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Breaking:Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack. ATS:Time to move it!!!

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:52 PM
Maybe I've missed a link, but where exactly is this on Russia Today?

Or is this some old, old story?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

In a documentary about 9/11 that I had seen, the film maker found a woman who had a bag of dust from the collapse of the tower's. The reason she had it was because a lot of it burst into her apartment since she lived quite near ground zero. And I guess kept it since it would be a piece of history. She then gave it to a chemist, or scientist (I'm not 100% sure what his official title was) but he seemed to be pretty legit. He had quite a bit of different degrees from multiple colleges.

So, he ended up doing tests on the dust samples, and what he found were small red chips. And these red chips had the ingredients for termite. However, there was one other element he found that usually isn't in termite, and I believe it was the element carbon. And he went on to say that the carbon may have been used because carbon can create gas, which can help intensify an explosion. He even used some of these small red chips and measured their explosion rate I guess you can say. Basically he used a machine that slowly heated the material, and the faster it reacts, it will show a very narrow steep spike in the machine. Which it did end up showing. So he said that the stuff basically explodes, and at a very fast pace also.

One other thing he said he checked for, was the presence of small round microscopic iron balls. If you ever seen a termite reaction before, you will tend to see small little dark black spheres accumulate after the reaction. Surface tention reacts to the metal and pulls it into a circular shape. So he looked for these small spheres in the results of the small little red chips, and sure enough, he did end up finding the small iron spheres he was looking for. So it appears that some sort of termite could have been used in the towers.

The reason why termite may have been used, is because it works very well when your trying to eat through metal. Termite, or a more beefed up termite, can burn very very warmly, and can rip through steel with ease. And if you used termite charges in a demolition, it would be very reliable, that is if you did it properly, and placed them in the best strategic places. And you have to take into consideration, if a termite like substance was used, it's not your run in the mill termite, this stuff would've been more sophisticated. Something more military grade.

And on top of that, numerous days after the collapse, it was reported that there was molten iron underneath the towers, and WTC7. There would be no way that some jet fuel could do that. Plus the steel beams that made up the towers were quickly shipped out and sold. Soldiers were actually patrolling around the perimeter.

Only three steel buildings have even collapsed in history, (unless taken down purposely via controlled demolision) and that was the three buildings that fell on 9/11. It would've been considered a phenomenon if only one of those buildings had fallen. Yet three fell that day. They were constructed to be pretty much collapse proof. After all you have to make the tallest two buildings in the world at the time very strong, especially in a very large and busy city that has air traffic constantly.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Most likely Russia is playing off the paranoia that is prevalent in the US these days. For gods sake, he was in the KGB. It's not like they wouldn't capitalize on all the messed up stuff going on. Like they are pushing buttons. All that being said, I have always thought there was more going on with 9/11 but lets not jump into Comrade Putins arms so quickly.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:01 PM

edit on 10-9-2013 by haven123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:34 PM

reply to post by Biigs

please read the link i provided in the last page regarding WTC-7

I find it really interesting that first its "it collapsed in its own footprint"

...."err no it didn't Mr. Truther here are some pic's to prove it"

"ahhh well it was close enough..... anyway..."

The pics you posted show it collapsed in it's own footprint! It's a pile of rubble where the building stood.
Besides the fact, we watched it collapse. A portion of the buildingIt did not tip over, it was decimated falling completely into itself in a matter of seconds. Come on, you are fighting a ridiculous fight here. Please stop telling us what we saw!

I find it laughable at this point, that anyone that reads ATS and the 911 threads could have any opinion of that day that anywhere near resembles the official story! It's just ridiculous and I believe most of those that are die-hard on the official story must be paid. I've read their posts, they aren't stupid.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Do you believe everything posted on ATS or the internet for that matter is real? This is a place to exchange ideas and I find it laughable to tell others that they are wrong based on a series of posts on the internet.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

The pics you posted show it collapsed in it's own footprint! It's a pile of rubble where the building stood.

Somebody seems to be seeing what they want to see....

to say the building collapsed into its own footprint, would mean just that, that the building, the entire building collapsed into its own footprint, its own perimeter. WTC-7 quite clearly did not do that, hell the pictures i posted show a huge chuck of the building leaning up against another building and the derbies field spilling out blocking off road's.

WTC-7 did not collapse into its own footprint. FACT.
edit on 10-9-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Silicis n Volvo

Just ignore all the eye witness accounts,

Well eye witness accounts are never very accurate. Look at any major event that has taken place in recent years. Lets take the Boston Marathon bombing, or the SMC shooting for example. In each of those cases nearly everyone who was interviewed told a variation of the story, some of it was truth and some of it assumption. Some will say they saw one shooter, some will say they saw two. Some will say he came from one direction, some will say from another.

This is why we have investigations, because we know the information that is gathered from the general populace at the scene is not enough to give you the facts of the case. If we did not have investigation its all he said she said.

expert analysis and solid documented evidence

The experts the 9/11 truth movement has put forth are very few and far between and their assertions and "theories" have not been peer reviewed and are not accepted by the scientific community. It is creationism for conspiracy theorists, if there is one problem or unexplained event just insert random unfalsifiable theory here and you have the truth. Can't understand how steel weakens when exposed to high temperatures? Well screw that micro nukes!

and believe the politicians and paid officials who tell the original story.

Yep sure, the politicians just so happened to pay off nearly every major scientific journal, the entirety of the engineering profession, and did it all just to have a war in the middle east and to pass the patriot act and the NDAA. Because if history has taught us one thing it is that government needs an excuse to pass policy that is considered unethical. People get the government they deserve not the government they want.

Go pick up a history book...

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 03:56 PM
It will be a sad day when teenagers start asking "is the emergency services number 911 named after the terror attack?"

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:25 PM
I cant believe Im about to say this but, can you really put it past Govt to do something like this given the way they have been operating for generations?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Biigs

You know it'll happen too...why does this thread have 324 flags? Haven't we been talking about this since 09/12/01?

Did I miss something or is there actually some evidence that's finally come out big enough that it will have to be addressed by official channels & MSM?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Did I miss something or is there actually some evidence that's finally come out big enough that it will have to be addressed by official channels & MSM?

Not a single piece of real physical evidence in 12 years shouldn't that tell you something? All they have is accusations, theories, ridiculous plots and bad writers making good money playing them.

Always, always one definitional accusation while totally ignoring the rest. Do you really think 'official channels & MSM' are going to waste their time on silly missile theories when 25 people were close enough to read American Airlines on the plane that crashed right in front of them. Why would they waste their precious air time on a debate in which they already know how it will go. When confronted just change the subject-it's been that way for 12 years and it will always be that way.

A missile hit the pentagon

Ok what about all the witnessed that saw an American Airlines plane crash right in front of them?

9/11 was an inside job

OK just who and how did they convince 1000 of people to lie for them for 12 years?

Explosives brought down the towers

OK who planted them and how?

Flight 93 was shot down

OK Who shot it down and why?

A missile hit the pentagon

Replete over and over for 12 years

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:57 PM

reply to post by Merinda

Truthers always like this argument "no other steel tall building has ever collapsed due to office fires"

And they are right

Just a petty the argument is inherently flawed as it ignore so many crucial details such as the weaknesses in the design of the building, the fact that these fired burned uncontrolled with no attempt made to extinguish them for hours and the structural damage to the building for example

Now if truthers could show me a a copy of WTC-7 and i mean a exact copy down to the last bolt and let it burn uncontrolled for hours on end with the same structural damage with no attempt to extinguish the fires then they would have a fair comparison.

Comparing WTC-7 to a building in burning in China is like comparing it to a house made of straw.

I do not accept the fact that no other building has collapsed due to fires as a valid reason to think it was a deliberate demolition.

I wish I had billions of dollars to burn!

I would have all 3 buildings rebuilt to the exact same specs.
Then I would have remote controlled planes (just like on 9/11 - global hawk) fly into the towers exactly like they did on 9/11.
The planes would be loaded with jet fuel just as they were said to be.

I would love to see the look on your face after the fires eventually die out on their own leaving the towers still standing.

Oh, and I will allow the top 5 floors of WTC7 to be scorched with a raging fire as well.

I wish I had the money and the time to recreate this so that the world court will finally demand a full investigation and a trial for all that where involved.

Kickstarter campaign anyone?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by matafuchs

It seems that you are delusional.

These people that still believe in the OS, it's almost like a religious thing.

They are going to believe what they want to believe no matter what.
To think otherwise would shatter their world and change everything that life has been about for them from that point forward.

Ignorance is truly bliss.

Perhaps we should all just "drop out" and forget about it...

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:22 PM
As I sat through that segment I felt anger and the my mind started to flood with questions.

1. Is the American public going to pay attention to this if it were released upon the masses or maintain their blinders? (Most likely the ladder)

2. Is a revolution REALLY what the world needs from the U.S.? I mean seriously.. Do we, the people of the planet Earth, want China or Russia to take control?

3. Would my fellow service members take the side of the evil empire.. I hope not.

edit on 10-9-2013 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by FinalCountdown

I would have all 3 buildings rebuilt to the exact same specs.
Then I would have remote controlled planes (just like on 9/11 - global hawk) fly into the towers exactly like they did on 9/11.
The planes would be loaded with jet fuel just as they were said to be.

The first thing that occurred to me after the whole thing was over was, why would the planners of such an outrageous attack risk failure by depending on fallible human beings who might, at the last moment, choose life over martyrdom.

The second thing I wondered was why the planners were willing risk failure by depending on a few hung over fundamentalist Muslims who couldn't fly to save their souls, to hijack jumbo jets and crash them into buildings when trained pilots claim they couldn't duplicate those maneuvers.

And why would Muslim fundamentalists carouse and party on the night before going to meet Allah. None of that made sense.

Then I learned about "flight termination systems".

On September 10th, 2001. Rumsfeld reported $2.3 TRILLION missing from the Pentagon. ‘Dov Zakheim’ Pentagon Comptroller. Former VP of ‘Systems Planning Corporation’ (Flight Termination System). Signatore of PNAC document.

And that

"Robot plane flies Pacific unmanned," which appeared in the April 24, 2001 edition of Britain's International Television News :

"The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway," according to the Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith. Here is an excerpt from that article:


A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean.

The American high-altitude Global Hawk spy plane made flew (sic) across the ocean to Australia, defence officials confirmed.

The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737 flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... [NOTE: two of the aircraft involved in the 911 crashes were Boeing 757s, two were Boeing 767s]

It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images.

After that the official claims fell faster than building 7 just from reading the PNAC papers calling for another Pearl Harbor to justify wars against the countries we have attacked since 9/11 without cause.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by GoKill

Good to see the truth being broadcast in this way and if anything, I hope it's a sign that more people are waking up to the b*ll# in which they've been getting fed for the last few years.

I have nothing against Americans but the elite of that country are true evil and I just hope that justice can be served against them sometime

edit on 10-9-2013 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

Those must be a genetic breed of some
bad ass little termites!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by FinalCountdown

Can you show how I am delusional? Not quite sure what you mean or how you came to that conclusion? I can't believe people still put Northwoods out of the hat...
edit on 10-9-2013 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:49 PM
Hum, the anniversary of 9/11 is tomorrow, many are questioning who is really behind the Syrian Chemical attacks, and every finger we point has 3 pointing back at the US. I think its a smart move on Russia's part to stir the pot in America. Especially with a million Muslims and 2 million radical bikers all together on Capitol hill tomorrow. Im sure Putin would not be disappointed if Million's of Americans standing on Capitol Hill demand accountability for these crimes. I have seen a few posts trying to drum the idea of "who's side are you on? the Muslims or the Bikers? It is my prayer that they will all stand together, America united can not be divided.

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