reply to post by Evanzsayz
Hi Evansayz-do you have an idea who the vampire woman may have personified,in waking life? I would've found that very very unsettling myself,too.The
strange thing is,i Never were scared of vampires,even as a kid,idk why,even though i found Salem's Lot creepy,i still never gave the matter much
thought-so it was surprising that this one shook me up so.In the dream a close relative of mine was the vampire,and attacked me,maybe that was what
made it so horrific? I remember shaking the person and shouting;How can i reach you?You're not even human!" a very frustrating helpless sad feeling
of loss together with the fear.She laughed at me,her eyes were all white,and looked alien and dead.
That dream morphed into a big grand house,where she was staying with a woman i know in real life,whose house it was in the dream.They were preparing
for some womens' get-together,like a book club or something,and i noticed a very tall thin rather stunning woman,wearing a very strange bird-like
mask over her lower face(like those sinister masks from the days of the black death)-who was looking at me with cold hatred and disdain-then it
morphed to a school,where my hubby and i went to fetch my son who was in kindergarten at the time,in real life
There was a vampire hanging around in the area where the parents collect their kids,we asked for my son to be sent up(the classes were downstairs)
they sent a message back up to us,that his teacher was unable to bring him up to us.We started moving away,and then there was chaos,like in a zombie
apocalypse,but with vampires and screaming people,it was awful,and i was worried about my son,then it ended.You know,that was before Sandy Hook,maybe
even the very night before,that i had this dream.
But like i said,as hideous as the dream was,was the feeling in my bedroom after i woke-i have never experienced such a feeling of danger and
menace,upon waking.I never want to go through something like that again!
Thanks for sharing.