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Faith Healer Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, Now Church The Center Of Measles Outbreak (VIDE

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posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

You see, the CDC and medical community never did a study on this aluminum adjuvant to see the effects.
Are you sure about that?

Aluminum-containing vaccines have more than a 75 year record of safety around the world. Serious adverse effects attributable to the aluminum adjuvants are rare. However, local reactions such as redness, swelling and/or tenderness at the injection site are not infrequent. More severe local reactions such as large areas of swelling, sterile abscesses, subcutaneous (SC) nodules (small lumps under the skin some of which have inflammation in the tissue), and allergic responses are much less common.1

Aluminum is everywhere in our environment. It is unavoidable. We evolved with it.

edit on 8/25/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

Faith Healer Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, Now Church The Center Of Measles Outbreak (VIDEO)


The Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, Texas, run by Kenneth Copeland Ministries, has long been a strong anti-vaccination stronghold. Now, it is the epicenter of a major outbreak of Measles in the United States.

There is no irony here, just basic science and common sense. If you fail to put up defense against contagious disease, you will find yourself unable to defend yourself when the inevitable happens.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Maybe the government wanted to make an example of them to show everybody they need to be injected with what ever the government tells you you need, so they intentionally infected them with measles. In today's world I would not be surprised at all. At one time they gave 500 black men in the south syphilis saying it was a vaccine only to watch them all die to see how it spread throughout the local populace.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Phage

Interesting, you can't pull up the study in reference to see what they did to prove their ideas. You have to pay to read it.

You do realize that you are saying all the things I showed are not true despite I listed the studies and you can go search them out and read them yourself.

Again, you all don't like the info, you won't watch a video and you want to argue that your side is proven when it's not. Not surprising, these are the same people who say Macro Evolution is proven too, when it's not.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Phage

Aluminum might be everywhere, but when it is injected as an adjuvant, it is in a different form. Fluoride increases the effect of metals in the body as well, and Alzheimer patients have abnormally high levels of aluminum in their brains. We use it in anti-antiperspirant and we inject it. Look at the rise in the various diseases. Any reasonable person knows something is wrong because the generations growing up 35 years ago did not have the problems we have today.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by tnhiker
Pretty sure the pharma companies paid the "visitor" to the church to carry the measles in there to prove their point. And yes, the government would do something like that(smallpox blankets to native americans? Syphillis testing on african americans, etc etc).

I have had two cousins have their vaccines and are now autistic, one cousin had the mmr and ran a fever of over 103 and the dr told them, it was normal. >.< Something ain't stirring the koolaid.

It's clear vaccines have reduced disease outbreaks but I experienced the same thing as you with a client years ago. Her older son was autistic. She had told me how worried she was because he changed after his first MMR (this was a shot he got at 1 year old). It was shortly after that she came to me stating they were investigating a link between the two because many parents were voicing their concern. She had a second child and decided to give him an extra few months before getting his first MMR. I saw him everyday. He was developing as he should have been (right on target). He missed a couple of days after this shot due to a fever (not sure how high but he was reported to be crabby with a fever). Over the next several weeks I noticed a marked change in his behavior. He no longer wanted to interact with other children. He had an low tolerance for being touched (super sensitive). He was different in other ways but these were the most marked (wasn't continuing to talk - instead would scream - especially if another child touched him or interrupted his play). I knew this child, and his behavior after the shot was dramatically different than before he got it.

When studies came out to dispute complaints by parents I thought maybe it had something to do with DNA. Two brothers both changed after these shots and have autism for life. Thousands of other children do not have this reaction so how can it be explained? That is why I'm pro choice on this one. This mother had tons of guilt. She would make comments like, "I willingly let my children's minds be destroyed." She has come to terms with it now but they should at least look into this more and be transparent about it. Even if they can't explain it - maybe make the first MMR at 2-3 years old instead of 1 - anything to make it a bit safer.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Dianec

You are the one who compared ticks, jumping, and climbing trees to something like vaccines. The mistake was yours to make such a comparison. If you were being honest you would have compared it to cycle helmets or pads for skate boarding. Maybe even insect repellant for ticks in the woods but instead you went with something that as far as most know is a danger that is unavoidable in growing up. So if you are going to gamble a kid’s life on disease why not a half loaded gun that sounds about right. It is Russian roulette either way and in both cases could easily be avoided. It is your choice which is unfortunate because parents should have the common sense to protect their children when there is overwhelming evidence that by either locking up the gun or immunizing your kid will undoubtedly keep them far safer.

For those who still hold measles parties they should be locked up that is child endangerment and just plain stupid. As far as my comparison to religion then maybe you forgot the title of the thread.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Aluminum might be everywhere, but when it is injected as an adjuvant, it is in a different form.
So what?

Fluoride increases the effect of metals in the body as well, and Alzheimer patients have abnormally high levels of aluminum in their brains.
No. And No.

Look at the rise in the various diseases.
But I thought your statistics showed that diseases were and have been decreasing since before the widespread use of vaccines? You know, that "vaccines don't work" nonsense?

Any reasonable person knows something is wrong because the generations growing up 35 years ago did not have the problems we have today.
Well that's a pretty vague statement. I was growing up a bit before 35 years ago though. I remember there were a lot of health problems back then too. Not so many fat people though. Is that because of vaccines?

BTW, why did you say that aluminum was never tested as an adjuvant?
edit on 8/25/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

and soon.. in the near future.. someone will make this same post but it will be about the flu.. and people will come in with charts and graphs about flu deaths through out the years.

really people??

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

I have actually had both a dentist and a medical doctor tell me in the last year that aluminum is no longer correlated with cognitive decline. I can't find any evidence to dispute that it is still an issue (haven't looked very hard but I'm sure it would be in MSM). Why would they want us to believe it is still okay when the literature clearly states there is a link? I found it disturbing that they either were still in the dark or completely lying to a patient. I asked for a white filling for my son and the dentist was adamant stating "aluminum is natural and the other stuff isn't; aluminum is not poisonous unless you ingest large quantities of it." The doctor and I were having a discussion about deodorant for some reason. Same thing - stating that it was a myth.

For many of us it's too late with fillings - we got them when we were young and they are expensive to replace. We can choose to buy the cheap deodorant (speed stick), which is aluminum free. With immunizations, if we need them we just have to suck it up if we want them.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by RalagaNarHallas

What I don't understand is why your kids don't get the immunity to measles when you have the immunity. Actually the measles live in your body, they just go dormant. Now with the measles vaccine are they giving you the ability to put the virus into dormancy or are they giving you the ability to fight it off. If you fight it, the histamine reactions should give you symptoms similar to what we see in measels, all we are doing when we get over the symptoms is to give us the ability to put the virus to sleep since the body does not appear to have the ability to kill it. I don't think that everyone just puts it to sleep and can get shingles, I think some people kill the virus and develop a defense. This defense may be passed on to the offspring while the "fight and sign a treaty" that occurs with most people would need to be acquired every generation.

I try to look at things from different angles often, this gives me an awareness that those who only repeat what they are told don't have.

shingles is from the chicken pox virus dormant in the body...NOT MEASLES....get your facts straight.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:18 PM

This is the CDC's web site with the list of vaccine ingredients.

Common substances found in vaccines include:

Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.

See also: "Aluminum in Vaccines: What you should know"External Web Site Policy Adobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file [ 579KB / 2 pages] Also available in SpanishExternal Web Site Policy Adobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file [579KB / 2 pages]
Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of germs (bacteria) during production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine produced in the United States contains penicillin.
Egg protein is found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

For children with a prior history of allergic reactions to any of these substances in vaccines, parents should consult their child’s healthcare provider before vaccination.

The last sentence, I put in bold, disturbs me. At what age do children start receiving vaccines? Here is the answer:

The chart shows vaccination beginning at birth to 4 months includes 12 doses for various vaccines.

So a parent is suppose to know at birth whether their child has a possibility of allergic reaction?

Let's continue with the CDC's own site for more information on these ingredients. There are no studies listed on the site. There is a Q&A section though. So I googled studies of vaccination ingredients. The top result was a study of Chinese herbal medicines. LOL Go figure. So now I google studies of the ingredients one by one.

1 Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum. I found a study on the comparative molecular characterization of aluminum hydroxy-gels derived from chloride and sulphate salts. I'm not finding specific studies. Several statements on how it is excreted by the body etc.

Okay, I am still searching the first ingredient and now I am intrigued. So, I will dig deeper to see how many studies have been done on how these ingredients affect the human body. This may take a while and I will post what I find as soon as I find something.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thanks Phage I started reading the report then decided to do some background checking on the good doctor. I will say there is a wealth of information on his claims and I am still going through it.

Your link on the previous page about the charts pretty much sums it up.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by votan
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

and soon.. in the near future.. someone will make this same post but it will be about the flu.. and people will come in with charts and graphs about flu deaths through out the years.

really people??

Yeah - it's weird that people are happy to get a disease, but not happy to be vaccinated against the same.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Khaleesi

So a parent is suppose to know at birth whether their child has a possibility of allergic reaction?

How about an allergic reaction to anything in the environment. The only way you know if there is one is through exposure. Right? How do you know you're not allergic to bee stings? Peanuts?

In general, allergic reactions to vaccines (when they occur) are mild. Yes, there are exceptions. I think the benefits far outweigh the risks.
From your source:

Serious vaccine reactions are extremely rare, but they can happen. In the unlikely event that you or your child does have a serious reaction, first have it taken care of by your doctor or other provider. Afterward, there are two programs you should know about—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program—which are explained in more detail in the “After” tab.

edit on 8/25/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:37 PM
Years ago I could go online and find hundreds of articles about the dangers of vaccinations with hard scientific intelligence to back those statistics and truths which exposed the vaccines themselves. Man have times changed, now with the big pharma/insurance companies running the show, the internet has been all but wiped clean of anything but the least qualitative anti vaccine information.

In our community this is the first year I have not seen the BIG PUSH as children and youth return to school and University. However I have seen all summer long banners at every outlet that offers vaccinations for things like Meningitis, whooping cough, Pneumonia, and a couple others I cannot recall off the top of my head, but no flu push as in all other years to coincide with back to school. This raises a red flag to me, it may suggest that they are pushing the others to get their monies worth out of those and to lower the natural resistance to illness in all the mindless drones who take everything offered only to unveil the biggest campaign for vaccination sometime later this fall/winter. (Sorry if none of that makes sense as my children interrupted me about 50 times per minute.)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Phage
How about an allergic reaction to anything in the environment. The only way you know if there is one is through exposure. Right? How do you know you're not allergic to bee stings? Peanuts?

I started reading this thread and noticed the back and forth between participants. I decided to do my own research instead of relying on others. That sentence just struck me as odd. I'm still searching and will post what I find as I find it. I'm looking into whether there are studies that prove or disprove the safety of these ingredients.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Khaleesi

That sentence just struck me as odd. I'm still searching and will post what I find as I find it. I'm looking into whether there are studies that prove or disprove the safety of these ingredients.
Not sure what you find odd about it. Allergies are an idiosyncratic reaction. You don't know if you're allergic to something unless you are exposed to it and react to it.

As far as studies go, you can find the rates for allergic reactions to vaccines. They are very low, with severe reactions at the low end of that scale.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Khaleesi

Read my post above yours. The internet has been scrubbed and unless you know how to find and use older hard copies, good luck on that bias/propaganda search.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by MysterX

I find most of these people blathering on about how we need to vaccinate all childrento the point of ridiculous, don'thave kids, or blatantly ignore the fact all their friends and relatives have had kids with either mental or physical issues, or problems with the birth.

I went toa chicken pox party myself

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by antar

The internet has been scrubbed and unless you know how to find and use older hard copies, good luck on that bias/propaganda search.

So...the internet has been "scrubbed" of good information and only has misinformation now?
Did you ever consider that the horrible claims about vaccinations that you accepted just might have been wrong?

edit on 8/25/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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