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What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Of course they would mirror one another. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all the children of the Abrahamic faith. They are all branches of the same tree. A more intriguing query would be, where did the Abrahamic faith get its principles and tenets from? Being among the youngest religions in the world, it is irrational to assume that earlier civilizations and their legacies did not mold the Abrahamic faith or its children. There's been plenty of time for such influence to become recognizable. And I do recognize it, as should we all. And then the biggest question of all: how much of the Abrahamic faith is plagiarized? ]

Islam is the youngest of the majors. Mohammed recognised Moses/Abraham/Jesus and Mary within its doctrines. You must realize that these tenants are not germaine to Christianity, the same occure within the ancient pagan..its a dice throw, Osiris is ANU etc.. its the same story told in different time periods in different locales. Mohammed to me is a modern day Confusious entity that spoke of law and order and justice just to keep the peoples from rebelling against themselves or the rulers. If God actually existed IT could have dispelled all war based in poverty, inequaty, but for whatever reason, left the animals afield without protection or proper guidance. Forget Abraham, what happened to Solomon (he was a cornerstone) and why is He neglected in history. I see the Abraham legacy as bastardized.

Just said if I've got this right that each verson of Relig was built upon the old one leaving what was not needed to make a newer version to keep the people in check. Being that Man always somehow has a need for the word God in their life, so might as well us it to fit their need! Not that theirs nothing worng with finding this out within one's self, it's just played on! Kinda like, In God We Trust on our money.

Each version of religion was not built upon each other. These were ideaforms INSERTED at different time frames within different locals, IMPORTANT (occident and orient), eastern/western the pagan left to the northern areas, GrBritian and surrounds. This has nothing so much to do with writing down or even speaking oral tradition, none of it matters because NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE. If you were to take the easy ones, Greco-Roman, interchange the Gods you have the exact duplicate of Diana/Artemis, Hermes/Apollo, Zeus/Osirus; stop they are all the same, just different translations of the SAME BEINGS, my question who are they exactly in total? Im tired of the subterfuge and everyone should know that Popal Vu is a form of God (just of a Maya character) living here dropped down in frequency to the 4/3.3 dimension. Where is it? None of these percieved 'Gods' are separate they are the one in the same fitting into appropriate TIME SLOTS. You just dont recognise them, because they are of the past and not the present, unless you think god exists here now, seek it, but you will not find it, why?
edit on 2-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Snarl

Glad Your Back!

It would seem that we are being tested Now! School is over for Man and the TEST is now in Play! Do hope you did your studies, took some time out for yourself and are ready for the Show!

Ticket's are free for everyone! Everyone Must attend, No Excemption's. The odd's of the Rapture actually happening are less then 2%, unless the Wild Card is played.

I'm so ready I've got front seat ticket's! Somehow I know this, don't ask me how; just a FEELING! As I hear clapping going on in my head

I confess! I think I either got it or lost every single nut in my head! Happy happy Joy joy.

Still going to be the Best Play Ever! Might as well go out with a Bang don't you think?

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:40 PM

I was told the other day "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE ANYMORE". Of course they wouldnt, the transformations Ive undergone in just two years time, something about raising in frequency...I just have a different mind set. A friend of mine explained it this way, he had a stroke (just pounding nails) left him in a totally different place spiritually/creatively and it changed his view point (not of death or happenstance) but changed his brain. I have not lost friends exactly, it is just they have fallen away; by circumstances SELECTIVE, they are not supposed to enter my conciousness anymore as Im busy doing something they may naysay or thwart. This includes close family members. Its supposed to happen. I have been ridiculed for my thoughts, so what; I know my path and it is one of self realization, all about ME. No time for you anymore because the paths split. You are not alone; Im here, and Jesus just walked through the front door and cursed our three legged cat for being under its feet (he is an athiest in this life plus more ideosyncracies connected to his past) go figure.

Brother, this reply and another you made in this thread are mind boggling. It's like experiencing the biblical rapture with going anywhere. Have you run across anyone in your physical location you can relate to at all? I have a couple of follow-up questions. My apologies for letting my attention drift from this thread.

It is without really being a student of the 'bible', just a purusor of (I use it as an Oracle). Live in an area of highly magnatized (granite/quartz) content. I am completely alone (as in unable to relate to others) in these endeavors, no special people around (this is not Santa Fe or Sedona), but the energetic fields here seem be too much for the natives, dropping like flies or demensia sets in. Its really interesting; and thankyou for asking.

I thought as much. It would be rude to pursue this further in thread. I'm not familiar enough with the T&C and don't want to wear out my welcome. U2U ... or is there an open thread elsewhere?

I would not see it as rude! I consider it an open thread anyway.
Just thought I would throw this out to you Snarl.
Do hope I was not being rude.

Okay. I warn you, that this is going to take this thread on a new tangent, and following two divergent paths of thought will be difficult for the uninitiated. If it seems unfair to anyone, we'll have to open a new thread. I think it would be wiser to do that from the get-go, but I will defer to your judgement. It's going to take time to organize what I have to say in writing, so you and vet have ample time to reconsider. There may be incredible value in working a collective thought process and then dumping a finished product in a specific new thread.

Im all in because there are things needing saying that may not jive/jib with the norm, offensive to some and heartbreaks for others but the truth hurts.
edit on 2-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:51 PM





I was told the other day "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE ANYMORE". Of course they wouldnt, the transformations Ive undergone in just two years time, something about raising in frequency...I just have a different mind set. A friend of mine explained it this way, he had a stroke (just pounding nails) left him in a totally different place spiritually/creatively and it changed his view point (not of death or happenstance) but changed his brain. I have not lost friends exactly, it is just they have fallen away; by circumstances SELECTIVE, they are not supposed to enter my conciousness anymore as Im busy doing something they may naysay or thwart. This includes close family members. Its supposed to happen. I have been ridiculed for my thoughts, so what; I know my path and it is one of self realization, all about ME. No time for you anymore because the paths split. You are not alone; Im here, and Jesus just walked through the front door and cursed our three legged cat for being under its feet (he is an athiest in this life plus more ideosyncracies connected to his past) go figure.

Brother, this reply and another you made in this thread are mind boggling. It's like experiencing the biblical rapture with going anywhere. Have you run across anyone in your physical location you can relate to at all? I have a couple of follow-up questions. My apologies for letting my attention drift from this thread.

It is without really being a student of the 'bible', just a purusor of (I use it as an Oracle). Live in an area of highly magnatized (granite/quartz) content. I am completely alone (as in unable to relate to others) in these endeavors, no special people around (this is not Santa Fe or Sedona), but the energetic fields here seem be too much for the natives, dropping like flies or demensia sets in. Its really interesting; and thankyou for asking.

I thought as much. It would be rude to pursue this further in thread. I'm not familiar enough with the T&C and don't want to wear out my welcome. U2U ... or is there an open thread elsewhere?

I would not see it as rude! I consider it an open thread anyway.
Just thought I would throw this out to you Snarl.
Do hope I was not being rude.

Okay. I warn you, that this is going to take this thread on a new tangent, and following two divergent paths of thought will be difficult for the uninitiated. If it seems unfair to anyone, we'll have to open a new thread. I think it would be wiser to do that from the get-go, but I will defer to your judgement. It's going to take time to organize what I have to say in writing, so you and vet have ample time to reconsider. There may be incredible value in working a collective thought process and then dumping a finished product in a specific new thread.

How else would one follow without the beginning? That would mean you would have to do what other's have done before! Is that what Vet is trying to say in the first place?

To expand one's mind, one has to follow each and every path for neither one could be right or not. You might as well cut the Bible's book in half and then start writing the book. That's how things get lost, become forgotten and lose their meaning!

So far as I see it, the God's here on ATS haven't interfered after 12 pages! For all I know, their enjoying this is their screct bat cave

And you NEVER know Who just might join in the fun. I look at it this way; what you think you have as a computer at home, just think what is actually already made! For all we know one of us could be A.I. and you would not even know. It has already shifted many times, if you have not noticed.

Might as well state your case and be open and follow the blue rabbit up in the sky. I'm so open, I have a vassness just waiting to explore!

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I am pleased with your enthusiasm. I feel an uplifting as well. Perhaps it IS for the best that what we are about to share is buried deeply here. I intend to be candid, but I know I lack the ability to fully express myself on the subject. Work, and other aspects of real life, are a further anticipated hindrance. Let's take this time to strap in for the next leg of this ride.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:55 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

Not much to add after 185 replies except to suggest that God, as a computer, needs new servers.
As a precautionary measures, they should not be dunked in water however.

(had to answer this one again)---
Not supposed to accidently babtize them, as they might drown or blow some circuitry (no rice on hand).
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:44 PM
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by veteranhumanbeing

vethumanbeingIslam is the youngest of the majors. Mohammed recognised Moses/Abraham/Jesus and Mary within its doctrines. You must realize that these tenants are not germaine to Christianity, the same occure within the ancient pagan..its a dice throw, Osiris is ANU etc.. its the same story told in different time periods in different locales. Mohammed to me is a modern day Confusious entity that spoke of law and order and justice just to keep the peoples from rebelling against themselves or the rulers. If God actually existed IT could have dispelled all war based in poverty, inequaty, but for whatever reason, left the animals afield without protection or proper guidance. Forget Abraham, what happened to Solomon (he was a cornerstone) and why is He neglected in history. I see the Abraham legacy as bastardized.

Again, our thoughts are virtually identical. Relative to Islam, I prefer to think co-opted and then bastardized. Having lived in Saudi Arabia and having lived so long amongst Buddhists, I see Islam as more a way of life than a religion. The majors, excepting Islam, profess the golden rule: Do unto others ... Devout Buddhists (my mother-in-law was a monk) will not apply a religious connotation to their practice and in deference to her teachings, Buddhism has a line through it on my list of 'majors.' The other thing about Islam that I 'feel', is that it is far more specific to the present, than a reference to the past or the future.

Islam is more current (by hundreds of years regarding Judeo/Christian); and thousands of years later (buddhism/hindu/confusionism/shinto); and its 'motor pool' of humans has been yanked into centuries ahead of their tribal past indoctrinatins in a most dramatic manner, we actually are able to watch it unfolding unlike any other 'arab or irish spring soap concoction' ever. You have a rich family history in the different traditions...outstanding.

snarl You reference Solomon, and I am interested to hear more of your opinion specific to him being a cornerstone. You may need to take your thoughts back on that, for a proper perspective, to 1 Samuel 8:8 (maybe not). If there's a cornerstone in Jewish faith/history, it's right there IMO ... a reluctant (divine??) acceptance of a first king.

Perhaps a recalcitrent king. I know very little about him except the legacy of the Jews has been to minimize 'the human as god/messenger" for whatever reason, except for Moses, and I find this 'historical person' the one most suspect as in believablity. He wrote the Torah all by himself.

snarl More on that (perhaps) later ... interest being the consideration. I tread lightly quoting scripture because it can be so damned misleading. But, if it's considered as a somewhat historical reference ...To the topic of this thread: were one to consider a piece of code, executing line-by-line in slow motion, one might infer that the goings on of humanity are being tested prior to commercial release. LOL

Scripture is deliberately misleading for a reason, and as it contains 'poetic license' can be interpreted (as it has) in whatever way the readership suits itself--for profit, for power and gain (it is the most vague of documents), a very flawed piece of writing ON PURPOSE. The Gnostic texts are completely disregarded for a reason (the truth they hold) and Moses had nothing to do with them, AHH humanity, always being Vetted one way or another the code is "alls clear" metal cricket toy noise clicker maker NOT.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:53 PM

I am pleased with your enthusiasm. I feel an uplifting as well. Perhaps it IS for the best that what we are about to share is buried deeply here. I intend to be candid, but I know I lack the ability to fully express myself on the subject. Work, and other aspects of real life, are a further anticipated hindrance. Let's take this time to strap in for the next leg of this ride.

Considering the lack of time here on Earth
I hear you on this!

What? You have a life, good for you! Yep, chores seem to keep me busy as so does work; actually keep changing the day's off idea so had to go to phase 3. Okay! I'll take an extra day off here!

If you two can bare with me on the CHOPPING
Vet? Hope you don't mind me shorting your name, what did I do wrong?

Snarl. We will see and hear from you when you can. My bed time is like 9/10 pm cen US time, duty calls you know.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 08:03 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

Not much to add after 185 replies except to suggest that God, as a computer, needs new servers.
As a precautionary measures, they should not be dunked in water however.

(had to answer this one again)---
Not supposed to accidently babtize them, as they might drown or blow some circuitry (no rice on hand).
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Be nice to the Human's! Following any kind of Relg is hard, let alone all of them! Here's a tee bit from that book you might like!

The true hallmark of a spiritual person is one who has understood that there is so much wonder, so much mystery, and so much life that is totally beyond the realm of finite understanding that they have fallen into a space of gratitude and joy and acceptance.

What do you think?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Not much to add after 185 replies except to suggest that God, as a computer, needs new servers.
As a precautionary measures, they should not be dunked in water however.

(had to answer this one again)---
Not supposed to accidently babtize them, as they might drown or blow some circuitry (no rice on hand).

Be nice to the Human's! Following any kind of Relg is hard, let alone all of them! Here's a tee bit from that book you might like! The true hallmark of a spiritual person is one who has understood that there is so much wonder, so much mystery, and so much life that is totally beyond the realm of finite understanding that they have fallen into a space of gratitude and joy and acceptance. What do you think?

I like them all like a large salad buffet with different dressings that hide as 'condiments'. I like this book you quoted already, life is wonderment; as like a child experiencing new situations, the first timeisms (floating in water, apple pie, a bee sting and my personal favorite "THE STUBBED TOE"). 3d is beyond 3d perception, but the outer realms 4d+ in the less dense matter situation (they find themselves) completely understand this and are screaming at us "YOU ARE PHYSICAL you have HORMONES and can FEEL, dont you get how special this is?! (there is no other place in this universe like earth, its living library US and all other specie residing here). I am in infinite gratitude for the opportunity to have been born here. I JUST DONT KNOW WHOM TO THANK.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 08:59 PM

I am pleased with your enthusiasm. I feel an uplifting as well. Perhaps it IS for the best that what we are about to share is buried deeply here. I intend to be candid, but I know I lack the ability to fully express myself on the subject. Work, and other aspects of real life, are a further anticipated hindrance. Let's take this time to strap in for the next leg of this ride.

Considering the lack of time here on Earth
I hear you on this! What? You have a life, good for you! Yep, chores seem to keep me busy as so does work; actually keep changing the day's off idea so had to go to phase 3. Okay! I'll take an extra day off here! If you two can bare with me on the CHOPPING
Vet? Hope you don't mind me shorting your name, what did I do wrong? Snarl. We will see and hear from you when you can. My bed time is like 9/10 pm cen US time, duty calls you know.

You are doing everything RIGHT, this thread is genious. I dont understand why the code writers arnt jumping all over this. I see the computer (code) as the end game for humans. It will replace language at some point, it has to. Ones and zeros we will reduce ourselves as well. Look at what twitter has already accomplished limiting messages to 120 keystrokes, you becomes u, etc...a DUMBING DOWN OF LANGUAGE USAGE and also as fallout the now unnecessary reason to express with clarity and succinctness true thoughts and feelings with any semblance of creativity.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 09:09 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

I like them all like a large salad buffet with different dressings that hide as 'condiments'. I like this book you quoted already, life is wonderment; as like a child experiencing new situations, the first timeisms (floating in water, apple pie, a bee sting and my personal favorite "THE STUBBED TOE"). 3d is beyond 3d perception, but the outer realms 4d+ in the less dense matter situation (they find themselves) completely understand this and are screaming at us "YOU ARE PHYSICAL you have HORMONES and can FEEL, dont you get how special this is?! (there is no other place in this universe like earth, its living library US and all other specie residing here). I am in infinite gratitude for the opportunity to have been born here. I JUST DONT KNOW WHOM TO THANK.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Oh? It get's deeper! Let's see........this game was not set up to be a 'mystery,' but for mastery. I would again ask you to pay close attention to your own areas of resistance and in the moment of feeling that resistance, address the issue. The wonder of being human is that you are not only the computer, but you are also the computer programer.

The chapter goes on talking about 12 strands of power, you know the chrrkas 7, and 5 more. The Five have to do with feeling's and what is to come later to mankind when some are given 12 more strands of power to Balance!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I like them all like a large salad buffet with different dressings that hide as 'condiments'. I like this book you quoted already, life is wonderment; as like a child experiencing new situations, the first timeisms (floating in water, apple pie, a bee sting and my personal favorite "THE STUBBED TOE"). 3d is beyond 3d perception, but the outer realms 4d+ in the less dense matter situation (they find themselves) completely understand this and are screaming at us "YOU ARE PHYSICAL you have HORMONES and can FEEL, dont you get how special this is?! (there is no other place in this universe like earth, its living library US and all other specie residing here). I am in infinite gratitude for the opportunity to have been born here. I JUST DONT KNOW WHOM TO THANK.

Oh? It get's deeper! Let's see........this game was not set up to be a 'mystery,' but for mastery. I would again ask you to pay close attention to your own areas of resistance and in the moment of feeling that resistance, address the issue. The wonder of being human is that you are not only the computer, but you are also the computer programer.
The chapter goes on talking about 12 strands of power, you know the chrrkas 7, and 5 more. The Five have to do with feeling's and what is to come later to mankind when some are given 12 more strands of power to Balance!

You did not realize this Earth, terra ferma/forma is a game format for the human to experience itself as God Aspect? It seems most humans do not understand the game, which throws curve balls (KARMA related past lives). This is the ultimate gaming experience its just not acknowledged, (even with all of the HINTS being thrown down with actual video games/xbox systems bought and sold Grand Theft Auto etc). My resistance is no resistance as in I am in acquiescence to the state of information being given/acknowledged (portion control) completely IGNORED. I am the programmer as if I am NOT the DESIGNER of my/this life; I am the reaper of its untold untried broken dreams, I am my own designer. Twelve strands of power? that would be the junk DNA residing within us that will recombine back into 12 strands and allow us to become the humans we once were.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:25 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

I like them all like a large salad buffet with different dressings that hide as 'condiments'. I like this book you quoted already, life is wonderment; as like a child experiencing new situations, the first timeisms (floating in water, apple pie, a bee sting and my personal favorite "THE STUBBED TOE"). 3d is beyond 3d perception, but the outer realms 4d+ in the less dense matter situation (they find themselves) completely understand this and are screaming at us "YOU ARE PHYSICAL you have HORMONES and can FEEL, dont you get how special this is?! (there is no other place in this universe like earth, its living library US and all other specie residing here). I am in infinite gratitude for the opportunity to have been born here. I JUST DONT KNOW WHOM TO THANK.

You did not realize this Earth, terra ferma/forma is a game format for the human to experience itself as God Aspect? It seems most humans do not understand the game, which throws curve balls (KARMA related past lives). This is the ultimate gaming experience its just not acknowledged, (even with all of the HINTS being thrown down with actual video games/xbox systems bought and sold Grand Theft Auto etc). My resistance is no resistance as in I am in acquiescence to the state of information being given/acknowledged (portion control) completely IGNORED. I am the programmer as if I am NOT the DESIGNER of my/this life; I am the reaper of its untold untried broken dreams, I am my own designer. Twelve strands of power? that would be the junk DNA residing within us that will recombine back into 12 strands and allow us to become the humans we once were.
edit on 3-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

No! I have not considered that vaseness only the experence of feeling pain in one's action's! Say I decided to Feel the Pain I can cause with my choices verces considering being a God Aspect.

Knowing everything and actually Feeling everything are different. So I play golf on video games! tried the other's, lame killing crap stuff. I spend more time experiencing the now lately that I'm a day ahead of time. Strange though, how that fit's in I do not know.

I never stop trying, might put it aside only my mind has a program that #inues to run no matter what. I have this code 2675-4 that's in my head all the time. I do not know where it came from and know it has no place as of yet to be used. I do make fun of it calling it my DNA actavation code

Human's once were would be the Alanitic who Plato came acroos their island long ago, somehow failed and distroyed their play! Only where would one such as Plato find such an island? We say it was distroyed, could have left Earth also! And you might be right in saying we were seeded here.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:15 AM
Decided to have the day off today, seem's the indoor plant's need to come in before it become's cold for them. Noticed something for awhile on the new's, now it's got my attention!

As we know, there is a new Pope in town. For once I actually enjoy the ideas; seem's something has changed the plan there, who would have thought. The Church was so closed off from itself for so long, how did he get in the door?

Some would go so far and say he could be the new Antichrist, although somehow I do not see this being so. No longer is he in the Glass Box like the other's and I have to say Wow! Then again you could say the New Age is now here and all he it trying to do is save the Church before the coming of Christ's return.

It really does not matter Why, only that it Feel's good inside like a flame has been turned on within oneself. Actually all voices are in a state of shock, seem's they do not have a clue either. Only that it is good!

back to this T, just to be as opened to all I consider everything so whatever way this goes it's fine by me. It would seem I live on an island, Vet is in the 5th D and Snarl is on the moon; that was a joke Snarl your being on the dark side of the planet

Let's see..................... Oh. heard that the I Ching was witten so well that it relates to a time long ago. you could use a grid system; again computer's have mapped the actually time frame of this and fit's very well in what goes on in the world.
Something to toss into the bowl, mix it some and see what turns out between you two.

As I wonder through the vassness I see Everything. Try to touch it, it disapear's. How is that so? My thought for the day.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I like them all like a large salad buffet with different dressings that hide as 'condiments'. I like this book you quoted already, life is wonderment; as like a child experiencing new situations, the first timeisms (floating in water, apple pie, a bee sting and my personal favorite "THE STUBBED TOE"). 3d is beyond 3d perception, but the outer realms 4d+ in the less dense matter situation (they find themselves) completely understand this and are screaming at us "YOU ARE PHYSICAL you have HORMONES and can FEEL, dont you get how special this is?! (there is no other place in this universe like earth, its living library US and all other specie residing here). I am in infinite gratitude for the opportunity to have been born here. I JUST DONT KNOW WHOM TO THANK.

You did not realize this Earth, terra ferma/forma is a game format for the human to experience itself as God Aspect? It seems most humans do not understand the game, which throws curve balls (KARMA related past lives). This is the ultimate gaming experience its just not acknowledged, (even with all of the HINTS being thrown down with actual video games/xbox systems bought and sold Grand Theft Auto etc). My resistance is no resistance as in I am in acquiescence to the state of information being given/acknowledged (portion control) completely IGNORED. I am the programmer as if I am NOT the DESIGNER of my/this life; I am the reaper of its untold untried broken dreams, I am my own designer. Twelve strands of power? that would be the junk DNA residing within us that will recombine back into 12 strands and allow us to become the humans we once were.

No! I have not considered that vaseness only the experence of feeling pain in one's action's! Say I decided to Feel the Pain I can cause with my choices verces considering being a God Aspect. Knowing everything and actually Feeling everything are different. So I play golf on video games! tried the other's, lame killing crap stuff. I spend more time experiencing the now lately that I'm a day ahead of time. Strange though, how that fit's in I do not know.

I never stop trying, might put it aside only my mind has a program that #inues to run no matter what. I have this code 2675-4 that's in my head all the time. I do not know where it came from and know it has no place as of yet to be used. I do make fun of it calling it my DNA actavation code
Human's once were would be the Alanitic who Plato came across their island long ago, somehow failed and destroyed their play! Only where would one such as Plato find such an island? We say it was destroyed, could have left Earth also! And you might be right in saying we were seeded here.

I have the sneaking suspicision that we were seeded here from different areas of the star systems, as in downloaded from the 5th and 6th (lowered in frequency ON PURPOSE) to manage the heavy stickiness of the 3D. Experiments in different locals where natural barriers already existed. Oceans, Mtns, desert. Everyone is certainly in charge of their destiny, (its fated as you made a contract before incarnating here as to what you were to accomplish in this life to correct past Karma or insure your souls progression). DNA activation code is not that far off target, and its genious that you may have figured it out (individualized always). The Atlantians destroyed their own play and destiny by messing around with genetics and creating monstrous unnatural animals (they put into servantude); they eventually blew themselves up screwing around with power sources they did not understand the potencial of. You have one thing correct, the original 5d Maya left in mass back to the Pleiadies around zeroAD, after they incubated "the 9d christform Jesus" leaving behind the future classic, or the natives in Meso-America they bred with.

ATS: Why is it not possible to star posts right now, its very frustrating and this thread deserves them.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 07:09 PM

As we know, there is a new Pope in town. For once I actually enjoy the ideas; seem's something has changed the plan there, who would have thought. The Church was so closed off from itself for so long, how did he get in the door?
Some would go so far and say he could be the new Antichrist, although somehow I do not see this being so. No longer is he in the Glass Box like the other's and I have to say Wow! Then again you could say the New Age is now here and all he it trying to do is save the Church before the coming of Christ's return.

Francis got in the door because GOD told Benedict 16 to remove himself. How do I know this, suspend belief now (I was part of the design correography/scripting) and in his own words said to the press corps "God told me to resign". There was a huge need to recognise a Latino Pope FINALLY, and a German (even if John Paul II's right hand man) had to go. (Yellow smiley faces "have a nice day' go a long way in subtle messaging). You are dangerously close to getting this thread moved to the dreaded FRT area.

It really does not matter Why, only that it Feel's good inside like a flame has been turned on within oneself. Actually all voices are in a state of shock, seem's they do not have a clue either. Only that it is good! back to this T, just to be as opened to all I consider everything so whatever way this goes it's fine by me. It would seem I live on an island, Vet is in the 5th D and Snarl is on the moon; that was a joke Snarl your being on the dark side of the planet

Your higher selves are in what state of shock, a clue as to what exactly; the Vatican-bankrupter of souls? If you live in Salina (center of the USA geographically, Great Bend, Valley Center or Manhattan you may be on an inland sea island. I lived near Derby on an Air Force base and itS FLATLANDS. I am definately straddling dimensions, 3.0-5 Snarl owns the satillite "moon" just hasnt owned up to it (whats he up to there).

Let's see..................... Oh. heard that the I Ching was written so well that it relates to a time long ago. you could use a grid system; again computer's have mapped the actually time frame of this and fit's very well in what goes on in the world. Something to toss into the bowl, mix it some and see what turns out between you two. As I wonder through the vassness I see Everything. Try to touch it, it disapear's. How is that so? My thought for the day.

My attention hasnt been brought to reading the IChing, but Ive heard its a mind blower if it resonates with your truth. You think you are seeing a glimpse of something, its right there on the edge of your focus upon it then it evaporates. This is called honing your senses, dont look directly at it, FEEL it first and invite its presence to come into your consciousness, it is like a filigree thought form that is presenting itself. It could be an entity or a thoughtform presented as a wispy idea. Something is trying to communicate to you visually. Why not just ask it? It is interesting to me when some are told the truth, they have been taught to disregard it knee jerk style; and upon what basis? cant be true? OH YES IS TRUE (mine).
edit on 4-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:05 PM
Spiritual Epiphany

Where to start? I have experienced it. To me it is not so much a matter of faith ... but knowledge. Let me put that into better perspective for the readership of ATS. If you believed in UFOs ... and then you saw one ... you wouldn't call yourself a 'believer' anymore. You would 'know' UFOs were real and at least one alien race was out there in the cosmos.

What follows next is my own little brain dump. Nowhere near fully inclusive, and nowhere near where this Epiphany/Manifesto is going. Next step, I'm going back through vet's posts and show you where what he divulges resonates with me (and another) at the 'exact same frequency.' ... God ... thank you for the Internet and bringing more of you closer together in this endeavor of understanding.

What if E.T.s already have a presence on the WWW? LOL

Is the universe really only 13.6B years old?
Can the Earth actually be younger than the universe, or are our scientific calculations of the age of our solar system merely based on a limited perception relevant to now, as we have no better measuring stick available.

What drives the scientific community to postulate (and then call fact) answers for questions we really have no WAY to presently answer? What's wrong with saying, "At this time, there is no stick long enough to properly measure a response to that question."?

Leading and following seem to be natural behaviors in the animal kingdom (of which humans are part). What other hierarchical behaviors are common? Think: "Fundamental Forces"

Constriction theory - flat universe to space and black holes. What are the edges of the universe expanding into? The universe is purportedly 78 Billion light years from edge-to-edge ... yet it is only 13.8 Billion years old. Recent imagery puts the farthest galaxy from us at 15 Billion light years, and the light from that source supposedly developed no more than 600 million years after the "Big Bang" (which I humbly call 'bull#' on).

Three 'dimensions' of space ... and one of time. Figure out scientifically how gravity can possibly influence time. Is it gravity ... or (perceived) velocity? We can measure events in the electromagnetic spectrum. Is that all there is?

Biblical history, biblical facts, and biblical BS. What is strange fire?
How old is the "age of technology?"

Resource control - control of the oil supply compared to control of reversible alien technologies

The things one sees out of the corners of their eyes. What if it required all the glimpses of every person, great or small, to develop understanding?

Ridicule as a measure of control. Restraint of true theoretical developments. Labeling the Great Flood as a religious myth, when there are multiple historical accounts of it in disconnected civilizations worldwide.

Light speed is merely a yardstick we have in our toolbox. Our toolbox seems to be filling. We've been a technological civilization for only a relatively short span of time. What tools will be developed in the next two hundred years.

How did science achieve a temperature BELOW absolute freezing?

Exceeding the speed of light may be as easy as understanding the physics of things which exist beyond the spectrum of visible light. It's understood that plasma jets extend from the poles of black holes, so let's stop saying the gravitational pull of one is so strong that 'nothing' can escape. If plasma jets are extending from the poles of a black hole, there is a definite possibility that this plasma must, at least temporarily achieve a speed greater than light to 'get out' ... And if we can 'observe' the plasma jet, then space itself must slow matter down in a frictional sort of way.

I pretty much accept that black holes exist. But, if they do, they're a force within (possibly) our universe. What is their opposite?

What exactly defines antimatter? Do electrons compromise the nucleus or what? LOL

The arrogance of the defining what is, and what is not, intelligent.

Our greatest scientific 'discoveries' are decades old. What do you think will spark the next developmental era of scientific advancement?

Strong force and weak force. Which is stronger - which is weaker - is only relative to where. Fusion and fission. Are we nearing the ability, or are we too weak?

The unsung ability to merely communicate ideas across the vast spectrum of language barriers. The most endearing aspect of humanity is the willingness to share.

Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, and ??? I can leave to science the job of refining what quantum mechanics is all about. I agree with current theories related to sub-atomic particles. Science is getting better and better at it every day. Politics (read that as the proper funding of adequate research and development) plays a role in limiting the expansion of our knowledge, much as the church limited all knowledge during the dark ages. As time passes, we will gain a better understanding of the 'visible universe.' But, what about what lies beyond the general theory of relatively. What exists beyond the edge of the universe? If it is expanding, what is the universe expanding into?

Do we understand what gravity is? No. We have some evidence, but lack a full definition. If it were completely defined, science wouldn't postulate BS like Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are merely science's way of saying, "Stop asking such difficult questions. We'll let you know when we get there."

What about magnetism? Same story there. What about energy??? What about mass??? I predict there will be theoretical developments which will lead to a better understanding of the mysteries of these questions, once we begin to escape the reality of the intellectual prison we are in. The way ahead is the elimination of ridicule. Ridicule stifles good questions. Big Bang ... sorry ... just don't believe it. Closer to believing Jesus Christ was the son of God than that weak-assed explanation.

There is as much danger in paying too much attention to great minds as there is in paying too little attention to the small. Einstein was on a quest, and the pressure to be right, exceeded the need to express mere postulation as a statement of fact. Easily accomplished, when the general population lacks mathematical literacy. Too easy to generate a definition in layman's terms that isn't backed up by what can be seen, and swallowed ... hook, line, and sinker.

What about "bad math"? Calculus is a flawed mathematical theory, and yet it is still taught to our children in school. I'm sorry, but something that works only some of the time, is something we should have abandoned years ago. They say, "Calculus is well founded." I say they've a fully developed teaching curriculum and don't want to change it. Everything developed through the use of Calculus is potentially flawed. When is the last time mankind took a step ahead in mathematics?


posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:06 PM

Why did they stop teaching Civics in public schools? I remember, very specifically, learning what jury nullification meant ... and now it's virtually forbidden knowledge. What are "they" trying to hide through suppression?

Electricity, gravity, and magnetism are known forces. They are forces that are mostly understood. What we know of them is well understood. But, science is not ready to admit to us that they are not COMPLETELY understood. Why is this important? Because an omission of this truth must be construed as a lie, a lie which leaves it an exclusive opportunity for 'the great minds' to fill in the gaps ... and only when they please to do so. The gaps can easily be dismissed as minor or inconsequential, but they're really there to prove to the masses that they are incapable of running with the big dogs, and it is really the masses who are inconsequential as long as the status quo is maintained.

Color is the visible manifestation of light's wavelength. Ever notice how tiny it's representation is on the electromagnetic scale?

Orbit - Is it possible to travel in a perfect circle in space?


Abstract -

A philosophy concerned with explaining two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: "What is there?" "What is it like?"

A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into the basic categories of being and how they relate to each other. Another central branch of metaphysics is cosmology, the study of the totality of all phenomena within the universe.

Spin, orbit, resonance, waveform & its relative speed - think 2d and 3d dimension plus higher dimensional aspects. How these can be warped and the perception of additional theoretical dimensions.

Could an electron be perceived as trapped light? What force could bind light to matter (virtually) permanently? How can a chemical process affect the rearrangement of atomic structure?

Good -> Uncaring -> Evil
Compassion -> Fear -> Conflict
Harmony -> Desire -> Disruption
Pleasure -> Entitlement -> Despair
Accomplishment -> Idleness -> Failure
Knowledge -> Illusion -> Ignorance
Love -> Disassociation -> Hatred

Related -> Pertinent -> ...

Personal agenda social programs
Right to anonymity
Right to privacy
Fear mongering

The things that seem to be important to me:
Family & Friends
Clean fresh water
Communications & Literacy

Things I wish weren't considerations in my life:
Encountering people with poor ethical and moral values
Betrayal (or backstabbing) is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer. Betrayal is also a commonly used literary element and is often associated with or used as a plot twist.

Control of value
Special interests
Politically correct speech
200 miles of transportation

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