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Why the biblical religions are dangerous?

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 09:35 PM
Outstanding thread---one of the best I've seen ever.

For some historical events (and correct me if I';m wrong)
1) the compilation of what is called the Torah, the Law, and the Prophets (or the Tanakh in Judaism, or Old Testament in Christianity) did not occur until at least the last years of the Babylonian Captivity ( about 500 BC).
How much was invented or borrowed is obviously debatable.

2) About 140 years after Alexander the Great died (320 BC) and Egypt was given over to the Ptolemeies, the Tanakh was translated into the Greek, and was called the Septuagint. Survivng copies show little difference with modern versions.

3) Additional rules of behavior and law had been devised by the religious class of Judahites during the Captivity. These were referred to by Christ as "The Traditions of the Elders" and would become what was called the Babylonian Talmud.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by studythem1

Oh fawking please....

Your writing is too boring to finish reading, but I got the gist of it. The thread title is hyperbolic enough.

Biblical religion....dangerous??? Pray tell dear sir, is this the year 1500, or is it 2013? Why are you acting as if Biblical religion is monolithic, stagnant, and subject to conditions that were relevant hundreds and thousands of years ago??

The reformation was an important correction. The writings of Reinhold Niebuhr, and other Christian and Catholic writers, has brought the Christianity into the millennium. As for Judaism, the Jewish religion was neutered 1700 years ago with the codification of the Talmud. Rabbinic Judaism is no longer rooted in the Hebrew Bible. As the modern theologian Eliezer Berkovits showed, the Rabbis sought to "reform" some passages which seemed harsh from their present vantage point. The Talmud "amends" the Torah, justifying further emendations by later scholars.

In short, Biblical religion is as compatible with the modern world as Eastern religion can be made compatible with it. Its literal meaning can be understood allegorically, since, practically speaking, the Bible lends itself quite well to allegorical interpretation.

In any case, from a theological perspective, the Bible provides an image of God that is totally unique, and entirely legitimate. To call the Jewish God "evil", based purely on Biblical evidence, is really to miss the point. The Bible was written by man. It's understanding is better understood as an attempt at understanding. Just like Buddhism, Hinduism is an attempt at understanding the world. Keep that in mind. This is the anthropological perspective which needs to be emphasized. We all approach our worlds from a position of total ignorance. We don't know, and we can be completely positive that we Do in fact know. All we can do is decide for ourselves what the world means, and which worldview provided by our ancestors, or perhaps a completely novel one, best fits your experience of the world.

For me, Judaism, the Bible, is a special book and a special religion. The idea that God is personal - that indeed, our very personhood has its ontological source in Gods own personhood, is significant and very meaningful. But, I understand not everyone feels this way. AND THATS THE END OF IT.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by studythem1

I dont know where you got your information from. but the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them) were the most pios people on earthwith sole purpose of relaying God's message. As muslims we know the bible and torah has beeen tampered with for the people with power, basically to gain political power, controle, etc.
As muslims we are comamnded to obey the prior prophets and to worship God alone, not Jesus, (pbuh)
or idols.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by dontreally

that may be your experience, but it is subjective...

im not just using the bible to refute itself, im also taking examples from other sources, extra-biblical contemporary references, and psychological analysis to show that yes the representation of the god of the bible is false if it means to portray what would be a creator of the hwole universe...its definition limits what should be a universal god into a petty and exclusive god...more akin to a dictator than any all powerful yet merciful being...

i do not care if my writing bores you, if it does there are better things to do...
edit on 27-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Some anectodal evidence thatIi would like to hear the opinion upon of the OP and others of our seemingly agnostic Deist crowd ( of whom I may be a sub-group--Agnostic Christian Deistist--if such a thing is possible):

Evil Spirits seem to exist--both in non-corporeal from and in corporeal form--from the experience of many witnesses;; Do you think these are usually figments of imaginations--or actual entities.

Many times these entities seem to be repelled by the name of Jesus--what are your thoughts?

Do guardian angels/spirits exist? Is there an external group mind composed of the departed that is concerned with the welfare of their descendants?

edit on 27-4-2013 by MuzzleBreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe
Now ye assemble, my children,
waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets
which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man,
give ye the way to Eternal life.

Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries.
No dark sayings shall I give unto thee.
Open thine ears now, my children.
Hear and obey the words that I give.

First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness
which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth.

Darkness and light are both of one nature,
different only in seeming,
for each arose from the source of all.
Darkness is disorder.
Light is Order.
Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.
This, my children, your purpose in being;
transmutation of darkness to light.

Hear ye now of the mystery of nature,
the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells.
Know ye, ye are threefold in nature,
physical, astral and mental in one.

Three are the qualities of each of the natures;
nine in all, as above, so below.

In the physical are these channels,
the blood which moves in vortical motion,
reacting on the heart to continue its beating.
Magnetism which moves through the nerve paths,
carrier of energies to all cells and tissues.
Akasa which flows through channels,
subtle yet physical, completing the channels.

Each of the three attuned with each other,
each affecting the life of the body.
Form they the skeletal framework through
which the subtle ether flows.
In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body.
Relinquished only by will of the adept,
when his purpose in living is done.

Three are the natures of the Astral,
mediator is between above and below;
not of the physical, not of the Spiritual,
but able to move above and below.

Three are the natures of Mind,
carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
Thus is formed the threefold being,
directed from above by the power of four.

Above and beyond man's threefold nature
lies the realm of the Spiritual Self.

Four is it in qualities,
shining in each of the planes of existence,
but thirteen in one,
the mystical number.
Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
each shall channels be of the Great One.

On Earth, man is in bondage,
bound by space and time to the earth plane.
Encircling each planet, a wave of vibration,
binds him to his plane of unfoldment.
Yet within man is the Key to releasement,
within man may freedom be found.

Now give I the Key to Shambbalah, the place where my Brothers live in the darkness: Darkness but filled with Light of the Sun Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit, guides for ye when my day is done.


I don't need a scientist to know the inner workings of the universe. I already knew what was on this tablet without even reading it.

Are you familiar with the eternal light? It is within darkness..

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by DuecesxGeneral

i can say the same thing of the Koran, since it is newer, and did not have the misfortune of being tampered with or spread out into several volumes and have portions of it lost due to war it is the same as it was when it was recited...i can truly say it is consistent...

but that is still not a good argument for being the only correct expression of god...

and furthermore, the hadith are a direct violation of the wishes of Muhammad...but this has caused it to break into several sects, like the suni, sufi, and shia, and also a subsect called the wahabiists...and many more bizarre iterations present here in America...and all of it has to do with the abuse of certain passages, and the reliance on the hadith or argument over what is more in line with Muhammad or the Koran...

this means that Islam is just as guilty of falling to the deception of religion and political power, and is just as dangerous in its has useless practices and rules that do not fit into the practicality of what Muhammad was trying to teach...wasting the time and the money of the believer...this is just as enslaving as the other harsh psychological practices of other religions...

now does the Koran have some good stuff in it? yeah, it has passages that remind me of a lot of the ideas that became the basis for the government of the early American states...but it is hardly the only work that had such ideals, and there are probably just as many cultures that benefited from similar social guidelines before mecca, and are definitely those that sprung up independently from the Koran...

so the problem is more in the implementation and psychology, but it is still a problem, and still makes islam dangerous in the wrong hands...and organized religion is not what i think the creator had in mind...

as far as the prophets...i think our definitions of them are different...muhammad was an angels secretary or tape recorder, and as the angel dictated the words, they were recorded in muhammad so he could recite them...correct?

but the prophets of the old testament bible see visions of things to come...they dont spout rules that were hypnotically inserted into their brains...

that is a huge difference in the definition of a prophet...and this is one of the problems i have with calling Muhammad a prophet...he certainly did not give a whole lot of revealing information about the future...most of his work was reciting something forced on him by another right there we have again the psychology that it is ok for god to force himself on others and violate their free will...that is wrong...and that is not a correct picture of god...IMHO

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

The Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean is a piece of fantastical fiction, it is not an actual, legitimate, ancient magickal cipher.

Even the real Emerald Tablet, covering Hermetic lore, was a fictionalized working from an anonymous author claiming to be the "Thrice Great" Hermes Trismegistus, who never actually existed, or wrote anything down.

Hermeticism is a magickal philosophy, just like Qabala, Enochiana, Thelema, Chaos Magick, and Wicca are. Magickal philosophies are just that: philosophy, not necessarily reality or fact. They play on the intrapersonal experiences: emotions, dreams, thoughts, and desires.

Quoting the Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean as "pure science" is about as useful as quoting the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage as a discourse on Egyptian theurgy. The tablet is nothing more than rehashed Hermetic philosophy, combined with the hooplah surrounding Atlantis which was so popular in the 60s and 70s during the "consciousness expansion" movement.

As I said, write a thesis on dark matter and dark energy outlining how it comes to be, where it comes from, and what purpose it serves in the physics of our universe. Submit it to peer-reviewed scientific journals with your data and experimentation conclusions, so that your theories can be further tested. If/when your model of the meaning and importance of dark matter and dark energy is approved, then we'll talk about it some more.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

ATCUALLY the tablet is where the craze over the philospher stone.

And it was translated by 3 alchemists/astro-theologists

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text, the first known appearance of the Emerald Tablet is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries. The text was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century. Numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries followed. The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemcial magnum opus, the ancient, classical, element system, and the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm.

The whole crazy over the philospher stone was over the knowledge contained in the aledged texts. Which speak of concepts of science within the texts that were not reconized in those times. If not albiet impossible.

The tablets make references to the 4 physical states earth wind fire water and the 5th element Consiousness/dark matter as the makeup of our reality. Where a process of transmutation through darkness comes light. We see this happening in space where stars are being created. These tablets authentic or not. Are speaking about things that should only been kown with high powered telescopes.

The tablets themselves vanished. Think of the ark of the covenant. Has anyone ever actually seen inside it? No, but we were able to see it this year because of water damage and it having to be removed....
Things of magnitude go missing so mad men wanting to exploit riches go to great lenghths into attempting to decipher ancient objects.

Theatrum Chemicum translation Another translation can be found in Theatrum Chemicum, Volume IV (1613), in Georg Beatus' Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum:

Latin text Latin text of the Emerald Tablet, from De Alchimia, Chrysogonus Polydorus, Nuremberg 1541 Original edition of the Latin text. (Chrysogonus Polydorus, Nuremberg 1541)

At a time when the world was flat. I find it hard to swallow some wiseman forged based on some concepts of plato. Expecially with the whole philospher stone crazy.

and Hermes was not the only person who wrote the supossed tablets.

It was Hermes and Thoth. If you take that into account. It would be Horus and Thoth. Or The sun and moon. Jaguar and hunter. The lion and the monkey.

The monkey is the wise man tho. Choosing to be a baboon.

The lion king is quite hillarious because its both the lion Horus and the monkey thoth in the story.

edit on 28-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by MuzzleBreak
Some anectodal evidence thatIi would like to hear the opinion upon of the OP and others of our seemingly agnostic Deist crowd ( of whom i may be a sub-group--Agnostic Christian Deistist--if such a thing is possible):

Evil Spirits seem to exist--both in non-corporeal from and in corporeal form--from the experience of many witnesses;; Do you think these are usually figments of imaginations--or actual entities.

Many times these entities seem to be repelled by the name of Jesus--what are your thoughts?

Do guardian angels/spirits exist? Is there an external group mind composed of the departed that is concerned with the welfare of there descendants?

i think they can be answered by science, since most research seems to indicate they are able to use energy from electronics and drain batteries...but what they are i do not know

several theories exist, and the one i am most inclined to agree with is that they are beings from another dimension that toy with us and sometimes wish us evil (depending on the entity)...but are in most cases unable to do so...or they might have technology that enables them to tap into other dimensions and just barely get through...or see the recordings of the past, so they can appear to be connected to murders or dead people...

there is also another theory that says that some of them are shadows of the past, like glitches in a recording from a previous show that was on a video tape that got recorded over...sometimes they appear through into our physical reality...this seems to fall in line with many of the absurdities of quantum physics as a possibility...since everything can exist simultaneously in quantum physics, just because we do not see it does not mean the shadow of it is not still there somewhere...

still another theory says they are left over energy from the body (as energy cannot be destroyed it only changes form) and this retains the shadow of the individual that it was once attached to, sometimes manifesting as balls of light on photographs...

i have heard of some of these beings or anomalies not being repelled by anything, and Jesus name does not always work...sometimes just being angry is enough to scare someone, but sometimes people are so evil they dont scare that easily...even if you assert yourself, so why would beings like this be any different?

i think most of our misconceptions of what they are or are not, are still based off of dark age reasoning and misidentification, instead of sound investigation to see what something really is...

to give an example, one day i heard something so scary, chasing me i thought it was a vampire or a zombie, but i ran like hell and did not look back...what was it? it was a even though i thought it was something else, it only sounded bad, but was not as bad or scary as i thought it was...and definitely was not going to eat me...

as far as angels go, i think they are beings from another place, that can be linked to alien sightings...there are similar descriptions from not only hypnosis of people in encounters, (or abductees) of the descriptions of these beings, but they are also almost identical to the beings described in scripture (in several religions, not just the bible), and if proven, would mean that the ancients did indeed encounter these angels/aliens (not little grey men but tall like angels with robes and sapphire colored or topaz skin, that glow) and this is the source for many of the miracles and acts of god that are really misidentified technology...

its still only comparative evidence, or circumstantial, but there is a lot of it out there, and there are also stories that they are not strictly gods messengers, sometimes (more often than not) they are posers manipulating us...everything from genetic manipulation, to abducting and forcing a new ideological experiment on humanity, to using chosen people as control groups to refine their gene pools like cattle...scary stuff i know, but there are hints of it actually happening...and most of this evidence is in the genetic analysis of different groups of people and in human gene analysis as a whole...some of it is based off of ancient sightings recorded by our ancestors, some of it is gleaned from the repressed memories of abductees...but it is hard to separate what is fact from fiction most of the time...some people lie (ahem)

but all these theories are based off of the current scientific data available, not off of speculation or wild mythology...but to be sure of if they are true or not they have to be proven, and with repeatable results...
edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by studythem1

IM not saying all but manyhadith are proven true through line of credibility , but i understand what you mean, thats why its up to the people to uphold these laws and make sure the govt themselvs do not use it to justify the means, but claiming that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not a prophet then it is to deny the day of judgement. He is the last prophet so this message will never be ruined. I mean to this day many miracles and prophecies are coming true.
Science can not disprove the Quran. Quran itself is a miricale. The reason why it wasn't sent down as a whole book , like was sent down like Moses and Jesus, etc, is because it is to show future generations that without a doubt it is the last message. Islam was completed in 23 years and it is the strongest and most just religion.
Anything can be used to fulfill an end wither it be good or bad, but if we discredit it, because the sect differ, t would only mean that the devil is winning.
Its been over 1400 years and not one word has changed.
edit on 28-4-2013 by DuecesxGeneral because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by DuecesxGeneral

that was more due to the strict enforcement of the government of the region, than by anything else...

i still do not buy any religion that says to join or die...that is tyranny...and even Muhammad disagrees with it...

the fact that the people who claim Islam cannot even keep the words of Muhammad is enough to discredit it...and the fact that its psychology is still one of tyranny, first on Muhammad himself by Jabril, and then later by those that fought over who would take his place...and still later by extremists spite of what the average joe schmoe akbar does...makes it an invalid ideology...because it does not work...tyranny never works...people get sick of it and resist it...

nobody wants to serve a god that will murder them in a heart beat, and them murder them in the afterlife as well...

edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by studythem1

the shadow people phenomenon you are referring to is in direct association with dark matter and dark energy

When a person dies their soul joins with the holy spirit, the holy spirit being dark matter and dark energy.
But the eternal light can shine through in some form. Creating the illusion of light. As in an etheral angel. But fading to darkness after. Which is what its main element is composed of.

God the Father tho, this specific race of aliens. Have a darker than dark appearence because of the holy spirit flowing through them. They are Yahweh. Our creators from Orion. That is why God is a lion. And why he controls the evening wolves. All of these reasons. They may be subtle metaphors. but subtle that is all. Nothing to extreme from the words said.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

The Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus are not the same thing. Simply looking at what you posted, and the actual translations of Hermes Trismegistus will easily show the Atlantean/Thoth variation is not the same as the pseudo Greco-Roman one.

As for the four states, that's not hard at all. The three constants of Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur, paired with the four mutables of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water have been a part of magickal and spiritual lore for thousands of years. Pythagoras, in his cult of numbers, even used them. They're so much more than Platonic or Neoplatonic classical elements.

Is it really so hard to believe that Hermetic philosophers used Hermetic Philosophy when composing a treatise on Hermetic philosophy?

And, for the record, the Lion King is Hamlet, which is definitely a modern adaptation of the ending of the myth of Osiris and Set, yes. Which, harkens back to my original reply to you on archetypes and how they evolve and grow and change because ideas cannot be killed.

~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 28/4/13 by Wandering Scribe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by studythem1

that may be your experience, but it is subjective...

That's exactly what I said.

im not just using the bible to refute itself, im also taking examples from other sources, extra-biblical contemporary references, and psychological analysis to show that yes the representation of the god of the bible is false if it means to portray what would be a creator of the hwole universe

Huh? What does it matter whether Bible was man made or was written with the hand of God? Does it not still possess importance? Can the kernel ideas - the basic theological presumptions about God, the metaphysical undertones of specific narratives - not possess meaning and value? Or are you too much of an expert to accept that?

This was a very bad thread, very poorly written, and even more poorly thought out.

its definition limits what should be a universal god into a petty and exclusive god...

So you're criticizing the Hebrew bible, then, since the Christian Bible universalizes the God of the Old Testament.

Since you claim to have experience with theology, have you ever thought that perhaps instead of being read hyper-literally, the Torah is speaking typologically, or archetypally? For example, the concept of a tribal God. Maybe the idea of the tribal God refers to something far more basic. After all, isn't the idea of a personality individualized? Perhaps Biblical theology is a direct polemic against Egyptian and Babylonian ideas? After all, the Bible seems to base itself upon an earlier body of myth. The creation narrative has its basis in the Enuma Elish; the story of Noah can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Instead of naively assuming that the Hebrew were simply ripping them off, far more likely, they were using their own literature and making it their own: changing some parts to fit a particular theological or metaphysical doctrine.

Everything about the Hebrew Bible is about the importance of the particular. There are 7 specific days of creation. On the last and final day, Elohim (which means "powers" in Hebrew, referring to nature in it's totality) finishes His creation. On the next day, however, YHWH is mentioned, together with Elohim. A new attribute is brought into focus. YHWH represents a dimension of reality which supersedes the level of Elohim. Elohim is nature in it's totality, or the animal man, in his totality - or, since the word is plural, it could mean mankind in it's undifferentiated totality. YHWH however is particular. He speaks to man - the Adam/Eve narrative follows right after. He makes demands of man. In short, YHWH is the God who projects meaning into individual lives, into individual personalities: only with such an ontological basis, can an individual existence have ontological significance.

So, you have the one nation, Israel, "selected" from the nations of the world as his favored nation. You have a special land - the land of Israel - selected from all the lands of the world. You have a specific place - the temple mount - selected from all the possible locations in Israel. You have a specific king; a specific high priest. There is law and order, specific places for things in the world. Likewise, morality, is understanding right from wrong - the specific conditions and circumstances which make each situation morally unique, calling for a unique and particular response.

This is clearly what the Hebrew Bible is about. But somewhere down the line, maybe during the time of the Babylonian exile, or Greek or Roman persecution, that this wisdom was forgotten. Then go through the centuries of galuth - exile, and all we have left is the skeleton, the bare text, without a veridical tradition to turn to.

Pagan religions tend to emphasize the absolute - the universal - the abstract, immaterial, incorporeal, and infinite, to the exclusion of the particular, finite, and momentary facts of life. As such, morality can be "relativized" away, where no particular moral viewpoint has an objective superiority to any other. Because from the perspective of the absolute, nothing really matters, nothing really exists in any specific form. Everything is mere illusion. The Bible is a refutation of that belief.

Now that you have a more grown up explanation (and you can find it in Yoram Hazonys "the philosophy of the Hebrew Scriptures", Leon Kass' The Beginning of Wisdom and other books in Biblical literary analysis) for what the Bible can mean, you can reassess your prejudiced and bigoted view about Jews and their conception of God.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

well you are welcome to believe what you want to, but i tend to go more on what can be proven, not conjecture, or very long stretches of the imagination...otherwise i would be religious...

there is some evidence of a journey from another place, from Pleiades through Orion, to our solar system...but this is well documented in monuments/artifacts all over the world...but sadly the proponent of this evidence (which is very well compiled) is trying to create a new religion...

if he would just stick with the facts and explore it from there, then that would be sufficient, but to create a new organized religion is exactly the opposite of what people need...they need truth, not a hypothesis based religion...

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:29 AM
Thanks for the reply. Yes, certainly we can be frightened by many things besides evil spirits--particularly if we can;t see what's scaring us.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by dontreally

So you're criticizing the Hebrew bible, then, since the Christian Bible universalizes the God of the Old Testament.

Since you claim to have experience with theology, have you ever thought that perhaps instead of being read hyper-literally, the Torah is speaking typologically, or archetypally? For example, the concept of a tribal God. Maybe the idea of the tribal God refers to something far more basic. After all, isn't the idea of a personality individualized? Perhaps Biblical theology is a direct polemic against Egyptian and Babylonian ideas? After all, the Bible seems to base itself upon an earlier body of myth. The creation narrative has its basis in the Enuma Elish; the story of Noah can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Instead of naively assuming that the Hebrew were simply ripping them off, far more likely, they were using their own literature and making it their own: changing some parts to fit a particular theological or metaphysical doctrine.

and that is what i have a problem with...they changed it, made it their own, eradicated all the evidence to prove otherwise, except the few examples that survived miraculously to throw a wrench into their ideology as they portrayed it, and showed them to be the closed minded and exclusive sect they were...

i never said they outright ripped off the stories of creation or the flood, those are all over the world...they were of enough importance to several cultures to garner a memory and have many variations...but their mistake again is trying to use tyranny to defeat tyranny...its insanity...doing the same things but expecting different results, and then not wanting to face the consequences of violating others free will...and to use a god to justify those actions is lazy and irresponsible...

sure there are great humanitarian ideas, but as in all dictatorships, they have to have some mass appeal or they would never have any public support...the larger a nation gets the more they have to be careful...more sneaky...but we see that with fewer people they were able to be more heavy handed...this is true of any nation that emerges...

so Israel is neither special or unique, they just live under the delusion that they are, and used it to try and achieve a greatness they never realized...and only now come close to because of a power (the west, particularly britain and the US) sponsoring them that need Israel to be valid for their own political and ideological reasons...

and so far i think you are the only person here who thinks my thread is poorly written...but if i could have i would have written it before hand and made sure nobody interrupted me rudely before i could finish...unfortunately im not allowed to lock my own threads to do so...

like i said you can believe what you want to, but my reasons for not believing what you do are just as valid as your reasons to believe what you do...and an ideologically skewed biased book for me to read is not going to change my opinion...i may be boring, but i like cold hard facts, not sensationalism or feel good rhetoric...
edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by studythem1

I don't know why people try to complicate things so much. People would like to believe what i am saying is fantasy and my own conjured myths.

But they obviously are not.

You can try to argue with it but honestly it would be a cry for help.

Because you are right in some cases. Yes this stuff is everywhere. To form a religion? Well its not for any cause for people to empty their wallets or attend a church on sundays.

The reason why knowledge like this is hidden and is very hard to understand is because 1. You need experience without experience all you are doing is relying on the words of other people without any foundation to start your *hunt* for knowledge.

2. New souls are always trying to figure out the mysteries of the passed and the inner workings of the universe. Trying to tell people a bunch of hyper philophical points that excede reality and are realms of fiction and the mind. Not really based on any cosmic spiritual experiences with god and the 5 elements.

I find it hard to follow along what they are saying with people like that. The reason why i sound so far fetched is because i am nailing the nail on the head. And all those still trapped in the realms of fiction and mind are unable to see passed their conjured realities. Into the real and ultimate reality.
edit on 28-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

again everyone is takes one thing to convince one person, and another to convince an entirely different person...some do not respond well to some things, and others would rather have proof, or have a show me attitude...i want proof...

i already have enough proof for me to speak about what i know, but not enough to speak on what i do not know...

so until i know for sure, im not going to make a leap to the realm of what looks like fantasy...

now do we have potential that far exceeds what we are tapping in our minds and bodies right now? yes...but until someone has come up with a fool proof method of teaching how to tap into it, (without torture) then i wont know for sure, and honestly i am a bit wary to experiment with it...

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