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Why we SHOULD demand military action on Syria

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posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 02:34 AM


posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 04:55 AM
Really trying to understand if the OP is being sarcastic or not...

If you are being sarcastic, good for you.


Op, let me ask you something simple. Very very simple.

Media and government aside, what is in your head that rightfully believes that, by committing murder, we somehow oppose, and we're somehow on a higher moral ground than others committing murder?

So... this chemical murder was a crime, was it?

So the obvious answer to murder... is more murder.

I'm very confused as to why anyone would believe soldiers falling in line to die, innocent folks being obliterated, and whining about history "judging" us puts us on a higher moral scale.

The hell with how history will see it. Most people nowadays think America is some glory land founded by wonderful people. Granted, I'm an American and I love my country, but I'm not a fan of nationalism and pride. School doesn't teach American kids about the flukes of American history... anything that would make America "look" bad.

We live in the here and now. And here, right now, murder doesn't justify murder.

It never has.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 05:06 AM
The only thing we should demand is we're tired of a new false flag opp every other month....


Never cry wolf???? Hello!!!!

Okay everyone so the next false flag opp will be in around Oct FYI.

I wonder what's the next one they're gonna try and spin on us.

So then they'll likely be another in Dec. It's pretty much been every 60 days a new false flag opp.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 05:38 AM
We should be demanding nothing except the ceasing of hostilities and the dealing with the aftermath of idiotic gun-happy men who are busily dismantling both the physical structures of that country and the lives of the people there.

What bothers me also is are we all happy to let these men that have left our respective countries to murder and God what else in Syria and elsewhere, who have basically committed war crimes simply walk back into our countries as though they have done nothing. These men didn't go to rescue family and get them out safely.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

I think you should demand the US stops using chemical weapons.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Attack Syria? Preposterous! You want to punish (Who the hell gave the US a sheriffs badge? How does the US or any other country have the right to punish any other country for anything?) Yea, Punish a dictator for killing his people by..... killing more of his people. Riiight, nice plan! I would laugh it were not so tragic.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:30 AM
There is already military action in Syria. You can't demand it, you either join in or stay away.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:48 AM
Yea, let's shed our psy-op conditioning and demand that they continue on the course we have been conditioned to accept. Yea!!!

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Why we SHOULD demand military action on Syria, page 1

No we shouldn't demand anything

We should not "demand" that we send our sons to die

We Should not "demand that we get dragged into another war

We should not "Demand" that we continue to police the world at the expense of the national sovereignty of other stats

Really I have to ask

Why "us" its not "our" problem

its tragic and horrible whats going on but why must "we" do something, why not the Arab League for example why does it always have to be NATO states.

edit on 31-8-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

Why you? Why the U.S.?

I should simply leave it at: "Because!" But, y'all likely can't understand that, so I'll explain a bit.

Action MUST be taken, and by the World because you quite simply cannot allow people, any people, to gas your own kind.

The use of chemical weapons, or indeed any other WMD has to be considered criminal by the world, it must be considered one of the worst crimes. Actions like this show that those who are doing it have no respect for the Human Species, they make themselves enemies of Humanity, and must be removed.

And why the United States? Because the US can! more than any other country, the US is prepared to take this kind of protection forward and help to make this a better world.

Well, that didn't come out very well, but, I think ya get my point. Stuff like that just can't be allowed, PERIOD!

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 08:01 AM
To the OP and anyone supporting action I ask you this:

What logically do you think action will accomplish?

Lets take a cruise missile strike what will it do?
Honestly? I mean the Syrian Army at best will just hunker down and take the strikes then carry on. At worst they will use human shields and you get more dead children. Even worse you will create a security breach at a Chemical weapon storage facility and Al queada and other rebels even worse than assad will get hold of WMD'S !!!

If a cruise missile kills Assad what then? Who takes over? Its not a film with a happy ending! Killing Assad will not bring Freedom, Democracy and rainbows and unicorns to Syria. Look at the people making the rebels up there are people WORSE than Assad among them! You want a Heart Eating cannibal or a Jihadist taking control of Syria and its WMD's ? If that happens instead of the carnage being confined to Syria (Assad only cares about retaining power) those Jihadists will spread the fun and games out to all the surrounding nations! The term better the devil you know comes to mind....... Assad a sick SOB but its better than the possible alternative.

So as can be seen above a cruise missile strike is pointless. So what about going in with boots on the ground and fully intervening? Well great! But what side do you support ?
Evil Assad? Al queada? Hezzbola?

There is NOTHING the west can do. All we should do is concentrate on not letting this war spread.

Whatever the west does will be wrong! What ever it does will end up with more dead chidlren!. So whats the point?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by peter vlar
reply to post by Signals

Don't fool with tarzanbeta! He's a minstrel prophet from a post apocalyptic future. He knows what you'll say before you even do.

Hey. You said it.

I'm sure you get what that actually means, though. Right?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

YOU demand military action in Syria do you?
Then you send YOUR children to die in another foreign field, and DEMAND that the politicians who WANT the same military action send THEIR children as well.
Why is it that people who demand NEVER EVER send their own children off to fight?.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Hesitation is -not- a valuable tool in chess. I don't know who told you that. It doesn't work against a good chess player, ever. It just makes you look silly.

In martial arts, you can use fakes, but they must be implemented very quickly so that the advantage can be manipulated. The fake must be occurring directly before or at the moment the true attack progresses. Or a series of fakes, designed to produce a conditioned response that will leave the proper opening.

But never, ever, is hesitation going to win you.

And you chose to hesitate because you had a choice of whether to fire your weapon. Contemplating the choice at all is fear of making the wrong choice. Or, if it was the absorption of power you desired, then it is the fear of feeling powerless.

Hesitation is fear. Waiting is patience. There is a difference at any rate. I said hesitation. When someone says, "I am hesitant," it is because there is a fear.

I think I have thoroughly covered that for you.

How much death does one have to be exposed to to realize the absolute pointlessness of our flesh? I could go on a tirade over this topic alone, but I think it speaks for itself. If you choose to live in the fantasy of the flesh, then go ahead.

I mean no insult at all to anyone. I simply say it how it is. I want no one to hurt.

I don't want war. I don't want any bloodshed. But I care more about the things of the future than the things of this world.

I was wrecked in my head for a full day because I watched a baby squirrel die. And I've seen people die. It bothers me, all the time. Horribly. But to allow fear to control you is foolishness; every single time, always, and forever.

People cry and say, "We just want the war to end!"

Guess what: it is not yet a perfect world!!! You're going to DIE. Do you not get it yet? And you're going to die more quickly, and your progeny, if you don't wake up. Everyone has become drunk on their sympathy. It's false sympathy! Everyone has become drunk on their righteousness; and it is false righteousness! It is fear.

The first step to solving the problem is to admit you have the problem.

And you are right, the last 30 years was a forgiving statement. After more careful consideration, we should start being real men and women for the first time in 120 years.

If you don't see the truth in that, then you glorify far too much your ancestry and your history. Having experienced and aged more in the last 3 years and watching all of my peers, and also the generation before me, and my parents generation, and their parent's generation, more and more so appear to be like children to me; and all it takes is honesty. If you're too busy being a child, you won't learn who is a child. Children don't think they're little children. Adults see it; but now we are in a generation where Adults treat children like slow monster rabid robots and adults treat each other like teenaged best frenemies, and the boomers and their ancestors were fooled into thinking that they were somehow wonderful and nuclear.

And the children have never grown up.

That last time people were adults was before people started buying into the "make life easier with technology" junk. Now because of the way society is, a lot of that stuff has become a necessity; since it is illegal absolutely everywhere now to be a sovereign citizen. Statutes and ordinances have outlawed any means of true freedom! Let's face it; our ancestors were a bunch of babies having babies. And in their hypocrisy, they say that young couples shouldn't get married; so now we have a bunch of baby whores having babies!


You don't see it?

You think this doesn't all relate, but this all relates. Those that were to serve us have now convinced us to serve them. JFK said it himself, "It's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

WHAT A LOAD OF BOLOGNA with wasabi mustard, at that.

They're paid to do for us; that's the point!

I run a cleaning business. You're right. I should walk into my client's office and say, "Yo dude. It's not what I can clean for you; it's what you can clean for me, yo. Now gimme my check. Oh by the way, I'm giving myself a raise, because you don't do my job well enough, you jerk."

He would punch me in the face. And I would applaud that reaction because it's pure stupidity.

It's not just this war that matters. It's the entirety of our society. It's the world. How the world molds to the Americas and then socializes beyond. Aye carumba; the State of Liberty is the modern Great Pyramid; it's a beacon to many; but its light has waned, and now crumbling, the feet; doubled over in pain, as her baby dies in her womb. Freedom will not beget Peace within this society; not as it stands.

War is imminent.

Pick a side and fight.

(There doesn't have to be bloodshed.)

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
reply to post by mikegrouchy

YOU demand military action in Syria do you?
Then you send YOUR children to die in another foreign field, and DEMAND that the politicians who WANT the same military action send THEIR children as well.
Why is it that people who demand NEVER EVER send their own children off to fight?.

Why is it that people NEVER EVER read the thread before they have diarrhea of the fingers?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Yeah, I've been browsing ATS since it first launched. I signed up once in 2004, and forgot my info, so then made this one. I spent most of my time on ATS reading and learning, from everybody. Every now and then I get excitable and gotta speak. I am sure I have logged onto ATS at least 20,000 times since it launched.

People have gotten dimmer. That's all I can say. People are judging by sight, not knowing that the Illusionist has everyone by their brain stems. I'm not smarter, just freer.


oh and to the other poster, Mr.93, no. As a Christian, I am not interested in war. I despise it. But until the Lord comes, this is not a perfect world, bottom line. That's just how it is. So in order to go about defeating evil, we cannot keep ourselves in submission to the same laws designed to keep evil in check; for evil will twist and manipulate in order to get around the law. Therefore, if we adhere only to the law, designed to keep evil in check, then we cannot defeat evil.

For example, if an officer of the law witnesses a speeder going 100mph down the road, that officer of the law needs to pull that speeder over. However, that officer is not able to pull over that speeder unless he is above the law; for if he is subject to the law, then he cannot speed in order to catch the speeder so as to enforce the law. Therefore, wherever there is an infraction of the law, there must also be an infraction to administer the law.

Therefore, those who keep themselves in submission to the law will fail.

And the law people are following is death. Don't you see?

But we must rise about that law. Stop judging with your silly and weak hearts and start paying attention to what is true, right, and honest. That is the point.

What is true is that if the people of the United States do not act and start becoming a true aggressive nation again, then the rest of the world is going to trample the United States. This does NOT have to end in bloodshed, but it might very well have to.

The people of the United States really need to get tough again. If you don't, then all the war that you didn't want to happen is going to end up on your playgrounds, in your churches, on the front step of your ranch style house. This mini-paradise within which you live and complain... it will all be wasted.

You have built for yourselves traps and mausoleums. Your houses built for beauty are the perfect prisons for you when your enemy shows up. Your gardens are perfect to nourish the enemy. Your businesses are good for their stockpiling. You have been beating your swords into plowshares LONG BEFORE PEACE EVER ARRIVED. You were convinced that you lived in a perfect world, wherein we could not be defeated. But you lived only in your fantasy world, concocted by government and business in order to take power from you.

I am not afraid to say that I, myself, if I were so inclined, which I am not at all, but by myself I could easily take out about 50 of people you point out on the street on an average day -- at the same time. Without equipping me with a weapon first, I could get it myself.

That's how weak people have gotten.

I can walk down the street and see the utility of all things; as a weapon, or as another kind of tool which no one thought. I could feet the people of the city that I live in with nothing but what grows wild out there, that they do not even know. And yet everyone throws away all of their money on all the expensive stuff. (No blame, just the truth).

We should demand military action on Syria because we must start answering the call.


Stop the charades. Stop your confusion.


Stop letting the media decide for you what you should do! If you didn't have the power to make a choice, the MEDIA WOULD NOT NEED TO MANIPULATE YOU.

You still have it.

So use it!!

Or, as the Lord has said, "Those that have not, even that which he has will be taken from him. But to those that have, that much more will be doubled unto them."

You have been given a land of freedom and you've traded it because of your silly pathetic ways!

As the Lord said to Peter, "God forbid those things happen to you Lord!" (speaking of torture and death of the Lord - just like Americans are now claiming to deny war) And Jesus said, "Get behind me Satan, for you only care about the things of this world; but I care about the things that are above."

If we were not meant to be a nation, then we wouldn't be. Pretty soon, that's not going to be the case anymore.

Hesitation is fear of making the wrong decision. If you hesitate, someone will make the choice for you. There is a time limit even in chess.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok
To the OP and anyone supporting action I ask you this:

What logically do you think action will accomplish?
There is NOTHING the west can do. All we should do is concentrate on not letting this war spread.

It will send a message to world leaders, and would be idiots that the world, the Terrestrial Human Species will not tolerate that kind of behavior.

Perhaps IF you had been doing this sort of thing all along, your world may not be in such a self-contrived mess!

May be IF y'all stood up and showed a little backbone your leaders would do their jobs. Maybe then you can make some real progress.

Whatever the west does will be wrong! What ever it does will end up with more dead chidlren!. So whats the point?

If the West stands by an allows this action to go unchallenged, it will be wrong. IF the West takes offence at this kind of BS and does anything at all, it will be a step in the right direction.

Seriously people; this cannot be tolerated!

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

You seem to be complaining because not everyone has the same opinion as you. There's only one solution to that - get over yourself.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:03 AM
Assad is todays Hitler, Do we want to be France?

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by tanka418

Still didnt adress my point?

How will a cruise missle strike help? How do get round human shields or the risk of creating a security risk of the WMD falling into hands of those fighting that would use them outside syria? Or the problem of killing Assad and risk a even greater evil takeing over?

Or with a full scale intervention how do you solve the problem on which side or faction you support?

Military intervention IS NOT the Awnser!

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by jondave
Assad is todays Hitler, Do we want to be France?

Yeah Cause Syria will take over the world

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

where do you get the notion that 'history' will not see the posturing/sabre rattling or the rampant deception of the media and our politicians? what gives you the idea that 'everyone' is against action in syria? where do you get the notion that 'everyone' is unified against the president? i would speculate that most of the people who still support the president and his ideas/ideals dont put much thought into the political process and praise him for 'being black', but by NO means are all, or even most, people unified against him.

you mentioned 9/11, and i seriously doubt that 'history' will forget all of the things that 'we' have uncovered.

you are asking for military action, which means killing and destruction, for something that does not directly involve us; at a time when our military is stretched thin, not to mention the retraining that would be required.

you are saying we should 'punish' the syrian regime for something the has not been shown to be their doing.

none of this is to divert away from the fact that you have presented such a weak case for 'why we should attack syria' that i am disinclined to agree with you.

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