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What is it like being dead for eternity?

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posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

I've never understood the people who say there is nothing after death. You, just like believers in an afterlife, have zero proof that nothing happens. All we know is what happens to our physical bodies.

Do you think you are somehow not your physical body? What proof has led you to believe this?

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 10:32 AM
i didn't read through the entire thread so i'm unsure if this was touched upon but,

has anyone considered that perhaps, through this tangible experience we call life, we are (unknowingly or not) engaged in the process of creating our unique intangible consciousness or energy body: that the accumulated sense-experience of this life and the way we mentally process it, is in fact creating a ghost image, like a self-willed data-form that arises within a multidimensional informational lattice.

the profane and the subtle/causal need not be mutually exclusive.

before birth does not necessarily equal after death.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Not my physical body? I never said that.. I am my physical body. But not just my physical body.

In terms of evidence or 'proof'... You know what answer you'll get. So why ask? To try and make me sound stupid? I'll never feel stupid for having faith and realizing that humans are quite arrogant to think they know everything. And if you think what you can see, feel, smell etc is all there is to life, then that's your prerogative.
edit on 15-4-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
reply to post by MrConspiracy

I've never understood the people who say there is nothing after death. You, just like believers in an afterlife, have zero proof that nothing happens. All we know is what happens to our physical bodies.

Do you think you are somehow not your physical body? What proof has led you to believe this?

Just responding because I don't think I am my physical body. When I close my eyes and remember my physical appearance and look around in that space I am not actually looking at my physical body and space it is in with my real eyes, it is the immaterial body I would be looking at.

There are the memories of the sun and light reflecting on other memories like surfaces, the colors, the memory of feeling surfaces or air, the scents, sounds like when a tune is in your head which you can't get out or turn off.

The eternal immaterial body controls the temporary material body. After it has become unusable those who desire might continue on in the afterlife, those who do not might simply fall into a dreamless eternal sleep or until someone they once knew would desire them to wake up by remembering the dream and the dreamer they once knew.
edit on 15/4/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

Not my physical body? I never said that.. I am my physical body. But not just my physical body.

In terms of evidence or 'proof'... You know what answer you'll get. So why ask? To try and make me sound stupid? I'll never feel stupid for having faith and realizing that humans are quite arrogant to think they know everything. And if you think what you can see, feel, smell etc is all there is to life, then that's your prerogative.

Then what other than your physical body do you think you are? And how have you arrived at this conclusion? Let me guess, someone told you what to think.

You mention faith. So you trust more the authority of a book or preacher than your own senses and reason? I don't think faith is stupid, only fearful and/or lazy.

People can imagine what they want, as you said, that is their prerogative.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Just responding because I don't think I am my physical body. When I close my eyes and remember my physical appearance and look around in that space I am not actually looking at my physical body and space it is in with my real eyes, it is the immaterial body I would be looking at.

There are the memories of the sun and light reflecting on other memories like surfaces, the colors, the memory of feeling surfaces or air, the scents, sounds like when a tune is in your head which you can't get out or turn off.

The eternal immaterial body controls the temporary material body. After it has become unusable those who desire might continue on in the afterlife, those who do not might simply fall into a dreamless eternal sleep or until someone they once knew would desire them to wake up by remembering the dream and the dreamer they once knew.

When you look around, are you still alive, breathing, with a pulse, in skin, awake? Or are you without your body? Those who desire merely desire...that is all.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by MrConspiracy
reply to post by crzayfool

1. Time to accept that people can't come back from the dead? On a whole, this is acceptable.

2. Accept that we SHOULD by now know what happens after life? That's the arrogance of the human race. We think we know it all. We think we know all the answers. And if it's not available to our limited senses, we can't understand and therefore brush it off as fake.

3.We aren't going to be allowed back to "spread the word" that something happens after death, regardless of what it is. And if we are, it's through reincarnation, if you choose to believe that.

4.Don't tell me there's never been any solid proof of life after death if you can't come up with proof of nothing after death. Perhaps you, much like others who don't believe, should open themselves up to the idea that humans are limited, we do not know everything and there may be more to this vast universe than we might think.

It's all a lucky accident?..........

1. Coming back from the dead is very unlikely I agree, at the moment. In the future, who knows? Studies into mitochondria longevity will probably make dying a thing of the past anyway.

2. I think the arrogance actually stems from the belief system that there should always be something more. Humans naturally seek more and more all the time and can't seem to accept that things come to an end, in some cases. If you tell someone who believes in something it's not real or can't happen they'll just 'brush it off' because they are frightened to accept they're wrong and they want to find an answer because it's a safety net - but it's not there. (I don't stop at the limited senses by the way - I educate myself in areas people think are reserved for fantasy and fairy-tales). I do not brush anything off because I understand...

3. Why? If your going back to source and you are a free "Spirit" to do what ever you like, because you are now a wisp of pure energy - who is going to stop you from coming back? Who is going to tell complete and utter freedom that they can't do something?

4. There is more to this universe than you or anyone on our rock could cope with, I understand that. I don't feel for even a microsecond that Humans know the first thing about what is here - do not start assuming you know what I think/feel/believe I am open... You want to believe so much that there is something else after that you'll make it so in your own head, you'll get what you want, you'll hear what you want and then you'll try force it on others when you don't even KNOW yourself. I on the other hand will accept either end of this argument when some evidence is brought forward that is undeniable. Until that day, though, I'll try figure it out for myself and let you know if I find out...

If I did, would you believe me if it went against you?

~ CrzayFool

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:35 AM
Reincarntion is real. The world around us is very real and the spiritual world is tied with it.

What we see and how we currently define our universe and experience we see the 4 physical states.

Water ( all liquid states of matter) Fire ( Florecents, light, heat gamas uv ext) Earth ( metals, plastics, trees rocks all states of physical matter) wind ( gas and pressures) With all of these elements. Lightning, is a combination of all of the states within reations of the 4 states and cycles these things happen.

Now what is the 5th state, It is the only non physical state. It is dark energy and dark matter. The cause of all elements creates gravity because of its existance. expecially physical matter. What happens is stars absorb physical matter recycling the location. If this process did not happen the universe would be cluttered in matter.
So eventually a sun collects so much it gets really big. And collapses under its own weight. When this happens it pulls all the physical matter apart atom by atom, and rips the atom apart revealing dark energies. This is then condensed into tiny balls called dark energy which surrounds our universe and our sight.

The only reason we are able to percieve light, is because 1. the light travelling through our atmopshere travels through physical matter, Air. Which illuminates it as it crosses its path.
If you are in space light is dimmed out to a degree and does not iluminate the same ways. Only direct sunlight really creates our perception of it. But there is no atmosphere to allow the light to fully illuminate the darker sides. Where as here if we have one light in a room it tends to light up every corner of the room.
BUT there is dark energy in space. So there is some minor reflection tho its not very strong. Light too gets blocked by passing dark matter.

But everything came from darkness, which is the 5th element. Dark energy returns back to matter. We were gifted with eternal life with our ties to dark matter. Our brain kind of works with the same methods. The more information we gain the brain creates folds and compresses. The smarter we get.

When you close your eyes you are meditating on darkness. Those small balls of dark energy is what the darkness is. We are viewing into the 5th dimension. the only non physical state.
When every human is dead on earth. There will be no vessels to reincarnate into and you cannot leave. Because of the electromagnetic grid on earth.

The only people that can reincarnate from other star systems to earth are star seeds. And those people are borderline possessed by greys. Not really what people think star seeds are. Its not that the human soul is from the pleiades. its the Soul inhabiting their body that is from the pleiades.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Atma seems nice music to me, thx for sharing CSA.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by crzayfool

Thanks for your reply. I agree with some of what you have said.

I never said there "should" be something. All i have said is that i believe there is something after this life. With regards to the arrogance aspect, i do feel those who don't believe in an afterlife of sorts based on "no proof" are quite arrogant. They believe they know what proof looks like. Proof to a non-believer would be what exaclty? What do they want?

You also say that "If you tell someone who believes in something it's not real or can't happen they'll just 'brush it off' because they are frightened to accept they're wrong" Well, doesn't this one work both ways too? Many who don't believe 'brush off' the idea of an afterlife because they can't accept that they don't know how everything works. They can't accept or understand something which science can neither prove or disprove. Therefore, it's a myth..

Proof to a believer is looking out of the window and seeing everything there is. That's all the proof believers need to know that this is not an accident and that there's more to life than just the physical. Why can't we come back? Well i can explain that as well as you. It may be a different plane of existence so to speak. I know that sounds a bit "new agey"
but i think you get what i mean. We can't see the afterlife because it's not the same as this life.

Do i KNOW for certain there is an afterlife? No, now that would be arrogant of me. And believe me, if someone could show me 100% proof that there is no afterlife other than the fact you can't see/experience it yourself whilst living, then i'll perhaps accept it. And seen as though that will never happen, i think it's about time non-believers stop trying to tell everyone else "there is nothing" because it 1. won't get anyone anywhere 2. it's just as true as as saying "there is something"

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

I don't know for sure what i am other than my physical body. I could say soul, but all you'd ask is, "what is a soul?"

I don't have all the answers. Much like those who are non-believers. If i was to say "it's a matter of faith" That would probably be all you needed to call me... lazy? I'm not ran by a "book" or a "preacher".... Faith is subjective and you can't see it with what you are given to experience life. You can't touch it, see it or anything! so therefore, to lovers of "proof" you can't accept it. Therefore it becomes a silly myth that people cling on to in hope of something after this life.

That's their prerogative.
edit on 16-4-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

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