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Why the biblical religions are dangerous?

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posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by studythem1

i already have...but the reason why this is my focus, and why it is so important, is because the majority of the abrahamic believers do not realize they are in danger...they dont know how manipulated they are...and it just so happens the religion they follow is based off of the bronze age... as far as going back far, i think it would be a mistake to discount the earlier archaeological record, or the vedic texts...which are some of the oldest writings in the world, and depict a civilization that rivals our own in both technology and philosophy...yet they too were trapped by the deception of religion...they too waged war on each other for petty reasons, and it almost cost the whole world... we are at that point again in human history, it is repeating i think it is very relevant to focus on the last 3000 years, because this has influenced the minds of the people behind the powers that are most capable of destroying humanity...

Ok... I see now that the thread has gotten deeper and by your response you have went back further. I enjoy conversation having to do with mythology. I think I could talk about it all day and night. lol It's truly fascinating to see how we have evolved in thought over the course of our history.

The reality is we live in a dual world here on Earth. There is good and there is bad. There is light and there is dark. At the end of the scene there will no doubt be light vs dark and or good vs. bad. It's the climax that although goes on daily inside each one of us, it will actually be manifested in our reality as a collective as well.

For some they need religion to uphold their self to the values and morals set by said religion. It keeps them grounded. For others they spout their religion on others all the while downing them and making them feel less than. Especially the "if you do not believe as me, I pray for your soul" kind of mouthing. It's really a sad way to live and opposite of what Jesus taught.

There is no doubt in my mind that what is in the Bible is magically layered and each perception has a different meaning per each verse. The Universe speaks to us all in different ways and in different forms. Not just the Bible.

It's my belief...

Any text (words) we read or is spoken to us is meaningful to our personal journey and of course our collective journey as well.

We allow each word to mold us in some shape or form and our minds shape, sort, spit out what is not wanted or needed and this is what forms the reality we see around us in this lifetime and in our dream state of mind.

Many Bible believers do not SEE with their perception the same as I. When I read the Bible I SEE how reincarnation of the flesh is an important aspect of the human journey here on Earth. Our brains are no doubt responsible for a belief system, however IF we are to overcome the flesh then our minds which is separate from the brain should be able to overcome the flesh in this manner as well. Mind over matter to me is the mind over the brain (flesh). It's all in the mind and this is what we take with us... the mind. It's the temple of truth.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:03 PM
that may work for you and for many, but it does not work for me...i am not satisfied with sitting on an explanation handed to me, because usually those who hand them to us have ulterior motives...nor am i comfortable with accepting their definitions or theology in part or in whole because of the evil psychology behind them...whether the results or the aim was good or not, the ends do not justify the means...

just as it is folly to defeat tyranny with tyranny, as the FSA in syria is doing right it was folly for the jews to try and overthrow tyranny by first enslaving their own people in hopes of unifying them and defeating their "oppressors"... when in truth they were enjoying a lot of peace and normalcy when there was religious diversity and open-ness...and they also did not get smacked around until they overreached their abilities in attacking the countries that were pretty much protecting them against invasion by others...that is tactical biting the hand that fed them, or taxed them however you look at it, they brought death on many who would not have otherwise tasted it...that is selfish and unjust...

moses did likewise...he conned the people into the desert under the lure of freedom, and sure they were slaves, but many more of them would not have died as harshly in the desert by both the hand of moses and his henchmen, and god himself if they would have stayed in Egypt, and they realized this trap and some rebelled, and they were murdered because they were attempting to stop the tyranny...people dont like to look at these facts without the religious fluff so they ignore these Egypt was wrong, but moses was equally and even more brutal because he murdered his own people in the name of an ideology...

i may be satisfied with enough food, or water, and stop before i go to far, but when it comes to knowing the truth, my hunger and thirst never gets satisfied...

i am not content to put "belief" in one corner with a "dont change me" sign on it, and everything else in another to be cannot truly be a student of truth, if some things are off limits to the scrutiny of investigation...only those who are willing to change their definition of things based on new information that can be proven, are the real seekers of truth...

to keep something to the side that cannot be investigated because of a conditioned taboo, or an unwillingness to try, or even fear that what you believe may be wrong...that to me is a half truth and to be blunt a lie...

does that mean i will figure it all out? no, but i can find out enough to lend reason and sound judgment to the next generation so they do not have to do the work over...or so they can expand on it...

i am also not comfortable with the idea that i should hang on to pieces of the same mumbo jumbo that was handed to me and was discovered to be a lie, because as i said before, it is only an addiction trying to convince you that you still need the drug...and in this case it is religion...

this may be a shock to some, or seem rude, and uncaring, but i would rather be honest and let people know what kind of danger they are in, than lie to can i make them change their minds? no, i can only present my opinion of the truth based on what information i have, and common sense, and leave it to them...if i try to force it on them that would make me just as guilty as those who use psychological tyranny to gain converts...

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:08 PM
The christian mentality is that Jesus was God, the bible is the word of God and anyone who doubts that are evil people or satanists or demons. The reason I know this stuff is because I thought this way as a child and into my early adulthood. There was a period in my early adulthood that I tried everything to study the bible and reassure myself that all of it was legit because I was having doubts. I was worried that I was having doubts too because I was worried about "hell" Then one day it hit me and I realized there is nothing to stress about when it comes to God. If God exists he didn't put us here to stress about him. It doesn't mean just because you doubt the official story to go out and do bad things. I respect life not causing any harm to others not because I'm worried about "heaven or hell" but because I have a conscience that tells me what's right and wrong. I realize though that there are many people who do not have my mentality. My cousins friend told me and my cousin once "if I didn't have religion, I'd probably be out raping women" The real truth is there is a ton of mental illness in the world and to an extent the idea of religion is neccessary, even if not true to keep people's mind in check. We are animals, but we're conditioned animals just as a dog is trained to not go to the bathroom in the house we're trained to control ourselves. So the guildlines of bible are not necessarily a bad thing even if they aren't the word of God.

I've also come to the conclusion the world is not ending anytime soon. I realize we're not the first generation of people to think the world is ending soon. It's a mentality that people that shared since the BEGINNING of time. The world is not ending anytime soon other than a nuclear war or something MANMADE. I don't feel there's a predetermined end to the world. The world will go on and on and on. We're just the middle children of the entire existence of the planet; We will die and our children will take our place and it will go on and on and on. The ego of the mind likes to think of itself as the most important. It's hard to except that we're not the last people to occupy this earth but many before us have thought the same thing and have been wrong.
edit on 28-4-2013 by NoSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by NoSoul
The christian mentality is that Jesus was God, the bible is the word of God and anyone who doubts that are evil people or satanists or demons. The reason I know this stuff is because I thought this way as a child and into my early adulthood. There was a period in my early adulthood that I tried everything to study the bible and reassure myself that all of it was legit because I was having doubts. I was worried that I was having doubts too because I was worried about "hell" Then one day it hit me and I realized there is nothing to stress about when it comes to God. If God exists he didn't put us here to stress about him. It doesn't mean just because you doubt the official story to go out and do bad things. I respect life not causing any harm to others not because I'm worried about "heaven or hell" but because I have a conscience that tells me what's right and wrong. I realize though that there are many people who do not have my mentality. My cousins friend told me and my cousin once "if I didn't have religion, I'd probably be out raping women" The real truth is there is a ton of mental illness in the world and to an extent the idea of religion is neccessary, even if not true to keep people's mind in check. We are animals, but we're conditioned animals just as a dog is trained to not go to the bathroom in the house we're trained to control ourselves. So the guildlines of bible are not necessarily a bad thing even if they aren't the word of God.

But after studying it I realize we're not the first generation of people to think the world is ending soon. It's a mentality that people that shared since the BEGINNING. The world is not ending anytime soon, other than a nuclear war. I don't feel there's a predetermined end to the world. The world will go on and on and on. We're just the middle children of the entire existence of the planet; We will die one die and our children will take our place and it will go on and on and on.
edit on 28-4-2013 by NoSoul because: (no reason given)

that may be true, but unfortunately, the road to get there to that system of morality, is through psychological tyranny, and by tricking the mind into personal guilt and shame...especially those that are already the most impressionable...whether sheeple or children...

as long as people are aware of the truth then they can inform themselves...but i think it is a cop out to say that religion is the only thing keeping an individual from doing harm...if they think it they will eventually do it...that is human nature...

however if a person is repulsed by an action they consider inhuman or immoral, then they will more than likely be repulsed regardless of whether they are religious or not...

religion can influence a culture, but it has little bearing on what is already programmed into our minds...or what our parents believe...explain to me why families of generational sexual abuse go to church? where the father is screwing his daughters and the mother knows!?! yet religion does not do anything to stop that or prevent it, or even save the kids, because somehow the father and mother are able to reconcile the religion with the abuse...and cover it up even though culturally the congregation would be appalled and want them to be punished...why? because the religious ideology is already abusive!!! its psychology is already abusive! some are content to remain victims while others take notes and use it on their families...

explain that...explain why i am not religious but i have always had the same moral compass even when i was forced to go to church as a kid...explain that! i dont need the rules to tell me what was right or wrong, i already knew it... and did not back then either and always thought something was off...

saying that the devil made me do it or that god keeps someone from sinning is a cop out for those that do not want to be responsible for their own actions...which is also the symptom of the elite who are always trying to defer blame to another...same game...same psychology...
edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by studythem1

if there is any deception it is right in the scripture itself...the god that israel supports did not want adam and eve to have free will is something that a good god would have to allow if he were truly good, and many theists recognize this, but then fall for the nonsense that completely goes against free will... the problem i have with anthropomorphizing god is that any being that is everywhere, and is capable of creating the universe, could not be human...does not have human emotions, and is not subject to human mistakes or jealousy or any of the other flaws of humanity...just because we may do certain things, that does not mean we can superimpose our image on to a deity... the idea that god was herding us like cattle to make sure that genetics were not tainted, is also repulsive to me, and completely goes against the true nature of god...again, the creator would not violate something that he/it will...

hahha what?

That isin't right at all. Kinda explains your point of view now completely.
No, You didin't obviously understand the corliation of the fruit of forbidden knowledge. The tree.

^ See the tree bro.
Your raving on about freewill. When the bible wasnt even really talking about specifically free will lololol

Obviously. Eve is the whore of babylon.

Heres another picture of her squatting down.
I just wanted to show the corlation of the Y cromisome. Within the hybrids pelvic section i have circled. And as well as that alien dudes privates.
If we look at this picture.

We see the same thing he is holding. Is the same thing in the pelvic area of the alien i circled.
That is the feathered serpent of maya mexico. And as for the picture above with the woman? Somewhere in australia, Continents away. LOL

The bible tries to make it specifically clear, that Satan *ba'al* Wants our blood. We can see here that with all these pictures its obvious they are giving us images of procreation of hybridization.
God forbid that tree because it was the tree of ba'al. From which the nephlem were created by the fallen angels having their way with woman.

This has nothing to do with free will but a man and womans soul, what is on the line? Freedom of life. Living, our lives are on the line here.
Not nessisarly free will. People can do as they wish just don't break the universal laws. Do what is best for others and creation. Those are the rules. Those that go against such things will be destroyed. Such is the wrath of judgment on the ignorant and evil.

The concept is pretty easy to understand. People keep worshiping the pleiades, Ba'al. Who is here creating hybrids with our sons and daughters. And are corrupting our minds on TV and our religious halls they lurk, spreading disinformation and confusion.

If you find it hard to understand why god would banish such a tree. Then there is no hope for you im sorry.
edit on 28-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

dude, your argument is all over the chalk board like an idiot savant that is really good at equations but bad at explaining them to the public...

i think its a huge stretch and sort of the same thing as attempting to assimilate the archaeological record to match the bible doctrine in some fashion...when it is not really wise to do so...

i also dont think that what is called the serpent was actually the devil...but symbolic of the truth of what they are trying to hide from us...only tyrants want us to be in the dark...only tyrants will kill those that speak the truth if they feel threatened by the truth...

it is difficult if not really foolish to try and make evidence fit a subjective ideology...but we can disprove a subjective ideology based off of investigation and solid evidence...

unless of course you can point me to a place that outlines it in a coherent and understandable way, im just not interested...

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:24 PM
I'd highly recommend spirituality over religion any day. Religions today don't teach it, and those that are religious aren't very spiritual people. Religion is about following rules, conversing with your cliques and telling everyone how much better you are than the "Browns", and making confessions to future pedophilies who live in boxes. That's convenient.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpawhahha what?

That isin't right at all. Kinda explains your point of view now completely.
No, You didin't obviously understand the corliation of the fruit of forbidden knowledge. The tree.
^ See the tree bro.
Your raving on about freewill. When the bible wasnt even really talking about specifically free will lololol

actually that makes it ALL about free will right there...the tree of forbidden knowledge...why is knowledge forbidden if it is not about free will? knowledge cannot be forbidden...especially if it is to tell the difference between good and evil. so god did not want adam and eve to know the difference between good and evil, because maybe he was trying to pass of good for evil and evil as good? so in order to take away this innate human ability, the conscience, he had to alter it...he had to block this perception, keep them in a trance or manipulate them somehow in order to keep them from recognizing good and evil...THIS is ALSO a violation of free will...hostage taking? brainwashing? or other mind altering methods to reduce the human cognitive abilities? since when is that is not said word for word but it is implied clearly that they were unable to exercise their free will, it was forbidden...

they were released from this by someone else, named as the serpent...which is a vilifying label not to be taken is a slur, slander, not really telling us the persons true character...and not only does he get punished for freeing adam and eve, but so do they...

so god was violating their free will both passively and forbidding the truth (like todays religions forbid their believers from seeking truth outside the faith) makes sense to me...sound like those that abuse their assets in government brainwashing, turning things on their head, saying good is evil and evil is good, in fact the old testament is chocked full with such absurd perception flipping nonsense...calling it good to commit genocide, and kill off children, simply because their parents were not believers...regardless of the reasons to rationalize it, it is still evil...

so no your argument is not winning me over, just re-enforcing my findings already...
edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by ThreeNF

Yee thats true. But spirituality has rules as well.

Karma. And im tellin yah people of evil will be taken out. Rules, must have creation in mind. Meaning life. Wanting to plant trees and plants. Wanting life for earth and nature. If those are not your motives you will have a major wake up call. Possibly the last and only.

Many people will not be given a second chance for life. This is in reference to only purity will walk in heaven. No evil ant gunna weasle its way through reincarnation. Those souls will be devoured.

reply to post by studythem1

Lol you obviously don't understand. I am not trying to make fun of you dude but let me make it loud and clear.

Its forbidden because Satan, the snakes/reptillians/owl people is seeking eternal life. And their methods of doing so are through massive campaigns of abductions.

And what they have effectively done is make aliens seem super rediculous so they can run around trying to crack the human gene code so they can finally live forever. They die and they are non etheral. They are physical much like us and have a life span. So they have been here tempting man and woman bribing them with power and sex to gain what they want. They do ritual blood sacrifises for the pleiades m/ that is what this symbol means. It is the 2 headed serpent or the bull.

And that is why satan's pentagram has bulls heads in it. Because of the pleiades. You are asking why would such a place be forbbiden? Because its tainted. If you cannot understand simple concepts as aliens coming down screwing woman and creating giants that were abominations. And giant reptillians monsters called dinosaurs. To reign terror on earth. Only to have Yahweh cause the great flood and wipe them out.

You are wondering why? God why? Would we not want this tree to be worshiped here.
Its Death man. In any form. Greed for the human soul. Wake up dude.

The only war.
edit on 28-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

Ha Ha...I think you just proved the OP's point, is violence is always the best way to solve problems, yea let's just wish punishment on those who dissagree with you and your faith.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
reply to post by ThreeNF

Many people will not be given a second chance for life.

That's probably a good thing :0

But what happens when science makes immortality possible? Probably not in my lifetime, but it's certainly possible. Just clone a new physical copy of myself, accelerate the growth to 21 years of age, then transfer my memory to the new body, and then throw the old me into a dumpster. Sounds good on paper - I'm just waiting for the clever scientist to make it happen.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by studythem1

that may work for you and for many, but it does not work for me...i am not satisfied with sitting on an explanation handed to me, because usually those who hand them to us have ulterior motives...nor am i comfortable with accepting their definitions or theology in part or in whole because of the evil psychology behind them...whether the results or the aim was good or not, the ends do not justify the means...

Read this Thread:
The Ultimate Enlightenment "How To" Thread

It will explain everything and you'll reach a point where you won't have any more questions except to find out for yourself what is true through direct experience

Your wasting your time trying to argue this religion vs that religion. It can go on to no end for the rest of your life and you get nowhere with it.

To REALLY Break ground, you have to realize that you are not who you think you are, and have to go within to find out the Living Truth.

I actually like Christianity based on Christ and the NT, but the OT is frickin crazy wicked and full of symbology and ancient who knows what out of contectualism.

IF you see what Christ was teaching, it compares to other teaching based on going within.

Anyway, I used to question all this stuff about 10 years ago, and then the "How To" Thread came up out of all that and now I have no more questions and find all this debating unnecessary

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw
oh no i understand, you had some stuff so good that it made you lose your perception of time, the fossil record, and the historical time-line, and it got all mixed up in the melon somewhere

some things do not expand the mind without some very interesting side effects and drawbacks...

and there is such a thing as too much of a good thing...

go get some doritos or take a nap...might help a bit...

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by dominicus

heres the thing, i like debate, but im not here to debate, i am here to explain what i think is happening, and to warn people...and to defend my views because some people feel the need to recruit me...

i dont want any of that, so thanks for the link, but i will be the ultimate decision maker on what i do or do not think is true...based on evidence, and i do not see me ending my search any time soon...

anything that claims to solve all my problems and answer my questions, is a product...and im just not content to find my own answers...

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by studythem1

Lol what. People have been on earth for a very very long time.

This will be the 5th recorded dectruction around.
Plenty of time for dinosaurs to have existed in previous civilizations.

People know about those random ass mysteries of aluminum tools and steel tools found within limestone rock dating back 100,000 years or more.

Its quite obvious your not gunna find a mainstream archlogical team telling yah that this is not the first civilization to have advanced technology.
We all know how that find turns out and it end up being underground *alternative* thories.
Because of their unwillingness to rewrite history. I doubt you will ever see any of this stustrexposed by some derp on a news channel being like herp derp the world has been destroyed multipul times by reptillians landing here derp* Probably not. So to say the least. Yeah of course it sounds far fetched because the truth really is. Far fetched.

Possible Human Artifact Found in Coal by Brian Thomas, M.S. *

A resident of Vladivostok, which is sandwiched between China, North Korea, and the Sea of Japan, was adding ordinary coal to a fire when he noticed a shiny metal object peeking through a piece of the friable black rock.1 The portion that protruded looked suspiciously manmade, so he investigated by enlisting the help of nearby scientists. The Vladivostok resident, Dmitry, found embedded in his coal a shiny metal bar with teeth, like those of a bar or plate gear built to mesh with the teeth of a wheeled gear.

The Pennsylvanian coal came from the Chernogorodskiy mines from the Khakasis region north of Mongolia.2 According to international Russian news source Komsomolskaya Pravda, biologist Valery Brier helped analyze the odd-shaped object. X-ray diffraction revealed that it was mostly aluminum with about two to four percent magnesium. This unique alloy is not generally produced today. And Brier noted that refined aluminum implies high technology.3

See this rock. When Rock smash.

Metal me find, in perfect shape. I can make tool from metal of rock.
Seriously tho at it. That is not a natural formation.
And coal forms after many hundreds of thousands of years. That tool, was probably made with technology that took thousands of years to reach even then to produce and refine the aluminum itself. And to have it calcified in coal. Well. Thats not gunna be 10,000 years old. Its gunna be much much older. And if humans made this well. You get the picture of how long humans have been on earth.
edit on 28-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

. . .

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:16 PM
Nice thread, dude! I guess the title has made people a little more than antsy about it, but the sentiment certainly rings true.

Even as a primary school student, I would wonder why the God portrayed in the Bible had such radical, acute mood-swings, and why he would commit (or sometimes order) atrocities that were otherwise specifically forbidden for his human subjects.

Why was he so defensive about giving his name out at certain points?

And Jacob asked him, and said, 'Tell me, I pray you, your name.' And he said, 'Why is it that you do ask my name?' And he blessed him there. Genesis 32:29 (KJV)

Moses said to God, 'When I come to the Israelites and say to them 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" And God said to Moses, "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh.(I will be what I will be)" Exodus 3:14

We're told that YHWH is his direct, personal name, but it still sounds like a diversion. It's been superstition from time immemorial that having knowledge of a true name, even a god's, gives you some power over that object. But why would a monotheistic, omnipotent god have that kind of problem?

The prevailing view among scholars at this present time is the Kenite hypothesis, which suggests that Yahweh was brought to the north from southern Canaan. He was known to be a war god, and also had an affinity for storms, as can be seen in the Old Testament. He was eventually equated with El, the chief deity of ancient Canaan, as well as sharing his consort, Asherah. However, he was previously considered to be one of his seventy sons in the Canaanite pantheon.

The parallels you can find between Yahweh and a couple of the other gods are pretty cool, too. For example, Hadad (also called Ba'al Hadad) is a clear contender for the storm godhead. At some point, Yahweh, Ba'al Hadad and even El were depicted with bull horns, which was a staple in Canaanite folk religion. So the Golden Calf story makes even more sense now!

Yahweh's Bovine Form

Wildtimes posted that A History of God link earlier in the thread; thanks for that! I first heard it in this YouTube video, where this guy's talking about his de-conversion.

I understand that the context may be potentially inflammatory (if people just go "Noo, de-conversion!" and don't watch the clip), but it's not venomous or snarky at all. Blame it on the part of me that sees the Abrahamic texts as being just as fantastic and engaging as other religious mythologies. Maybe that answers the question of why certain atheists enjoy studying religion so much.

That being said, it's for this particular reason why I also consider widespread and organised religion to be ultimately dangerous. Almost all of the major religions have war deities in some form, and almost all of them are prominent figures.

If there were a sizeable portion of Greeks that were still seriously worshipping the god Ares, or if millions of Yoruba were still seriously worshipping Ogun, then Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindu around the world would be worried. But the sad thing is, they all have a war god too.
edit on 28-4-2013 by ihavenoaccount because: Lol... Yahweh equated with Yahweh... I am sleepy, huh?

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by studythem1

heres the thing, i like debate, but im not here to debate, i am here to explain what i think is happening, and to warn people...and to defend my views because some people feel the need to recruit me...

here's the thing, your theory is nothing new, it's basically the Gnostic Theory of the OT god being a lower demi-god/demiurge. Your talking about a theory that has already been in discussion for 2,000 years so your a little late to the party and your rehashing something extremely ancient.

To go into another aspect of this theory that you will find quite interesting, and something you probably haven't come across, is that after Buddha reached Enlightenment, he would travel the afterlife realms and came across various Demi-gods who thought that they were the one only creator gods and they would debate and argue with Buddha telling him that they are "God", but they were not "God" because they forgot their origins a long time ago so they were left with their own theory making, plus Buddha would win every debate and test by them.

On top of that, I'm NOT recruiting you. I simply provided a thread on how to reach Enlightenment that uncovers various methods fro Philosophy, Jesus, Buddha, Hindu Thought, Socrates, etc .....its a universal formula found everywhere and you can test it for yourself if it is true.

The flip side of the coin, is if you don't reach Enlightenment/Ego Death, the you too will be subject to be tested by these demi-gods like yaweh, elohim, and whoever else is out there. Those who are Enlightened with Ego Death, don't answer to any of these lesser beings, so that thread is right up your alley.

Don't believe me? Read up on the Gnostic formula for avoiding the Demi-Gods that you base your whole thread on and you'll see for yourself

i dont want any of that, so thanks for the link, but i will be the ultimate decision maker on what i do or do not think is true...based on evidence, and i do not see me ending my search any time soon...

I'm saving you 14 years of study, considering I went through all the same questioning and frame of mind you went to and weighed every possible option based on all philosophy and theories available through out history and around the world, AND I had access to various professors, theologians, university minds, etc going every week for years to philosophy meetings to try and figure out exactly what the heck is going on with reality and why we are here.

anything that claims to solve all my problems and answer my questions, is a product...and im just not content to find my own answers...

You just created a paradox. you said, "im content to find my own answers... " but then before that said that "anything that claims to solve all my problems and answer my questions, is a product...and im just not interested." basically any answer that you yourself find will ultimately be a "a product, ....that your just not interested in."

Regardless, you can learn it all and it will get you nowhere, been there and done that 14 years ago....... have fun chasing your own tail and know that I love the real you that exists inside of that avatar shell of yours
edit on 28-4-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
You just created a paradox. you said, "im content to find my own answers... " but then before that said that "anything that claims to solve all my problems and answer my questions, is a product...and im just not interested." basically any answer that you yourself find will ultimately be a "a product, ....that your just not interested in."

Regardless, you can learn it all and it will get you nowhere, been there and done that 14 years ago....... have fun chasing your own tail and know that I love the real you that exists inside of that avatar shell of yours
edit on 28-4-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

ok let me make it clearer...anything that just hands me the information, that sells itself as the solution to all my problems, when i do not consider the discovery i worked to find myself a problem, not only misses the point of what i am doing, but it attempts to sell itself where i do not want it...therefore anything that tells me it is going to solve my problem of having to search (which i enjoy) is a product, one i do not want...that is not a paradox it is merely you placing meaning that was not intended on my statement...

i also resent being placed in a box or category that has already been established, since i do not agree with everything all these established ideologies and philosophies attempt to solve...

for me it is not the destination, it is the journey...i dont claim to know it all

i am agnostic, not gnostic...

furthermore i do not care about what happens when and if i encounter other beings to debate in the afterlife...that is conjectural at best...and using a benign fear of eternal debate to fuel my reason for looking where you want me to is silly...
edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by studythem1

ok let me make it clearer...anything that just hands me the information, that sells itself as the solution to all my problems, when i do not consider the discovery i worked to find myself a problem, not only misses the point of what i am doing, but it attempts to sell itself where i do not want it...therefore anything that tells me it is going to solve my problem of having to search (which i enjoy) is a product, one i do not want...that is not a paradox it is merely you placing meaning that was not intended on my statement...

So basically you're saying you enjoy "searching for answers." Maybe even addicted to it, ......and I say that, because there are others who have searched for what you are searching for, and found Truth.

But you're saying that because you enjoy the search soooo much, that you are just going to outright dismiss the findings unless you get to them yourself? Something that can literally eat away at your whole lifetime here considering there is one rabbit hole after another, many/most of which lead nowhere.

i also resent being placed in a box or category that has already been established, since i do not agree with everything all these established ideologies and philosophies attempt to solve...

With that statement alone, you've already put yourself in the box of: "Those who do not agree with anything that has been established." It's been done before, and your not the first one in that club.

Not only that, guess what would happen, if you were to unknow everything that is known..... you would eventually reach Enlightenment, as Unknowing all things and sitting with and in Unknowingness, is one of the many ways to Enlightenment.

Nothing new under the sun brother. I'm trying to save you decades of wasted time, but your ego is hardened.

for me it is not the destination, it is the journey...i dont claim to know it all

Who says there is difference between the 2?

i am agnostic, not gnostic...

Another box or category you've put yourself in. Very well .....carry on with your search.

I just figured I'd save you some time and bash your Bias Bubble in with a sledge hammer.

Just like the thought of a rock, is not an actual rock; So too, who you think you are, is not who you actually are.

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