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The Waiting Game: Do You Feel It?

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+161 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:53 PM
Hello, ATS.

All my life I've had this feeling of.....waiting. For what? I do not know. I only know that it feels as if something's out there, and I'm at the mercy of its timeline.

I wish I could describe this waiting sensation better, but I don't know that I can.

So I go through my daily routine, waiting for this....something.....and all the while life passes by.

Is it a distraction? Or is my lifestyle distracting me from discovering what I'm waiting for?

I'm 38 years old, I feel like I'm 18, and yet my life is halfway over in all likelihood. And the waiting continues, on and on.

Do you feel it? Have you discovered what you're waiting for? Or, like me, do you still wait?

Any and all replies welcomed.

+33 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:57 PM
Wait is almost up, you will see the true reality of things soon. We have hit a breaking point we cannot go on much longer in this way. We had the chance to change now the people in charge are going to try to change it for their good. But as all things powerful it will come to a end, people will awaken to the true reality of things(not some new age nonsense like you all probably think i am talking about by now) but that they are more or less slaves to a corrupt system that has used them for its own profit.

+41 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I feel exactly the same as you, as a child i felt as though i was born during a special time in human history, and that i would be present to see something very special. However, i feel the same, im 45 next month, and starting to wonder if indeed i will around. Your not alone, many of us feel the same i think.

+23 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:03 PM
I have been "waiting" my entire life, from a very young age. I KNEW I was born to experience whatever it is that I will experience in this lifetime. Interesting, how many feel the same way. Honestly, this waiting game has changed the course of my direction in life so many times; just to put me in the right places in the right times. My intuition says, "V, just wait..."

+74 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

This is going to be an extremely morbid reply, but...since you asked...

I'm waiting for something miraculous to happen. I'm waiting for a reason to live. In the absence of that, I'm waiting to die, because right now I don't see much justification for being here in this plane of existence. It certainly doesn't feel rewarding.

Again, morbid...but it's the most honest answer you'll get from me on a subject so vague.

+30 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:14 PM
I think you'll find there are many of us out here. Waiting patiently for what we don't exactly know, but we've always known it's coming. This present generation has a date with destiny, and it will start with a worldwide paradigm change like no other in millennia. IMHO.

+19 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:14 PM
I am with you entirely here , I am 47 and I am still waiting...
In the last few years though I've started to think that this waiting was
just an unfortunate frame of mind and that i have wasted my life believing in
this odd situation.
I used to think I would live to see Aliens land on Earth, but now i think that is/was just a
excited young believer wishful thinking. I am now and old cynic with few charms.

lol I'm probs just waiting to die like the rest of us.

+19 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex
I have been "waiting" my entire life, from a very young age. I KNEW I was born to experience whatever it is that I will experience in this lifetime. Interesting, how many feel the same way. Honestly, this waiting game has changed the course of my direction in life so many times; just to put me in the right places in the right times. My intuition says, "V, just wait..."

I can relate to everything your saying, like i said, ive had this feeling since i was a child, that i would see something in my life that would be an absolute gamechanger, this feeling has been as sure as the the sun would rise every morning. Im glad theres lots of us out there like you me and Smylee that feel that way. And one thing thats for sure, you never know when it could happen, as ive said before, the japanese earthquake was proof of that, in a matter of moments, things went in a completely direction. I think one needs to be prepared spiritually as much as one can, as all one has could be lost in moments.
Chin up my friends.

+24 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:15 PM
I know what you mean, I have always had this sense of anticipation that something was "just around the corner" and yet I've turned so many corners in my life, but the feeling is still there. Just when i think i have found this elusive something, i find there is another corner for me to turn. Not to sound cliche but it's kinds like when bono sings " I still haven't found what I'm looking for."

Lately, I've started to think that perhaps "god"made me this way, given me the will to keep searching, to continue the journey through life, not because I will one day "find" what it is around the corner, but because I need the drive to continue the journey. I think it's all those things that make me turn those corners that make up my life and so when I die I will finally understand how it all falls into place, at least that is what I hope.

I am going to be 38 this year, and I often joke to my friends that my midlife crisis is kicking in, because although I have always felt this way, when I was younger it never bothered me and I didn't contemplate it so much, I just threw myself out into the world and let the world carry me. I no longer have that attitude. Sometimes I miss that, but most of the time I am grateful I am more grounded.

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Hello, ATS.

All my life I've had this feeling of.....waiting. For what? I do not know. I only know that it feels as if something's out there, and I'm at the mercy of its timeline.

I wish I could describe this waiting sensation better, but I don't know that I can.

So I go through my daily routine, waiting for this....something.....and all the while life passes by.

Is it a distraction? Or is my lifestyle distracting me from discovering what I'm waiting for?

I'm 38 years old, I feel like I'm 18, and yet my life is halfway over in all likelihood. And the waiting continues, on and on.

Do you feel it? Have you discovered what you're waiting for? Or, like me, do you still wait?

Any and all replies welcomed.

Smily, thanks to your thread I feel much lighter about my sanity

For as long as I remember I had the same EXACT "feeling" or "sense" I can't even describe using language to tell you the truth. I feel like I wasn't supposed to know about this, or remember it but it is very gently lingering in my memory bank.

I have NO idea what it is. I can't even tell if it's something negative or positive. Or maybe we are all just nuts, na jk

+14 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Hello, ATS.

All my life I've had this feeling of.....waiting. For what? I do not know. I only know that it feels as if something's out there, and I'm at the mercy of its timeline.

I wish I could describe this waiting sensation better, but I don't know that I can.

So I go through my daily routine, waiting for this....something.....and all the while life passes by.

Is it a distraction? Or is my lifestyle distracting me from discovering what I'm waiting for?

I'm 38 years old, I feel like I'm 18, and yet my life is halfway over in all likelihood. And the waiting continues, on and on.

Do you feel it? Have you discovered what you're waiting for? Or, like me, do you still wait?

Any and all replies welcomed.

The waiting goes on, but not for much longer. We are in a period which is the calm before the storm. The pieces are almost all in place. Believe me, at 38 you will realize the completion of the plan in your lifetime before you leave this mortal coil.
edit on 24-2-2013 by UnBreakable because: fix spelling error

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:24 PM
I thought however everyone felt they were going to do something special but found it was not all that common. That or my compatriots accepted their lot in life.

Maybe they will call us the holding breath generation later. In my 40's now I always thought I was supposed to do something unique or special that never seen to manifest. I have lived a good life and have been charmed in some ways I still have that pull of a destiny I cannot seem to define let alone grasp...

+16 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Soon they will come. They will be humans and people will not understand them at first. They will be called Christ. The pieces that are falling from the crumbling towers of society will be caught in their nets, and a new era will begin.

They will answer your questions. They will give freely what they sacrificed their lives for. In many years time, the world will live as newborn children again.

For now, let us keep ourselves in faith and hope. The transmuting powers of LOVE are soon to be erupting. The kingdom is at hand, because wise men have kept to their work and have been humbled by the great pain that this world has brought upon them.

Let's keep our heads clear and clean so that we may see the signs of the times more and more clearly and so that we may come to know our place, moment by moment, day by day.

+21 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Not wanting to sound repetitive, but I'm on the waiting list too. Can't pinpoint it... have absolutely no idea, but I just know its coming.

I scour the news every day looking for something and sure enough events happen and i think Ah is this it, only for life to carry on with no real change. I've often considered that its just the human condition, to feel that we're on the cusp of something, but then I see so many people just carrying on and (possibly) ignoring that inner feeling... maybe some people are more in touch than others?

I've sometimes been in the position to start something, only to talk myself out of it as I know soon it won't matter.

+26 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by smyleegrl

This is going to be an extremely morbid reply, but...since you asked...

I'm waiting for something miraculous to happen. I'm waiting for a reason to live. In the absence of that, I'm waiting to die, because right now I don't see much justification for being here in this plane of existence. It certainly doesn't feel rewarding.

Again, morbid...but it's the most honest answer you'll get from me on a subject so vague.

No, I understand exactly what you mean. It's very vague, and disheartening.

Sometimes I find myself thinking, "I wish it would hurry up and happen already," even knowing that "it" might be death itself.

Ugh, I'm just so tired of waiting!

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:48 PM
i think people that are "turned on" or "tuned in", so to speak, have this sense of anticipation.
i'll bet a lot of you that feel this way feel like you've lived in a previous existence.
that you get deja-vu every year or two.
and you've asked yourself the question, "is this it?. is this all my life is going to be?"
if you feel that "they" will come soon and help raise our conciousness to the next level, or that "they" will come and reveal our true origins. remember this,
heaven really is a place on earth

+11 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I know exactly how you feel.
I´m still waiting
. Sometimes I feel it´s something that activates in us, "waiters", when the time comes.
This feelings has been with me all my life that we see something monumental in our lifetimes. Big change. And then it´s time to remember and act.

+16 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:55 PM
Me too.

I just turned 37 this year. This feeling has always been with me though. Since I was young. My mother is 51 and she feels and has felt the same herself throughout her life.

For me, it's sort of like a feeling that I forgot to do something. Or I'm trying to remember something that's right there...I just can't grasp it. Or sometimes I feel I should be doing something important, and I just can't put my finger on "what".

Which is frustrating. I've four kids. They are the most important thing in life. But even now that their here, I still have that feeling of something...

I'm a wanderer though, (spiritually speaking) and being so doesn't make me feel lost. It makes me feel like the next discovery is right around the corner. Perhaps it's as simple as that.


+11 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:03 PM
I'm crowding 40 and really wish I could say I had no idea what you meant and what a silly notion all that is.

I'd thrown one together awhile back as a rather spur of the moment thing as that odd feeling became particularly noticeable, I suppose one would say? It's no easier now than it was then to put into words.

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:03 PM
Yes. I remember and have always known my 'job' learn and know as much as possible and search, find and store information.

There is a buzz and it is almost time.

But what for!!!!???

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