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Most important thing I've ever written, and possibly the most important thing you'll ever read

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posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:06 PM
I'll try to keep my reply concise. Talk is cheep. Money talks, and bull#e walks. If this is your best, give it up and find something that suits you.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Op, that was a lot to read, and us Americans are lazy and don't like to read much. lol Jk

ANY TIME a person chooses to go against nature he goes against his fellow man as well.

If people on a global scale would forget about materialism and focus on going with the good will of nature, the Earth, the Sun, and people who live on the Earth will be in better harmony.

There is a magnetic field that connects us all. Its vital to sustaining the human species.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by RobbyMcGill

My opinion has been seconded by over 3/4 or your responses stands.

You said to that which is the most important thing youve ever written and we will ever read....that you threw a title on it. Excuse me? How important could it be when its not important enough to have thought out its title? You should have tried several, waited awhile and see which would stick with didnt care enough, were excited to post, so you threw one on. That was the 1st thing to discredit your intentions.

I dont know your age, but I assume you realize there are many ATS'rs here twice your age, experience, have read much, much more and are scientists, teachers, law enforcment, housewives etc, etc, etc, etc. If you considered that alone, you never would have even suggested you have something that will be the most important thing we'll ever read. Really? Youre telling us, not asking us, not giving any thought to even ":Just WHO is my audience here? Maybe...probably...theyve heard all my points and research before and Im SURE I CANT be the first!" did not. And you were not.

Its like graduating college, writing a paper, standing on a soapbox and shouting at us "Guess what! My message is the most important message you'll ever hear!" Thats what preachers and phrophets do, right?

As the world of us all go past, with our accumulated years of reading about it, learning about its subject, dissecting it and our ages...which my be double yours...and our educations maybe be Masters Degrees or a plumbing liscense...and/or lack of go forth TELLING us what we should take as the most important.......etc.

Thats preposterous pretensiouness without regard to your audience, and as a matter of fact, is alienating, not endearing. Its wise here to try and stay aways from things in your titles as ALL CAPS, EXCLAMATION POINTS (shouting), PROOF, HERE IT IS, AT LAST, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, IVE DISCOVERED THE REAL... JUST IN...etc, etc, etc.

When one looks back a few years from now at these thread titles Im sure it will be : PROOF(it wasnt proven after all as in 2012-Mayans), HERE IT IS (no, it wasnt there), AT LAST (hardly...always more to come in the future) THE MOST IMPORTANT THING (you'll find was far from that and hardly as important you thought it would be), IVE DISCOVERED THE REAL( was just your opinion)... JUST IN (how would that look 5 years from now when someone looks and sees "WOW" Somethings just happened!") only to find the author didnt think about that it wont be "JUST IN" at'll all be old news.

See? Write topically. Write to your audience. Suggest, dont tell. Advise further research. Use stimulating titles that make the readers WANT to read it. And dont tell them how important it is....just because you think it is. Let them tell you.

Its been my experience one never has to tell the world how good or right you are. If its wont have too. Others will for you.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by yamammasamonkey
I'll try to keep my reply concise. Talk is cheep. Money talks, and bull#e walks. If this is your best, give it up and find something that suits you.

this is wrong, talk is not cheap, words are the most important things we own, the only reason why it "cheap"is because of the greed people have for money. You will never hear a wise person utter this nonsense, only the corporate pigs and their lackeys and duped...don't know which one you are

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

thanks again MS, for the input... on my title...

I am taking in everything you say about it, and will value your wisdom on my next post, however, I am still not getting much from you based on rest of the post, if your claiming your opinion is 3/4 of the responses here then I'm still not quite understanding where you are:

have you heard it all before? do you agree with portions of my posts but not all of it? are you not american and don't think this post applies to you, just an annoying title? I don't know where you stand (aside the fact that my title really irritates you)

if you have more to post on that matter, then I suggest you not bother, I've read plenty you have to say about it already, if you can post something beyond the title, I'd love to hear more.

I hope I'm not coming off as rude as you did, but I already know the err I made in naming the title, a huge response to it was not what I was asking for from you

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
Op, that was a lot to read, and us Americans are lazy and don't like to read much. lol Jk

ANY TIME a person chooses to go against nature he goes against his fellow man as well.

If people on a global scale would forget about materialism and focus on going with the good will of nature, the Earth, the Sun, and people who live on the Earth will be in better harmony.

There is a magnetic field that connects us all. Its vital to sustaining the human species.

thanks for taking the time to read, and I agree with your view, however, I don't see materialism vanishing (not in our lifetime at least) but if we can create a system where it doesn't have to be coveted like it is now then we'll be on the right track

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by RobbyMcGill
reply to post by Bone75

I read your post, and the first page of responses, you're right, that's just about exactly what I'm describing, and you're also right that people can't grasp the concept.

Well if you think about it, here in America and many other parts of the world, we've been conditioned to fear the system you and I speak of. People here are waiting for an anti-christ to usher in the new world order. Personally, I think the whole NWO conspiracy theory is being perpetuated by those with the most to lose if this system sees the light of day, and I also think this is the reason western societies have spent the last few decades destroying socialism and communism.

this has crossed my mind as well, a huge effort was put into place to stigmatize against communism, if it's such a huge threat, we didn't have to make it seem like if you were a communism you were a terrorist, you're not, having a believe that the whole world can be shared by everyone is not the same as blowing stuff up to instill fear so your message may get heard

its the same we were conditioned to fear any one who may have theories on conspiracies, or if a person believes in anarchy (they completely altered the meaning of this word, it is not chaos and disorder, on the contrary, it's a system based on the believe that man is capable of defending and providing for themselves without the need of governmental system informing them how)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:49 PM

edit on 16-2-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:56 PM
OP, thanks for making an attempt at waking all of us up...

I agree with a lot of what you said.

I also agree with MrNobody777 who wrote that you are on the right track and not alone in your beliefs.

Like Bone75 said, you're echoing what many of us know and there ARE a few here listening to what you said.

You asked an important question about the "core", below is what I believe is the answer to that question:

0ne group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet. This evil cabal is few in numbers but, like a deadly octopus, its tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of innocent victims. The initiates of every secret society and internationalist organization, from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Jesuits to the Bilderbergers and the Order of Skull & Bones, obey the dictates of this sinister group and tremble when standing before its leaders.

The cabalist group I refer to is the Synagogue of Satan, an ancient, yet modern, elite so politically powerful and so fabulously wealthy that even past history has been twisted, reshaped, and revised to meet its preferred version of humanity's gloomy, totalitarian future.

The Synagogue of Satan

The same group is still in business today only with a different name: Illuminati.

This 'satanic cult' has infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions.

This is the missing link between all conspiracy theories.

Below are some links that will support this:

"Behold, I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars..." ~ Revelation 3:9

Jesus exposed the Illuminati
Who is at the very top of the NWO?
The Bible relates how the Illuminati was established
The missing link that connects all conspiracy theories together
The Illuminati goes clear back to the Garden

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I think people are misunderstanding, or forgetting about an important aspect of my post. I am calling for the abolishment of hoarding knowledge as well, these secret cults are hoarders of knowledge at the professional level. The entry level of these sects are the free masons, they hide their knowledge even to their members, you must go through a grade system to unlock more and more knowledge.

This is a core thought, I'm calling for all knowledge be accessible for all, not hidden away in dark libraries or dank caves for the elite cultist, once the knowledge is released to all, these cults have no reason for being, choices can then be made by the masses as opposed to dictated and exploited by these cults.

I am a strong believer in open knowledge, I feel that there is no knowledge that should be kept from the minds of our species, knowledge is what advances us, everyone can take see different perspectives from it, and based on it, it allows accurate and fair decisions to be made.
edit on 16-2-2013 by RobbyMcGill because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by RobbyMcGill
ATSers, this is possibly the most important and ambitious thing I've ever written. I know we all want change, but nobody is inspiring the nation to change, I hope my words can light a fuel, what follows are the results of my contemplations on the American nations society, I know this community is not bound by national borders, and I hope our international brothers can adapt these writings to improve the society of their own countries. It is my hope that this writing gets shared with the world, I wrote something that I can say with complete honesty that I am proud of, and I know some sections will appear as ramblings, but it is my truest desire to get the wheels of change moving, I am tired of leaving it in the hands of the corrupted officials that has tarnished our name and destroyed our nation, I'm hoping my part in our species evolution will be realized once I hit the post button, if you agree with me and throw a star on my post, I beg you to share this, get the word out. If you don't, then I hope we at least kickstart the conversations that leads to revolution. I know what follows is long, but if it can inspire change, then it is worth the read:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

A great patriot once said,

Sorry bud, couldn't get past the first paragraph. And then you don't even take the time to name "a great patriot" (20 second google or less).....

No attempt at editing your first draft or format your piece to be easily readable on the internet.

Nope - you aren't the great hope for the world you think - maybe someday but you've got a lot of work to do until them.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 08:20 PM
Hi Robby,

I rarely post on ATS these days, but felt compelled to post on your thread. I, like many here, share your ideals and can plainly see that eliminating the dependence on money will provide enormous benefits to humanity. I admire your courage to put it all on the table in the hope that it will inspire a paradigm shift that more closely encompasses your ideals.

However, as another poster alluded to earlier, it takes a significant number to not only feel as you do, but also be in a position to take action, in order for this idea to materialise. Unfortunately, as bad as things may seem, it would have to get significantly worse before we reach that significant number. If the degradation of society were to happen more quickly, perhaps there would be a better chance for change, but as it stands, it's just happening too slowly for the majority of people to notice. By the time they do, I fear it will be too late. I'm not talking about those of here on ATS. We are aware of what you speak of. However the ATS community is not a true repesentation of the man on the street. The man on the street is aware of none of this. Too many are still living comfortably enough within the system, to want to revolt against it.

Perhaps an alternative to this mass-scale revolution idea, is to try and create this typo of system on a micro-scale? If you could gather together a small group of maybe 100 likeminded (and more importantly sufficiently motivated) people, each with different skillsets that covered all the necessary requirements to run a self-sufficient community, it may just work. As the community thrives, it encourages others to join and it grows, eventually reaching a critical mass, at which point, your original utopian idea, may just have a slight chance of being realised. The danger of course being, the ability to go unnoticed by TBTB long enough to be able to defend yourselves adequately against them.

Keep the passion burning Robby!

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by RobbyMcGill

Great piece, ignore the haters. And to the TLDR muppets, if you can't read information, try cutting and pasting into Word/Wordpad or whatever you use and split the text up, not hard to do...people want everything done for them...

"...The draw to this society is the inherited greed, the hoarding of knowledge and individualism. Greed is the most obvious, corporations grow and grow because of a lust of greed, when a company gets to a point beyond sustaining the basic needs and luxury of the average person needs, the primary objective becomes capital increase. This is when you start seeing quality being sacrificed for quantity and substandard practices becoming the norm. Objectives of big companies are not the products and services the company built its name on, but the profit and savings that allow the company to continue to grow. These companies keep their knowledge to themselves, they don't want competition, because competition eats into their market..."

Keep writing my friend.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by RobbyMcGill

let's get past the history recap and figure out how to do it realistically

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:02 PM
the paragraphs are a definite improvement!
its actually more readable now...
but is still way too 'preachy' for me.... and not anything like my life or the lives of others i know.
i guess it might be culturally specific... i am in the uk.
i would hate to feel as oppressed or paranoid as you... sorry about your circumstances and i hope you find some joy in your life.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by manmental
the paragraphs are a definite improvement!
its actually more readable now...
but is still way too 'preachy' for me.... and not anything like my life or the lives of others i know.
i guess it might be culturally specific... i am in the uk.
i would hate to feel as oppressed or paranoid as you... sorry about your circumstances and i hope you find some joy in your life.

thanks for the response, and I do apologize for the initial formatting. hate that it's coming off as preachy and apparently whiney, my intentions are more of a wake up call and call to action, I had to state facts and circumstances, which many people are concluding are my personal situation, it's more of alluding the situation of the oppressed by TPTB and their political puppets, we (ATSers) are not dumb, we are aware of their presence

as for finding joy in my life, I have plenty of it, I also see the misery and strife that is needlessly placed on everyone, I take what is given to me, I make the best of it, and I find joy with whom I share it with, but if I see opportunities and areas for improvement I would like to act upon them, as opposed to leave them to be dealt by future generations that will surely be affected by them

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
reply to post by RobbyMcGill

let's get past the history recap and figure out how to do it realistically

I did get past the history recap about halfway through the entirety of the post, I know it took more than a couple blocks, but I outlined what I thought the solution would be, hope you get a chance to read through it.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by old_god

thank you

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by -mytym-
Hi Robby,

I rarely post on ATS these days, but felt compelled to post on your thread. I, like many here, share your ideals and can plainly see that eliminating the dependence on money will provide enormous benefits to humanity. I admire your courage to put it all on the table in the hope that it will inspire a paradigm shift that more closely encompasses your ideals.

However, as another poster alluded to earlier, it takes a significant number to not only feel as you do, but also be in a position to take action, in order for this idea to materialise. Unfortunately, as bad as things may seem, it would have to get significantly worse before we reach that significant number. If the degradation of society were to happen more quickly, perhaps there would be a better chance for change, but as it stands, it's just happening too slowly for the majority of people to notice. By the time they do, I fear it will be too late. I'm not talking about those of here on ATS. We are aware of what you speak of. However the ATS community is not a true repesentation of the man on the street. The man on the street is aware of none of this. Too many are still living comfortably enough within the system, to want to revolt against it.

Perhaps an alternative to this mass-scale revolution idea, is to try and create this typo of system on a micro-scale? If you could gather together a small group of maybe 100 likeminded (and more importantly sufficiently motivated) people, each with different skillsets that covered all the necessary requirements to run a self-sufficient community, it may just work. As the community thrives, it encourages others to join and it grows, eventually reaching a critical mass, at which point, your original utopian idea, may just have a slight chance of being realised. The danger of course being, the ability to go unnoticed by TBTB long enough to be able to defend yourselves adequately against them.

Keep the passion burning Robby!

thank you for the reply, i'm honored that my post brought you out of your shell! oh how I would love to live in such a community!

I knew that posting on this forum first I would be sharing my ideas with people who are like minded and are more open to these types of talks, and I was hoping to hone in my arguments, strengthen my resolve, pick up new ideas, and just generally prepare myself before sharing it on a larger scale, so far I'm accomplishing all that!

I feel the people (or sheeple if you will) can be awaken and enlightened to the way things really are, once the perspective is made clear, everyone (even the sheeple) know that politicians are corrupt, everyone knows money is the root, the connections to how they are so interconnected needs to be made so abundantly clear that they cannot deny them any longer.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by -mytym-
Hi Robby,

I rarely post on ATS these days, but felt compelled to post on your thread. I, like many here, share your ideals and can plainly see that eliminating the dependence on money will provide enormous benefits to humanity. I admire your courage to put it all on the table in the hope that it will inspire a paradigm shift that more closely encompasses your ideals.

However, as another poster alluded to earlier, it takes a significant number to not only feel as you do, but also be in a position to take action, in order for this idea to materialise. Unfortunately, as bad as things may seem, it would have to get significantly worse before we reach that significant number. If the degradation of society were to happen more quickly, perhaps there would be a better chance for change, but as it stands, it's just happening too slowly for the majority of people to notice. By the time they do, I fear it will be too late. I'm not talking about those of here on ATS. We are aware of what you speak of. However the ATS community is not a true repesentation of the man on the street. The man on the street is aware of none of this. Too many are still living comfortably enough within the system, to want to revolt against it.

Perhaps an alternative to this mass-scale revolution idea, is to try and create this typo of system on a micro-scale? If you could gather together a small group of maybe 100 likeminded (and more importantly sufficiently motivated) people, each with different skillsets that covered all the necessary requirements to run a self-sufficient community, it may just work. As the community thrives, it encourages others to join and it grows, eventually reaching a critical mass, at which point, your original utopian idea, may just have a slight chance of being realised. The danger of course being, the ability to go unnoticed by TBTB long enough to be able to defend yourselves adequately against them.

Keep the passion burning Robby!

thank you for the reply, i'm honored that my post brought you out of your shell! oh how I would love to live in such a community!

I knew that posting on this forum first I would be sharing my ideas with people who are like minded and are more open to these types of talks, and I was hoping to hone in my arguments, strengthen my resolve, pick up new ideas, and just generally prepare myself before sharing it on a larger scale, so far I'm accomplishing all that!

I feel the people (or sheeple if you will) can be awaken and enlightened to the way things really are, once the perspective is made clear, everyone (even the sheeple) know that politicians are corrupt, everyone knows money is the root, the connections to how they are so interconnected needs to be made so abundantly clear that they cannot deny them any longer.

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