reply to post by smyleegrl
Well here it goes then.
I hope I didn't get you expections up too much (or whatever that expression is)
What I have been feeling comes down to a complete change in the way we live, a change in our society.
Oh we will have a society (but not as we know it).
When I was younger this translated to:
"If I was the queen, I would shut down all the factories and everybody would live on a farm".
My idea's have evolved since then, matured I hope.
But come to think of it, in essence I was not far off then.
I will now try to explain what will lead to these changes I'm referring to and what these changes are about. (Hypothetically of course)
In order to make my point it will be near impossible to refrain from making negative remarks about society as it is. This does not mean that I am
unhappy or depressed like some sceptics in this thread have suggested.
I'm merely pointing out which factors could lead up to a drastic change hmmkay?
So what's our starting point; society as it is now.
I will put it very simple (or it will be a very long read).
As you all know 1% of the population owns 99% of the worlds' riches. We can assume that those who run this place belong to the 1% that own it. And in
case you don't agree. In this post, we will assume this is true.
This tiny group of people have invented all kinds of rules and trickery in order to gain more and more. I will not elaborate too much on this because
it would be based mostly on my opinion and not on pure fact.
Bottom line is, the elite is in control and they want us to believe there is nothing we can do about it. Or rather, we are being distracted and kept
docile so we don't even feel the need to resist.
What I believe is that this status quo cannot be maintained for much longer. We are about to reach the limit in this system. As I read here in other
posts in different words, the system (for lack of a better word) seems to be 'saturated'. And eventually it will be impossible for anybody to
comply. When enough cogs get stuck the system will be jammed.
I should explain this I guess.
And I'm starting with money. For convenience I will give a (very) simplistic history of money:
We first had valuable items like gold and silver. But to walk around with that was a hassle and kind of heavy so we decided to store it and instead we
used paper to represent a certain amount of gold in the bank.
Long story short, to maintain an exponential growth in wealth, systems were invented that are very instable, flawed if I may say so.
As I understand it there is more paper money in the world than there is gold in the bank. The money you have in your hands is someone else's debt
(so I heard).
It's a bit complicated to explain for me, as I'm not an economist. Nor can I provide sources to back up this information. I hope there are others in
here that can explain it and correct me where I'm wrong.
The reason I'm referring to money is because (almost?) everyone depends on it.
"You're a slave to money till you die"
(god I love that song.)
Anyway, I believe that there is a limit.
And I'm not necessarily refering to an economic crisis or inflation.
However, a financial crisis can be a catalyst to the downfall of this system.
The rich are trying to maintain the growth in wealth and are stretched the possibilities by taking more and more extreme measures.
Products are sold for lower prices to keep sales going. But to maintain the profit, the work has to be done by fewer people (just to give an example.)
I'm not sure how I can explain it, but I'm feeling that the normal folks, the workers if you will, are being drained to depletion.
How many people are on medication such as prozac just to survive a day at the office? And I'm not judging that. Heck I'm guilty of taking these
happy pills myself just so I can 'fit in'. And so within the boundaries of the system, I found a way that is most pleasant for me to live.
And I could be happy with that if I knew that those in power would have the best interest for the planet as a whole. But instead I'm seeing the world
and it's inhabitants being treated with disrespect. Resources are being drained without any concern for sustainability as long as it doesn't cause
'them' financial or political damage.
What I hope, is that the 99% of the population will seize the moment when it's there to turn the system around. To not participate any longer in this
system. Provide for ourselves, break the shackles.
As far as I'm concerned money is not of any value.
Time is the most valuable thing there is. The time I spend with family and friends. Time to experience things. To love, to connect.
And it's not that I lack that now. But I feel that the weight should be shifted. These things should be more important than making the rich richer.