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Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by AQuestion
So if someone doesn't act on those thoughts, it doesn't matter in the end? That doesn't seem very fair in my opinion.
But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart
I mean what does his serpent, clothing, 3rd eye, and title destroyer of worlds mean.
In the human body, the trishula also represents the place where the three main nadis, or energy channels (ida, pingala and shushmana) meet at the brow. Shushmana, the central one, continues upward to the 7th chakra, or energy center, while the other two end at the brow, there the 6th chakra is located. The trisula's central point represents Shushmana, and that is why it is longer than the other two, representing ida and pingala.
Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus
Dear ThirdEyeofHorus,
Jesus did bring us forgiveness of sins but we still must fulfill the law. Still Jesus is a great Bodhisattva and did make the sacrifice for all mankind.
That is just silly. Never have a bad thought, that is what would be required to fulfill all of the law. Please tell me you have never a bad thought, I will be impressed. Why would Jesus need to die for our sins if we could be perfect and could keep trying to be perfect forever through reincarnation. Your moniker alone kind of says where you are coming from. Peace.
Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus
Dear ThirdEyeofHorus,
Jesus did bring us forgiveness of sins but we still must fulfill the law. Still Jesus is a great Bodhisattva and did make the sacrifice for all mankind.
That is just silly. Never have a bad thought, that is what would be required to fulfill all of the law. Please tell me you have never a bad thought, I will be impressed. Why would Jesus need to die for our sins if we could be perfect and could keep trying to be perfect forever through reincarnation. Your moniker alone kind of says where you are coming from. Peace.
Did Jesus not bring us forgiveness of sins? What was all that "neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more"...???? Or did you mean that you believe in the vicarious atonement, that since Jesus died for our sins we don't have to do anything but believe. Yes there are some statements that allude to believing in Jesus, but are you trying to tell me that "every jot and tittle" is not in the bible or has no meaning or relevance? Even Jesus told us he did not come to change the laws. Jesus and Buddha both embodied compassion and both offered a way of salvation but it doesn't mean we don't have to do the work. If you don't believe me, let's see how many incarnations it takes you.
I could tell you some more stuff but I'm not sure I want to go with it on this board and I'm not too sure you would hear it even if I said it.
Originally posted by pthena
reply to post by windword
What is "TBA"?
The Moratorium is real. I called it myself here: Moratorium on secret cult's discussion of B word
It was the people of Israel that are (still yet) to get a new name
Rather than circumvent the moratorium of the B word, I will merely discuss generic Hebrew fables, and give due mention of a non-cult member from whom I paraphrase.
Israel the man got that name. He used to be Jacob, who did his brother great harm with regards to a birthright. The brother Esau became a great nation that could have destroyed the family of Jacob, as would have been within the code to do.
Jacob in fear of death to himself and family, wrestled a man all night, as if wrestling god. Therefore he got a new name. Esau did not retaliate against Jacob/Israel, but received him as a brother.
My opinion is this: such renamings are not a matter of blood inheritance. They seem to be the result of individual life experiences and dealings with the gods. I may be wrong, but I don't think so.
reply to post by windword
Text During the time period of the life of Jesus, reincarnation was a widely accepted view of many, including some Jews. Jewish historian Josephus writes, in his Antiquities of the Jewish people (18, 1, 3) that reincarnation was taught widely in his day.
Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by windword
Who do you think was resurrected at the time of Jesus' death? He was very clear with the one on the cross next to him that he would be with him in heaven soon.
and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.
"It is appointed for a man to die once" is fairly clear and you quoted it. As for what is possible, anything is; but, the question is what Christians believe.
The bible says that God knew us before we were born, he conceived us into being, what we do with it is up to us. When have you ever read me claim that those who don't know the bible story of Jesus must go to hell? I have never said that and nobody on this site will say I have and if they do, they better quote something I wrote. I will repeat things I have said, it is not about knowing how to pronounce Jesus in perfect Hebrew or even spelling it "properly". It is not about knowing the story. I know many christians think it is; but, they forget that even in the old testament it said that none could say they did not know because all can see his works and he is in all his works. It is about having the heart and mind of Jesus, he explained it. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.
What about the saints and apostles that were promised eternal life through physical resurrection? Do you believe that they are asleep in the grave, waiting for the second coming of Jesus to awaken them, so that they can begin their eternal life, like other Christians have told me. Or, do you think that they are sitting in paradise drinking heavenly pina coladas? When Jesus said that the "born again" soul is free as wind, does that mean the born again can reincarnate, in order to continue the "Great Work" that Jesus charged the apostles with?
Why if you believe in reincarnation do you need Christians to believe in it? The apostles did not expect to be resurrected as you imply. We are told that we will not need these bodies once we die and will be given new ones and that doesn't mean physical in the sense that we think of it.
She regrets her choice because of how it effected her, not how it effected others. Same thing for anyone who is selfish. Reincarnation is about getting a second chance, not to have a better effect on others; but, to have a better outcome for oneself. Look at the OP, it is about them getting a second chance to be better so that they can advance. It is not about others.
Then one day, as I was fixing pancakes, seemingly out of the blue she said: "God is punishing me for the way I did you wrong."
Turning to her, I replied, "No. God would have consulted me first about that, and He hasn't, and I never asked for any such thing."
[The Pharisees] believe that souls have an immortal vigour in them [and that the virtuous] shall have power to revive and live again: on account of which doctrines they are able greatly to persuade the body of the people. Antiquity of the Jews, Book i8, Chap. 1, No.3
[From an address of Josephus to some Jewish soldiers who desired to kill themselves rather than be captured by the Romans:]
The bodies of all men are, indeed mortal, and are created out of corruptible matter; but the soul is ever immortal, and is a portion of the divinity that inhabits our bodies. . . . Do ye not remember that all pure Spirits when they depart out of this life obtain a most holy place in heaven, from whence, in the revolutions of ages, they are again sent into pure bodies; while the souls of those who have committed self-destruction are doomed to a region in the darkness of Hades? Jewish War, Book 3, Chap. 8, No. 5
Philo Judeas
The air is full of souls; those who are nearest to earth descending to be tied to mortal bodies return to other bodies, desiring to live in them. De Somniis The company of disembodied souls is distributed in various orders. The law of some of them is to enter mortal bodies and after certain prescribed periods be again set free. But those possessed of a diviner structure are absolved from all local bonds of earth. Some of these souls choose confinement in mortal bodies because they are earthly and corporeally inclined...
Originally posted by Akragon
And it is by no means a goal... though perhaps a little better then a lake of fire...
At least its logical... while the idea of hell has no basis in logic
edit on 27-6-2013 by Akragon because: (no reason given)
We don't HAVE souls, we ARE souls. This means that when we die, there is absolutely nothing left of us...
the soul has is not will not reincarnate. It will only be resurrected and given a new perfect body...(if applicable)(and which also implies that souls cannot exist without a habitable body, therefore throwing pre-existence out the window)
That would be a mercy to us all, but he doesn't work that way. If you really were a christian you'd know not to tempt the Lord your God. That verbal diarhea you suffer from keeps exposing you for what you are.
Originally posted by windword
reply to post by lonewolf19792000
You know Lonewolf, I have sometimes followed your posting history to "quote mine" your posts for the funniest and most unchristian things that proclaimed Christians say. I have a collection. I'm gonna make a book, and you're going to make me rich!
edit on 28-6-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)
reply to post by windword
Text So, if reincarnation was a widely held belief, and Jesus never dismissed the concept, and in fact taught about it, and early church fathers wrote concerning the idea of reincarnation, why do the Christian churches so adamently reject it's possible reality?
Jesus' doctrine is that a man shall die only once. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Jesus' doctrine is that a man shall die only once. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
If one reincarnates then that spirit would face repetitive judgments even though it would lose several or more souls. Being that the spirit can not die till the white throne judgment and does retain memory then if it reincarnates into another soul when is this memory lost and if the memory is lost then what is the sense of a judgment?
Or for that matter where would this lead to that spirit being cast into hell?
In other words everyone is eventually a saved entity through reincarnation even though you will never remember it in the first place. It makes for a senseless belief.
Originally posted by windword
reply to post by Seede
Jesus' doctrine is that a man shall die only once. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
No. That is the doctrine of Paul. Jesus promised his disciples that they would NEVER taste death, yet they died. How do you explain that?