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What is it like being dead for eternity?

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posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

Thank you for the spelling correction, it is difficult when typing so much so quickly to catch them all.

God Bless,

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by JustEve
Nobody knows what it's like being dead, period.

Has anyone ever come back to inform us?

I hate reading something like this cause yeah I HAVE DIED and yeah I CAME BACK

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

All of your concerns are covered fully and amazingly in the Word of God, but due to the manner in which you address revealed truth from God, it would be counter-productive for this discussion in this thread at this time.

I will simply surmize that interpreting the 144,000 spiritually rather than physically/genetically creates beautiful understanding of the percieved issues you have found in God's truth.

God Bless,

edit on 12-4-2013 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Then why the sick joke to put both good and evil spirits lock onto the world of earth that should be renamed Hell.
edit on 12-4-2013 by skorpius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Jesus Christ did not fear death, but willingly went into death. And so many have also followed Him into death. Did they do it because they were afraid of death?

What a foolish statement, I say again.

They did it because they believed something they had no reason to believe. They were sold an idea and they bought it, just like you buy it to this day, except they had an excuse—they were illiterate. What is your reason? Foolish.

The first and last Christian died on the cross. You pray to an image of him, to an idea, because you cannot come up with your own. Foolish.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:46 PM
"When you're dead you're dead, and that's that, nothing else afterwards."

I've always wondered how this point of view of death came about. For thousands and thousands of years, humans have believed in a higher power, a view of this higher power that has to its penultimate form. At first, God was spirits. Then God became multiple gods, literal beings in the heavens.. Then God took on a more symbol role, and these gods all having attributes of the universal functions. Then God become a singular deity, but was still made anthropomorphic as an old man in the clouds.

But slowly, we are regaining our true understanding of God: That God cannot be adequately described, no real image can be made of Him, and everything we try to understand is just the period in a nearly endless epic novel.

Unfortunately, some people have gotten it into their heads that there is no God. Or, I should say, not so much there is no God, but that they are God. They know everything, even what happens after death. To that, this is their afterlife. The fact that they WANT that to be what happens disturbs me. It's a kind of depressing viewpoint that, in the end, isn't even scientific.

They've bound themselves up in a universe that is a cold, unfeeling machine full of pain, suffering, illness, and death, and then nothing at all. They've created an existence for themselves in which there is no spirit, no soul, no God, and the only thing that matters in the end is the material. They'll even tell you, "What matters in the end is what you leave behind."

No, what matters is who we really are, and who is really in charge of all of this. God's brilliance and love is displayed in the integrity, complexity, and order of the cosmos. We exist, because he willed it. I shudder to think what the universe would be like without Him.

It would be much like what atheists dream the afterlife is like: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing would exist, and neither would we be around to have consciousness, experiences, to love, to hope, to dream, to create, to glorify our God.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

If you had any idea how weak that argument is, you wouldn't have made it.

I have yet to see a more convincing argument. What does that say about yours?

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Reductionistic materialist monism is a dead paradigm, but it's ignorance remains in the worldview of many, but it's so frustrating to see and so entrenched.

I offered more to support my argument. You offer nothing but what amounts to insults for those like me who can think outside the box.

You're is a trained ignorance, but in your assurance that you are right, it's willful blindness.

I don't think there's any way to enlighten inform, or illuminate your worldview to include other possibilities than that you are mere a thing in a universe of things devoid of intentionality or purpose. How sad.

edit on 12-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by ElohimJD

I share God's truth because I agree with His mind in all things as His servant.

You agree with what you were taught, nothing more. You didn't arrive to these conclusions on your own. You are not a free-thinker or free-spirit, but an advocate. There's no free-will in this, but obedience.

Did Jesus agree with a certain set of teachings? Why again was he crucified? Was Buddha an advocate for Brahmanism? Was Socrates an advocate for the Athenian state when they fed him poison? They were not followers. They taught not to follow. Yet "Christians" do the opposite of Jesus, and submit and follow some more. That isn't free will.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
The first and last Christian died on the cross. You pray to an image of him, to an idea, because you cannot come up with your own. Foolish.

Jesus Christ died on a pole/stake (Greek = Stauros means a single upright piece of wood).

There is a different Greek word entirely which translates as "two pieces of wood crossed"

No one who truely serves the living God and His son Jesus Christ uses "crosses" in anything whatso ever. As most here on ATS know a "Cross" is Pagan in origin and was used religiously hundreds of years prior to the life and death of Jesus Christ.

It was added to "christianity" by Constantine when he had a "vision" of a "cross in the sky" prior to the establishment of the Counsel of Nicea in 321AD which formally removed Passover and replaced it with the pagan fertility festival "Easter" (named for the Sumerian fertility Goddess), and made Christ's false birthday (on the Winter solstice) to coniside with the re-birth festival of the sun God "T"ammutz (T, just like a "Cross").

Using false religion to take anything away from God's truth is foolishness indeed.

God Bless,

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Reductionistic materialist monism is a dead paradigm, but it's ignorance remains in the worldview of many, but it's so frustrating to see and so entrenched.

I offered more to support my argument. You offer nothing but what amounts to insults for those like me who can think outside the box.

You're is a trained ignorance, but in your assurance that you are right, it's willful blindness.

I don't think there's any way to enlighten inform, or illuminate your worldview to include other possibilities than that you are mere a thing in a universe of things devoid of intentionality or purpose. How sad.

You think you're out of the box, I see you stuck deeper in it. What conclusions do you arrive at that are not supported by your foundation of religion? A foundation that cannot even support itself?

Why fill up gaps in your knowledge with your fictions? A little bit of self-deception and dishonesty is required to do so. Have at it.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Jesus Christ was at odds with Judaism at His time, and they put Him to death for it, because it was in error as all of mankind's religions are at this time.

He did not teach anything against the Word of God, only against mankind's false interpretations of the Word of God, based on free moral agency and human nature; only God's spirit can interpret His Word in spirit and in truth.

Your "free thinking" perception is leading to slavery to self (bondage of self determination), it is only by God's truth that a free moral agent can become truely free.

In time God has a plan to give this understanding to you, at this time or in the ages to come.

God Bless,

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by ElohimJD

Using false religion to take anything away from God's truth is foolishness indeed.

False religion? As if somewhere there is a true one? How can I take away truth from something that isn't there? Instead I attack your truth. It is your responsibility, not God's or anyone else's.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by ElohimJD

Your "free thinking" perception is leading to slavery to self (bondage of self determination), it is only by God's truth that a free moral agent can become truely free.

You say so, but dare not attempt to prove to yourself or anyone else the validity of your claims. You allow the traditions of your forefathers to guide your words. You let the ideals of dead men determine how you think and act. That is bondage. That is self-renunciation.

edit on 12-4-2013 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Jesus Christ did not fear death, but willingly went into death. And so many have also followed Him into death. Did they do it because they were afraid of death?

What a foolish statement, I say again.

They did it because they believed something they had no reason to believe. They were sold an idea and they bought it, just like you buy it to this day, except they had an excuse—they were illiterate. What is your reason? Foolish.

The first and last Christian died on the cross. You pray to an image of him, to an idea, because you cannot come up with your own. Foolish.


Who are you talking about?

What I find very interesting is that you condemn those who follow some other one's idea, and imply that one should come up with their own idea.

Your atheistic view is a very common idea. It is shared by many. You're not being very original yourself.

I dare you to come up with your own idea of what happens at death; and further, I dare you to cause your idea to happen for you upon your death!

But you can't. Because everyone, regardless of who they are, can well agree, that when someone is dead, we can all witness their body rotting. And that no one can escape death. It doesn't matter what your idea is. The fact is simply the fact.

Now if you say that Jesus is a fiction, and that there is no resurrection, then what exactly is your point of living? You are going to die anyway.

But I found the truth, about what an atheist thinks. Atheists see this a few different ways, but they are all really the same way. They are either murderous ideas, or suicidal ideas.

And these are those ideas:

"Let us do whatever we will, and take vengeance upon whomever we can, but let's be clever, and not be caught. For if we are caught, then we won't have control over our own bodies, because of the law. So let's manipulate anything to our will that we possibly can, and cause ourselves to gain wherever we are able. Let us either eat a lot and get drunk often, for there is much joy. Or let us collect lots of money, and develop power, and enjoy controlling other people; for eating, drinking, and power are very nice to enjoy. And we aren't too awfully worried about why they're so good to enjoy, but rather, we enjoy them anyway. But we will make up reasons why they are enjoyable so that we can put into bondage other people that might want to participate in having fun. Let's trap them into a delusion, and enjoy all things for ourselves. For they are weak, and we are strong. Though we may all die, we will live happily, even if we die horribly. And what sense is it to live life poorly and sadly, if we are all to die to nothing? So then, it is the survival of the fittest; and the fittest enjoy the best things that the world has to offer, at anyone's expense, but our own."

And the other mentality is this:

"This life is pointless. I don't care about anything. I don't care about what anyone does. I don't even know why I get angry. I hate people and I hate myself. I don't know why I care when someone is sad or hurting. But when I start to care, I just get pissed off. What about me? Fools. They're all fools. They don't see the pointlessness of it all. I wish we would all just die. Or at least myself, so that I didn't have to suffer this pain and put up with all of this retarded garbage. But maybe it would be best for all of them if they were dead, too. It would ease their pain. Maybe the world will finally be destroyed and we'll be at peace. Wouldn't that be nice. Why should I have to come to life, only to suffer, watching other people suffer, and then just die a horrible death, and for what? There is no reason. Everyone can just screw off. I don't know why I'm going through these motions, but what else do I have to do? I might as well see where it goes. Maybe something will work out for me and I'll get to experience some kind of happiness before I rot like the rotting carcasses that we all are. Look at those stupid sheep. They're smiling. Just doing their day to day business, throwing parties; none of them realize they are already dead. Idiots. I wish their house just caught on fire. Then they'd see it. Then they'd stop telling me that I'm lame. Maybe they'd feel my pain. But whatever. I wish I could be stupid like them. I wish I were ignorant, and didn't have to put up with all of these thoughts. Why can't I have been born a fool like everyone else? Then I could be happy. Maybe I'm sick. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm just supposed to die. Maybe I'll find out how to kill myself without pain. I don't like pain, but I don't like living. That's why I want to die; because I am sick of this pain. This mental anguish. And it's all their fault. Why do people keep living?!"

Any resemblance?

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope

False religion? As if somewhere there is a true one? How can I take away truth from something that isn't there? Instead I attack your truth. It is your responsibility, not God's or anyone else's.

Rom 8:7
Because the carnal mind (a human mind apart from the Spirit of God in the individual) is enmity (an enemy, attacks, at odds with) against God's: for it is not subject to the law of God (obedient), neither indeed can be."

I am commanded to proove God's mind to myself by my calling, but God has also commanded that He proove Himself to mankind through His plan for your salvation. That is what Revelation is, God revealing Himself to all mankind (prooving who is the "true one")

God Bless,
edit on 12-4-2013 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2013 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:12 PM
Death is being out of time, the past, present and future come to one point. The beginning of another time cycle means the beginning of another existence. Billions of years in an instant. Because of the random variables brought about by human existence, every cycle of time is different. The only thing to relate this to is the cyclic nature of the universe.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by ElohimJD

Rom 8:7
Because the carnal mind (a human mind apart from the Spirit of God in the individual) is enmity (an enemy, attacks, at odds with) against God's: for it is not subject to the law of God (obedient), neither indeed can be."

I am comanded to proove God's mind to myself by my calling, but God has also commanded that He proove Himself to mankind through His plan for your salvation. That is what Revelation is, God revealing Himself to all mankind (prooving who is the "true one")

God Bless

You command yourself to read from a book rather than take responsibility for your own thoughts. That's the truth of the matter. That is what revelation is—to allow the thoughts of others to seduce us into believing them. How easily we are seduced.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Who are you talking about?

What I find very interesting is that you condemn those who follow some other one's idea, and imply that one should come up with their own idea.

Your atheistic view is a very common idea. It is shared by many. You're not being very original yourself.

I am not an atheist. But you can call me whatever you wish as long as you think it brings you answers. I wouldn't expect anything less.

I dare you to come up with your own idea of what happens at death; and further, I dare you to cause your idea to happen for you upon your death!

You dare me to pretend to know something about that which no one knows anything? I'll leave that to you sir. That's your realm.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

We are born
We live
and we die

hello, this is just a theory of mine,

i don't feel that we were ever supposed to be flesh as we are now,

i feel that when God created us, man - both male and female - we were souls that didn't want for anything, we were completely free and would exist for eternity, but then satan came along under the name of Lord God and turned us into human form from the dirt of the earth, turning us into living souls, trapping us in suits of skin which the Lord God provided for adam and eve, our new human form was created to die, but adam and eve didn't know this and so were fooled by the Lord, whom they thought was their creator God, when really the lord was the one who trapped them and lied to them in every way possible,

our bodies may be dead for eternity but our souls will always live on,

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