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." He opposed water fluoridation, immunization, coronary bypass surgery, licensing of nutritionists, and screening examinations to detect breast cancer. One of his books charged that "Modern Medicine's treatments for disease are seldom effective, and they're often more dangerous than the diseases they're designed to treat"; that "around ninety percent of surgery is a waste of time, energy, money and life"; and that most hospitals are so loosely run that "murder is even a clear and present danger."
From 1981 to 1982, Mendelsohn was president of the National Health Federation, a group whose primary purpose is to prevent government agencies from protecting consumers against quackery.
AIDS no problem right?
"AIDS and SARS are ways for epidemiologists (e.g., the CDC, WHO, etc.) to secure their jobs and continued funding for their agencies
Originally posted by greavsie1971
Those who are vaccinated will not be effected by those who dont.
The old bogus argument goes that people who choose to get vaccinated are protected, so there should be no reason for them to force vaccinations on anyone else.
But thread after thread after thread the fact has to be retold that like any medical treatment, vaccinations are not 100 percent effective 100 percent of the time***, and "vaccinated" populations can still be at risk from the unvaccinated.
Now having said that yet again, I can guarantee you that in the next vaccination thread, that false argument will be retold yet again. It never dies in the face of facts.
Originally posted by greavsie1971
Shouldn't everybody have the right to choose what vaccinations they and their children have? Vaccinating kids can have serious side effects, not vaccinating them causes risk of infection. Those who are vaccinated will not be effected by those who dont.
Sometimes vaccinating a kid can cause serious complications, do you then blame the parent?
I see nothing wrong with this. freedom of choice should never be ridiculed.....unless you live in the US of course.
Originally posted by HandyDandy
Originally posted by BigfootNZ
im talking about 2-3 weeks of not being able to sleep since my throat felt like it was lined with coarse sand and i spent most of my time coughing up white phlem, my skin was pimpled so badly ive still got quite a few pitted scars on my face from it),
So, people would rather go through this and have their children go through this instead of getting a simple shot?
I'm a conspiracy nut myself, but come on people.......
Originally posted by Grimpachi
Well here’s some info on one of your good doctors.
Dr. Robert
"During the course of his examination, Barrett also had to concede his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA)."
It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King Bio), to be "Biased, and unworthy of credibility."
What that statement means, in layman's terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY - NOTHING HE SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON.
Records show that Barrett never achieved any success in the medical profession. His claim to being a "retired Psychiatrist" is laughable. He is, in fact, a "failed Psychiatrist," and a "failed MD."
The Psychiatric profession rejected Barrett years ago, for Barrett could NOT pass the examinations necessary to become "Board Certified." Which, is no doubt why Barrett was, throughout his career, relegated to lower level "part time" positions. It is obvious, that, after one humiliation after another, in 1993 Barrett simply gave up his medical aspirations, turned in his MD license, and retreated, in bitterness and frustration, to his basement.
Barrett, we know, along with his website, was named, among other things, in a racketeering (RICO) case in Federal Court in Colorado. He's also being sued for his nefarious activities in Ontario, Canada. Source
This site has no credibility. Quackwatch has been involved in a number of lawsuits and apparently Stephen Barrett had lost one or more lawsuits where the judge made him pay the opposing attorneys fees... Yet Quackbuster still maintains it is run from donations... More like donations from big pharma.
This is a heavily biased website attacking anyone who is investigating alternative medicine. The owners are also on the board of directors for other organisations that receive direct funding from Big Pharma and Chemical companies. They also promote the use of Sodium Fluoride in drinking water, even though the Nazis used it in their concentration camps to keep prisoners docile.
"Dr" Barrett was also exposed in a lawsuit where he had to admit he had no certificate to give Psychiatric advice even though he had done so to unsuspecting people. He has also launched 40 lawsuits against what he calls ' quacks ' and he has not won a single case.
psst... quackwatch is quackery.. pass it on!
Just as anyone who is seeking information about alternative treatments may stumble upon your "quackwatch" site. If they continue their search they can also find what just a quack you are.
"At trial, under a heated cross-examination by Negrete, Barrett conceded that he was not a Medical Board Certified psychiatrist because he had failed the certification exam. "
"This was a major revelation since Barrett had provided supposed expert testimony as a psychiatrist and had testified in numerous court cases. Barrett also had said that he was a legal expert even though he had no formal legal training."
"The most damning testimony before the jury, under the intense cross-examination by Negrete, was that Barrett had filed similar defamation lawsuits against almost 40 people across the country within the past few years and had not won one single one at trial."
Oh and this bit too... "Stephen Barrett is now delicensed (he voluntarily gave up his Pennsylvania medical license, the last of four medical licenses he once held, in the early 1990’s) and the Vice President of the NCAHF. He also operates at least 20 websites affiliated with his main site, The website and its affiliate web sites are seemingly designed to spread deceitful, untruthful and malicious propaganda about chiropractic and other non-conventional health practices; similar to the way the CCHI did under the auspices of the AMA. NCAHF is also involved in similar activities. In addition, Barrett and his groups also frequently consult for major media magazines, television, radio, governmental agencies such as the FBI, FTC and FDA and even the AMA." The universe will bring you what is yours.... it's called KARMA.
It is a propaganda enterprise, one part crackpot, two parts evil. It's sole purpose is to discredit, and suppress, in an "anything goes" attack mode, what is wrongfully named "Alternative Medicine." It has declared war on reality. The conspirators are acting in the interests of, and are being paid, directly and indirectly, by the "conventional" medical-industrial complex.
Dr Victor Herbert, Stephen Barrett and William Jarvis are on the Scientific Board of the American Council on Science and Health. Founded in 1978, this organisation is funded solely by the large pharmaceutical and chemical companies, the AMA and industry supported Foundations.
Do not, for even a second, think that the US "Quackbuster" operation, a plot to stop anyone, and everyone, from changing the broken US health care system, is run, or even maintained, by delicensed MD Stephen Barrett out of his condo in North Carolina. It would be foolish to assume that this bitter, nasty, old man, who stumbles through life, tripping from one professional failure to another, is running a cleverly set up plot. He's just the "front man." The one they want you to focus on. He's ill. He'll die soon, and someone else will take his place as the frontispiece.
So, who really is running it? And why? The Quackbuster operation is involved in “info wars” on the internet. It is a public relations "black-ops," run out of a New York misinformation agency.
The plot is pervasive, well funded, and well run. The New York agency's intent is to not just defame, but to make that defamation, through organization, appear at the top of the search engines like google. They have organized to manipulate the online encyclopedia Wikipedia information about health care. They also, through people trained in disruption, troll Usenet (google) discussion groups, badmouthing advanced health care, regularly. I emphasize that all of this attack is “organized”… and can be traced back to the same people – about five, or six, of them.