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Calif. poitician pulls son from class over transgender law

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posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

I have a question, if the child is confused about their gender/sexuality, what makes you think they would actually be interested in your daughter/son?

Are enough kids confused to dictate to the rest? People that fall into the LGBT crowd make less then 2% of population no matter where they are. They've been given an inch and took many miles. We're tired of this crap already and we're not gonna sit by and take this degeneracy forced down our throats much longer.

The left side is really going to extremes to make people absolutely HATE them now. Yall better tone it down, and tone it down quickly!

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Sharingan
reply to post by jimmyx

Ive encountered the ignorance of you before and this is my last reply to anything you have to say..

no.....what you have encountered from me is resistance to your insults.
2nd line

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 10:50 AM
This is so ridiculous it's beyond comprehension.
So IF I have a daughter or son in school, let s say a daughter, and there is male who is not sure what he is, or perhaps want to go in the girls locker for #s and giggles...I have to live with it?....Am I interpreting this correctly?

Now how exactly does this work? Can this teen. on a Monday GO female, And midweek change his-her mind? OR do you pick a gender at the beginning of the semester?

And one other thought, IPhones...I see lots of pictures being taken....jeeeez.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Thill

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Sharingan
reply to post by seabag

Haha.. My sentiments exactly.
I actually do have a 15 year old daughter but luckily, the great state of Texas has not been infected with whatever ignorance virus that California has.

I have a question, if the child is confused about their gender/sexuality, what makes you think they would actually be interested in your daughter/son?

I understand what you're saying about them having access to the locker rooms of the opposite sex, but you know yourself that kids are cruel and if they feel threatened by it, they will speak up and make a fuss, like they do.

Nobody cares if he/she/it is, or is not interested in somebody in that locker room, the problem is, somebody of an opposite sex,( whether he/she/it ? thinks they are of the same sex is irrelevant) running around naked in the locker/shower room in front of a lot of very very uncomfortable children .. I mean really is it so hard to see the problem with that ? Really ? ...

Well.. like i said, teenager's usually cant keep their mouths shut for more than 2 mins before they feel the need to say SOMETHING, anything to be heard. My point is, would those teens really feel THAT threatened by a person who was born of the opposite gender that why wouldnt speak up? Have you forgotten your high school days?
That transgender kid is going to get bullied to # either way!

If they want to help out people like that make state founded gender changes available. Of course the kid will have to be in the wrong toilet/locker for a few years before he/she/it gets mature enough to have the operation, but after that, its fair game .. "Want to be a boy/girl, no problem, here is your state founded operation and treatment" .. The % of people, would be so low that money should not be an issue here..

True, i dont think money would be an issue but until that point of having them changed they should receive proper specialist counselling and im not entirely for "making arrangements" for them but cmon, i cant see them being a "threat" to other students. Making them feel uncomfortable? More than likely. Perhaps schools will just give them a small private area in which to change in order to avoid trouble.

And sorry if those few years in the wrong locker/toilet are so traumatizing for that person then so be it. 2 % out of 100% (lets even make it 5% out of 100 or 10% out of 100% ) is a big minority,and I would argue that the rest 98%, 95% or 90% has a right to not be traumatized by that person for years in the locker/toilet.

But its clear here that you are auto assuming 99% of people will be traumatised. Again, these are teenagers, people's who's brains haven't developed fully yet - They're dont react like adults.

If somebody has a very rare condition (whatever it will be psychological, medical, social, biological, etc..) they have to know that sometimes it will cause them discomfort , that just how life works sadly. And no its not the 90% fault that that person is how he is so why punish them ?

Good point. Ive never been comfortable discussing trans-gender issues simply because its far to easy to violate someone's rights. Whether that be the transgender person or those opposing. In an ideal world there wouldn't be such a big issue over something somewhat "rare" (7 billion people on the earth)

What i can say is that i wouldnt mind having a man who trans-gendered into a women usuing the ladies toilets where i worked/was socialising/at the gym. The psychological condition of these types of people is the NEED to BE the opposite sex, not to want the opposite sex.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by wingsfan
Are enough kids confused to dictate to the rest? People that fall into the LGBT crowd make less then 2% of population no matter where they are. They've been given an inch and took many miles.

You gave them an inch? I.E you stopped killing people and socially shunning them for their sexuality and we took miles by demanding equal treatment I.E being able to hold hands in public and get married?

Yeah, thanks for stopping treating homosexuality as a mental disease, Sorry we took the piss though!

/end sarcasm.

We're tired of this crap already and we're not gonna sit by and take this degeneracy forced down our throats much longer.

Murder back on the books is it? What exactly are you planning on doing? Disproving its natural existence in human populations through the use of various religious texts?

The left side is really going to extremes to make people absolutely HATE them now. Yall better tone it down, and tone it down quickly!

Y'all better back it up, You know stereotypically gay men work out twice as hard as straight ones. Bring it on bitch!!

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:56 PM
I am escaping California in two days after a minor delay, but at my sons school, they just completely did away with dressing out for P.E.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by Sharingan
reply to post by Thill

You wanna know what I find even more unbelievable than this stupid law actually being passed?
The ignorant brainwashed individuals that are so caught up in the PC scam that they are actually ok
with this.
You know, the Mexicans claim California anyway, I think we should just give it to them.

yeah.... good thing Mexicans are not in Texas, or have ever claimed it to be their own land. you do know that people in California don't give a damn what you people in Texas think

As i understand america - Everyone pretty much ignores what texas thinks. Wouldnt you after 8 years of george bush?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

As i understand america - Everyone pretty much ignores what texas thinks. Wouldnt you after 8 years of george bush?
Actually everyone pretty much ignores what California thinks because that state is so over the top.

Where else would there be a debate over transgender kids?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Is that why there are more people leaving California than are going there?
Guess where they are moving to.. Go on guess..
Youre just another one of "those" that talk smack without any real facts to back it up..


More than 363,000 Californians moved to Texas over the past five years, helping the state grow more than twice as fast as the nation as a whole since 2000, census figures show. California has sent more new residents to Texas than any other state in recent years. But the pipeline is tightening, part of a national slowdown in migration - from one house to another, from one county to another, and from state to state - that demographers say is a lingering sign of the recession.

edit on 19-8-2013 by Sharingan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by wingsfan

Are enough kids confused to dictate to the rest? People that fall into the LGBT crowd make less then 2% of population no matter where they are.

Transgendered people are not confused, don't be so ignorant. There's a multitude of studies on physical, neurological and hormonal differences in people that feel they are a different gender than they were born as, documented physical differences in brain structure... for example a male to female person is likely to have a brain anatomy more similar to a born female, than a male.

Regardless, being such a small percentage of the population is supposed to be an excuse to demand conformity? Why are you advocating mob rule?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Fair enough, to an extent,but not in schools. These are supposed to be places of learning, where there has to be a degree of conformity or else the whole thing just falls apart. You cannot force the wishes of one student onto every other student in the school, that's just not fair on the 99% who don't want to share bathroom facilities with people of the opposite sex, no matter how they identify their own gender.

I remember a time when my daughter was in primary school and out of the entire school roll of 350 pupils, there was one child with a nut allergy and all the parents received a letter saying that no child should bring any items to school that had nuts in it (never mind that the canteen regularly served food with nuts) of course there was an outcry, particularly when one child had their peanut butter sandwich taken from them that was supposed to be for their lunch, even though other kids had snickers bars as a snack in their school bags. The school conceded to the majority of parents and their kids and the boy with the nut allergy was given an epipen in case of an allergic reaction, but also given information on how he could avoid situations where there could be a problem. Therefore making him responsible for his own issue, rather than putting that responsibility onto everyone else

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
I guess the state of Texas, and you, would like the kids that are transgender to be simply put into separate schools, or beat up at the local school, or home schooled, just so they are not around your kids....don't want that "viral infection" spreading...right?....

you don't think using the "opposite sex's" restrooms and change rooms will CAUSE these kids to be beaten up? man you must be stupid. kids pick on ANY DIFFERENCE.
"you are a boy why do you use the "girls" room (punch), you a fairy or something (punch)?"
just by using the opposite sex's facilities will CAUSE the kids problems with their peers, as it makes them STAND OUT as being DIFFERENT.

or as they become older, "hey you, ya queer, my girl tells me you have been watching her in the change-room (punch), stay out of there QUEER BOY (punch). yup letting them use the other sex's facilities will help transgender kids (NOT).

here is a couple ideas to deal with the issue.

use "single unit" washrooms, and change rooms, where kids can be totally alone thus completely getting rid of the issue. (VERY EXPENSIVE and space wasting, but hey it's for a good cause. that should satisfy everyone right?

or no longer call/refer to/ sign, " boys, or girls. men or woman". instead go with PENIS or VAGINA facilities, you use the one according to the "plumbing" you have.

i had a friend in high school who would have LOVED to be able to use the opposite sex's facilities. he felt "he" was a "girl", but ALSO "liked girls". so by using their facilities he would have not only "felt more comfortable" among the girls, but also would have let him oggle them at the same time. talk about a WIN WIN for him.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Thankfully my daughter has graduated, and now I can focus on getting the f**k out of Kooksville.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Kali74

Transgendered people are not confused, don't be so ignorant. There's a multitude of studies on physical, neurological and hormonal differences in people that feel they are a different gender than they were born as, documented physical differences in brain structure... for example a male to female person is likely to have a brain anatomy more similar to a born female, than a male.

Regardless, being such a small percentage of the population is supposed to be an excuse to demand conformity? Why are you advocating mob rule?

I don’t think anyone cares if a boy wants to dress like a girl or vice versa (that’s probably not shocking in CA but it is everywhere else). The problem arises when the law allows kids to choose which restroom and locker room they’d like to use. If you have a penis, I don’t care what your intentions are, I don’t want you showering or entering the bathroom with my daughter! PERIOD! That’s just not right. These are our children!!

edit on 19-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Thank you for your post trying to Deny Ignorance. The same to a couple other posters who chimed in, who also displayed some compassion.

I had a transgender student, who I didn't know was transgender at first, even though it was common knowledge among her peers. Hell, I couldn't tell the difference! Anyway, she had many female friends, as she was a nice person.

The boys who had known her as a he just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Whatever." I am old enough to have been their grandma, so it is refreshing to me to note that the younger generation doesn't see this as being something to be concerned about. It was live and let live or she is someone's child/grandchild just like they were.

Well, not everyone was ok with the transgender idea. I had one big mentally retarded (yes, the state still legally uses that term), boy who told me one day in an angry way, that he could punch her or say something mean but he has already been told that he would be in trouble if he did that. My retarded female student then said, "I don't know why he is so mean. He shouldn't say things like that. I feel sorry for him" Well, it just goes to show that intelligence doesn't play a part in how we treat people.

You'ld think that after 2000 years, we'ld by now all be following Jesus's way and show some compassion, because otherwise we humans can surely act out of ignorance and injustice a lot. Well, Jesus did say that the poor will always be with us because we can be so unjust; I guess He also said something about ignorance not going away, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by desert

You'ld think that after 2000 years, we'ld by now all be following Jesus's way and show some compassion, because otherwise we humans can surely act out of ignorance and injustice a lot. Well, Jesus did say that the poor will always be with us because we can be so unjust; I guess He also said something about ignorance not going away, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

So you think it’s OK for children of different sex to shower together?

And you were a teacher?

In California?

There is a difference between displaying some compassion for people and passing a law that allows children of different sex to shower together. It’s amazing that people don’t get it.

edit on 19-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by seabag

It’s amazing that people don’t get it.

It really is


posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by seabag

It’s amazing that people don’t get it.

It really is


What is that supposed to mean?

No drive-by posting or zingers allowed.

If you don’t have a problem with it then who here has a young daughter I can shower with??

It’s OK…I’m least that's the story I'm sticking with for now.

edit on 19-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by seabag

Hey, my daughters 15. You can shower with her if you can get passed her well armed father

Seriously though, I expect lawsuits to be forthcoming soon. After the first lawsuit arises, the judge should issue an injunction preventing this from taking place.
Also, like another poster here said, the school where his kids were going to, banned dressing out during P.E all together but that doesnt help the activities that do require uniforms, football, girls volleyball etc..

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:07 PM


edit on 19-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

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