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Yahweh = Satan. They have you worshiping evil.

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

Exactly. The Deceiver uses this trick often. In the Book of Job "Satan" is a rank not a name. This topic is so much deeper than a debate would ever allow...

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
As I see it, Yahweh, the god of the bible, is in fact none other than the Great Deceiver himself, Satan. A far cry from the loving and compassionate god that his deceived followers claim he is, the bible pretty much says he is an ego-maniacal god of war and tyranny who if not obeyed, claims he will send you into eternal torture. He rules via fear and intimidation as tyrants do. He requires death for the smallest of infractions, and even demands the murder of entire cities/nations for arbitrary reasons.

Yet he has managed to garner billions of followers on this world who give him tribute in the form of worship, prayer and sacrifice, ie: energy, and they all believe he is a merciful and loving god, when the facts say otherwise.

Who else could pull off a stunt like this of such enormity but the Father of Lies himself?

Even more to the credit of this intelligence, it has even gotten the world to demonize the one who made a stand and attempted to overthrow the tyrant, and was even perhaps partially successful: Lucifer. Lucifer is reviled in most religions that recognize him as an entity, but their beliefs rely on the false premise that he was attempting to overthrow a merciful and loving god, when in fact the opposite was clearly the case. He was making a stand for the freedom of a people, knowing that he would receive little to no credit whatsoever.

Look at the story of the garden... the story is a big allegory of course, but allegorical for what, exactly? It was Lucifer who brought knowledge to Adam and Eve, and showed them the bondage of ignorance they were restrained in. As Lucifer can be translated from Greek as "Bringer of Dawn", it is fitting to call the garden story the allegory of humanitys long night in the darkness of ignorance, and the "Bringer of Dawn" who signaled the impending rising of the light, and the banishing of the dark.

Any wonder why Yahweh got mad? Just like our own tyrannical governments of this day and age, an informed and educated people were/are this entities worst enemy. Lucifer broke Yahwehs monopoly/dominance over and control of information.

But instead of recognizing this, the vast majority believes Lucifer is a demon, and some deluded ones even worship him as such.

Its interesting to look at how the same tactics of deception are still in use today, and that indeed nothing much has changed in evils play book of covering up the truth. Blatant lies, propaganda, information control and the obfuscation of the truth by mixing it with disinformation, all tactics currently in heavy use in the tyrannical government regimes around the globe, including all of the West, have their methods rooted in ancient times.

They would have you believe black is white, up is down, and 2+2=5; for millennia this has been the case, and it has been successful, and only very recently is this being challenged by people in any significant numbers.


Christians might claim they worship Jesus, not Yahweh. Perhaps they do, but why do they worship someone who clearly did not seek the peoples worship, nor wanted to be anyones leader? It is clear Jesus wanted one thing: not worship, but for the people to emulate his behavior, to be LIKE him, not to think him a god and beg him for free stuff. Thats the OLD way, which he came to uproot. He called us his friends and siblings, NOT his minions and serfs.

Unfortunately, it hasnt been uprooted that well... instead of the people thinking for themselves about his words, they depend on an authority, controlled by the same evil that would or does have them all worshiping a clearly genocidal maniac, to read the words, interpret them, and then spoon feed them the meaning.

I might say Jesus and Lucifer are one in the same. Wouldnt it be ironic, but strangely sensical that the original Bringer of Dawn, demonized through out the ages, who expects nothing in return, would come back to further assist knowing he would probably be murdered by those he was trying to save?


Whats the conspiracy here? Its that billions of people have been brainwashed into believing that evil is good, and good is evil, and would be willing to die to defend their false notions. What better way to divide the people than to make them into walking contradictions, thinking they are doing good, when they are really doing evil? They have the people unwittingly divided at their very most core level; themselves.

Its also that theyve got you believing the truth is complicated through years of mandatory indoctrination at school.

Its not.

Set the mountains of manure in the 3,000 page "holy" book ablaze, and after the fire dies and the wind scatters the ashes some tiny precious gems will remain steadfast and eternal, outliving the convolution and obfuscation of what they were buried under.

"Treat others as you would be treated" is the first gem, and most powerful IMO.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is the second.

There is nothing else we need to know or exercise to reveal the truth, and come out of the illusion. Those two things are so simple... so precise! Think of what they include, but also, perhaps even more importantly, think of what they EXCLUDE. Any mention of worshiping anyone? Any mention of what KIND of neighbor to love? Any mention of exceptions to WHO should be treated as you would like to be?

So stop worshiping Yahweh/Satan. You are giving your energy to evil. Stop worshiping Jesus. He wants you to emulate his actions, not be smug and complacent because you think youve got a free ticket to heaven.

And above all, stop complicating things. It really is that simple. Love others, treat others with love, and the world will turn on a dime and the most ancient of conspiracies to divide and conquer the people will disintegrate before the conspirators eyes... and ours.
edit on 1/20/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: Grammar

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 09:50 AM
The debate sadly also rages on with a translation that is hugely inaccurate.
The chronicle project proved that with the discovery of the actual working of the ancient Hebrew language which is designed to prevent mistranslation if you know the system embedded in it.

Once the proper translation is read, most of those "God curses things" don't exist, but were the fabrication of the translators.

I wonder if they might not be working for that could never happen

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Pedro4077
Great Thread

What information was in "The Libary of Alexandria?"

Adam and Eve - The Sheeple of the Day?

The Tree of Knowledge - The Libary of Alexandria?

The Apples on the tree - The Books in the Libary?

All that wisdom - gone forever

That just makes me sad thinking of that atrocity... well, atrocities, because it was destroyed like 4 times over the centuries

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:06 AM
They hate the book so much it causes them to be hurt, but its the holy spirit they despise and cannot stand it.
They took God out of every place we dwell and took the prayers of protection away and now demons walk the halls of our schools and our places of work and our home. Free to whisper things into your ear and twist the truth and they will take away your love and replace it with a godless wisdom. I know the children that God has took home are all right and are with him for they have place with him and are rewarded for their sacrifice.

We know that no one truly dies and we just sleep for when Christ calls those in his name to rise right out ground and seas will give up the dead in Christ to be taken home. I see most of you are new agers but have a very ancient evil about your beliefs and you just have no eyes to see, a lot of resentment in your words and is it because you did not ascend as they promised you. Remember when the holy spirit departs this earth you will ascend but its not gonna be what they promised you and some of you are demons and just don't know it yet, this is a time when men will seek death but death will evade you.

I love you all and God bless you and keep you my friends, brothers they will hate you but remember they hated Christ before you.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

The danger to humanity exists in the worlds religions in such a way that all the ancient texts have been altered to deceive so that control can be placed upon the people. Belief is an assumption of that which is not truly known. Knowledge in actual truth can set you truly free, for in truth you know and actually 'feel' this within the whole of your being. Has anyone here ever heard of the true story of Jesus who is actually called "Jmmanuel"?
Below is a link to such a true story called "The Talmud of Jmmanuel":

This link below is more of an online book format that I have linked right to 'chapter 3' "John the Baptist"

This important document speaks about the truth of Jmmanuel who has falsely been named Jesus Christ and has had the true teachings distorted beyond all recognition by religions with secret agendas. Each person on this planet is responsible for their own actions. There is no person or other spirit that will run you life for you. All people choose belief over truth daily for it is their own free-will to do so. I send these links for evidence of that which religions have kept top secret all these thousands of years from the public. You can choose to contradict this information or disseminate it and know of the truth

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:13 AM
I'm so glad this thread got so much attention! You did an amazing job laying out your case and it is 100% spot on. I'm enjoying the conversation so far and hopefully this will spread awareness, no matter how small that spread will be. Again, awesome job my friend.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:15 AM
While I rarely see people taking free advice, I suggest ALL worry about the Log that is most certainly in their own eye and let everyone else worry about the Log that is their eye, for most certainly this is the most corrupted generation since Sodom and Gomorrah.

You can doubt this, for all the good it will do and yes, I am certain it helps many sleep at night telling themselves they are not destined for the Karmic Flaming Pit and going around jumping onto some podium of dust to point how everyone is corrupt....many Christians love to do this while they eat of corruption with both hands.

For my part, I am sure there is God from which all Creation and Existence comes; that there is Judgment, Heaven, Hell and at the very end of the line, Eternally Life or the Utter Destruction of their Spirit, for no religion says anywhere that the Spirit of Man is Eternal and without the Will of its Creator, all things return into the void of nothingness....the Ether..Dark Matter I suppose. So this also goes to say that contrary to some dogma, there is NO Eternal Suffering for are just wiped out of existence, as I believe will be the case for many (after suffering for your Sins...the Blood of victims calls unto the Creator for Abel's blood called)

So, look to your own lives, your own spirit for all will be Judged at some point and in the end..the very end, those Souls found to be worth for eternal life will go on and those that are not worthy, will be returned to the Nothing. Doubt it, deny it, it is your life and soul.
edit on 21-1-2013 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

This is ridiculous. In Hebrew Christ's name is rendered Yeshua. Ye is an abbreviated form of Yahweh and shua means saves or "is salvation" Even if Jesus weren't Yahweh and Yahweh was the evil one why would Jesus allow Yahweh to be praised through his own name.

Jesus does not use the term Yahweh because it is a vocalization in the third person (he is) as part of the trinity he cant use it. In fact he avoids it purposefully in order to be non contradictory in an obvious implication of his divinity.

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 8:58 kjv

When Moses asked for Gods name he didn't say Yahweh he said "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" most often translated as "I Am that I Am" therefore to refer to God in the third person in hebrew one must use Yahweh It is not a name so much as a state or manner of existence explaining to one whose language is Hebrew that he is the source of existence. One mustn't think of it as a name because his existence predates the Hebrew language

Allegorical or not Lucifer did not bring anything to Adam and Eve the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was created by the Father; Lucifer meerely convinced them to partake in rebellion to God. It is presumptive to believe that we benefit from that rebellion.

Jesus said he would be seated in the place of power at God's right hand. In revelations he says he is the Alpha and Omega which is a title from the OT given to YHWH.

Many times in both the Old and New Testament people are rebuked for kneeling before or worshipping heavenly entities other than God. However the apostle Thomas did not recieve such a rebuke when he knelt before the risen Christ proclaiming "my Lord and My God"

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
Look at the story of the garden... the story is a big allegory of course, but allegorical for what, exactly? It was Lucifer who brought knowledge to Adam and Eve, and showed them the bondage of ignorance they were restrained in. As Lucifer can be translated from Greek as "Bringer of Dawn", it is fitting to call the garden story the allegory of humanitys long night in the darkness of ignorance, and the "Bringer of Dawn" who signaled the impending rising of the light, and the banishing of the dark.

So, according to you, Shame, Fear, and Ego saved Adam and Eve from ignorance? I think that you are ignorant!

How could some entity who gave Adam and Eve an Illusion: shame, fear, etc... be a good one? Perhaps, if you look from his perspective, he IS. Otherwise, you're just being foolish.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Yahweh = Satan

Not quite. Just read Job and you will see they are not the same.

Lucifer is reviled in most religions that recognize him as an entity, but their beliefs rely on the false premise that he was attempting to overthrow a merciful and loving god, when in fact the opposite was clearly the case. He was making a stand for the freedom of a people, knowing that he would receive little to no credit whatsoever.

No. The reason is that Lucifer was the downfall of man. It was Lucifer who made man to disobey. It was Lucifer who made man to believe he is god. It was Lucifer who made man to taste the judgment of God. He was given credit for his actions. The credit that he is the cause of our misery.

Look at the story of the garden... the story is a big allegory of course, but allegorical for what, exactly? It was Lucifer who brought knowledge to Adam and Eve, and showed them the bondage of ignorance they were restrained in. As Lucifer can be translated from Greek as "Bringer of Dawn", it is fitting to call the garden story the allegory of humanitys long night in the darkness of ignorance, and the "Bringer of Dawn" who signaled the impending rising of the light, and the banishing of the dark.

Well, if you are a Luciferian, then you might see it that way. But,the story of the garden, says another thing. We were living with God once. God provided everything for us. Then Lucifer came and changed everything. Lucifer trickt man to believe he is god. In that way man, thinking he was god, broke the commandment of his creator and tasted His Judgement. Did God destroyed us ? Nope. He gave us the chance to see through the Lucifer´s lie. The funny thing of the story is that instead man take responsibility for his actions we blamed each other.

Its interesting to look at how the same tactics of deception are still in use today, and that indeed nothing much has changed in evils play book of covering up the truth. Blatant lies, propaganda, information control and the obfuscation of the truth by mixing it with disinformation, all tactics currently in heavy use in the tyrannical government regimes around the globe, including all of the West, have their methods rooted in ancient times.

Yes, i agree with you. Man still believes he is god and taking no responsibility for his actions.

Christians might claim they worship Jesus, not Yahweh. Perhaps they do, but why do they worship someone who clearly did not seek the peoples worship, nor wanted to be anyones leader?

Because Christians believe in Jesus as He is The Lord. Jesus mission was not to be worshipped as a God. Jesus mission was to reconcile man with God.

Set the mountains of manure in the 3,000 page "holy" book ablaze, and after the fire dies and the wind scatters the ashes some tiny precious gems will remain steadfast and eternal, outliving the convolution and obfuscation of what they were buried under.

The problem with burning books is that you have a partial truth.

"Treat others as you would be treated" is the first gem, and most powerful IMO.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is the second.

There is nothing else we need to know or exercise to reveal the truth, and come out of the illusion. Those two things are so simple... so precise! Think of what they include, but also, perhaps even more importantly, think of what they EXCLUDE. Any mention of worshiping anyone? Any mention of what KIND of neighbor to love? Any mention of exceptions to WHO should be treated as you would like to be?

As i stated above, by burning books at the end you will have a partial truth. Let´s see if you have the whole truth.

"In everything, therefore, [fn]treat people the same way you want [fn]them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:36-40

So stop worshiping Yahweh/Satan. You are giving your energy to evil. Stop worshiping Jesus. He wants you to emulate his actions, not be smug and complacent because you think youve got a free ticket to heaven. And above all, stop complicating things. It really is that simple. Love others, treat others with love, and the world will turn on a dime and the most ancient of conspiracies to divide and conquer the people will disintegrate before the conspirators eyes... and ours.

I think the best thing is to just stop blaming God for everything and take responsibiliy for our actions. It´s really that simple.


edit on 21-1-2013 by Seed76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:24 AM
Interesting food for thought from the OP.

There is one thing that has been puzzling me about the entire Lucifer/Satan fallen angel/cherub part. I can't wrap my mind around it. God gave humans free will, but angels were under His command, how did Lucifer/Satan rebel against God? I just don't get that part.

I've researched and read, but that part still gets me. The answers I always find are it was in God's plans for Lucifer to rebel, but then the holds the question why, which will be met with we will find out in the end, or who are we to question God, or somethings aren't meant for us to understand.

Then people say, you have not because you ask not, and the also say write down your vision and make it plain.

OK, I'm writing it down making it plain:

Why and how did Lucifer/Satan rebel when angels were under God's command and did what He told them to do. They didn't have free will like humans, so how was that even possible? Unless angels do have free will, then if that's the case we're in more trouble than we know.

ETA: isn't it true that in the Jewish religion Lucifer was like a "prosecutor" to point things out to God and not a fallen Angel? I thought I read that somewhere but I can't remember and I can't link a source ATM. That would clear up a lot of questions I have about the entire situation.
edit on 21-1-2013 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:27 AM
Question,......Your claiming Lucifer is good?Where may I ask are your gathering your source of information from?And lastly you speak of these event's as though your twisting the point of view around with Adam and Evil as though you know the story first hand.....were you there?If so then what species are you?Deity worshipers are a confusing lot........Ok since we are sharing stories as though we know god and Lucifer here's a little story of my version of the indifference between God and Lucifer..God created man....the devil wanted man to be made to bow down and forced to worship god....god wanting humans to be free and not forced to worship the devil disagreed on this idea and sought to enslave and punish mankind for being in the favor of god to be allowed such freewill.God angry at the devils aggression towards is beloved new creation would not be tolerated thus the great divide between god and the devil...and as the devil left heaven many of his private sect of angels followed with him.God has only a few names...but the devil has many names...Lucifer being one of those names.....this is the true story like it or not.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:29 AM
This is my view on religion, a creater is real and I don't think that we crawled out of a mud pit.

ANYTHING that man touches becomes corrupt at some point.

Religion is the largest business in the world and is tax exempt.

Denominations are the same thing as competitors, gangs and sects.

Parishiners is where the money comes from.

Money has always equaled power and fear usually leads to control.

You can believe whatever you wish, I guess we will all find out in the end what the correct name is for the creater and for the bad guy.

Or will we?????

Jus' sayin'


posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Awesome writeup, just one thing where you might be abit deluded yourself.

But instead of recognizing this, the vast majority believes Lucifer is a demon, and some deluded ones even worship him as such.

Might it be because most "demon-worshippers" actually realized already what you are saying in this writeup that they actuaslly worship Lucifer? If he is the true god, fighting against satan/yahweh, then he is the one to worhip, not yahweh or jesus.

From what i have personally seen from these people, it actually seems to be the case.
edit on 21-1-2013 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Josephus

So you just assume Jesus never called Yahweh by name because he couldn't? Okay, I didn't know god "couldn't" do anything. Jesus never claims that he is Yahweh because they are two separate entities.

John 10

8 All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.

Notice how he says that ALL who came before him. All includes Yahweh, which is why he never mentioned him by name.

Or will you spin it a certain way to where "all" only means "some"?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:36 AM
The fool says in his heart, "there is no God".

It seems like we have a lot of FOOLS in our world. 77 flags for what, exactly?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:39 AM
If they exist at all they are one in the same, both good and evil. One can not exist without the other.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:42 AM
Please read this, I may not know english language good, but I'l try to be as clear as I can.
OP obviously doesn't get it.
Most people wouldn't agree that the being who convivnces Adam and Eve that Shame and Fear are "illuminating" and will drive them away from ignorance is a "good" entity.

This is the real story:
Once Adam and Eve "ate"(received) the "fruit" (the knowledge of good and evil) they became self aware in a sense they experienced "subjective reality" and this gave birth to individualism. Before that we (the people) experienced (thought, saw, heard, felt) everything as it is - from God's perspective (objective reality). For example We knew everything and we saw what we were looking at for what it is.

But, once we "entered" subjective reality everyone saw things in their own way and ever since, when we are observing the enviroment, we don't see the environment, but we see the PROJECTION of the environment in our minds! That is what subjective reality is. WE all live in Illusion because we don't see (experience) things as they are, but everyone has their own view / interpretation on what they think they know. Actually no one knows.

As much as I'm concerned we may not even see the colors as they are. Everyone has probably their own illusion of each color. For example blue color to me is maybe pink color to you, or otherwise... We live in a Illusion and I just prooved that... It's easy to understand.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 10:42 AM
all hail satan \m/

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