posted on May, 8 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Bybyots
Hey Bybyots,i find werewolf dreams very frightening,had a few myself-and yet,in real life,i an Absolutely fascinated by the werewolf legends.This is a
recurring one for you-and from your feelings for the werewolf(maybe not misplaced after all) i wonder if the werewolf symbolises something in your
life,some one you wish you could help? This is an especially interesting one,i would like to come back to your dream later today or tomorrow.
The werewolf dreams i had,and there were'nt many,its not a recurring theme,just once in a blue moon
no pun intended,always feature a random person whom i know to be a werewolf,i try to get the people with me to leave,without alerting the as yet
unturned werewolf to my suspicions-but it never works,and as some person is standing next to it,it does turn,in the blink of an eye,and bites into
that person's head,then the dream is usually over.
Like i said,i would like to come back to this one again,thank you very much for sharing.