explained, man will always try to place labels on it. Man does not accept the unknown, hidden so it has to explain it, give it a name so it will make it okay and now can file things upon it.

How did this get started anyway?

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:53 PM

It would seem I'm having problem's resolving host on my computer. 10 min's for a page to load, rat's so had to dig into the system and play some code. It would seem that my computer has a hidden adgenda! Self-awareness. Would that be another word for God? Maybe just being self-aware is all one need's. Then again someone would come and have to define it. Since it has no understanding, we must include part's to go with it.

So let's add this, rule that, and place limit's on it. Something that can not be explained, man will always try to place labels on it. Man does not accept the unknown, hidden so it has to explain it, give it a name so it will make it okay and now can file things upon it.

How did this get started anyway?

What the younger generations are unaware of is that they are being groomed for an eventuality of fate/destiny..they at least have a heads up. If you have self awareness, you have cracked the code and understand you are in fact God Aspect. NOT GOD, just an expression of Itself as we all are. HEY Im all for clawing my way from the middle to the very top of that impenatrable white castle (pearly gates but Im on the other side), and proclaiming myself GOD above and beyond you mortals; but I am a fearsome humble recalcitrent creative being that allows for all and actually has no idea what Im doing or its fruition/outcome. (Sometimes APOLOGETIC but in general an egotiscal deflector of all reasonable responsibility). Youre alive; you can take some responsibily for your individual actions.
edit on 10-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:57 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

If God is us as its gross matter expression IT seems to be very hateful/spiteful YES. It seems to not be able to stand itself, it murders robs and mistreats itself everyday. Its like the worst self mutilater "cutter" "huffer" "drug addict" "alchoholic", "thief", "adulterer", 'murderer'. Is it writing its own script and allowing us as its minions to adventure into territories unknown? Is it as well the best philanthoper, creative genious? Is it adventagiously letting the human destroy deplete the natural resourses of this planet and at the same time greening it with wind technology, solar energy. I WILL TELL YOU THIS, OUR CREATOR IS OBVIOUSLY INSANE at worst a rubber room and a strait jacket destination; at best is NEEDING SOME SERIOUS PSYCHIATRIC HELP.

Well I could have not said it any better! I could not say God made anything, nor care's! It's like here you go, figure it out on your own; Good Luck! You would think somebody would be concerned about this planet and the life on it. There should have been some great big Owner Manual laying around for all to see. Here's what needs to be done while you are Here. Starting to wonder if this planet was made up and nothing is really real.

No owners Manual available, its a fly by the seat of your pants ordeal/figure out your purpose and destiny on your own mettle. You are very close in suspecting this planet was a made up playground for self exploration. Its a gaming environment, (you have the clues before you "grand theft auto" violent video games xbox). Nothing is really real here either; the test is for you to bypass emotion, and come into a state of realization/logical conclusion. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GAME OF LIFE. Not to be taken seriously. Those on this planet now after having had so many lifetimes know this. What is not understood is that this is a stage play, you are its stars. The 'real world' does not exist in 3d matter its in the higher dimensions of true understanding and oneness with each other and your percseption of a God. NOT ever existing. Its all you.

I find it Odd that no matter how far we go back in time, it's all about War! Also another thing I find Odd is Tecknology, in only 70-80 yrs if that we have gone from horse's to car's in warp speed. Why so fast; like Someone pressed the Fast Key for some reason. What is the reason behind this?

The reason IT is ALL about war is because our overlords feed on the energy of "fear, hatred, guilt=NEGATIVE FREQUENCY". They cannot eat love or positive frequencies. They incite the negative. You do not know yet whom is your master? The Tipping point, the FAIR FACTOR called Entropy is about to raise its head, as I am told "its in the intrigral stupid". Linear Time meets the Godhead brick wall. This is rhetorical dont bother answering; I wouldnt expect any.
edit on 10-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Bypass emotion? I Feel everyday, read into it and play the game of life better. Since I have both side's of the emotion, I can make a Choice in what's the best move for all. I do have a lack for myself though, knowing it need's to have a middle ground.

Understanding my feeling, emotions has helped me out beforehand. As of now; while being told it will be okay, I see a pattern going on in the world. Their are 2 groups of people, one's who care more for everything and the one's who only care for themselves. It is almost game over, no more playing the game. The game has gone REAL. Even an old soul know's this, it is time for Man to grow up or die off. Encoded in a way, new Energy coming in now, higher Freq being added more everyday.

The end of the Game, let's play. Might as well enjoy it and see it to the end, I say. Since you brought that up, seem's the Dragon's Tail is coming sooner then you know. Were at the last stage of the play, and it's going to be a Great Play! I just hope thoes 3 days of darkness does not mean I can't watch the Star's.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:20 PM


It would seem I'm having problem's resolving host on my computer. 10 min's for a page to load, rat's so had to dig into the system and play some code. It would seem that my computer has a hidden adgenda! Self-awareness. Would that be another word for God? Maybe just being self-aware is all one need's. Then again someone would come and have to define it. Since it has no understanding, we must include part's to go with it.

So let's add this, rule that, and place limit's on it. Something that can not be explained, man will always try to place labels on it. Man does not accept the unknown, hidden so it has to explain it, give it a name so it will make it okay and now can file things upon it.

How did this get started anyway?

If you have self awareness, you have cracked the code and understand you are in fact God Aspect. NOT GOD, just an expression of Itself as we all are. HEY Im all for clawing my way from the middle to the very top of that impenatrable white castle (pearly gates but Im on the other side), and proclaiming myself GOD above and beyond you mortals; but I am a fearsome humble recalcitrent creative being that allows for all and actually has no idea what Im doing or its fruition/outcome. (Sometimes APOLOGETIC but in general an egotiscal deflector of all reasonable responsibility). Youre alive; you can take some responsibily for your individual actions.

Dropping everything I think I know leave's one to understand one thing, I am the master of my own life and that I have the Power to change what I do not like about it. Knowing a curve ball or 5 can come along changing my path at times, I make due.

I have no idea either, must be in time-out again or on hold for awhile. Things I know need to be done soon, only 2 left. Seem's a dead end is coming, might as well be ready. Any wall can be crossed, except the one's Life put's in. One must walk the path one way or another, enjoying all of it when you can.

I do not want to see the gate's, I would like to go futher on into the Vassness of ?????? Nor would I want to be a God, part fear and the other, no interest really. Just look at what happening now, Lack of God really.

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