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The Waiting Game: Do You Feel It?

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posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:29 AM
Perhaps this waiting game is what has brought many of us here?

That is to say many seek out sites like this after experiencing something strange. (UFO, OBE, NDE, etc.)

So this weird thing happens. Then what? Nothing.

I believe it was Churchill that said: “There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.

On the political side of the coin, many others have been waiting decades for a revolution or rebellion to pop off.

Others await justice.

We are all riding the clock.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:33 AM
Gah I would love to take a hit of what the hell yall are on, aint nobody got time to be taken away by no damn aliens or the anti-christ or serial kiddnappers

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by KRONKITE
reply to post by Philippines

Maybe we would like something to happen. Arent you feeling the constraints of 'normal life'? I certainly am bored.
edit on 26-2-2013 by KRONKITE because: I 'use' 'these' 'too' 'much'. Sorry! Hahaha!


That's why I gave/sold everything I owned, packed what little I had left into a car, and moved to the country in the middle of nowhere, Philippines. I was living in Manila (big city) for many years.

I did something about it and love the change. This is the kind of awareness I am trying to drive. You can change your situation. It is not easy, but possible.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by SlackOps

Perhaps this waiting game is what has brought many of us here?

That is to say many seek out sites like this after experiencing something strange. (UFO, OBE, NDE, etc.)

So this weird thing happens. Then what? Nothing.

I believe it was Churchill that said: “There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.

On the political side of the coin, many others have been waiting decades for a revolution or rebellion to pop off.

Others await justice.

We are all riding the clock.

And still others, realizing they are spirits in a material world, will seek a higher purpose to serve constructively, sacrificing self at times, but always in action, realizing that only one moment exists and that waiting for the next is the absolute supreme waste...a true human-being. Maybe NOTHING is coming. Maybe there is no clock.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:41 AM
What is there to figure out?

You all sense the plan. A carefully followed plan. One that requires patients. It has to do with money and control. We all sense it and we should. We are getting very close now.

Im an older Gent,(closer to 60 then 50) and While Ive watched for this since about 1972, I absolutely never thought it would happen in my lifetime.

Let me offer this. Many of the pieces of the puzzle are right here on ATS. They are right under your nose. Put them all together and see what fits.

At one time I searched or a way to escape when the time comes. Not now.

You will see things no other generations have seen ever. You will see those things soon. My estimate is this year up to 3 years from now. You will hear wonderful things. You will see wonders. There in lies the problem. They are evidently lies. The promise will be broken. People will die. Our planet will be damaged. This is why the sensation You all feel is troubling. We feel Helpless. Your not! You are powerful, Each and every one of You. You do have options. And Yes, I care.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:41 AM
Maybe we're all just waiting for the end. Maybe those of us who have this waiting feeling don't belong here but some place much, much greater. Sorry to sound so depressing. Just a thought.
edit on 26-2-2013 by Bigfoot12714 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:42 AM
don't matter if you like it or not. they are making themselves known. and soon they will establish first contact whether we like it or not. Then soon after they will start hucking asteroids at us and blow up a few on the way to look like the good guys. Then BAM global cataclysm, EVERYONE ON OUR SHIPS COME WITH US OR YOU WILL DIE something along those lines.

Oh. and pleiadies is at war with Orion. So you can kinda count out alien intervention saving us from this invasion. There are motherships from many constilations orbiting the solar system atm. Almost watching the battle feild making sure everyone is playing by the rules of engagement. So far, the pleidies thing we are an abomination, So they think they own us. But orion created us. So we are instantly a target. Bam. Oh look arnt those native prophecy towers. I had a dream about them invading and it didn't clue in to what kind of ships they were and the entire plan together.

I saw a being of Orion twice. And it was benevolent. but these things are straight up liars. Just watch till the end of this year when they force first contact and then pull all that crap on us.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:42 AM
Yes, it feels as though our lives have been distilled into various blocks of waiting, of different lengths and emotional stimuli... The short-but-sweet wait for a meal, the eager anticipation for relief as one waits for a paycheck or tax return, the cautious excitement of waiting for a marriage, or a vacation, or retirement... the rhythmic chain of calculated waiting sessions as one works in a factory, or cooks on a kitchen line, or works in any of the countless fields of monotonous, cog-in-the-machine employment out there... The nervous wait for lab results from a medical concern... The poised, primal wait for prey to cross into the perfect area for an encounter... The terrifying wait for the **** to hit the fan, in infinite fashions and magnitudes.

The challenge begets the reward, and the biggest challenge is making the best of what one is given. If we cannot find love in the moment, then all we are doing is waiting. Eat like it's your last meal. Walk like your destination is heaven. Seize the moment, because that is life, which is what you make it.

"One hasn't got time for the waiting game" - Frank Sinatra

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by odd1out

I thoroughly enjoy the truth you speak... Maybe we all need to cast out this dimension for something better. Meaning you have to throw the 3rd/4th dimensional vessel away. After all, God is the universe and we are all but a part of His consciousness experiencing life in our own ways in His creation. Just tiny cogs in the big machine.

Possibly another materialistic wipe?

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by odd1out
Hey, let's all pat each other on the back because we are social, that we are the chosen ones who see that something is coming...yes, we don't know what exactly, but we just like, um know. Ya, I've had this feeling all my life, um, been waiting for something and now it's really coming! I can't describe or say what it is, but Whooopee!
BARF. What a waste of virtual bandwidth.

It all reminds of the philosophical BS sessions we had as teenagers after smoking some Thai or Panama. And by BS sessions, well, I hope you know what I mean. I've dabbled in and around this thread where everyone is gratuitously throwing stars around like virtual pats on the back..Oh you feel it too...???? Stars for you!

So many things in this vast universe amaze and astound me, but none so much as the extreme self-centeredness and ego-centric nature of the human being. And when they think some sort of cosmic magic is at hand, that "certain feeling" they can't describe, it disgusts me even more...Why, hopefully you are all correct and human beings really aren't on a very slow downward spiral towards extinction; but because of our selfishness and greed, it will be slow and painful, and seemingly an eternal journey into a sordid and horrifying demise. Perhaps I am a pessimist? But the people of extreme action in this world seem to be the evil ones, while "good" people pray and "have feelings" and pretend things don't get continually worse with the human spiritual condition. Perhaps something magical will happen, maybe some cosmic something will step in and do our dirty work for us... perhaps rearrange the chaos we perceive as order in our self-deluded existence as supreme beings in the know. The Squirrel senses it's winter coming, only he doesn't think he is so damn special or smart, gathering nuts for the spring.

Originally posted by tripsick
Its what all mortals feel. you are waiting for the end

The only BEING in this thread that gets it...
Go out and stare into the night sky at countless stars and ask yourself how big am I? How much do I know? Then go down to the beach and lay among the grains of sand and tell yourself you know more than they do.

I'm sure I'll make a few friends with this post!

edit on 26-2-2013 by odd1out because: (no reason given)

Since you are so fond of speculation: I believe your cynicism is based from a previous emotional relation to the themes and "feelings" expressed by the majority of members participating in this thread; you have been waiting for something that has never come, thus bitterness has overgrown your optimism, your hope.

Instead of accusing community members of selfishness and egomaniacal issues, why not open yourself to the possibility that a truly genuine good nature exists; that members giving stars to each other, giving "pats on the back", is not an egocentric, greedy political gesture, but rather a simple statement to one another that we aren't alone?

Your consideration that something "magical" may happen insinuates a deep-seeded, perhaps long forgotten, longing for the very external assistance that you so sarcastically berate. You imply that the like-minded members of the thread, with their "feelings", do nothing while only people of extreme action fight the battles. Well, sir, while we members come together in physical and symbolic defiance of the separitist culture of today, I ask you: what has your post contributed to the fight?

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Hello, ATS.

All my life I've had this feeling of.....waiting. For what? I do not know. I only know that it feels as if something's out there, and I'm at the mercy of its timeline.

I wish I could describe this waiting sensation better, but I don't know that I can.

So I go through my daily routine, waiting for this....something.....and all the while life passes by.

Is it a distraction? Or is my lifestyle distracting me from discovering what I'm waiting for?

I'm 38 years old, I feel like I'm 18, and yet my life is halfway over in all likelihood. And the waiting continues, on and on.

Do you feel it? Have you discovered what you're waiting for? Or, like me, do you still wait?

Any and all replies welcomed.

Why wait? Just do.

Think about that for a second.

We wait because we feel we are trapped into a life not of our choosing. We accept what we have as either being our lot in life, or not enough to sate our curious natures. It is naturally human to want and expect more.

The truth is, if you want to fall on your feet, you will. If you think you are going to fall on your ass, you will. People are too scared to take a chance on something outside their rut, for fear of failure. Fear that it might make them financially troubled, fear that someone will say "I told you it was a dumb idea." But is it really?

I know. I procrastinated for years, many years, before I just got sick of waiting for my ship to come in. Watched as my family suffered while I stood idly by and wondered 'what if?'

I went through periods where I felt everyone else had life better than me. Where I felt I was not sufficient to be a part of humanity. I had no real skills compared to some people.

Then, one day, I just looked at what I had. A good family, good friends, I'd worked hard for the material possessions I had accumulated over the years. I guess I just realised one day I had life pretty good, that I wasn't any better or any worse than anyone else. About six months later I got fed up where I was, realised where I was was making me unhappy, and moved myself to a completely new life, and took my family with me to start over. It worked because I wanted it to work. It took ten years to make that one decision, and about a month to make it actually happen. Since then I've never looked back. It was hard, I remember one day just getting depressed because I was so far away from my friends and family, and it was hard to start over. But I did it.

I've often wondered, like all people, if I have a special place in the universe, if somehow we are all part of a grander scheme that will earn us a spot as notables in the world.
Then I look at the lives I've made better by believing in myself, and wanting to be the change I wanted to see.

The truth is, the only one holding you back, making you wait, is you. The expectation that some great galactic event is going to give us some meaning, some path, which is in truth is just a copout. We've been brainwashed by governments to rely on the system to make us successful. It's the system that keeps us where we are, due to our own fear of change. If you don't believe me, ask yourself what happens when change is forced on us. We resist it of course. Then we see it for what it is, and either accept it or get pissed enough to walk away.

I'm not waiting. I'm doing.

Cheers! Another like minded fellow who followed through with the feeling, and acted on it. For me the hardest part was mentally making the "leap" and actually setting a moving date and following through.

So much is wrong in this world because people are waiting for it to change (for their personal betterment) without them doing anything..

To quote NOFX, in their song The Decline:

And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can
Admit defeat, live in decline
Be the victim of our own design
The status quo, built on suspect
Why would anyone stick out their neck?

It is much easier to wait than to make any meaningful change, which first must be defined in order to meet your "change" goal.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:21 AM
Hi guys

I posted a similar thread on another website on the 12th of November last year, didnt get anywheere near the same response.

Anywho, I have had the sense since I was 14 that something of importance was going to happen. Im 38 now and around June last year I just started feeling like I was waiting for something along side a feeling of peace. I have always been looking for something, to prepare myself for the coming event, but with an innate belief in universal truth before i had even read about it, the term was just there in my head.

I am a solitary fellow, I even went traveling on my own, most of the time hiking on my own, New zealand was awesome for this.

Never heard of INTJ but it is a very close description of me.

I am not avoiding life or feeling depressed although I do wish it would hurry up and happen.

Age 38
blood grp o negative

Nice to have company
edit on 26-2-2013 by siriussam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Newagekid2012
Wait is almost up, you will see the true reality of things soon. We have hit a breaking point we cannot go on much longer in this way. We had the chance to change now the people in charge are going to try to change it for their good. But as all things powerful it will come to a end, people will awaken to the true reality of things(not some new age nonsense like you all probably think i am talking about by now) but that they are more or less slaves to a corrupt system that has used them for its own profit.

THATS THE POINT!!!!!!! (the stars that you got show how many people fall for that trap)

WHAT do you think are people on ats waiting for since the beginning here?..

what you are talking about will not happen. The waiting game is a part of the distraction that keeps us from doing anything.
The future will never happen. There is always only NOW..and NOW is the time to do something.

The anticipation you are talking about IS THE WAITING GAME...but you wait for nothing.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:24 AM
Guys, there's nothing to wait. Even if some significant, life changing, historic event does happen during your lifetimes, and you're indeed among the chosen ones or whatever, nothing, absolutely nothing will be able to make up for all this time you're wasting while waiting. Like it or not, life is happening right now, and if you keep on waiting, it will end up passing you by.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Hello, ATS.

All my life I've had this feeling of.....waiting. For what? I do not know. I only know that it feels as if something's out there, and I'm at the mercy of its timeline.

I wish I could describe this waiting sensation better, but I don't know that I can.

So I go through my daily routine, waiting for this....something.....and all the while life passes by.

Is it a distraction? Or is my lifestyle distracting me from discovering what I'm waiting for?

I'm 38 years old, I feel like I'm 18, and yet my life is halfway over in all likelihood. And the waiting continues, on and on.

Do you feel it? Have you discovered what you're waiting for? Or, like me, do you still wait?

Any and all replies welcomed.

The waiting is the brainwashing that has been set in place to keep you docile.

If you knew you were on the way to your slaughter you might kick up a fuss and start a stampede with the rest of the cattle. So they sell you pipe dreams of 2012 ascension and and all the rest of the bullsheet that people believe is going to change their lives but never comes to fruition.

There are no aliens who are going to save you, there is no god coming to save you, nothing and no one is going to save you save yourself. You will be waiting as a pawn for the rest of your life and on your deathbed you will asking what it was all about.

If you are unlucky and there is an afterlife you will enter into that life just as confused and clueless as you entered this and more than likely continue the cycle until you wake up to the ultimate truth.

I hope my post isnt received in a negative manner im not trying to sugar coat anything here just giving my opinion which I believe you asked for.

On the plus side my opinion has as much credibility as any other useless opinion on here. What you need to figure out is what you need to figure out and unfortunately if you need to be told you will never get it. You are a kind and gentle person from what posts of yours I have read and I hate giving such abrasive opinions...but you did ask.

Another one who gets it. Cheers

I also will put a disclaimer on my opinions as well. Credible for me, but not a solution for someone else. You need to first define what is wrong in your life, what you don't like, that is giving you this feeling. Only then can you set a goal on what must be changed to fix your situation.

I'll say it again. It is not easy work. If it was easy then this thread probably wouldn't exist. Once you fix your situation and these feelings go away, it is liberating =D

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I am not so much waiting for my calling or what I should be doing I know what that is ...Perhaps people would think I was strange or a liar so I keep these things to myself., some dreams, but also spiritual leanings and shall we say trusting God on these things. I want to share . Sorry to be so obscure If it's meant to be it will be right ? chillax ;D
edit on 26-2-2013 by skydancer22 because: don't know how to shrink my avatar on the side know it's too big...

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by malvy
Guys, there's nothing to wait. Even if some significant, life changing, historic event does happen during your lifetimes, and you're indeed among the chosen ones or whatever, nothing, absolutely nothing will be able to make up for all this time you're wasting while waiting. Like it or not, life is happening right now, and if you keep on waiting, it will end up passing you by.

I think you have the wrong end of the stick as do others saying the same thing.

We are not literately sat around waiting, It is a sense, a feeling.

I have lived a very full life, traveled and studied more than most.

Avoidance of life has not been my M O, in fact the opposite is true, I have faced my life head on for the main part.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by siriussam
We are not literately sat around waiting, It is a sense, a feeling.

Exactly. But I would also add that this "waiting" (which may be a bad choice of word for it) isn't something we're doing for us. We aren't waiting for something to happen in our lives, individually, alone. Whatever's on the way will affect everyone, everywhere, even in the Philippines. It's something we're preparing for, something we expect to happen. Why are there so many people who just can't see that?

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Thought Provoker

Originally posted by siriussam
We are not literately sat around waiting, It is a sense, a feeling.

Exactly. But I would also add that this "waiting" (which may be a bad choice of word for it) isn't something we're doing for us. We aren't waiting for something to happen in our lives, individually, alone. Whatever's on the way will affect everyone, everywhere, even in the Philippines. It's something we're preparing for, something we expect to happen. Why are there so many people who just can't see that?

You're right. I know what you're talking about. Maybe the "feeling" went away because I changed my life situation so if any "event" does happen, I am prepared (as best as I know). No electricity, no petroleum, no pills, no problem. I'm ready. I do not dwell on the feeling that something may happen and change anymore because I changed my life. Perhaps the language and definitions are still an issue, aside from electronic communication problems =b

So I guess in point (my opinion based on my experience) - You can be content with this feeling and continue on waiting for something to change your life... Or you can change it yourself before someone does for you.

I do agree with you that it is amazing the amount of people experiencing this feeling. I think it's part helplessness and part propaganda programming, with big brother always on your back telling you what to do.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 03:12 AM
"The faces all around me they don't smile they just crack
Waiting for our ship to come but our ships not coming back
We do our time like pennies in a jar
What are we saving for
What are we saving for?

There's a smell of stale fear that's reeking from our skins.
The drinking never stops because the drinks absolve our sins
We sit and grow our roots into the floor
But what are we waiting for?
What are we waiting for?

So give me something to believe
Cause I am living just to breathe
And I need something more
To keep on breathing for
So give me something to believe

Something's always coming you can hear it in the ground
It swells into the air
With the rising
Rising sound
And never comes but shakes the boards and rattles all the doors
What are we waiting for
What are we waiting for?


I am hiding from some beast
But the beast was always here
Watching without eyes
Because the beast is just my fear
That I am just nothing
Now its just what I've become
What am I waiting for
Its already done



I'm 22 and I'm already tired of waiting.
edit on 26-2-2013 by Scrafty because: Song is "Believe" by "The Bravery"

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