Did anyone here have a nightmare ever have a nightmare so bad that when you woke,you sensed a presence in the room when you woke up/ Or that something
very bad just left your room/bedside,but left a residue/feel of it's presence behind?
I've had some doozies when it comes to nightmares,but for me,the worst was waking up,and finding that the very quality of the athmosphere in my room
was different.This dream was of vampires(ironically a subject that has never scared me,or bothered me in the least,not even as a small child) However
when i woke,i sat up in bed,and immediately i felt something i never felt from a nightmare before(normally i switch my bedside lamp on,have a drink of
water,few puffs of a smoke when i was older,switched the light off and went straight back to sleep-just a quick break to make sure i was properly
distanced from the dream so as not to slip back into it,though i am not one that can resume a dream i woke from,anyway)
But after waking fom this dream-the feeling was so strong that there was something "wrong" with the night,or at least within my bedroom.There was a
definite athmosphere of menace left,the air seemed to carry a vibration,best way to explain it,the whole house felt like it was suspended in this
extra-silent "bell-jar" type of bubble-it felt extremely wrong an just "off".Like i was'nt quite alone.As i said earlier,like something very bad had
just left-or may even yet,invisibly be watching.I woke up around 3:30,i recall,because when i looked at my cell a few minutes after waking up,it was
I actually had to leave the lamp on,and after 2 calming ciggies, i could only lay down to sleep again.Ny hubby teased me about this,when he came
through my room to use my bathroom-he has never known me in 17 years to have to sleep with a light on.
I'd love to hear member's worst nightmares,and the effect it had on them.
Kind regards,Rax.
edit on 7-5-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo