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Faith Healer Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, Now Church The Center Of Measles Outbreak (VIDE

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posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Originally posted by alfa1
For the mast majority of history, your claim doesnt stand. wiki

I find it truly sad and ironic at the same time when some are gullible enough to actually believe known disinfo sources such as Wikipedia while at the same time refusing to believe the obvious truth.

"Wikipedia is a propaganda outlet dominated by people who want to radically transform our existence."

Who Controls Wikipedia? (George Soros)
Wikipedia Disinformation & Propaganda

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by davjan4

Originally posted by davjan4
By the way I am an RN and have done my research... I never take vaccinations of any type.

Good on you mate...

IF vaccines were so safe, WHY are the MD's themselves refusing them to be used on there OWN families?

The FACT that most doctors refuse to get vaccinated says it all.

Approximately 1/3 of Doctors Refuse Vaccinations

Exposure to illness is an occupational hazard for the medical community. Doctors are among the highest risk population groups and most hospitals and practices make it mandatory for physicians to be vaccinated. Researcher and author Neil Z. Miller reports that approximately 66% of pediatricians and obstetricians refused the MMR shot in one study. An equal percentage of doctors refused the Hepatitis B shot, mostly citing safety concerns because of rumors of animal DNA contamination in the shots.

The American Medical Association's (AMA) Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine cite a 1994 study where approximately 1/3 of doctors were working without mandatory flu vaccines.[3] Yet the doctors blindly follow national recommendations to vaccinate every child they can round up (sometimes with as many as five vaccines in one visit).


Over half UK doctors, third of nurses, to refuse flu vaccine

A survey of general practitioners published on Healthcare Republic, the website of GP magazine, found that up to 60% of GPs may decline vaccination. A much bigger survey of nurses published a week ago by Nursing Times found that a third of 1,500 nurses would refuse vaccination. But the biggest problem in persuading people and healthcare professionals to have the jab may be the relative shortage of evidence from trials about its safety and efficacy. Link

Protecting Their Own: The Unofficial Vaccination Policy of Doctors in the Know

I recently reconnected with a mainstream doctor affiliated with a large hospital and a thriving practice in the midwest. These were his words as they were spoken to me. For the purpose of protecting his anonymity I will refer to him as "The Doctor."

"You do not question vaccines openly. It's not done. I know I sound ridiculous here but it's like Nazi Germany. Really, I know it sounds silly. I mean, in our own groups, of course, we question vaccines all the time, among ourselves, but you never ever say it openly. You have to understand, doctors are scientists. We pride ourselves on our knowledge. You just don't question, they look at you like you're crazy.

I have to tell you to vaccinate because if I don't and your kid gets sick, I get sued. I am legally responsible. My partners are always telling me, "You make them vaccinate on schedule or they are out." You know you could get in a lot of trouble for not vaccinating yourself--you know that though--you have a medical background." Link

"One of the true tests of a fanatic is whether or not he takes his own medicine—or believes his own press releases." ~ Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

Many doctors and health‐care practitioners do not get vaccinated
and do not vaccinate their children. Why not?

• They know vaccines are not proven to be safe or effective.
• They know vaccines contain dangerous substances.
• They know vaccines cause serious health problems.
• They have treated patients with serious side effects from vaccines. Source

Dr. Gordon T. Stewart, head of the department of community medicine at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, is one of the most vigorous critics of the pertussis vaccine. He says he supported the inoculation before 1974 but then began to observe outbreaks of pertussis in children who had been vaccinated. "Now, in Glasgow," he says, "30 per-cent of our whooping cough cases are occurring in vaccinated patients. This leads me to believe that the vaccine is not all that protective." Source

50% of UK Doctors Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine
NEW THREE ONLINE LISTS of Vaccine Friendly Doctors State By State

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 12:58 PM
Well, while I despise Kenneth Copeland, I applaud his churches decision to stand against the vaccine lobby and lies. Most of those statistics about all the people dying around the world from these diseases has much more to do with their general health and sanitary conditions.

If you are getting proper nutrition and hygiene then these diseases usually just come and go with no major problems. The real issue happens when one is already sick, and I want to point out the the increase in MS, Asthma, Auto-Immune Disorders, Autism, Lower IQ, and Cancer scores can all be linked directly back to big pharma and I can't help but think they are trying to turn us in to lifelong sickies and kill us off.

They caught the WHO putting sterilizing agents in the Rubella vaccine for foreign girls. Same with the Tetanus vaccine which they were pushing on all the girls but not the boys who were actually more likely to get Tetanus because of their activities.

I had chicken pox and mumps as a child. I don't really remember them, but I supposedly had them pretty bad, and I did have a compromised system. I spent the first 3 years of my life in the hospital 50% of the time cause I seemed to be allergic to everything and got pneumonia 12 times.

I chose to not vaccinate my 4 children and up until my divorce in 1999 none of them were ever sick. Then my ex got them vaccinated without my permission and yep, they were sick with this and that for years. When they did get chicken pox I made sure they ALL got it and played with each other.

Mothers would to be notified if their friends kids got them so they could get the immunity as most of these childhood diseases are not fatal to children, but can have deadly consequences for adults.

If you want some true facts with REAL numbers and history of illness and vaccines then watch this. If you just want to parrot the government line who allows us to be poisoned with fluoride, aspartame, gmo's then ignore it like you do every other great video and article posted that shatters the myths and propaganda.

edit on 25-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 01:10 PM
What a bunch of idiots not only are those kids suffering now but later in life they will most likely get shingles unless they break free of that cult and get vaccinated for shingles which they can get after turning 60.

They should be locked up for child abuse and reckless endangerment.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 01:25 PM
Ill just leave this link right here.

And this post on Reddit, always makes me smile


Autism is caused by MMR vaccinations? Is there any sort of evidence to support this or is everyone just pulling it out of their ass?

The hypothesis that MMR vaccines cause autism was first raised by reports of cases in which developmental regression occurred soon after MMR vaccination. A previous study found no evidence to support this hypothesis. It has recently been suggested that MMR vaccine might cause autism, but that the induction interval need not be short. The data from the earlier study were reanalysed to test this second hypothesis. Our results do not support this hypothesis, and provide further evidence against a causal association between MMR vaccination and autism.


edit on 25-8-2013 by Laxpla because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity
Well, while I despise Kenneth Copeland, I applaud his churches decision to stand against the vaccine lobby and lies. Most of those statistics about all the people dying around the world from these diseases has much more to do with their general health and sanitary conditions.

If you are getting proper nutrition and hygiene then these diseases usually just come and go with no major problems. The real issue happens when one is already sick, and I want to point out the the increase in MS, Asthma, Auto-Immune Disorders, Autism, Lower IQ, and Cancer scores can all be linked directly back to big pharma and I can't help but think they are trying to turn us in to lifelong sickies and kill us off.

They caught the WHO putting sterilizing agents in the Rubella vaccine for foreign girls. Same with the Tetanus vaccine which they were pushing on all the girls but not the boys who were actually more likely to get Tetanus because of their activities.

I had chicken pox and mumps as a child. I don't really remember them, but I supposedly had them pretty bad, and I did have a compromised system. I spent the first 3 years of my life in the hospital 50% of the time cause I seemed to be allergic to everything and got pneumonia 12 times.

I chose to not vaccinate my 4 children and up until my divorce in 1999 none of them were ever sick. Then my ex got them vaccinated without my permission and yep, they were sick with this and that for years. When they did get chicken pox I made sure they ALL got it and played with each other.

Mothers would to be notified if their friends kids got them so they could get the immunity as most of these childhood diseases are not fatal to children, but can have deadly consequences for adults.

If you want some true facts with REAL numbers and history of illness and vaccines then watch this. If you just want to parrot the government line who allows us to be poisoned with fluoride, aspartame, gmo's then ignore it like you do every other great video and article posted that shatters the myths and propaganda.

edit on 25-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

Ever the conspiracy theorist eh (or should that be hypothesiser?).

Here's the REAL facts about measles and the vaccination,
Feel free to check them out, they're all verifiable.

One in 1000 cases of measles results in encephalitis, with a high rate of permanent neurological complications in those who survive.
Approximately five percent develop pneumonia.
The fatality rate is between one and three per 1000 cases.
Death is most commonly seen in infants with measles.
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a rare complication of measles infection that occurs years after the illness in approximately 10 of every 100,000 cases.

Here are the facts about complications of the measles vaccine:

It causes fever and a mild rash in 5-15% of recipients.
0.03% will have a febrile seizure – likely not a result of the vaccine itself, but simply a child’s individual predisposition to febrile seizures.
One in 10,000 children will have a more serious event following the vaccine, such as a change in alertness, a drop in blood pressure, or a severe allergic reaction.
Approximately 1 in 25,000 cases is associated with an asymptomatic drop in the blood platelet count, which quickly returns to normal without any consequences.

I'm not entirely sure whether the guy pretending to be a doctor in your video actually is one or was one as I can't find any published studies by him at all.
All I can find are the usual anti-vax propaganda books. The ones he sells to the gullible.
Here's a lovely critique of his "work".
I wonder which anti-vax lawyer's pocjet he's in?

Here's an excellent summary of vaccinations by a pathologist (you know the one who tests you when you die).

edit on 25/8/13 by Pardon? because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by alfa1
Between the years 1987 and 2000, the case fatality rate across the United States was 3 measles-attributable deaths per 1000 cases, or 0.3%.

4 million children are born in the USA each year.
So... if all of them get the measles, as some here seem to want them to have, they're effectively murdering 12 THOUSAND children.

edit on 25-8-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

But in fact there is no danger because all the children are vaccinated, except that community, so they won't be infected, they are safe. So why all the panic?

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:09 PM
i might as well put myself in the spot light here for a minute.

I havent had the flu shot ever in my life....and ive gotten what MIGHT have been the flu maybe 4 or 5 times in my life, based on the symptoms and description of the flu. That being said i did have some vaccines when i was a kid but i dont know which ones. I know i didnt have the chicken pox because i actually got that one naturally...probly at least had the MMR one time....and when i was 5 i got some vaccines before going to south america...which was probably a good thing.

i have two kids......neither of which are vaccinated. I did TONS of research and study on this subject before the first was born. I was determined to try to make the best decision possible. One study about parents that dont vaccinate found that those that dont vaccinate are either really poor....or very well educated and higher earning...almost no middle ground. Unfortunately i could only find that one study that had been done. Governments and big business seem to have almost no interest at all in researching groups that dont vaccinate and what outcomes they experience.....which to me is extremely suspect.

so back to my firstborn......breastfed exclusively for the first 8 months and weaned at almost 1.5 years. Not sick a day during that time. After weaning firstborn has been sick with a fever probably about 3 or 4 times. Almost always has recovered within 2 or 3 days fully. One time has had chest congestion which cleared in a couple days, much faster than mine or my partners.

We dont shield or protect our kids from anything. Firstborn has played with kids in every condition and at every place that is normal.....has eaten sand, dirt, food off the ground, licked hands after touching the ground at stores and outside etc.....has never been sanitized or disinfected with only a few exceptions. So far so good....child is of average intelligence as far as i can tell, maybe above average....meets or exceeds all in good health, full of energy all day long every day, very full of curiosity about the world, bubbly happy personality etc.

the one vaccine we most likely will get and probably soon is the one for tetanus...since it is pretty much the only one your body cannot mount a natural response to.

Our environments are full of chemicals to overflowing. Blood test samples all over the world confirm infants are born with all kinds of pesticides, pcb's, bpa and varieties of toxins in their blood AT BIRTH.......vaccines given not long after birth overwhelm an undeveloped immune system. Some kids tolerate the onslaught with little visible repercussions....others dont. Its what we DONT see that bothers me.

I have plenty of personal anecdotes that confirm my suspicions about vaccines. My mother has a co worker who was pregnant and got the flu shot shortly before delivery to 'protect the baby'. She was almost immediately rendered paralyzed and had to give birth by c section and was denied the ability to breastfeed and bond with her child.

A friend of mine gave birth a few years ago. Where she is its standard practice to give the hep b vaccine to newborns. Her sister was a nurse and asked the attending nurses why they wait until month two for the first round of shots....nurse says 'because their immune systems arent developed enough'......friends sister says 'well if thats true why would you give them hep b on the day of birth?'. So they opted not to get it.

So far to my knowledge there has not been a SINGLE reputable and long term study of non vaccinated children conducted by ANY large noteworthy organization.....not a single one. To me this is almost proof that the people who could afford to conduct such a study would find what many of us suspect already....that vaccines are riddled with problems and detrimental health affects, in addition to not being very effective at preventing what theyre supposed to.

Alot of people would point to themselves or others they know who have been fully vaccinated as 'proof' that vaccines do no harm. I too am often perplexed when i meet kids or adults who have had all the vaccines prescribed by the health industry and appear completely normal and intelligent and healthy. However, as with many things about the human body there is perhaps a great deal more that is unseen, than that is seen. What i am concerned with is the long term affects of bombarding our bodies with so many chemicals both from within and without. I'm talking about everything from mood and personality disorders, to dimentia, to cancer and the rest of the gammut. But especially when it comes to the extremely fine nature of the nerve and brain cells....we just simply DO NOT know what or how we are affecting them with these vaccines.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:12 PM
It was a conspiracy, they were infected by big pharmas.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:17 PM
Well said.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:21 PM
It is a persons right to refuse modern medicines vaccines if they want. I don't agree that a church should require it's members not to get vaccinated either. These vaccines are fairly new, we do not yet know how they are going to effect people a few generations down the line.

If someone tries to force a flu shot on me I will resist. Why do I need a flu shot when it can kill me. I have a very strong immune system that fights quick and hard, even against a virus put in my body that is dead. I know how vaccines work, they are trying to induce a mild histamine response which triggers antigens or changes to build immunity. Since I already have immunity I react like someone threw live viral cells into my body.

Now in the case of this thread, it is not the right of anyone to force medicine on others. It comes under the inalienable rights clause that is recognized world wide. If you talk someone into taking the shot, than that is ok but it is against worldwide law to force them to take it. Consensus of the time cannot override our inalienable rights.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Oh please! "Allowing your kids to suffer horrible diseases...." Measles isn't the biggest deal in the world in case that had never crossed your mind. 50 years ago, it was a right of passage that everyone survived. Oh - wait a minute - they STILL survive it! Gasp! If you don't get the vaccine, and you get measles, you're immune for life and still alive. Wow!

Oh and that article in the OP is so hilariously biased, offering no proof for anything, quoting misleading information such as that vaccines cause autism has been dis-proven. Again, please!

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by WhiteHat

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by alfa1
Between the years 1987 and 2000, the case fatality rate across the United States was 3 measles-attributable deaths per 1000 cases, or 0.3%.

4 million children are born in the USA each year.
So... if all of them get the measles, as some here seem to want them to have, they're effectively murdering 12 THOUSAND children.

edit on 25-8-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

But in fact there is no danger because all the children are vaccinated, except that community, so they won't be infected, they are safe. So why all the panic?

They pose a threat of transmission when there is disease in that community which then can spread rapidly outside.
They can pass the disease on to babies who are too young for immunizations.
They also pose a threat to children with medical exemptions, including children with leukemia, who cannot be immunized because of their medical condition.
For a very small percentage of children, vaccines will not “take.” These children also are put at risk. The only way we can protect them is to surround them with immunized children.
Children with exemptions can spread disease to such children who are unaware that they are not protected.
Recent outbreaks of pertussis mostly involved children with exemptions. In the measles epidemic, students with personal beliefs exemptions were many times more likely to catch measles than those who were immunized.

Anything else?

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by MysterX

Most of us caught measles, whooping cough and the rest of the mild viruses and nobody died, only spent a week or two feeling poorly and now have life long immunity.

All for the grand cost of absolutely nothing, except perhaps a lot of Chicken soup and tissues and the odd ice pack or two.

By naturally contracting measles, we get natural life-long immunity most importantly via the normal infection routes, and not unnaturally through being injected with viral components directly into the blood stream bypassing our natural immune triggers.

Viruses in nature very, very rarely directly infect our blood. They have to pass through various 'delaying waypoints' through the body's this natural route that gives the body a head start on the viral onslaught and is our normal defence against viral incursion.

Measles 'CAN' be dangerous, and cause injury and even in a few cases, death. So can most things in life, so like every thing else in life, there's a calculated risk involved.

I would rather take the word of a group of physicians over you, no offense.

The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

The “Natural Immunity Is Better Than Vaccine-acquired Immunity” Misconception

Some people argue that the immunity gained from surviving a natural infection provides better protection than that provided by vaccines. While it’s true that natural immunity lasts longer in some cases than vaccine-induced immunity can, the risks of natural infection outweigh the risks of immunization for every recommended vaccine.

For example, wild measles infection causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) for one in 1,000 infected individuals, and kills two of every 1,000 infected individuals. The combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, however, results in encephalitis or a severe allergic reaction only once in every million vaccinated individuals, while preventing measles infection. The benefits of vaccine-acquired immunity extraordinarily outweigh the serious risks of natural infection, even in cases where boosters are required to maintain immunity.

Additionally, the Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) and tetanus vaccines actually provide more effective immunity than natural infection.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
It is a persons right to refuse modern medicines vaccines if they want. I don't agree that a church should require it's members not to get vaccinated either. These vaccines are fairly new, we do not yet know how they are going to effect people a few generations down the line.

If someone tries to force a flu shot on me I will resist. Why do I need a flu shot when it can kill me. I have a very strong immune system that fights quick and hard, even against a virus put in my body that is dead. I know how vaccines work, they are trying to induce a mild histamine response which triggers antigens or changes to build immunity. Since I already have immunity I react like someone threw live viral cells into my body.

Now in the case of this thread, it is not the right of anyone to force medicine on others. It comes under the inalienable rights clause that is recognized world wide. If you talk someone into taking the shot, than that is ok but it is against worldwide law to force them to take it. Consensus of the time cannot override our inalienable rights.

It's also my right not to have a disease forced unknowingly upon me.
Especially ones that can be so easily prevented.

Works both ways.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Shiloh7

Before the big pharma push any drug for dosh came along the world was a very different place!

3 diseases you wanted you kids to get early before school - so they got them over and done with, with the minimum of fuss were: Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox. If anyone heard of a little one with one of those diseases, we all flocked round and hoped ours would get it over with. This was done by my parents and grand parents, it was the norm and we never heard of someone dying from any of these diseses, only if there were already existing healthy problems. Whooping cough was nasty but most got over it. These were consideredc mild diseases rather than the more serious such as glandular fever etc.

These vaccines that get pumped into tiny babies today and the pressure put on parents worries me to death. A new immune system suddenly flooded with that lot. Just the principle of it makes me feel uneasy.

Measles was never treated or considered a major disease but suddenly a vaccine is made for it and now its gone up a good few notches to a very serious disease and every government must buy this vaccine.

Vaccines against polia and real killers like that I can live with - in fact have done, but when it goes to what were treated as normal diseases that virtually every child will pick up at some time, that is a different health requirement and seems to be IMHO just a money spinner at our kid's health's possible cost. Also perhaps its a means of working parents not having to take time off for their kids to get through some of these diseases - (I don't think many parents would think of this option out of choice if indeed it does exist), I don't know I wasn't in the situation that exists today with work.

When I was at school we hardly ever had one single child in the whole school who had any skin diseases or astma and needed inhalers, the kids were healthy, dam lively and pretty fit in those days of diet ignorance and few vaccines - they all seem to have wide ranging health problems today yet we have all this extra health help from Big Pharma

But you know what? Polio isn't a big huge killer either, believe it not. It's got the REPUTATION as a horrible killer, but actually the majority of people who get polio have a bit of stomach upset for a few days, that's IT. Only a fraction of those people develop paralysis, and only a fraction of THOSE develop permanent paralysis. So again, it's another case of a disease being magnified beyond truth in the public mind. In fact, I hasten to remind everyone that all cases of polio in North America had been eradicated by the 80s. Polio was reintroduced back into North America SPECIFICALLY due to the nasal vaccine. The FDA and CDC have admitted this.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by MysterX
reply to post by alfa1

Actually thats only true in recent years for western societies. For the mast majority of history, your claim doesnt stand.

Nope, it isn't.

Not unless you think 40 years ago is 'recent years'.

This practice has been going on for a very long time, as us more mature members will attest to.

And i would trust a Wiki article on vaccinations and infection rates in support of those proven corrupt vaccination pushers as far as i would trust any anonymous source or sources in bed with those pushers...which isn't very far at all.

Measles were on a rapid and steady decline in Western nations from 1900 onwards...the data shows the curve to be a steady, sharp and rapid decline in infections...a decline which rapidly stopped moving downwards as soon as vaccination started nationally.

The data is available for those who really want to know, it takes a bit of effort but it's there. Look at BMJ, CDC, Lancet and others data...the truth isn't confined to conspiracy theory websites, it's in the open data if you care to look for it.

Agreed, one of the worst cases of BS about vaccinations is that THEY were responsible for diseases disappearing. But it's true, if you look at the actual records, almost all diseases were on their way out before the vaccines came onto the scene. It's really a WONDERFUL marketing move for the vaccine makers, and is one of the great untruths passed down in recent years.

What happened to the plague 400 years ago? Oh, yeah, like all diseases, it disappeared on its own.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb

Originally posted by Shiloh7

Before the big pharma push any drug for dosh came along the world was a very different place!

3 diseases you wanted you kids to get early before school - so they got them over and done with, with the minimum of fuss were: Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox. If anyone heard of a little one with one of those diseases, we all flocked round and hoped ours would get it over with. This was done by my parents and grand parents, it was the norm and we never heard of someone dying from any of these diseses, only if there were already existing healthy problems. Whooping cough was nasty but most got over it. These were consideredc mild diseases rather than the more serious such as glandular fever etc.

These vaccines that get pumped into tiny babies today and the pressure put on parents worries me to death. A new immune system suddenly flooded with that lot. Just the principle of it makes me feel uneasy.

Measles was never treated or considered a major disease but suddenly a vaccine is made for it and now its gone up a good few notches to a very serious disease and every government must buy this vaccine.

Vaccines against polia and real killers like that I can live with - in fact have done, but when it goes to what were treated as normal diseases that virtually every child will pick up at some time, that is a different health requirement and seems to be IMHO just a money spinner at our kid's health's possible cost. Also perhaps its a means of working parents not having to take time off for their kids to get through some of these diseases - (I don't think many parents would think of this option out of choice if indeed it does exist), I don't know I wasn't in the situation that exists today with work.

When I was at school we hardly ever had one single child in the whole school who had any skin diseases or astma and needed inhalers, the kids were healthy, dam lively and pretty fit in those days of diet ignorance and few vaccines - they all seem to have wide ranging health problems today yet we have all this extra health help from Big Pharma

But you know what? Polio isn't a big huge killer either, believe it not. It's got the REPUTATION as a horrible killer, but actually the majority of people who get polio have a bit of stomach upset for a few days, that's IT. Only a fraction of those people develop paralysis, and only a fraction of THOSE develop permanent paralysis. So again, it's another case of a disease being magnified beyond truth in the public mind. In fact, I hasten to remind everyone that all cases of polio in North America had been eradicated by the 80s. Polio was reintroduced back into North America SPECIFICALLY due to the nasal vaccine. The FDA and CDC have admitted this.

I remember plenty of kids in leg irons due to polio.
They weren't dead but they were permanently disabled.
You don't have to die to be affected by a disease.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by HandyDandy
reply to post by ArchAngel_X

You do know that a vaccination IS your bodies immune system's response?

A measles vaccine is basically a "measles party" only instead of getting the alive version of the measles, you get a dead version. Your body doesn't know the difference and builds the same immunity.

Read that again.....the same immunity. The same anti-bodies.

And this is coming from someone who refuses to get an influenza shot. But that is because I feel that by the time they make the shot, the new flue virus is going around anyway. Not because I am anti-vaccination.

Such BS. NOT the same immunity. Get measles once - never again. Only get one measles shot - maybe get measles anyway. NOT the same!

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb

Agreed, one of the worst cases of BS about vaccinations is that THEY were responsible for diseases disappearing. But it's true, if you look at the actual records, almost all diseases were on their way out before the vaccines came onto the scene. It's really a WONDERFUL marketing move for the vaccine makers, and is one of the great untruths passed down in recent years.

What happened to the plague 400 years ago? Oh, yeah, like all diseases, it disappeared on its own.

If you REALLY look at the records and by that I mean the raw data rather than fudged logarhythmic graphs conjured up by anti-vaxers you will then see that your statement is indeed false.

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