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Psychological Child Abuse?

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posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 02:34 PM
This child is going to be bullied so much, that by the time it makes it to high-school, it will go on a shooting spree.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 02:34 PM
Im so torn over things like these days. I really dont believe that anything should be done NOW with the child. I am completely on board with the idea that a child is born with their own preferences hardwired. I didnt previously, but over the last decade or so.. I truly believe this is the case. Im NOT even pretending that the CNN article has enough information to make any decisions concerning the child and the idea of it being child abuse. Just on the issue with the bathrooms, the parents need to get a grip. In the real world, not everyone will cater to the childs gender identification. Theyre starting the kid out thinking everyone has to cater to him.. when in reality, right or wrong.. its not going to happen in real life. Its setting the kid up for more severe issues down the road. If they are doing anything harmful that we can take from the article, its that. If the boy has a penis, he should go to the boys bathroom. A bathroom is marked for SEX... the external gender ( penis or vagina) and not the act or the chromosones, or internal identity.
The boy's physical sex is male, he can go to the male's bathroom. He even has special urinals for his penis to pee in.. which he does have.. its an organ that facilitates a bodily funciton in this case.
Weird obsession with genitals we have though. who's got what and how they decide to use what they have. The toilet is for bodily functions.. not social issues, sexual activity ( unless youre in an airplane I guess) and the understanding of the function of THAT ROOM seems to be an issue for these parents! I htink in school, the room is for elimination of waste through the external genitalia. Voila.. penis pees in a boys bathroom.

From a few comments on this thread... I had to add : being raised culturally different than the majority of Americans.. I dont see the application of what dolls you use or these weird gender signal rules we have. I am MANY times mistaken for a male online. WIth my previous account on ATS, I used gender neutral avatars and I was continually mistaken for male. In Chat... many think Im male..and its amusing when Im flirted with by women who think Im male! In person... very feminine heterosexual female. I didnt play with dolls... I didnt like "typical" female things. The obsession with gender and dolls and al of this is pretty ridiculous to me. What toy you play with as a child has nothing to do with gender identity. What someone else assumes you are due their OWN preconceived ideas has nothing to do with someone else's gender identity. The clothing you wear really has noting to do with your gender identity. Its not an external or molded by someone else.. your gender idenity is YOURS. Your physical genitalia has nothing to truly do with our internal identities. One day we will let people decide who they are themselves and realize, we have no business tell others who and what they are internally by external things we interpret ourselves.
Strip 2 male people down with no external ornamental or cultural clues to give you an idea what their internal identity is. All you see is a body with genetalia that is of the same external sex. YOU can not tell by outside observation as to what the individual internal identity is without your cultural or social clues. One isnt holding a doll, or dressed in culturally male clothing. Only the person themselves know what is actually inside. Stop putting folks in pigeon holes and things will be a lot more sensible.
TO his parents... give the kid some time for Gods sake before pushing ANY identity. Let him decide and mold himself without YOUR interpretation of his external clues and pigeon holing HIS identity to mold what YOUR perceptions are.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Kentucky75

So your marrying your wife again? Because the church doesnt accept lesbian marriage. Which is sort of what youre technically turning into by having a sex change.

Well, yeah its a very serious issue. I dont think it ought to be called " gender dismorphia" you know. Like its not that the person doesnt see their body correctly as it is in reality, they most certainly do.

There are men who have more feminine interests and women who have more masculine interests. I think its only natural sometimes. Also people have different auras . I dont mean to be rude, but some women act more like men, and some men act more like women and they might not even be gay.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

well once i have the surgery next year i will at same time be divorced in my state.
Adding terms like lesbians ect we don't do it society does.
My wife married me not me as a man or as a woman she love's me and i love her or we wouldn't still be together..
Society add's terms to what we are and are not is my point.
I refuse for my kids to call me mom ect they call me by my legally changed name in public ect.or introduce me as there dad.
they only have 1 mother in my book and i am happy to be there anything.
edit on 1-3-2013 by Kentucky75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by chrome413

Well I read this article, I thought that it was a child with both male and female parts, but after reading more I realized that is was a male child after all, trying to play a role as a girl with parent consent

Well in my mind regardless of the choices of the child "gender" and the "wishes" of the very confused parents, the boy has a penis and as such he belong in the boys restroom no with the girls.

Sorry to say this but somebody needs to tell the child the difference between a penis and a vagina and why they are separated by gender restrooms

Like many have say, were society is heading this days?
I have not problem with gender association but darn a child under 10? really give me a darn brake.

I agree with you 100%. If this child had a penis and a vagina, then I could understand the parents having an issue with the school. Since HE has a penis only, he belongs in the boys restroom.

The article said that the child has a passport and state issued ID saying that he is female. Isn't that a crime for the parents to lie on an application for these documents? The parents probably registered the child in school as a girl. They state in the interview that the school is forcing a little girl to use the boy's restroom. What are they thinking, because they raise their boy as a girl, and because the boy thinks he is a girl, that makes the child a girl?

If I went in to a public female restroom (not by accident), I would be arrested. If i told the police I was allowed in there because I think I'm a girl, that should make it OK-----NO it doesn't. These parents are screwed up in the head. If they want to treat their boy as a girl, fine, but he should not have a passport or state ID saying HE is a she, and he doesn't belong in the girls room. They need to think about the real girls that use that restroom that are sharing it with a boy.
edit on 1-3-2013 by sloppypeter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by chrome413

My thoughts here are:
1) Is this psycological abuse by the parents?

Hell no. The parents aren't making her wear a dress, they are actually doing the right thing.

2) A 4 year old does not possess the mental maturity to be able to choose his gender.
Not really. But we're not really discussing life changing medical treatments. We're talking about her living as a girl at school and in her home life. If she wants to change out of it later, then that's her choice.

3) Perhaps the mother has pressured the child into believing he is transgender?
It doesn't work like that. Personal experience.
4) Should the school system be forced to let the child use the girls bathroom/ locker rooms?
Why not? Boy or girl, she's eight years old. Do you think there's really a concern of perversion?

5) What are the ramifications for the rest of society?
That we learn to stop worrying about what is in some kids pants/skirt?
6) What constitutes psychological abuse?
How about, constantly yelling at their child, telling them they won't suceed in life, cutting them off from the world

My own thoughts on this are. What does it even matter? Why are adults so concerned about if someone is living as a girl or a woman or the opposite?

This is like guns and airplane crashes. Despite that all over the country thousands of transgender children are in school, just trying to be children no one know about it until someone throws a fit for no reason. We never hear stories about how an airplane safely landed with out any instances. Or about some guy just randomly cleaning his gun and not getting shot. Parents are so eager to prove their morallity that they will target innocent children in their crusade against the exxagerated ills of society.
edit on 1-3-2013 by Miraj because: horrible grammar.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by sloppypeter

I agree with you 100%. If this child had a penis and a vagina, then I could understand the parents having an issue with the school. Since HE has a penis only, he belongs in the boys restroom.

What does it matter?

The article said that the child has a passport and state issued ID saying that he is female. Isn't that a crime for the parents to lie on an application for these documents? The parents probably registered the child in school as a girl. They state in the interview that the school is forcing a little girl to use the boy's restroom. What are they thinking, because they raise their boy as a girl, and because the boy thinks he is a girl, that makes the child a girl?

There are ways to legally do it that a doctor and therapist can sign off on it.

If I went in to a public female restroom (not by accident), I would be arrested. If i told the police I was allowed in there because I think I'm a girl, that should make it OK-----NO it doesn't. These parents are screwed up in the head. If they want to treat their boy as a girl, fine, but he should not have a passport or state ID saying HE is a she, and he doesn't belong in the girls room. They need to think about the real girls that use that restroom that are sharing it with a boy.
edit on 1-3-2013 by sloppypeter because: (no reason given)

No, you wouldn't be arrested. You'd be asked to leave. It's not actually against the law for a man to go into a womans restroom.
However, you're kind of exxagerating the circumstances now aren't you?

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Miraj

The child is 6 years old, not 8. The child was 4 years old when he began asking his mommy when he was going to go to the Dr and get a sex change. The only way the child could have known about a sex change at 4 years old is if the parents told him about it.

I also find it ironic that people can't vote, buy cigarettes or marry until they are 18, but some people in here seem to think it's OK for a 4 year old to proclaim they are transexual and ask for a sex change. It doesn't take much common sense to tell something is fishy here.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
I think it's disingenuous and a little intellectually dishonest to judge a family and a little girl, based on an article on CNN.

Which might I remind you does the best it can to create the most controversial material in order to generate viewership and therefore advertising revenue.

We aren't a part of these people's lives, or their child's.

We need to take a step back and perhaps agree that we have not enough information to start judging folk.


I may agree with you, except the portion of the video where the mother is speaking is unedited and the she basically says the same thing the article says. There's a lot more online too if anyone feels like doing their own search. This just happened to be the source I chose to post a link to.
edit on 1-3-2013 by chrome413 because: clarification

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by chrome413

The child is 6 years old, not 8. The child was 4 years old when he began asking his mommy when he was going to go to the Dr and get a sex change. The only way the child could have known about a sex change at 4 years old is if the parents told him about it.

Right, read 8 for some reason but all the more to my point that nothing sinister is occruing.

I also find it ironic that people can't vote, buy cigarettes or marry until they are 18, but some people in here seem to think it's OK for a 4 year old to proclaim they are transexual and ask for a sex change. It doesn't take much common sense to tell something is fishy here.

What is it any business of yours? There's fifty years of psychological research to support the move to allow cross gender hormone treatments at earlier ages with severely better outcomes. It is better on when the body for the most part is androgynous. A decision like that as an adult will be mostly of deep regret that it wasn't sooner. The irreversible changes caused in puberty for some leads to extremely high rates of suicide that far outweigh most groups in the world.
And to your point of the "18." She won't be able to get any sort of surgery like that until she's 18. Which is the bare minimum in most of the world. There are some countries where you can get it slightly younger.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Yes it is psychological child abuse
fostered onto their son since he was born.

Psychological Child Abuse and Neglect.

The parents are neglecting to raise him as a
son and boy which he clearly is according to his plumbing.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by slugger9787

Did your parents neglect to raise you as if you had a brain?

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Miraj

I'll tell you why it's my business and every other person's business. First, it's the parents who decided to bring it into the media. Yes, they filed the lawsuit, but they didn't need to hold a press conference unless they wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. What is wrong about having the dialogue that the parents themselves want to have? Watch the video again- the parents want people to discuss this.

Secondly, child abuse is serious. As a society we have an obligation to investigate situations like this and determine if anything nefarious is occurring. To simply dismiss the situation is irresponsible, in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by slugger9787

Did your parents neglect to raise you as if you had a brain?

I'm no moderator, but I'd appreciate if you wouldn't disrespect people on my thread. It really isn't conducive to the dialogue. You're obviously intelligent and have some interesting points. Don't detract from them with immature behavior. You're smart enough to think of a better come back.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by chrome413

They only brought it to light after someone filed a complain.

And being both transgendered and a child abuse victim, I think I can draw the line here.

And I can tell you, that accepting parents aren't committing child abuse.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:19 PM
So the parent's are worried about their boy/girl being stigmatised by having to use a separate bathroom to the other student's?

I'm sorry...but I tend to think they have had little regard for that uptill now..not least because of all the publicity.

And they are pushing a "cause" under laws for protecting people who have transgender status...but I would like to know at what age this small child was given transgender status and who the hell gave it!?

There is no way that by the age of 6 this child as been given the space and time to grow and reflect and ponder over such an important decision about who he is.
What greatly worries me, is if the child decide's at some point that he identify's with being a boy ...I'm pretty sure if that happened he would feel like he was letting his parent's down after fighting and being very vocal about his "plight". So rather than this child having space to determine his future his parent's have made it pretty damn hard for him to not feel outside pressure's.

I don't care which "professional" decided this boy should be regarded as having transgender status at the age of 6 or younger.....there is a little thing called common sense! At 6 year's old it's very easy to reinforce idea's and behaviour's...

The parent's seem to have made up their mind's about this matter.....but yeah I'm going to say it, I don't know the people involved and I am not about to make a judgement...but I think the possibility that the parent's actually enjoy the attention this situation give's them cannot be ruled out. It may sound a little harsh but it happen's...

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by chrome413

Neither are stupid comments.

Of course you won't call out the people that say equally offensive things. No. If I said 'n-word' in a race debate, don't you think someone might be offended?

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Gender is determined by anatomy. .
edit on 1-3-2013 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

Actually, gender is culturally acquired, and sex is biologically determined.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Mommy and Daddy plan to make
millions off the lawsuit and the
publicity and the book and movie
rights soon to be offered.

GLBT do not reproduce, they recruit.
I believe Anita Bryant made that statement.

Then the kid can have his own bathroom
bought and paid for where ever he wants to go.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Miraj

my mother was a nurse
and my father three years
of med school,
then he joined the army
and fought in world war two.

I cannot ask my parents
"Did your parents neglect to raise you as if you had a brain?"
because they are both dead.

I do know this though, the last exray that I had detected one.

Since your post was not on the subject of the op i will firmly steer you back that way okay?
they also raised me like I was a son and a boy because I had a (SINEP) (note letters scrambled so as not to offend anyone if the scrambled word is not politically correct.)

If any of you are smart enough to unscramble the letters
because the scrambled letters are a body part that works better if it is ERECT.

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