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Meet Your ATS Staff - 2013 Edition

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:51 AM
I haven't been a member very long so haven't had much interaction with the staff as yet, but enjoyed reading about you all! What a varied bunch of people.
It also served as a reminder that I have yet to introduce myself properly..
I will get on to that one of these days but right now I have more important things to do like, MAKE TACO's and Quacamole! Thanks Skeptic OverlLord!!! I can't wait

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:21 AM
Nice to meet the mods and thanks to elevatedone for helping me through my posting ban. I was going through some serious withdrawls then! Thanks to the owners, admins, and staff for putting up with me lo these many long years.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:53 PM


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

OMG you are definitely the ATS Chef! I'm dying to
dine with you! Especially with this fabulous dinner & those
Lobster Tacos & I love Tequila!


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by argentus

In Aug (?) 2003 I participated in the San Diego Scottish Games. It was my
first time & never even practiced or conditioned for them. I had competed
the year before with my Border Collie in the herding competition & since the
2003 event would be my last one in CA I decided to take it ALL in...

I competed with my dog on Sat & Sun...competed in the games & ALL I really
wanted to do was the Caber Toss but not possible. I had to participate all the
way through the games in order to toss the Caber. I had never even had one in
me hand...1st toss was perfect end over end! That made me bloody day...the 2nd
not so good...balancing is difficult.

Next was "Bad Hagas" a great band! There was a set of congas not being used...
I'm a professional drummer not a professional percussionist only play for fun.

Well when they are under the same tent giving away free Scotch samples things
happen. I got dared by me friends to go up & start jamming with them. Well it all
went great & they invited me to come back & play with them the next day. I couldn't
believe it. And come to find out the drummer & I were both endorsed by Paiste Cymbals.

What a great weekend to accomplish the 3 things I love most just before leaving my
favorite state!

Thanks for being part of the team!


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Ektar

I wasn't there in 2003, but was ten years prior to that. Sounds like a classic great time at the games, and you got to jam! Excellent!

Caber toss................ I have done a perfect toss ONCE. I know what you mean when you talk about the exhilaration of doing it right! Other times, off to the side, and at least three times it came back on me while running with tha' damn thing. Body bonks ensued, once on my head. Yeah, right. Walk it off.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 12:48 AM

OMG you are definitely the ATS Chef! I'm dying to
dine with you!


Ask Springer about my 11-seasoning shrimp... he doesn't like shrimp, he couldn't stop eating them.

Also ask him about my coffee-rub bone-in (cowboy) ribeye steak.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

If you felt like messaging me those eleven seasonings, I wouldn't hold it against you boss!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

OMG you are definitely the ATS Chef! I'm dying to
dine with you!


Ask Springer about my 11-seasoning shrimp... he doesn't like shrimp, he couldn't stop eating them.

Also ask him about my coffee-rub bone-in (cowboy) ribeye steak.

Do you understand how annoying that is. Oh, I have a great recipe for shrimp. Well in Australia we call them prawns. We plop them on the barbie. How about sharing the recipe so we can all try it! It is not as if you can send me any.


posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 04:46 AM
Great thread here. Nice to get to know the people behind our beloved sanctuary.

And i see especially springer and overlord are good husband material! Cooking, painting, dog lovers with long lasting relationships. And i loooove great danes - such amazing dogs.

Anywa, its a good place to thank you all for all the good works - appreciating it since years.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

OMG you are definitely the ATS Chef! I'm dying to
dine with you!


Ask Springer about my 11-seasoning shrimp... he doesn't like shrimp, he couldn't stop eating them.

Also ask him about my coffee-rub bone-in (cowboy) ribeye steak.

Originally posted by Kurokage
Come on, do you really expect us to believe this!!!

ATS members aren't daft!!

We all know that you guys live on a flying saucer orbiting the moon and look nothing like Humans!!!

When Humans are asked to be Mods, they are abducted, flown to the moon and Skeptic Overlord uses there brains to power ATS severs! bwhahahahahah

Is this how normal humans sucome to the powers of Skeptic Overlord!!! More brains for the ATS severs!!!

edit on 28-7-2013 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Springer

Hi Springer, we are all so lucky for you to have started this site. I love the cultural mix of people, well balanced conversations, & now Skeptics Wonderful Food with Tequila.

So how were those Shrimp with 11 Spices? & coffee-rub bone-in (cowboy) rib-eye steak?
Starting to think maybe Skeptic needs a recipe thread or cooking show...LOL!

I'm glad you are still part of ATS after all these years. My life would be pretty boring without
this joint. I don't have TV & spend alot of time here reading different topics. There's such a
plethora of information & what an awesome library. Thank you for sharing.


Where's the photo of your bike?

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Thanks for sharing your recipes...
I have saved the ones you have provided to far...LOL!


posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by argentus

...........and many musical commonalities and instruments. Food+music+drink= !! What I found at the Highland Games was that several clans claimed relatives/areas/geography that crossed into both countries. ......or maybe it was just a reason for anyone with a tenuous link to party. That's Celtic too.

So true. I'm Scottish (Northern) but have never been to Scotland. Growing up people were
always trying to recruit me to play drums in the pipe band at Grandfather Mountain.

I never had the time since I was the drum line leader all through school & I was also
very involved in sports. I really enjoy the games when I can go but I haven't been since I
left CA in 2003. I am just thankful for the opportunity I had at the moment.

I do love Scotch Eggs & Meat Pies although I rarely get to have any. Occasionally
someone will bring some to our Border Collie Sheepdog Trials.


posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

Originally posted by Hefficide

Ohhhh.... BRIT FIGHT!

Good LAWD,
:shk: I hope NOT!!??

they'd fight to the core even if it Only was about the sex of a newborn. ...

last few days == case in point.

who cares!?

a) They changed the succession so that even if it was a girl born first they'd still be first heir to the throne, so most of us wanted it to be a girl for the simple fact that it would be something that was essentially changing history and removing the stigma of royals praying for boys as it didn't matter any more.
b) Princess Shaniqua had a really special ring to it.
c) Saying that, George is cute. So I don't think anyone really cares that much.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 01:43 PM
This is good...nice to learn something about you all.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 06:14 PM
Epic thread! Thank you! Some people harsh on you guys/gals but most of us know you are human! Well I hope!

Anyways thanks for letting us get to know you all a little better. It will bring the family closer together. I love my ATS! Oh and Skeptic Overlord... thanks for making us all hungry! I think I may have to try your fish tacos!

You have to post some of your recipes to the Food & Cooking forum!

Love to all!


edit on 7/28/2013 by restlessinMT because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/28/2013 by restlessinMT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

OMG you are definitely the ATS Chef! I'm dying to
dine with you!


Ask Springer about my 11-seasoning shrimp... he doesn't like shrimp, he couldn't stop eating them.

Also ask him about my coffee-rub bone-in (cowboy) ribeye steak.

O.K. I am going to bite or like want a bite! Springer give us the scope on this coffee-rub ribeye! My family are and have always been steak eaters. Put a steak in front of my 4, 7 & 9 year old and they will devour it and plenty more and fight over the bone.

Makes this mama happy! So will someone give us the recipe????


edit on 7/28/2013 by restlessinMT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Hello everyone;

It took me awhile I got through all of your intros. ( Thanks and it's nice to meet the people behind the names)
All of you seem to have come to this site nearly the same way,and interesting lives.

I came here (I was a long time lurker, probably at least 5 years) after hearing an advertisement on one of my favorite Radio Programs.)

I'm terrible though at introductions; my life is boring.
Busy sometimes helping my friend who is like a mother to me, this hasn't been too good a year.

But I do enjoy coming here and reading posts, sometimes responding. Only if I can intelligently respond.
This is a good site to get news the MSM just don't want to mention, it's nice to know their are still thinking and intelligent people are still around.

edit on 28-7-2013 by 1loserel2 because: add

edit on 28-7-2013 by 1loserel2 because: add

edit on 28-7-2013 by 1loserel2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by restlessinMT

It's been along while since we've had a good steak, yum, economy for us has not been good.

Enjoy two extra steaks for us and let us know how we liked it.

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