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Yahweh = Satan. They have you worshiping evil.

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 11:58 AM
Silly argument, both god and satan DON'T EXIST.

It's akin to saying "James Bond = Indiana Jones"

We have no way of proving/contradicting this, as they are both fictional.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by godlover25

No evidence to back up your assumption except for your already biased opinion.

Post = fail

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by chrome413
To the OP: I fully endorse your right to your own belief system. However, I am curious concerning your premise in your original post. You state that Lucifer did bring enlightenment to Adam and Eve. I think you left out the fact that, according to the biblical account, God set two trees in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He gave man a choice. Man made a choice.

Can you explain if your philosophy takes into account that God gave man two choices in the garden? I ask because you state that Yahweh was keeping man in darkness, but I don't understand how that could be when he is letting mankind choose his destiny, so to speak. I am curious your thoughts regarding this.

Well I dont think giving humanity a choice between eternal slavery or eternal damnation is much of a choice at all. Its a lose/lose situation for the human that accepts the terms of the presented choice.

These 3 short videos put it into perspective quite nicely:

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by Fichorka

Why not? So do you suggest that he proves the bible is Satanic by using another book? That's nonsensical. What better way to expose the lies than to use the book that the lies are written in? Your logic is illogical.

Your reply is unclear to me. "Why not?" What?

Il repeat again -
OP claims how Lucifer "illuminated" Adam and Eve, once they "ate" "the forbidden fruit". However, he does not mentiones how Adam and Eve felt after becoming "illuminated by Lucifer" in the next sentence in the Bible.
They felt ashamed for their intimate sections of body (they covered themselves with leaves), they felt Fear aswell.
Is this how illuminated ones should feel? Ashamed and afraid?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by windword

You are no God and is within I agree but only God can redeem you to immortality and those who say other wise is dead in Christ and is not truly alive. God only said he was jealous because of people like you who say they are God and you have no power to raise the dead. all the people who have gone before us in punishment will be rewarded but only those who perished with God in their hearts. Let me ask you this with God out of the schools and every other place we dwell and all the prayers of protection have stopped can you say that the bad things have stopped?

A man or woman without God is vessel that is left open to manipulate and twist into form what he sees are faults and will lead m,any astray.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
I'm so glad this thread got so much attention! You did an amazing job laying out your case and it is 100% spot on. I'm enjoying the conversation so far and hopefully this will spread awareness, no matter how small that spread will be. Again, awesome job my friend.

Thank you

I was not expecting this kind of response to the thread, actually.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

This is science, my friend, not evil...

But, can you tell something about this
, and this

edit on 21-1-2013 by dragnik because: addition of photo

edit on 21-1-2013 by dragnik because: additional link

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Fichorka

You're saying that the OP can't use the bible to prove his point about the bible. Why not? That doesn't make any sense.

How do you expect him to prove his point about the bible if he doesn't use the bible itself? If he used another book then you'd be complaining that he didn't use anything biblical to support his case.

You're logic is kind of like wanting someone to use Huckleberry Finn to prove that Tom Sawyer is false, it's illogical.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by WarriorOfLight96
reply to post by windword

You are no God and is within I agree but only God can redeem you to immortality and those who say other wise is dead in Christ and is not truly alive. God only said he was jealous because of people like you who say they are God and you have no power to raise the dead. all the people who have gone before us in punishment will be rewarded but only those who perished with God in their hearts. Let me ask you this with God out of the schools and every other place we dwell and all the prayers of protection have stopped can you say that the bad things have stopped?

A man or woman without God is vessel that is left open to manipulate and twist into form what he sees are faults and will lead m,any astray.

You can't be "redeemed" by any outside force. Jesus didn't die so that you would not. You will die.

You can't find God in the Bible, the Koran or any church doctrine. You will only find the doctrine of the ruler of the world in those places, and they lead people astray. The ruler of the soul is you and me. We are the I AMs that have always existed, we raise ourselves from death.

The Bible god is a liar. He lied when he claimed to be the creator. Of this I have no doubt. Satan is father of lies. Therefore, the god of the OT is Satan!

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:16 PM
All these arguments against the credibility of a book; yet you use other books to better define an idea?

I don't see the logic in that.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Fichorka

So, according to you, Shame, Fear, and Ego saved Adam and Eve from ignorance? I think that you are ignorant!

How could some entity who gave Adam and Eve an Illusion: shame, fear, etc... be a good one? Perhaps, if you look from his perspective, he IS. Otherwise, you're just being foolish.

Not really. What saved them was the unveiling of the fact that these things already existed, as would be more in line with the alleviation of ignorance idea. Now, aware of the problems, they had the cognizance to battle with them, and rise above them.

The control of information monopoly that Yahweh had was permanently broken by this action, freeing the young humans from an eternity of unwitting perpetual slavery.
edit on 1/21/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Lets see what Giorgio A. Tsoukalos has to say.

edit on 21-1-2013 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984
Another thing…
Christians like to believe ancient forests & beautiful places have no worth other than what they bring to human enjoyment. This is because “God” allegedly gave this monkey species the entire planet!
Likewise animals according to many Christians don’t have soles, wouldn’t go to heaven anyway because they don’t know the bible, and as such have no further value-importance than their value of enriching mankind.

Both this things that we…
A. We own the planet, and do as we will with it’s creation
B. Need not care about animals as both spiritual & physical things in their own right, are deeply evil misinformation.

If you were God , and you knew mankind would create x number of lab animals. Would you…
Choose an old sole, like a child killer to take those roles
Or would you put this old sole in an eternity of fire, and use only new soles, that had never done anything wrong, to be this animals?

Christians used to believe in reincarnation until the 3 century AD when the Bible was composed, and a bunch of men decided which books would or would not be part of Christianity. Hence there is something called the lost Gospels.

I put it to you, that these powerful men, were acting under demonic influence probably at least in part, or certainly the consequence (a restriction) is akin to this.

I have a problem with your logic. Did you take into account God's command to mankind to "subdue the earth and keep it"? Just because mankind chooses to ignore that commandment, is that God's fault or man? And are your labeled points A and B deduced from the Bible of from mankind's actions? Because I see nowhere where the Bible advocates either of your deductions, or I should say inferences.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by EL1A5

This thread has nothing to do with aliens.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:26 PM
Great read

but perhaps your thoughts are just more deception to delude you and all of us into worshipping Satan(Evil, that is if one truly dose exist)?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus

Originally posted by Fichorka

So, according to you, Shame, Fear, and Ego saved Adam and Eve from ignorance? I think that you are ignorant!

How could some entity who gave Adam and Eve an Illusion: shame, fear, etc... be a good one? Perhaps, if you look from his perspective, he IS. Otherwise, you're just being foolish.

Not really. What saved them was the unveiling of the fact that these things already existed,...

"These things" (Shame and Fear) didn't and will never exist. "These things" are illusion. They don't exist. Satan (the one you call righteous God) brought lies to them and means to better control them by giving them illsuion of fear and shame. These things are not products of enlightnment.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Well nobody here seems to have an accurate answer to any of this; I might as well throw out another entity.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Awesome writeup, just one thing where you might be abit deluded yourself.

But instead of recognizing this, the vast majority believes Lucifer is a demon, and some deluded ones even worship him as such.

Might it be because most "demon-worshippers" actually realized already what you are saying in this writeup that they actuaslly worship Lucifer? If he is the true god, fighting against satan/yahweh, then he is the one to worhip, not yahweh or jesus.

From what i have personally seen from these people, it actually seems to be the case.
edit on 21-1-2013 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)


To clarify my point as I can see how it was not very clear:

My point of contention was that some will worship Lucifer BECAUSE he was a demon (in their minds), and demons in my mind are the antithesis of what this Lucifer could very well possibly be. So the contention is that they worship evil, without recognizing the one they think is evil, actually could very well be humanitys champion.

I was thinking of elaborating on that a bit in the OP, but did not want to get to excessively into it on that point.

Thanks for bringing up the point, though, it deserved clarification. I think we might just be using different terminology.
edit on 1/21/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by SolarIce

Or maybe the deception of the deception is the real deception that is deceiving those that are deceived. Or maybe take it one further where that's the deception, but maybe that's a deception to hide the real deception that deceives us.

See how that can go either way?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

But you are in slavery ever since then, we have toiled day and night to feed our selves and worked our bodies to death because of the devil freeing us from eternal life. Jesus once said

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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