posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 10:05 AM
Socialism isn't evil; PEOPLE do evil. The human condition is one in which some are traumatized during their developmental stages, which induces them
to prioritize power and status as more important than love.
In a utopian world (or heaven) where there are no traumatic events and there are no maladaptive compensative behaviors, then socialism would be great.
No human on Earth has been spared the "human condition" as we appear to exist here to undergo trials and growth, by overcoming those trials.
Since human nature is one of constant struggle and psychological trauma, socialism is a dangerous political system. It isn't the pretty picture that
is so popularly (mis)represented in the news. Just go LIVE in a truly socialist country for a few years and you'll discover first-hand why socialism
is one of the most effective ways governments can restrict personal freedom, restrict personal pursuits of happiness, restrict personal levels of
success, and even restrict the length of life.
Socialism is for p*ssies and weakling sheeple because it is the Nanny State presented as a benevolent parent to a child who willingly trusts and feeds
from its mammaries.
It's the brighter side of communism and dictatorships and caliphates. But after you lose basic personal independence and personal freedom in true
socialism, you might as well be a pawn slave in one of these other systems of total corruption and tyranny.
While Capitalism within a Republic form of democratic government isn't perfect, it is the best option yet available. It is one which empowers the
best self-respect, self-governance, self-discipline, self-esteem, and all other manners of giving free reins to individuals who decide to make the
best of what they've got and shoot for the moon. In no other country can an individual (from deepest poverty and from any ethnic background) have a
brilliant idea that he/she can then cultivate into a big business, thus transcending from poor to 1%. No other country affords that opportunity to its
citizens like America does on the scale that America does.
Meanwhile, there are people who do not want to take self-discipline or have self-respect that do not deserve any fruits from those who worked hard and
RISKED ALL to achieve capitalist success. Socialism removes the reward aspect from the cause + effect equation. Even worse, socialism penalizes
individuals who work hard or innovate harder for society. Socialism kills innovation and true success that benefits the evolution of society.
The true problem with our country right now is that we have a lot of fat pig politicians in federal office who have stronger loyalties to special
interest groups because those special interest groups can provide better "incentives" than the common citizens can provide. Moreover, few common
citizens care to put the effort into getting REAL news (not the PR pay-to-play stuff that goes on TV and major media) and studying each key issue to
understand what is going on, how their politicians are doing on it, and how to vote on it. Additionally, each citizen should be aware of how the
cartel media turns "reports" of an honest politician and paints his/her every move as dishonest in efforts to discredit and destroy the good guys.
The cartel media or mainstream media have their own vested interests in not reporting the truth. They are PR spin houses for THEIR AGENDA, which
includes amassing more power and more wealth. They can currently do this because the vast majority of the media consumers WANT the fake stories. It is
the SHEEPLES' fault.
The democratic republic form of government REQUIRES individual participation. Before this age of self-gratification (which is not true self-respect,
self-discipline, self-esteem, nor self-growth), the vast majority of the populace spent time and energy examining current political issues and
participating in the political process to make sure the right outcomes could become realized.
We need strict, tight term limits on all politicians -- and ensure that even a common plumber or common secretary can realistically run for election
because those political seats were created to be an honor for anyone (who wins popular vote) to SERVE the country, not leech from it as a professional
If we just cleaned up the Sheeple and the career politicians, we would have a far better society and nation than those dreaming of socialist phantasms
could ever offer us.