reply to post by AthlonSavage
The greatest lie ever told to me as a child was, Santa Claus is real.
The greatest lie ever told to me as a young adolescent was, money doesn't grow on trees, you have to earn it. Yet our gov't and banks just print it
or takes it by force.
The greatest lie ever told to me as a college student was, you need a degree to make an honest living and it will provide you with job stability.
The greatest lie ever told to me as an adult citizen of the U.S.A. was and still is, that taxes are necessary for a functioning society.
All that said, the greatest lie ever told to humanity, in my opinion, is not so much a direct lie, rather, a complex web of sins of omission, "white
lies" that need to be told to keep order. The biggest of all, "that all men are created equal". I mean seriously, someone born with a genetic
disorder, mental condition, or just born into the wrong environment, is on equal footing and has the same opportunities as everyone else? No, they
got the shaft. In order for all men to be equal, the haves must give the have nots what they need: food, shelter, clothing, money, education, jobs,
medicine, surgery, organs,... and hope, love, direction, discipline, laws. We must raise humanity up, and we should, but the idea that all men were
created equal is a farce. You get what you get and you have to do the best with it you can, and help people when you can, how you can. I am sick of
Utopian idealists who are putting the cart before the horse. We as humanity must change things, and we can, through science and morals. But it is not
enough to say it, identify the problems and solutions, we all must do it, and do it like an involuntary muscle contraction, without direct thought, it
just gets done.