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Why No Disclosure Yet?

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posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Yes. I know what I'm looking at usually in the sky, I have lived in and around Air force bases and airports all my life. My first sighting was just outside of an RAF camp. All I was trying to say was, it doesn't matter what government department try to tell me what I saw, (not that they have personally) I know a balloon from a helicopter and what isn't.
edit on 13-5-2013 by douggie60 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by opethPA

Right...and weather balloon crashed at Roswell, nothing happened in Rendlesham forest, God knows how many people around the globe are experiencing nothing strange, UFO sightings are all hoaxes cause people want to be famous, and we all should trust our governments no matter what, because they only care about our own health and nothing more! Thank you, sir!

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:16 AM
Why no "disclosure"?

Because at this point it is a meaningless buzzword tossed about by true believers who have absolutely no intention of accepting any revelations by those actually in a position to disclose which do not validate their own beliefs.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:42 AM
As always, this thread comes in a simple form, ignoring or ignorant of extensive facts of the complexity inherent in the UFO situation.

The real problem is not the advance physics, philosophies or basic intentions of any of the visiting ETs. The real problem is that few human minds, regardless of believing in UFOs or not, can even understand the concept let along comprehend the incredible fact that the ETs have mind-control abilities that have been exhibited in about every abduction story we know.

This one, amazing feature of the powers of the ETs is why MUFON fought for years to prevent the inclusion of such material into their allowed sphere of UFO awareness. And why you have yet not seen a decent show on UFOs that fully investigate that aspect of their abilities. It is simply too damned scary.

We can accept strange looking creatures with four fingers, grey skin and flying machines like a child's top. We can even expanded those views to at least consider insectoid-types that make us shiver and have nightmares. But to think--to KNOW--that entities are HERE, with unknown physics, philosophies and basic intentions AND the ability to take total control of our minds is akin to GOD coming down, unannounced and uninvited and saying, "Hi, ya'al." Because rather than see them as Gods, we will label them as devils.

The old programs of MKULTRA up to the latest push for brain research are aimed to spur studies for understanding the brain, This long-standing drive is clear evidence that an intense effort was started long ago in the early days of the coming of the UFO and continues. Understanding how psi powers work, how to develop them, and probably how to counteract them are the most important aspects required for the so-called "meeting of minds" between the entities of the UFOs and we humans.

But don't expect the MSM or even Fox to try to explain that to you. It is a sure way to have panic in the streets.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 08:17 AM
While I think the evidence for ufo's as an authentic unexplainable phenomena is compelling I don't necessarily think the 'extra terrestrial hypothesis' is a satisfactory one but shouldn't be discounted. I find the 'ultra-terrestrial', 'extra-dimensional and 'crypto-terrestrial' hypothesis much more agreeable.

As to why disclosure has not happened yet assuming there is a non human presence on the planet why must we think it is benign or well disposed to humanity? Would it be in the interest of these beings to reveal themselves to humanity as a whole? All the compiled evidence from ufology and alien abduction points to them being here for their own reasons and we can scarcely begin to speculate what they are. All contact between them and us is entirely on their terms and it appears they are far more content to remain unseen and dismissed by the majority of humanity.

If they have a stake on this planet or are somehow intrinsically connected to Earth revealing their existence may be detrimental to their aims.

edit on 13-5-2013 by fadedface because: spelling

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 08:20 AM
Why no Disclosure? Simple:

Because THEY do not WISH to be disclosed...

And what THEY wish, rules over all others.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Outrageo
Why no Disclosure? Simple:

Because THEY do not WISH to be disclosed...

And what THEY wish, rules over all others.

Exactly if and when they do reveal themselves it will be because it is in their interest to do so. However its clear to me that they prefer to remain hidden and unseen for the most part and I think all the times when we have encountered them have been deliberate even incidents such as Roswell and other such events. I don't see this arrangement changing anytime soon.
edit on 13-5-2013 by fadedface because: adding words

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:12 AM
I'm always amazed of the UFO-related threads that start on ATS that never get to the bone of the situation. It is danced around in undisguised innocence. Even when the depth of the situation is brought to bear, no one seems to notice or care to venture there.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

If I had a dime (or penny) for every thread like this, I'd be one of the ruling elite (in the know about UFOs)

I would say the term "disclosure" is now passed it's sell by date, it's more like getting the main players (U.S./U.K./Russia) to acknowledge what the researchers already know on the subject, we are and have been getting visited for a very long time.

Just to add, on recently watching the mock congress meetings on UFO disclosure, Stephen Basset raised a very important point and the words stuck with me, something along the lines of the human race has had to constantly deal with the unknown throughout history, it's part of our evolution and the fact that visitations have been covered up may be denying an important part of what us (humans) are all about, facing the unknown.
edit on 13-5-2013 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Zcustosmorum
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

If I had a dime (or penny) for every thread like this, I'd be one of the ruling elite (in the know about UFOs)

Along with a million other ATS users LOL.

Thanks for the feedback guys, some of you have had some interesting responses and I appreciate those who take this thread seriously!

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:41 AM
See: "Why is the Government Covering Up the Truth"

Over 64 reasons are given. Here are some of the more rational ones.

1. Complexity: The ET presence is not a simple story such as "they are here." All collected evidence points to the fact that the final story will be very complex and possibly multi dimensional. The more researchers study the phenomena the more visiting races there appear to be, and the more complex their technology looks. It appears to be far beyond what we know or can even comprehend. Recent UFO research announcements have continued to show a phenomenon that is constantly changing and becoming more complex. In the U.K. for example a series of "crop circles" began in the 1980s. It was a completely new aspect to the point that some considered it a new phenomenon in itself. It has developed into a complex new dimension of the UFO mystery. Similarly, Mexican UFO researchers have begun to document on video sightings of small white orb UFOs that have been flying over populated areas, such as around the Mexico City airport. When the phenomenon was first recognized the objects were seen in groups of 2- 8, but recent films show grouping that number into the hundreds. The most recent films have also shown some sort of serpents like white objects flying through the sky dropping off white, red, and blue spheres. Thousand of films have been made of these objects. 2. National Security: Jimmy Carter entered the White House determined to release the UFO files, inspired by the fact he himself had had a sighting. However, after a UFO briefing Carter changed teams joining the cover-up side. He told actress Shirley MacLaine "it was true…there were occupants," and that he wanted to "shine the sunshine laws on it to see how the people would react," but he "couldn't and wouldn't." Carter spelled out that if the subject involved "national security" he wouldn't release that material. Therefore anything that the would tie into threat to the security of the nation would be reason for Carter to keep quiet. Carter stated, I don’t see any reason to keep information like that secret but there may be some aspect of the UFO information with which I am not familiar that might be related to some secret experiments that we doing that might involve our national security –our new weapons systems. I certainly wouldn't release that. But if it was something removed from our national security, in my opinion as President I would go ahead and release that. I see nothing wrong with that. Research attorney Peter Gerston stated "officials simply do not disclose secret information whether it be in the interests of national security or in their own vested interests.""

31. We Are Being Studied: If "they" discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb, "they" are your technological superiors. Human history has shown us time and again the tragic results of a confrontation between a technologically superior civilization and a technologically inferior people. The "inferior" is usually subject to physical conquest. b. Often in the past, a technologically superior people are also possessors of a more virile and aggressive culture. In a confrontation between two peoples of significantly different cultural levels, those having the inferior or less virile culture, most often suffer a tragic loss of identity and are usually absorbed by the other people. c. The Brookings Study on The Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligence best described the fear that an encounter by our civilization with an advanced race might mean disaster. "Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior." 32. Lobby Groups: The UFO community has only one lobbyist with very little money. There are 12,600 lobbyists in Washington who provide billions of dollars to congressional election campaigns. Interest groups who would be affected by UFO disclosure such as the oil industry have scores of lobbyists. . With one lobbyist and no money we simply don’t have the same influence. Much of what happens in Washington is highly influenced by lobbyists and Ufology does not have the public support or money and therefore can exhort very little pressure on the political system.

51. End of Nationalism: People would transfer their allegiance from the United States to the world. The consequences for the American government and all its departments would be obvious. In the new system whose rules would dominate? Would Americans still be allowed to control the vast majority of world resources with their small population? Situations like the collapse of the former Soviet Union into more than a dozen countries shows clearly that the desire among humans is still to division and a sense of nationalism based on race, religion, and political belief structures. 52. Free Energy Dilemma: Free energy to countries like China and India with 50 cent an hour labor rates would devastate the American economy. It will be important for the American government to retain control over the new technology so it can be used to maintain the present economic world view. It will also be important to control the technology because it could be used by terrorists against American interest at home and around the world. There have been many examples in UFO sightings which show that the alien technology has great potential for destruction. 53. Procrastination: The nature of government is to procrastinate on everything. Of all the issues being put off to another time, the ET presence is the biggest. Henry Kissinger, a former Secretary of State for Richard Nixon and often rumored to be a member of the UFO control group, was rumored to have stated, "UFOs are the biggest hot potato in Washington." Rarely does a government take up a new idea and simply pass it. Government flows with the pressures exerted by lobby groups and polls. They are in power to carry out the will of the people, not introduce new ideas. 54. Religious Fallout: The government fears there will be very negative fallout inside the religious community which is the basis of American society. Conservative religious leaders might declare aliens the agents of the devil and a religious war could break out. 55. Shift in Credibility: If the government were to disclose they would lose all their credibility on the subject after years of lies. This distrust would spill over into statements being made by government officials on other non-UFO related items. The power would shift from the government to the UFO community. More importantly, the credibility on telling the UFO story would shift to the UFO community who will claim they were right all along. Many in the media and public will look to the UFO community for answers. However, many in the UFO community know that the community is not united, and there are some fringe elements. These fringe elements will be giving the major media sources stories like humans are being served in an alien McDonald’s on the back side of the moon serving up humans. Researchers with negative alien viewpoints could spin the abduction and animal mutilation stories into an uncontrollable public relations disaster. These stories will carry similar weight to researchers with a more conservative view. The media would not know who to believe.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

It's simple...there is nothing to disclose because there is not aliens visiting planet Earth.

Now let's say there is and the government has been keeping it secret for 70+ years...what in the world makes you think there going to disclose it?

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Tenacious8

If you would have actually studied even a minimal amount of ufology, you would realize that saying "there is nothing to disclose...." is complete oblivion to the evidence that has been shown over the years.

You are confusing evidence with conjecture. Please do not confuse the two...

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by hellobruce
The truth is that there are no aliens or et's, and you cannot handle that.

You seem pretty sure of yourself.

Please, do tell me what it was like exploring the entire universe and seeing every single planet that exists. I'm all ears

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by concernedcitizen519
Seriously? The majority of people around the world firmly believe in UFO's and extraterrestrials

Your source for that claim is what?

Why doesn't The President address the topic to the world once and for all?

Because there is nothing to disclose....

It's 2013 already, let's get the truth once and for all

The truth is that there are no aliens or et's, and you cannot handle that.

think of what we could achieve with the technology acquired by putting it to good use instead of evil.

Think how quickly a country like North Korea would use such technology to try and attack the rest of the world....

My GOD Sherlock, you're right! But why stop there? I heard with the new iPhone you can fly drones, imagine north Korea getting their hands on one of these iPhones? My GOD! Stop the presses! We need to outlaw the public distribution of technology because lord knows what might happen if north Korea gets their hands on it!?!?

It must be comfortable on you fluffy cloud of lies, but maybe it's time to get off, stop swallowing what they're ramming down your throat.

I'm not, fyi, some disgruntled UFO believer, just your average on the fence ats-friend who needs to call out bull# when he smells it, just so others dont accidentally step in it, like you at one point did. But no worries, there are enough people here who are willing to scrape it all off! (just make sure some charlatan doesnt just rub another color sh#t on instead)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:15 PM
well this admin considers terrorism " man made disasters & workplace violence sooooo.... i cant see obama going to the Podium & disclosing anything !!!!! not that the admins before him did either but really no way with this admin

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014
reply to post by opethPA

Right...and weather balloon crashed at Roswell, nothing happened in Rendlesham forest, God knows how many people around the globe are experiencing nothing strange, UFO sightings are all hoaxes cause people want to be famous, and we all should trust our governments no matter what, because they only care about our own health and nothing more! Thank you, sir!

Where did i make any mention of trusting our Govt? I would say you need to calm down but as these are Internet forums you can get as spun up as you want and it's no skin off my back.

Before you roll out your case of things over the past 20 years I had been a card carrying MUFON member, had my sub to UFO magazine, was lucky enough to see Bill Cooper speak both live and over VHS, stared at the various Space Shuttle STS videos and so on.. Ie like you I want to believe.

To this point though I have not see any visual proof that is not open to interpretation. Roswell while it has amazing elements has visual evidence that is still open to interpretation . Same with Rendlesham , the phoenix lights, everything else.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:26 PM
The game would be over if there was a disclosure

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

Well, IMHO disclosure already happened. But we simply don't believe what our governments tell us. They are quite honest: they don't know what is going on either. There is no "elite" that is "in the know". We probably think so because we were raised to believe that there are always 'superiors' that know better: parents, teachers, preachers, the Governments, the Shadow Government, the Illuminati.... it's all humbug.

All there is to be disclosed - has been disclosed. What more do we need? Appearance of some President that says aliens exist? Say, the president of Guatemala appears on screen and states that aliens exist - does it count? If Nelson Mandela said so - does it count? If Barack Obama said so, wouldn't at least half of the Americans themselves think he was part of a "socialist" conspiracy? Say that Putin told us about the aliens and their agenda - would we believe him?

That type of disclosure is meaningless. But we may learn a bit more about the phenomenon by continuing careful study of what takes place. Because there IS something going on, that's for sure. Sharing information (freely) might help, at least it prevents dubious figures to prey on the gullible. Volunteer to help do fieldwork - it may help. Do not believe everybodies tall tales but investigate, document, spent some time on it. That may help. Asking scientists and our Governments to work with us - you would be surprised how many would simply LOVE to help too, but are hesitant because they don't want to be involved with the cranks and crackpots in the field.

That's the path: work for it, don't wait for 'disclosure'.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by sam_inc

What is this 'game' you speak of?

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