What is the worst nightmare you ever had?
It's the recurring one about the cabin in the woods.
As I begin to resolve in to the dream I am in the woods, it's always North Carolina, probably Camp McCall. I always come in to the dream thinking the
same thing,"Oh God, I've come to the field in my jeans and a t-shirt," and then I have an impulse to run back to the barracks and change.
Then I see the cabin. It's like, 15 feet away, but it always as though I have to travel this awful mile to get to the door. The worse thing is that
some part of me knows that I have dreamt this before and what I am in for, but I can't stop the dream.
The cabin is made the worst rotting wood; like the whole thing is made of those 'shaker' shingles that disintegrate when you rub on it, but this
stuff is rotten, too. The roof has caved in in a 'v' and the door is hanging off the hinges. The window panes are curiously intact.
I am terrified and sweating, but I can't stop going through the motions of pulling the door aside, when I finally reach it, and stepping in to what
seems like a tiny dark foyer, until I realize that the facing wall has been created by the collapsing roof.
There is a horrible vicious werewolf in the bedroom, I know this because I have been here so many times. I have these weird feelings in the dream,
where I feel so badly and sorry for the werewolf, even though I know that he is going to kill me and eat me.
I can hear him breathing as soon as I enter the cabin. It's the same sound every time. Something has made the werewolf terribly sad and hurt, and
this is what causes him to live in a constant state of rage and pain. I always have this misplaced feeling of deep sympathy for the werewolf; I want
to soothe his pain. I realize, every time, that I once knew the words to say or the actions to perform to soothe the werewolf's hurt; but I have
forgotten them.
I then finally get to the bedroom where I am devoured and black out. Then I wake up.
That's mine.