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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Taj Mikel

This project hasn't had a huge amount of resources allocated to it and so one should be realistic with regards to what they hoped to achieve from it, we can loosely determine an interest in Universal consciousness and underlying metaphysical language and how the two inter-relate.

Are you sure "realistic" is the most appropriate word to use in this instance?

We don't actually know what kind of resources the FLSite (hesitant to use the acronym "FL" as it is so darn similar to the word "Affael" :O ) has to draw from (Or, do we?). Having viewed quite a bit of the material, I think it would be safe to assume that at least some of the producing artists have access to fairly well constructed computer systems and software to boot. Get it, boot? xD

Still, though - you're right. Crazy speculation must be tempered.

However, we can far more than "loosely determine" an interest in Universal consciousness, underlying metaphysical language and how the two relate - can't we? You yourself implicate far more than that long throughout this thread, including in the post I am quoting from.

In terms of my prior use of statements like "nature of the time" and vague speculations on what the website and Internet at large might be being currently used for, I can temper those. I don't see any reason why the obvious technological function of the website (or, Internet, for that matter) should necessarily be tempered, though. With regards to the FLSite: It is obviously a multi-function wave guide, it is obviously a means of imparting information to the obsevers in a subconscious manner, it obviously does ring very similarly to Illuminati behavior as described to have taken place a few hundred years ago, it very obviously is a combination of artists and scientists (IMO, likely funded by that third spoke, them there "Elites" peeps), it very obviously has an overarching paradigm coded within it that emerges as you make circles around the site, it very obviously is a series of "mirrors" on and within "mirrors", both in terms of the information conveyed being verified in largely self-referential ways by the FL-site itself (especially with regards to all the wonderfully juicy "secret" information) as well as within the actual imagery of the website and appendant media.

Note that in their videos there are often 2-3 layers of clearly identifiable information being presented at any given time. Note that this information is often presented within a "field" of confusing information, or noise. Consider that fundamental field of noise, within which specific and intelligible information is conveyed (through images primarily) is the exact same as the FLSite itself. 3 paragraphs of incomprehensible followed by a snippet of comprehensible, back and forth on and on.

The website is obviously manifold. It is obviously of a fractal nature, it is obviously some sort of weird consciousness mirror that is general and vague enough to allow for precise conveyance to many different viewers in a way which seems PERSONAL to those viewers. If we pull back and look at it as a whole it seems pretty obvious (to me, anyway) that the thing is essentially a mandala, or a circuit. The entire thing is meant to condition individuals. Not just the videos, not just the music - the ENTIRE website.

I hope my direct response doesn't come off as rude, and I hope that I've explained myself clearly enough to be understood. If not, I can try again
We may not even be on different pages, generally. It's hard for me to tell, so apologies if I just reiterated stuff that doesn't need reiterating.

Agreed, it may be that they hope to use the website as some way to catalyze a change or effect within the larger Internet, itself. I honestly don't know. My currently immediate speculations have me believing that the source of the FLSite is not a world-owning secret cabal of super powers ohh godd all hope is lost type entity.

In terms of their public interface they may have found it a little disconcerting that their overall efforts could be put into a mythological paradigm such that their modus operandi could not only be determined but also that aspect of the Divine which instigated it and from this the ethnic group behind the initiative.

Given that the primary focus of the website seems to be communication, I'd wonder whether or not they were disconcerted about any aspect at all of their public facing web portal. I'm curious though, by what exactly do you mean "that aspect of the Divine which instigated it" and which ethnic group do you suspect may be behind the initiative?

I believe I have found clear depiction of imagery from the FLSite on the Encyclopedia Iranica website. I haven't had a chance to actually analyze it, but I intend to in terms of both static, as well as the video, imagery they deploy. What ethnicity do you suppose.suspect/therize may be behind it? And what aspect of the Divine?

Their greatest achievement then in their search for the keys to Higher Intelligence was making contact with ATS membership, and the perspective gained from this, which should be reported on at the Herzliya Conference before an audience of intelligence agency and government ministers, in order to obtain further funding.

I think these are curious statements. Or, they confuse me. I am of the opinion that their public facing web portal is intended for, well, the public. Their interaction with ATS was HARDLY a chance occurrence. Given their penchant for anonymity, I imagine at least one of them is a member of ATS (aside from Direne), and it's pretty obvious that even if not precisely cordinated, eventually someone of the proper mindset would stumble across the website and begin investigating/spreading the word. The whole paragraph there seems as though you have information or are basing the statements on pure assumption - which is not to somehow implicate you. Though, I am curiopus about the use of mirrored imagery within your avatar photo
Why do you assert so confidently that they are going to present findings regarding their interaction with ATS at Herzilya?

I asked you alot of questions in this post, and so I'm sorry - but you are actually one of the most curious aspects of this conundrum (to me, anyway) as you are the individual who presented it and thus allowed me to stumble along and find it. Which again, is not to implicate you - it is to state that I have lots of questions for and about you
haha. So, apologies for all the questions regarding your statements, etc - but they do provoke my curiosity.

I've not had a chance to view the video you linked but I will! Perhaps it answers some of my questions

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:55 PM
My post directly above this one is formatting incorrectly, and also failing to actually post the last bit of the reply I was trying to make to Kanzt, itself. So, can't tell if it's my work computer or not, but editing the post seems to make no difference. Go go gadget, technology!

ETA* Nevermind, managed to fix it. Go go, gadget User Error!

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Intriguing new idea re: Kurzweil, the Singularity, Google, and the possibility the FL are "unknowingly creating a means" for Extra-dimensionals to cross over to here (or what if 'knowingly' doing so?)

Yeah, I'm not sure, honestly. About the Singularity/Kurzweil thing. Something about the experience of the FLsite is reflective. It's this sort of loopdy loop. I'm sure it's by design. Hoodily hoo, spirals and obfuscation and hypnotism and all. There seem to be multiple "pans" that the thing "passes through". It refers to many things, but nothing really. But, then again, it refers to everything. I have been very much attempting to focus my research into the phenomenon in the area of art, with some obvious and necessary deviance. But that focus has turned up what appear, to me, to be interesting correlations between the overall archetype that I think/feel is being presented through the experience of the FLsite. Some of them seem fairly ridiculous, such that I sometimes swear, it certainly must be a bad Jim Carrey movie. It is certainly a very weird phenomenal experience.

I noticed the labels occasionally, also! I think they are, at least some of the time, the names of their ebooks. I've started picking apart the different parts of their videos to some extent, some very interesting things. I would say that the group relies heavily on the automatic processes of the brain to perceive information while your attention has been redirected. I wouldn't want to offend them by calling it cheap illusion magic; but it is. The problem is that it's highly effective! Haha. Especially to the mind that is not paying attention (that's generally how it works). I'm meaning they induce archetypal forms through the absence of forms, using empty spaces to conjure images in the brain that are there, but are "not there". They also invoke archetypal forms using the motion of various images in relation to each other, so that one form in the video passing another form, in relation to these third, fourth and maybe fifth forms at a precise moment in their relation create the impression of a Picasso depiction of a human-oid face.

They will super impose images of moving strands or what could be described as "liquids" in streams and in those briefly form images. Think of a flip-book with so many number of pages - each 100th page out of several many thousands will have a recognizable image, though perhaps obscured in an abstract way like the Picasso works, but still recognizable - the pages in between will be abstract shapes in similarity of appearance to the actual recognizable content placed on every third page. As you flip through these at a high rate you will largely see the "noise" image as being the image captured in motion, though it will also depict the motion of the other 100th page image. And you can convey an entire story through, say, the subliminally depicted actions of a single humanoid entity (perhaps, experiencing torment until he or she spontaneously transforms into a bird and flies away).

It is exactly like the idea of subliminal messaging talked about with movie frames, etc. However, these are custom animations and are specifically intended to have the primary experience be that of "noise" - meaning there is ALOT more room for suggestion to the observer.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Could it be possible that these texts we are finding posted at FL are self generating?

I absolutely think that is a *possibility*. I would say that it is absolutely the case, but the apparent evidence of this whole thing can be laid out all sorts of different ways.

Maybe these posts ('papers') at FL look the way they do because they are supposed to because they are based on models that have been generated based on interactions between FL and ATS.

I don't think it's just interaction with ATS, that may have been a boone as Kanzt suggested. But, I do believe that there is an apparent possibility that the site is using sourced data to form its own network - which, I would then say is a self-informing machine, or model brain, etc.

What if each of those "members" that we see listed on the FL site are each responsible for a node, or even better a node farm and it's product; and then those are the nodes on the distributed semantic network.

I love you and that is an awesome concept, thanks for sharing that

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

technologically induced telepathy is actually the goal, what it is used for I cannot say because I am not privvy to that info but it is certainly the goal. It is a perfect language because it is an anti language communication of pure thought, emotion, and creativity instantly communicated. with telepathy language need not exist immediate consequence we lose our historic culture, immediate benefit, we build a new one.

Exceptional post, thank you. Do you think that it has been completed? Which is to say, do you think that this technology can be deployed- and if so, to what extent, do you imagine?

I believe that the media presented on the website is a lesser attempt at this same concept. Your contributions to this thread are enormous, seriously, thanks for the insight.

I echo Tetra, I think, when I issue caution toward the whole process of building a new cultural history and narrative.

The sense I have gotten so far is that they are, at the very least, experimenting with the means to change the paradigm of the general global conscious.

Did anyone note that what Direne said regarding their transmission frequencies corresponds with a certain cyclotron frequency of the planet Earth? Page 16, I think. Maybe. I'll make a post on it shortly. It is, if I remember correctly, approximately the 9th harmonic of the Earth's median electron cyclotron frequency (I believe she stated they transmit along 27Hz and 2.4GHz). I'll go dig it back up.

Hmmmmmmmm. Mind control, Earth's electron cyclotron frequency, I dunno - we'll throw HAARP like technology in there - satellites, mini and micro satellites. La di da, we might have the ingredients for a mass "spell".

I'll go back and look. Thanks again, man or woman or Internet entity person. !

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: tetra50

There is a great deal I am careful about discussing, as well. Buried somewhere in here you will find a whole other meaning and reference for Cassini Diskus, that I found and posted about. I am unwilling to go looking for it again, and experience that moment over. Some may already have "memories" of something like what I describe.

Well, this fascinates me on a personal level, Tetra. I will try to go find the post you're referring to, but would you perhaps care to U2U me so we can discuss that particular experience? I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it relates to my own experience of exploring the FLsite. Also, I have no idea how to use U2U (or what that even means?). But I am seriously very interested to talk about what you mention there. Lemme know!

If you research computer integrated chips, first developed in 1952…(I'll provide some links) you'll find a discussion of "dopants"….chemicals used to perhaps, create and offset different reactions within those chips….

Thank you very much for mentioning this, very much appreciated information and knowledge.

I also want to state that I appreciated your posts regarding the "nature of the beast", as it were, regarding the whole concept or redeveloping/instituting a new global paradigm and how it should be approached with caution.

I suppose, in a similar vein to what Brotherman has stated slightly earlier in the thread, this activity can be both good and bad, and as is with all things, will be taken subjectively. And that is meant to touch on your much earlier statement to me regarding the possibility that this may be a "good" thing, if we are vessels of sorts, etc.

We're blind as bats, and what happens will be what happens - will we, would we, know the difference? Or, perhaps better phrased, would we so measure the difference? Or measure it at all?

Thanks for your replies, Tetra! Send me a message if you want to talk about the stuff mentioned at the beginning of this post.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Direne

Pleased to meet you, Direne.

Cassini Diskus is not a language. It is a device to encode information using sound and images and transforming that encoded information into a signal, that is then transmitted at a frequency 27 Hz and/or 12.704 GHz.

Both 27Hz and 12.704GHz are harmonics of the Earth's median electron cyclotron frequency.

According to this US Navy news source the HAARP facility was able to facilitate/create and sustain plasma in the atmosphere by interfering with the ionosphere. The info relevant here is below:

Past attempts to produce electron density enhancements have yielded densities of 4 x 105 electrons per cubic centimeter (cm3) using HF radio transmissions near the second, third, and fourth harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency. This frequency near 1.44 MHz is the rate that electrons gyrate around the Earth's magnetic field.

1.44MHz is obviously an approximation. The measurement you provide, however, is more accurate by an additional decimal point.

How many Hz are in a MHz? Answer: 1,000,000

How many then in a GHz? 1,000,000,000.

1.44MHz is 1,440,000 Hz.

To find the harmonic of a frequency we simply double it. So, for instance, the first harmonic of the median approximated electron cyclotron frequency of the Earth would be 2.88MHz.

If we multiply 1.44 by 9 we get 12.96. Close, maybe, to the 12.704 but, meh.

We are, however, working from a more gross approximation by starting with 1.44. If we start with your measurement of 12.704, then divide by 9 we get: 1.4115 - we still see the same approximated deviance from the root of 1.44, but perhaps the more accurate cyclotron frequency measurement is reflected in this 1.4115 - derived from your third decimal measurement - as opposed to using a 2 decimal approximation as our starting point.

The kicker I believe, though, is in the reference to the various forms of these numbers along the measurement spectra.

So we take 1,411,500 and divide it by 1,000,000 to get the correlation in plain old Hertz. We get 1.4115Hz. We then multiply 1.4115 by 9 and get, hmmmm: 12.7035Hz. So we multiply 12.7035 by 1,000,000,000 and get, hmmm: 12.7035GHZ - we round up cause of the 5 there and receive 12.704GHz.

So you appear to transmit along a microwave band of spectra which just happens to also match the approximate 90th harmonic of the Earth's median electron cyclotron frequency.

How do you deploy this microwave form of communication?

It appears that 27Hz is also a harmonic of this same frequency, as taking 1.4115Hz and multiplying it by 19 we receive 26.8185Hz.

Here's a decent website for organizing this information in a graph sort of form, btw.

So, uhhhhh.... wazzup with that, yo?

Note that* 12.704GHz falls roughly around the X and Ku bands of microwave measurement. These are used for satellite communications, astronomy and radar.

The Microwave Bands

I really don't think I need to link this sort of stuff, but perhaps for the passerby:

Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Brain wave recognition of words
Brain-wave recognition of sentences

Editing AGAIN* to add that in the same way that an "A" note resonating at such and such a pitch/frequency is still an "A" note when at it's next higher or lower harmonic - 27Hz here, for intents and purposes, is probably very much the same thing as 12.704GHz. Or perhaps better visualized, if we assign the designation of musical note "A" to the Earth's cyclotron frequency, then both 27Hz and 12.704GHz would also receive the designation "A". Though, just as in musical notation there is a commonly accepted C1, C2, C3, and so on up the scales - here too we would probably have similar notation. Exponential, of course. 2.7Hz10^9, or some such

On music, 144Hz is prominently featured when tuning the "A" note of an instrument to 432Hz. We end up with "D" at the interval which lands on 144Hz.

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: Edited to, um. Add.

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: wibbly darned bibbly

edit on 10-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Taj Mikel
a reply to: Direne

Pleased to meet you, Direne.

Cassini Diskus is not a language. It is a device to encode information using sound and images and transforming that encoded information into a signal, that is then transmitted at a frequency 27 Hz and/or 12.704 GHz.

Both 27Hz and 12.704GHz are harmonics of the Earth's median electron cyclotron frequency.

According to this US Navy news source the HAARP facility was able to facilitate/create and sustain plasma in the atmosphere by interfering with the ionosphere. The info relevant here is below:

Past attempts to produce electron density enhancements have yielded densities of 4 x 105 electrons per cubic centimeter (cm3) using HF radio transmissions near the second, third, and fourth harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency. This frequency near 1.44 MHz is the rate that electrons gyrate around the Earth's magnetic field.

1.44MHz is obviously an approximation. The measurement you provide, however, is more accurate by an additional decimal point.

How many Hz are in a MHz? Answer: 1,000,000

How many then in a GHz? 1,000,000,000.

1.44MHz is 1,440,000 Hz.

To find the harmonic of a frequency we simply double it. So, for instance, the first harmonic of the median approximated electron cyclotron frequency of the Earth would be 2.88MHz.

If we multiply 1.44 by 9 we get 12.96. Close, maybe, to the 12.704 but, meh.

We are, however, working from a more gross approximation by starting with 1.44. If we start with your measurement of 12.704, then divide by 9 we get: 1.4115 - we still see the same approximated deviance from the root of 1.44, but perhaps the more accurate cyclotron frequency measurement is reflected in this 1.4115 - derived from your third decimal measurement - as opposed to using a 2 decimal approximation as our starting point.

The kicker I believe, though, is in the reference to the various forms of these numbers along the measurement spectra.

So we take 1,411,500 and divide it by 1,000,000 to get the correlation in plain old Hertz. We get 1.4115Hz. We then multiply 1.4115 by 9 and get, hmmmm: 12.7035Hz. So we multiply 12.7035 by 1,000,000,000 and get, hmmm: 12.7035GHZ - we round up cause of the 5 there and receive 12.704GHz.

So you appear to transmit along a microwave band of spectra which just happens to also match the approximate 90th harmonic of the Earth's median electron cyclotron frequency.

How do you deploy this microwave form of communication?

It appears that 27Hz is also a harmonic of this same frequency, as taking 1.4115Hz and multiplying it by 19 we receive 26.8185Hz.

Here's a decent website for organizing this information in a graph sort of form, btw.

So, uhhhhh.... wazzup with that, yo?

Note that* 12.704GHz falls roughly around the X and Ku bands of microwave measurement. These are used for satellite communications, astronomy and radar.

The Microwave Bands

I really don't think I need to link this sort of stuff, but perhaps for the passerby:

Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Brain wave recognition of words
Brain-wave recognition of sentences

Editing AGAIN* to add that in the same way that an "A" note resonating at such and such a pitch/frequency is still an "A" note when at it's next higher or lower harmonic - 27Hz here, for intents and purposes, is probably very much the same thing as 12.704GHz. Or perhaps better visualized, if we assign the designation of musical note "A" to the Earth's cyclotron frequency, then both 27Hz and 12.704GHz would also receive the designation "A". Though, just as in musical notation there is a commonly accepted C1, C2, C3, and so on up the scales - here too we would probably have similar notation. Exponential, of course. 2.7Hz10^9, or some such

Are you talking to yourself?

I don't post because I do not know, to what extent... imagined this is. I have ideas but they are empty, I have a process but this is also empty, I have a glass empty and upside down not a drop or a thought and even if I did still trying to piece together a script, got plenty of Ideas none of which really work from text to text. Its always a work in progress.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Are you talking to yourself?

What is the intent or cause of your sarcasm? I addressed Direne because she was the one who posted the information from which I derived mine. Do you find some kind of trouble or inconsistency in it?

You DO post, you post quite a bit on this thread. I also do not know to what extent imagined this is. I also have an empty process and empty ideas. This is all very much for me like sand sifting through my hands - as I grasp the granules they escape to be again replaced. It is absolutely an evolving process.

I don't understand your reply to me.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Taj Mikel

I didnt mean to reply to your reply to direne, thats just how it kind of happened was replying to your reply to me. I think the point is, is that it is a search for something starting from the beginning and ending somewhere for the FL people it may not be as conventional and may not be sweet or innocent, still doesnt matter though of all the things seldom asked or thought about from this topic is well wtf what about protolanguage etc etc it seems as though people talk to themselves with nothing to answer for but more babble. change the language.

Linked so much stuff here start in one of those I am not being sarcastic either from this reply or the last.
edit on 10-6-2014 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Ah, understood. Well, somewhat. Apologies for what I feel was a hasty sort of defense on my part.

I swear, this entire experience has been "fractal" for me. Even your immediate most post seems "reflective" of the experience at large, to me. I find myself engaged in a weird sort of spiraling interpretation of what you actually *mean*, and the depths apparent seem to go on and on. In the same way, my entire experience after having first encountered the FLsite has been this exercise (if I can really call it that) in expansive, "transdimensional" thought. Where "transdimensional" is meant to absolutely refer to "perspective". I used to have this catchy phrase for a thing I noticed (not at all that Im the only one, just that its how I put the thing into words): The Multiplicity of Truths. Same concept implied by a myriad different ways of organizing information along the lines of "union of opposites" and so on. This experience has been constant recognitions of indescribable things.

Having said that; yes, I am talking to myself. I'm also not.

Your statement to change the language reminded me of a post you made way back, I think it was you anyway, regarding base 12 systems versus base 10 - so, thank you for the reminder of that

For the start and the end of the thing for the FLsite peeps: It absolutely is unconventional and utterly indescribable except by cheap inference. It's an amazing thing and apparent direction. The complete ambition of it is, well, the stuff of myths and legends ;P It absolutely is not innocent, but what "is"?

It is as though people talk to themselves, and in a way from what I've read about Magnus' work it's also implied there - that language is a (descriptions falter for me a bit here) - that language is a feedback loop/internal activity/self-referential. It is alot like how I imagine the experience of existence actually is, a totally internal process of perception of the self spiraling in on itself. Those words are cheap, but hopefully conveyed the sense of when you look out it's a mirror - everything is twisted mirrors. Loops and twisted wormholes of perception that exit and return but never leave the "Self".

Hypercube full of monkeys?

The monkey-cube is I think a good representation of how language works, and perception/experience. So, yeah - we peeps is be talkin to ourselves. All of us.

I also write because it's, as of this moment, still a valid means of communicating ideas to one another. I learn because other people have written, maybe people learn a bit because I have written, so on and so on. I disagree that what has been exchanged on this thread could be classified as "babble", for that reason. Thanks for your reply and clarification, and also I notice how with all of my replies it may actually seem as though I am speaking to myself O_O I don't know how to "tag" multiple people as having been replied to in a single post of my own.

edit on 11-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Taj Mikel
Hey, for what it's worth, I think you 'post' just fine!! I always understand what you're talking about and who you are addressing (if anyone in particular).

Don't mind Brotherman, he gets a bit 'tetchy' sometimes, but he means well...actually, I think he mainly gets frustrated with the whole "language" thing, because (like most of us) he finds it difficult to express 'well' what he 'means'...

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: lostgirl


frustrated with language

Language is an extremely limited tool (at least) when it comes to expressing thought. A good analogy is the attempt to capture a sunset on a canvas: The result is rarely even remotely comparable to the original, while lacking in color, luminescence, realism, not capturing the way the red fire of the of the descending sun dances in the rising waves of the ocean, ... The best results are typically reached when the attempt of an accurate portrayal is abandoned in favour of something else, e.g. to capture the viewers imagination or to emphasize one particular aspect of the sunset.

This article discusses some of the related issues, mostly with a focus on the frustration that I, myself, often feel. The main focus is on written language; however, many of the same issues apply, m.m., to spoken language. The main difference would be that spoken language is seldom used to express complex thoughts, and thus is less affected by many of the following issues. Another difference is that the “linearity” problem described below is even greater with spoken language.

This should satisfy a small read if you interested

If anything read this next section and pay very very very close attention to what it is saying and then ask yourself how does this relate to FL and what they are doing and not doing. One does not have to fall far off the deep end and let their brains spill out onto the concrete FL is doing exactly what this third party says is a solution to the problems with langugae.

A solution to some problems could be replacing traditional natural languages with an artificial construct. Notably, statements in programming languages typically have a unique meaning and are much better suited to express thoughts—alas, only in a very limited area. The AI concept “semantic network”w provides a good way of writing thoughts down in an at least two-dimensional manner (which allows a greater, if imperfect, focus on the interconnections)—and after some minor training it is possible to read such networks just as easily as normal text. Unfortunately, any attempt at developing a new mode of writing would fail on lacking acceptance; in particular, because it would likely not be compatible to spoken language, and only a very small minority of the population have the same needs and wishes as I do in this regard. (It is also notable that comparatively unambitious and uncontroversial new languages, e.g. Volapuk and Esperanto, have had only minor success.)

edit on 12-6-2014 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman I think the point is, is that it is a search for something starting from the beginning and ending somewhere for the FL people it may not be as conventional and may not be sweet or innocent, still doesnt matter though of all the things seldom asked or thought about from this topic is well wtf what about protolanguage etc etc it seems as though people talk to themselves with nothing to answer for but more babble. change the language.

Sooo...What would you like us to "change the language" to?...And how would we do that?

Oh wait, never mind that, here's a question I keep forgetting to ask:
(and would love to know what the FL people think as well)

- If people communicated telepathically, what would happen to 'word' art?

I mean, what about poetry, prose, stories, etc...?

...even conversation can be an "art" and in fact, is at it's most enjoyable when we engage in - 'word' 'play'...

If 'Language' changed too much, wouldn't it cease to exist as an art form?

I wonder if that would have an effect on humanity (not in the sense of human'kind' but in the sense of human'ness')?
edit on 12-6-2014 by lostgirl because: editing

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Art comes from a creative mind, being able to as closely as possible describe (whether drawn, written, or etched etc) something, language does not have words to exactly describe something not tangible I cannot describe red I percieve as red to someone who is blind nor describe powerful human emotions in a meaningful way. All words used are cookie cutter and over generalized if language was in fact a pure method of communication it should by its nature be able to DIRECTLY convert into pure thought but this is simply not the case. I think that if telepathic communication would become reality for the masses I believe that a new art form will spawn from it, and also those that try hard to make their vision on canvas or a poem can now just flood the world with their impressive creation without the headaches of trying to halfway convey what they are trying to create as it was first born from the mind and then dumbed down onto another medium.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

I agree, to a degree...but...

While it would be wonderful to be able to communicate without the 'limitations' imposed by mere word meanings -

I think that not having/needing any 'words' at all would somehow...uummm, I don't know...take something away from us?

Okay, maybe it's only me, but I enjoy 'playing' with words (hence my opening sentence)

edit on 12-6-2014 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

I am not implying the ability to use words will go away or word art would go away, I am saying that with the ability to be telepathic a new form of art will emerge, maybe if this happens when you look at a painting you will see deeply into the mind of the person that created it, perhaps this will create a new and better form of the reality we all exist in because we do make the reality around us, being telepathic will help humanity unite I think.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Brotherman
Oh, I see - that's a good point.

I do believe there could be advantages to telepathic communication...unfortunately, there are disadvantages too.

I mean, how far 'into' each other's minds would we be able to see as telepaths? Well, and how far would we 'need' to be able to see in order to fully communicate and would that be too much?

If 'opening' the mind enough to communicate effectively limits the privacy of our thoughts, then it's just not a viable idea...

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

I dont think it works the way i think you think it will like your private memories or thoughts etc, it is hard to explain but i will give it a stab. It would be more like you recieve and send information in a raw form that transcends words etc basically when you send a comm link to another their brain will match the electrical and biochemical mixture to the exact place kind of like cloning your brain pattern for a moment in which outside of time you can recieve a lifetime of information in negative time I also think that this will work with tech. it is up to the sender to learn how to control their communications, natural human impulse like sex and wtf moments will probably become more of white noise, for example a guy sees a girl hes attracted too perhaps the compulsion to send a message so to speak would be uncontrollable because of natural boundries. again it is up to the person sending to learn constraint.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Taj Mikel

I was suggesting their resources can be deduced by the quality of the graphic art and videos produced and literature and documents made available as well as the website itself, with regards to how much time, money and effort is applied to the project, and the number of members there is the capacity to handle.

There is obviously research into subliminal layering and suggestion and how this affects an individual beneath the conscious level, and the site itself is an aspect of such and is introducing some very dark archetypes, some of the videos will induce deep disturbance and anxiety at the subconscious level, these obviously have potential application with regards to social manipulation.

I can only ever understand things and attempt to explain myself in terms of my own personal understandings, i don't expect others to share or understand them, but thus from the onset i conjectured this in terms of Enki working with the Gallu Demons, with the Hebrews having adopted Enki and all his ways as their National Deity i always expected their involvement, just me and my crazy perspective maybe but it's the only one i know, and for this reason it seems consistent to me they would present their research at Herzilya.

There is also the consideration with regards to interaction as to what subliminal messages might have been sent back in the opposite direction, it is a game that two can play, could these have affected future policy and decisions, are our ideas ever truly our own...?!? avatar is nice.

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