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Jesus is Lucifer the Hidden Unicorn : Saturn-Pan, God of All Time. (ArtiFACT)

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posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion
reply to post by autopat51

We humans are nothing more then mere ants in this universe, We are not capable of understanding a complex design such as life.

We're pretty smart ants. I feel that scientific research will get us closer and closer to a true understanding, However, word puzzles are just brain massaging diversions. Myself, I play board games.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by muzzleflash

The problem is though that Lucifer corresponds to the planet Venus; not Saturn. Venus is the planet of Love....

Nope venus is the planet of war, or unbalance to hot, to close to the sun. Mars is the planet of love or balanced, in the right place, though not the right time, not to cold, but not to hot. Or at least it was, but you know at one time everything once existed. Look at its surface, its imprinted there on and mirrored within the dualities of this existence.

Well, it is widely/nearly universally accepted that Venus is the planet of love and Mars is the plane of intense energy/war. What you say is a reversal...which doesn't necessarily mean it's 'wrong,' I mean who is to say that the standard attributions are necessarily 100% true? Nonetheless, just a bit odd to correct the standard interpretation with an unusual one...where did you get your ideas of planetary characteristics?
edit on 18-8-2013 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Okay I cant go on any longer.. As A LOT of this information is not true at all; but the convoluted works of an occult and kabbalah student. These teachings are ment to lead the student into a maze, and never find the way out, thus bringing false understanding, meanwhile the 'masters' of the teachings (or I should say, the controllers of this planet) laugh at the student, and controll everything.

History = His story. Its the male dominance of this planet that dims the light of the feminine creation, supressing its power and conquering the world. Writing history, which becomes his story (the males dominance throughout the ages, the the way he wants the readers and stuudents of history to understand the 'past').

Thee reader needs to know this; the complete controllers of this planet (and I do NOT refer to governments or the Queen when I say this.. There are forces and consciousness behind both, that create this reality on Earth, everyone else is 'role' playing, and pushing for their 'agenda' for Earth/humanity, which is world domination silently) - the controllers of this planet are of spiritual nature.

If you do not live in spirituality, which is knowing and experiencing your INNER/INTERNAL SELF - if you have not had a vivid spiritual experience - you will not understand how the control over humanity and earth work. IF you only percieve with what oyur 5 senses are limited to (sound, taste, visual, scents, and touch/body feeling/nerves) you will NOT be able to comprehend why this planet is in the mess it is, or understand what the controllers are really into. Which is an on-going thing for a couple thousand years..

Now; what is more important then all the money, diamonds, gold, gems, power, cars, technology the world has to offer?

Your Soul.

The only reason the controllers (the spiritual masters of dark-intent; who govern over Vatican, Queen, presidents etc.. - do what they do, is to leech your internal energy. Making it less possible for any human stuck in the Matrix, to experience the spiritual nature they ARE.

Everything you perceive in the EXTERNAL reality is to draw yourself away from YOU. The outside world (outside your body/mind/soul = 3D realm/dimension/plane) is a DESIGN, like a labrynth, to lead one completely away from knowing thy self, from expanding their consciousness, and emancipating from the matrixes.

When you go into ANY teaching; christian, judaism, taoism, occult, esoteric, kabbalah, buddism.. Whatever; you will be morphing into the paradigm of that EXTERNAL reality, that EXTERNAL system. All systems are as a pyramid (which means middle fire = Pyro/mid) - where the masters of the teaching, will always be on top, and you will always been below, never to reach BEYOND the point of the pyramid structre.

Every system is based on this structure. For the curious human, to follow the white rabbit, but never find what its really looking for.. Which is INSIDE, the INNER-SELF, the INTERNAL reality.


Understand that, and you understand everything any system will try and teach. Never take any teaching at face value, never accept anything you dont FEEL (not think FEEL) is right. If you cant understand it, its because its a means to lie and trap your mind and leave you perceiving EXTERNALLY.

Everything you will learn is a twist, lie, manipulation, and metaphorical teaching of the HUMAN BODY/MIND/SOUL BODIES. They take the deepest knowings of the human (physically, mentally, spiritually/internally) and twist them into stories, characters, and EXTERNAL representations, leading the SEEKER/STUDENT on a hunt.

There is way to much sh*t to go through and interpret (correctly) for people. We are all seekers, some of us are much higher the seekers, meaning we have a much higher understanding of this matrix and what the HUMAN is ment to BE, what it is CAPABLE of DOING - INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY.

I am going to leave this thread alone; but I do not agree with its premise. As in my eyes, it is the works and understandings of one who is caught in the labrynth of bullsh*t (Baal is the bull, which is the belly, which is the bowel - which is the PART of the HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS that is power hungry/which corresponds with the digestive system physically - see how it works?).

The only way to find the cheese, is to take what they give you, then leave the system they drawn you too, and teach yourself

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

One more thing to add;

Why do we SEEK in the first place? Why are we students and not masters to begin with, if our Soul is al knowing? Why do we have no memory of anything, upon birth or reincarnation?


The controllers understand how to trap human minds, andc thus crumbling the indiviudal seeker's BRIDGE to their soul/spirit - which is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS 'DOWN HERE'.

As I said in the beggining; what is more valuable then diamonds, gold and all the riches... YOUR SOUL. Because when the REAL vampires (the bloodsucker vampires are only a metaphor to the spiritual conscniousness that leech your spiritual force) learned how to suck off your energy and live off it, they created a planet prison for your soul to be trapped and drained.


Saturn, the lord of the rings, the king of time... The one that creates the illusions in this solar system, the one that causes the trapped souls to run on the WHEEL of KARMA. Meaning to NEVER get passsed the illusion of this reality. MEANING - when you die, you will see your light, and be TRICKED, then sent back to Earth with NO memories of the life you just lived.

The truth is to big for you, especially if you are not connected to your SPIRITUAL FORCE. You can learn all the knowledge you want - its no good unless you take it into practise. Its no good if you do not understand its TRUE meanings, which are the design and capabilities of the HUMAN.

The only thing you need to seek is INSIDE. That is what YOU are. That is the SELF (YOU) that is experiencing what is going on outside of YOU, via 5 sense (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, nerves). Everything is about YOU. Everything is about the HUMAN being.

Everything EXTERNALLY is about TRAPPING anyone who seeks to understand thy self.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:08 AM
Alright well I got some rest and I am totally going to continue adding some hard core info through the day.

I realize that there are some who do not yet understand the information or it's complexity at this moment but that is ok because I am confident in time they will too realize there is a definitive pattern around them.

Obviously the things I have linked so far are merely examples and if we wanted to we could go through everything and maybe I will eventually have to?

Here first thing off top of my head, chewing gum. This is the photo from wiki:

"5" - The Elixir???

Big Red? + Horns + Fire??

Double Mint, Spear Mint? Duality? Janus?

Stride the Quicksilver S? Silver Surfer? Yeah actually, and every other deity of this particular motif.
I'll get into Comic Books later which is actually a very diverse and enlightening source of information about occult knowledge.

While I am at it I will also take a moment to respond to some of the comments levied towards me.

1) I am not Religious

2) This is not a "Religious" thread, it's explaining how "Mythology, Etymology, History, and Psychology" merge and are manipulated through skilled hidden cryptographic mechanisms.

3) I am thinking people are failing to separate the "Jesus of Legend and Mythology" from the "Jesus who may or may not have actually lived in real life". This is a critical step for anyone seeking to find the truth. They must learn to discern between idols and ideas.

4) Please do not claim my etymology is wrong when you clearly have not done a single search on the subject, meanwhile I have been doing searches for months. It's just a little rude. Sure maybe one or two are off but I would need to have the specifics brought up in order to correct those mistakes properly.

Now that I have addressed this I am going to continue getting some more information up in relation to the overall grand schemata.

edit on 18-8-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:27 AM
Here is a little piece I wrote probably a month or so ago in response to some other things. If you folks have been doing your homework most of this little piece will be already known info. It is merely some musing to toss out etymology + meanings and add a little insight and depth to the topic.

What is the Tree of Knowledge anyway?
It's everything.

First, think of your brain. It has root pathways that split into branches as you grow. By giving it 'light, water, air, and soil' it grows and sprouts 'fruit' (5th element/direction).
(4 elements, 4 directions + MESO). (Notice terminology correlation?)
All systems of knowledge and organization are based on the "Tree of Knowledge" from which all knowing comes.
It's the act of differentation symbolized in the Hexa-Sexagram, the Above and Below of the Baphomet.

We all have a "family tree", but it's diagram appears backwards although it's a misconception.
The root of the tree is where we all branched from. All humanity.

Astronomy/Astrology = First system of writing / reading (in conjunction with drawing with sticks on the dirt or carving on wood).
Including the first systems of measurements allowing for comparisons to gain bearing. Oral traditions and language developed along side simultaneously. etc.

Eden's Tree of Knowledge = Astrology, literally.
Log of the Tree of Knowing the Ledge = Logic, log things down on paper(from tree), logy is study of, and we log in and out of our second mind (our computers).

Astro + Log = Star Tree (Round Tree) (Stars are points of light which is the enlightenment in the night of ignorance)
Which ledge do we know? The ledger we log our numbers in? Or the "lay of the land"?

The 'course we logged to navigate' is determined by the 'log we lay' to 'determine our bearings' with the sky signs (Bearings = Ursa Minor and Major ).
This is literally how they originally would have taken measurements, laying sticks/logs down and finding their "Bears".

Tree = Daru (Sanskrit) = Taru (Hittite) = Doru (Greek) = Dru (Old Celtic) = "True"
Druid = Dru (tree) + wid (to know) = Knows the Truth = Knows the Tree (Thoth)
Correct = The Erect Tree (True)
False = Falls, the Tree Falling, the Truth Falling (Not True)

We call Autumn the Fall because of the tree's leaves and the sun's fall.
The leaf of the tree is the leaf of a book.
Book comes from Beech, a tree. There is an edible sense involved, because we are "eating the fruit" from the book/tree.
The first "books" were probably trees that we carved symbols on, literally.
A "page" is the messenger, we "page someones pager", and also means young male.
The "Papyrus Leaf" of the "Paper Page"

The Ember on the last months of the year means ashes, as in death, because everything is dying.
The ash is a tree by the way, and ember means "cycle, revolution, circle, recurrance".
The "Ember Days" of Christianity are the 12 days divided into 4 seasons.

Tons of terms in computer science reveal the true nature of things.
The "Mother" board houses the RAM (Aries).
RA-Memory is actually Mnemosyne goddess of memes- Demeter (the Earth Mother) of the Muses (Thinkers).

Mnemosyne/Demeter is Juno.
Iuno Moneta, Money, Serpent and the Tree $ Kundalini
Money means "remind, warn, instruct" (Mnemosyne), thus they put the symbols of rulers and gods on them to "remind you who rules the stars and your life".

The Roman mint for coins was her Temple, arguably the most important building in the Empire.

I will add a few supplemental links as well here for anyone seeking info and more reading.
Hermes Trismegestus

"Djehuty is sometimes alternatively rendered as Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Zehuti, Techu, or Tetu. Thoth (also Thot or Thout) is the Greek version derived from the letters ??wty."

Truth , Thought, Tree, Duty, Judy, Judah, Judge
Thoth does Judge the battles of the Gods in Egyptian Myth of course.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Before I get into anything else, let's talk Voodoo.
Not many people know much about the variants of these schools of thought, but I have been investigating and have found some very impressive information.

Haitian Vodou

Vodouists believe in a distant and unknowable creator god, Bondye. As Bondye does not intercede in human affairs, vodouists direct their worship toward spirits subservient to Bondye, called loa.[9] Every loa is responsible for a particular aspect of life, with the dynamic and changing personalities of each loa reflecting the many possibilities inherent to the aspects of life over which they preside.[10] In order to navigate daily life, vodouists cultivate personal relationships with the loa through the presentation of offerings, the creation of personal altars and devotional objects, and participation in elaborate ceremonies of music, dance, and spirit possession.[11]

Conducting ritual and seeking possession by spirits is actually a important central part to the practice of Voodoo.

There is a ton here in this single subject to go over, but I will point out a few highlights that pertain to this discussion directly.

Meet Saturn, AKA Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi (Baron Saturday, also Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, or Bawon Sanmdi) is one of the Loa of Haitian Voodoo. Samedi is a Loa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetière, Baron La Croix, and Baron Kriminel. He is the head of the Guédé family of Loa, or an aspect of them, or possibly their spiritual father. 'Samedi' means 'Saturday' in French. His wife is the Loa Maman Brigitte.

Baron of the CROSS, the Cemetary, and Criminals.

This is the Cross of Baron Samedi:

Look familiar?
By the way, ever wonder why we put flowers on the grave?
Remember what I said about the Cult of Cultivation and Harvest ?
It's pretty straight forward stuff.

As Haitian Voodoo is a mixture of multiple religious traditions, we have Maman Brigitte as the wife of Samedi.

This is actually Brigid of Irish mythology.

She has been worshiped by the Celtic people as a Saint for over fifteen hundred years, and as a Goddess long before the Roman invasion of Britain and the birth of Christ. Her cult was so powerful that the Celtic Christian Church had to adopt her as a Saint, and the Roman Catholic Church followed suit, for her people would not abandon her. The name ‘Britain’ is a derivation of Brigit’s name. Britain was named for an ancient Celtic tribe, the Brigantes, who worshiped Brigit and were the largest Celtic tribe to occupy the British Isles in pre-Roman times.[2] She had two sisters, also named Brighid, and is considered a classic Celtic Triple Goddess

The tradition of female priestesses tending sacred, naturally-occurring eternal flames is a feature of ancient Indo-European pre-Christian spirituality. Other examples include the Roman goddess Vesta, and other hearth-goddesses, such as Hestia.

The "Lady of Flame" , one of the most common motifs on Earth.

Saint Brigid's feast day is on the 1st February celebrated as St Brigid's Day in the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and by some Anglicans. The Gaelic festival coincides with Imbolc, which is a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid.[10]

This ancient tradition is still alive and stronger than ever.

I will come back for a more direct and complete examination of holidays shortly, there is a ton of good stuff about these traditions worthy of note.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:00 AM
Also before I forget let's talk Shiva.

Shiva (Śiva, /ˈʃɪvə/, meaning "The Auspicious One"), also commonly known as Mahadeva (meaning "The Great God") and Shankara, is a popular Hindu god and is venerated as the Supreme Being within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in Hinduism.[1][2] In several branches of Hinduism other than Shaivism, Shiva is regarded as one of the primary forms of God, such as one of the five primary forms of God[1] in the Smarta tradition, and "the Destroyer" or "the Transformer"[3] among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine.

Who is Shiva the Destroyer?
(This is really really easy....can you guess?)

Saturn: Shani is the Vedic name for the planet of truth (satya), Saturn. The male deity is the dark side of Shiva, the destroyer. He destroys Kama (desire) through the gaze of his eyes. The female deity associated with Saturn is Kali. She is adorned with a necklace of skulls around her neck, which represents the heads of ignorance that she has removed. Shani and Kali are often dressed in black or dark blue and are associated with spritual discipline and asceticism. Parashara states that Brahma is the chief deity associated with Saturn. Yama is also associated with Saturn as a planetary deity according to Phaladeepika by Mantereswara. 1

Vedic Deities and Calendars

Hindu Calendar


The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death, Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla—the eternal time—Kālī, his consort, also means "Time" or "Death" (as in time has come). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change. Although sometimes presented as dark and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilator of evil forces still has some influence. Various Shakta Hindu cosmologies, as well as Shākta Tantric beliefs, worship her as the ultimate reality or Brahman.

Also see Parvati for more info.

Please look at the Hindu Calendars closely and note the planets / days correlations.
It equates extremely well with our Western system actually.

Wait until we get into some of the even more obscure and far away calendars though! It's really eye opening.
All evidence reveals the ancient connections we just have to learn how to interpret it in a greater context.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 05:42 AM
There are two Jesus in the Bible and so does in Christianity.

Most Christians go with one and only few are left with the other.

One of them is the antichrist.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 05:57 AM
Where else but in an EXTREMELY backward Hellhole (or to understate it) of a "civilization" would a "Bringer of Light" be considered the same thing as a "Prince of Darkness?" #-ing Abrahamics (Jews, Christians and Muslims) in particular are clearly, obviously the most schizoid-paranoid scourge of the scourge on this planet, that is, in terms of global power and influence. Any wonder why ETs, intelligent nonhumans, interdimensionals and/or the like who are worth more than, say, maggot-infested diarrhea - entirely unlike the ones who apparently created religions and the existing political world, in other words - are avoiding Contact like the plague? Happy Sunday morning; that's my sermon for now.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by filledcup

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by filledcup
Lucifer is the 'false light',

Impossible due to law of physics.
I will correct your misunderstanding of terminology and philosophy by putting this into
"Modern Christian Terminology":

God created Light and Dark.
Light is light, and dark is dark.
There is no false dark or false light.
Only Alpha and Omega.

God made Jesus the Light, and Satan the Dark.
Therefore since "LUCIFER" means "LIGHT BEARER" in LATIN, it's only logical to place this TERM on the JESUS side of the Equation opposing "SATAN".

Hopefully this translation should make sense.
Thanks for asking though and if you have any more questions pertaining to my comments please ask and I will try my best to resolve any confusion or misunderstanding we may have. I appreciate your contribution and reminding me to address this specifically.
edit on 17-8-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

ur mixed up and twisted it seems by the fundamental Christian dogmatic viewpoint. tell me, what is the point of analysing scripture for deeper meaning if the deeper meaning comes up with the same dogmatic viewpoint?

observe how the laws of physics are fully adhered to:

matter like a rock or a wall is made up of atoms. all the various types of atoms come together like lego blocks to construct things. and we and all living things are made up of various arrangements of various atoms. atoms when inspected appear to be made of nothing, but when split are shown to reveal tremendous energy. the connection between matter and spirit can be found in inspection at the sub-atomic level whose study is known as the field of Quantum Theory. in the quantum realm, which is to say the micro-microscopic realm illogical behaviours and patterns seem to randomly and by chance work together to be held in place.

but in the bible it is very clear as i said. this quantum level, or sub-atomic level is at the doorway to the spirit in terms of scientific study. which is why randomness, infinty and illogical ideals appear to forge these atoms. but it is obvious God spoke and through his voice as he spoke light was created. and light in this sense is the fundamental particles/atoms that make up the material world. what God has done.. is take the fabric of the immaterial/illogic, formless void, and molded them into a structure with his voice.. with Sound. and continues to do so to uphold physical reality and existence.

in summary, sound has molded energy/light into the formation of the various atoms. he then molded the earth and celestial objects and man and the animals out of these atoms. fed via the subatomic level to the atoms by the spirit, life and consciousness was born. it makes complete sense doesnt it? and very much accurate by both fundamental as well as quantum science theory.

in the beginning all was darkness and void. would you then say that that darkness and void is satan? even though the kingdom of God is not of this place/plane of existence? isnt lucifer the Angel of Light? isnt satan here on earth to tempt man in the flesh? so that he would gravitate more towards the flesh and away from the spirit so that he'd be consumed by the material? and such is the selfishness of evil, to entice company to the side of decay, rather than the side of the eternal. knowing full well that all who go there will die, still evil entices you to partake of the material and indulge in it. what kind of a friend is that?

inspect the teachings of your teacher. without him possessing the light of the lamp of the eye there is no way for him and his perspective to be absolutely sure of anything, but death in the flesh.
edit on 17-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

i see someone read the bible right. Lets see how much further you can take it.

The bible literally is that blatenly obvious. Just ignore the new testament.
Its all grey worshipping Pleiadian crap.

Kinda like what this thread leads on about.
Yeh, Straight up.

Everyones manipulating the knowledge for their own benifit. Even the Greys themsleves Use our own beliefs against us.

Just know this.

Job 38:31
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Amos 3:7-8

“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

You know, Hitler was in contact with Pleiadians. Do you really want these guys around?

Why not... Follow... A wolf. Or the Lion Stalking till dusk

Thought this song might be relivant. HA hahaha xD

edit on 18-8-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 08:09 AM
Here is a really cool website I discovered awhile ago.

Days of the Week

The page it's linked on is the "Days of the Week in Mongolian & Buryat".
Check out the other sections on the website the author has some interesting concepts to ponder.

Here is a wiki for Days of the Week.

Here is the wiki explaining that the 7 day week is the International Standard:
7 day weeks

Here is a wiki about the mythological basis of our calendar system.
Planetary Hours

The intimate relationships between plants and animals, the stars/planets and their movements in the sky, and basically how everything worked in society and nature were part of the first systems of "writing" and "reading".

By creating constellations and relaying stories about them, many tribes explained the finer details of life wherever they were at. For example the Inuits and the Polynesians and their "singing".

By singing these "songs" they can teach each other very important information that is critical for survival. We still do this today in many interesting ways in fact, especially through symbolism in media. All of the same motifs repackaged (and being exploited for all of the wrong reasons).

Let us examine the finer points of Lunar Calendars
Solar Calendars
Lunisolar Calendars

Precession of the Equinoxes
Sidereal Year
and Tropical Year

Also if you haven't seen it already check out 60 (number)
Truncated Icosahedron - inspiration for the Soccer Ball it would seem.

Chinese Sexagenary Cycle

also known as the Stems-and-Branches (Chinese: 干支; pinyin: gānzhī), is a cycle of sixty terms used for recording days or years.[1]

Stems and Branches.
Babylonian number system
The Babylonians used a base 60 numerical system.

So thus we have 360 degrees in a circle, 60 minutes, seconds, 12 months , 24hours, etc.
It's all based off Astronomical observations and logical analysis.

Due to this astonishing accuracy, we have the correlations between the Clocks and the actual Shape and Size of the Earth and it's Rotational speed. 24 hours / roughly 24k miles = 1000 mph rotation roughly around the Equator. Of course the actual numbers are slightly different and can be found through the wikis I linked, but we are talking fairly close accuracy here for "ancient mankind". *Went and got actual # 1,040.4 mi/h

That's a lot of info actually and would like people to start opening their minds to the possibility that everyone around the world isn't really that different from themselves. And the very valid possibility that people in the past were no different than we are today. Same basic notions and expectations, etc.

I will get back to the mythology aspect shortly and attempt to explain to some of those who are still missing the pieces how the "Elements" represent the cycle of life and that the "good and evil" sides are actually more akin to a pendulum swinging back and forth.

I noticed at least one person is interested in reading more so that's a good sign.
I am not too worried though currently because this is a long term operation.

edit on 18-8-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 11:41 AM
again, as much as the information is beneficial.. u have missed the mark. see the above comment by covertpanther about how all who follow leaders are being misled with good information that comes to a conclusion that misses the mark. this is because none of them have achieved the light and are mere scholars. when you figure it out you receive spiritual light and sight.

are you then saying that the divine light.. as opposed to the physical light of the sun.. is satanic?

are you saying that the light of Heaven, the kingdom that is not of this world, the attaining of spiritual sight is evil?

that all that Jesus taught is evil? we should not aspire for the divine light because it is false?

all because your topic title is incorrect for the finality of the information presented. i once again urge you to reconsider that your perspective is derived from incomplete analysis.

you would have had a better argument to say jesus is a nephilim child, a product of an angel and a human woman. but still you'd have to recognize that such an accusation takes away none from the life Jesus lived and the things he accomplished all in Good nature. with the power to destroy all who came at him he allowed himself to be sacrificed to carve a path back through the sephirot tree of life chakra system to God! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE! The angel that came to Mary was not 'Fallen'!!! and thus Jesus is not of the Nephillim Fallen Angels.

you are also infering that abraham and the entire family tree of divinity is evil as God led and guided the prophets of the family tree to a life of righteousness so they would earn the right to bare a son of God who would then create a path back to God for all men!

so then, are all the prophets evil? and the bible a lie? both new and old testament? last attempt for me to convince you to re-assess your final hypothesis. if you miss the entire message all this study you have done is for naught. what a waste.

edit on 18-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 01:56 PM
You are on to something. I had a similar theory, but much simpler. I think all mythology is about our deepest desire. Note however that some mythology or religion are just stories to teach us things.

But I think it's about the individual desire ultimately.

Janus, the two face. It's how every person is divided.

Many things in life come in two's:

-Darkness and light
-Male and female (or mom and dad)
-Left brain, right brain
-death and life

Everyone seeks for balance between the two. Well maybe not. But the balance between the two brings us the ultimate "spiritual" joy. Ying and Yang. But there's a third one.

Modern mythology, especially the Matrix and Fight Club, have those two. Tyler Durden and the Narrator. Neo and Agent Smith. They are connected in these movies. The character fights this person and is somewhat connected with it. The Narrator created Tyler, Neo created Agent Smith, ?Satan was created by God?

And what are these movies eventually about? Cliche. It's about a girl, a mate, what we desire.
I think that represents the third.

There are things that have trinity:

-the Dark Triad
-the Triangular theory of love
-The trinity in God*

Scary but true. I score (almost) in the middle of the Dark Triad. It's what I desire.

The middle of love I seek, but not yet found. I desire it. Intimacy. Passion. Commitment.

I think important cyphers in psychology are:


Most things are two. But for some we have yet to find the third one. A philosopher talked about antifragility, it is for example something that is the third, from the two; robust and fragile. You have death and life, but there's also nonliving things, I think that's the third. Male and female exist, but also the hermaphrodite. A third one when talking about something like a body, a left brain and a right brain, I don't think there's a third. I think a third one only exists in non-objects.

It's been my obsession and passion to find the ultimate in myself. When I'm closer to it,
it causes me to experience states that people describe when under the influence of drugs.

*The three things make up the fourth thing. The Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son are God, the ultimate. Fourth may be the ultimate. Maybe I have found the ultimate in my darkside. And I desire the ultimate in a partner.

Left, right, forward, back is also interesting. It's four. But you could say it's five, since the middle is also something.

Keep on thinking about this. Again, you might be on to something.

I'm also very interested in the Apocalypse, many religions have this. I think it's the struggle of the mind.
You will battle between all sort of things. I've been sort of through this. It caused the (partly) destruction of my identity. The identity that was created by nurture, by my parents and by society.

Buddha says you need to destroy your identity in order to become enlighten. I actually felt that enlightenment after I felt immense void and extreme sadness caused by self-hatred. It reminds me of how Gandalf the Grey turns into Gandalf the White.

I'm still searching for the ultimate me. The ultimate you is inside yourself, but you need to free yourself first.

I'm very scientific. But I think we have a desire wired into our nature. It comes into expression in mythology.
Sadly no scientist looks into this. I wish I was a scientist, so I could say:

"Haha, I was wrong. Well, glad to know."

Truth to be told, if it was (partly) true. I don't think I would like people to know it. The commerce and government are already very good at satisfying our urges and I was going to say controlling but it's not that bad, but they do influence us a lot.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Holy Cow ! What an imagination you've been blessed (cursed) with. Just don't let Satan get you confused sorting out all those statements, or facts as you call them.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Mystery=Missed Tree???

Ok This pretty much defines the foundation of your ideas. You are loosely trying to connect words with ideas that sound alike. And some words you found a correlation have different meanings when translated from the latin work to english.

According to the dictionary the history of the term 'Mystery' is Middle English misterie, from Latin mystrium, from Greek mustrion, secret rite, from musts, an initiate, from mein, to close the eyes, initiate.

If you wanted to contort it to a religious foundation you could have chosen the term Mystery that is used to define the reserved sacrament. For Catholics it is the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the second part of the Mass.

Doing what you are trying to do is like taking pieces of a very big puzzle and mashing in various pieces that weren't supposed to fit and saying, "Aha!"

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 02:59 PM
Interesting stuff, haven't had the chance to read through the whole thread.

Have you read "The White Goddess" by Graves? It is a very interesting scholarly book.

Symbols are indeed being used to speak to people in a subconscious level. Once you become aware, you can see this everywhere.

This is how so many people have been convinced to vote against their own best interests.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:05 PM
I'm thinking of reading into Steven Pinker. He says we can see human nature in language.
It could help me make this more factual.

Mythology and religion is part of that. I think it can tell us about our desires.

The stories are sort of nurture and just story telling, it teaches us morals and life experience.
Morals are mostly nurture to me, but partly caused by nature.
Nobody likes the idea of getting murdered (nature), so we decided to forbid murder (nurture, culture).

What baffles me is that certain things seem to repeat itself in mythology and religion.
Why is that? To me this is part of our human nature, our inner desire.

Religion has also been used as a power tool, but it only works because we crave religion.
Part of it is of course belonging, people crave belonging. But I think it's more than that.

I mentioned in another thread how religion is proven in the brain. Apple is in fact a religion:

I will check out that book; the White Goddess.

edit on 18-8-2013 by ForbiddenDesire because: The White Goddess

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Just FYI usually when I post an important direct etym I will put a reference to where it came from like which root it came from or what language source.

I was hoping by saying "rhyme and reason" in the OP that people would be wise enough to know that I was mixing those two things (rhymes and reason) and was making a lot of "examples" to show how you can work through tongue twisters that we aren't even aware of which apparently are quite plentiful upon investigation.

I even explicitly said that many words can be found to have four or five meanings where we were only aware of one or at best two prior to looking for them.

Mystery does equal "Missed a Tree" by the definitions of the words, which I found very funny. Being mute/blind unable to see equates directly to missing the truth. There is no variation between the meaning of those two interesting correlations. I actually will post more rhymes later but want to quickly post something I need to cover more in depth. Will start a diff post for that.

I really do think a lot of people get easily caught up in petty issues though.
Just a drop of water in the ocean though. No big deal because I know tons of people do want to know about what's coming next and I will continue adding more stuff.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:33 PM
Props to the ops for if only the sheer amount of work that went on here. thing that annoys me, to find esoteric meaning In modern words and pronounciations, and associate it with ancient meanings, disregarding the clear history of origins of any given word (to include dice, history, etc).

Tomorrow, Yolo will mean yo (the ancient word for whats up), low, so high and low, what is above, so is below, etc etc..nonsense built on just humans pattern recognition..seeing faces in clouds and the like.

I can take any double or more syllable word and turn it into some sweeping prophecy if I desired.
ok, desire
the sire
sire = king, our king..our desire is our king, it rules us.
See, completely off the top of my head, yet no doubt some will nod and go..yeah, that makes sense, totally accurate hidden language.

But then again, what do I know. I am just SaturnFX

-supervillian laugh and such-

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