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Feminism & The Downfall Of The Traditional Family

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posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 01:58 AM

Now I have no clue if or when the water heater got repaired. I am not really interested. The manner in which the last phone call me indicated a deeper message was being sent. Once problem by me. I have received worse news and informations before by phone.

The deeper message being sent to you was obviously ignored by you because you were really not interested in contributing any effort in that relationship, which she probably realized at last. The act of her phoning you instead of meeting you face-to-face shows significant signs of disconnect between you both. Have you ever thought that you may be a commitment-phobe?

Oh..Yes..most certainly InTheLight. I have thought that I might be a commitment phobe until I have had conversations with intelligent, educated, savvy people such as yourself who attempt to define for me what is commitment with only one side in the picture.

Has it ever occurred to you that she might be a commitment phobe in getting the commitment levels necessary to get her hot water heater repaired and back on line?? That she is not committed sufficient to accomplish this task...but if no one sees what we do...and we can get someone else to commit for it...bon appetit. Problem solved and no one is the wiser.

This is her hot water heater ..not mine. IF a relationship with a independent, self sufficient, savvy, smart woman of today is dependent on her constantly uping the ante on a male with such skills and knowledge..I dont call that a relationship. I call that role playing and defaluting. Because no one will see what we do. Social Roles. Social Default settings.

I dont think you understand the scope of this job...involving the water heater. With the expenses of grandchildren and children at home..she is tapped out. Credit cards etc etc. At least as near as I can order to keep the lifestyle of her daughter and grandchildren in order and not know..bumps in the road and that kind of thing.
I would be expected to for the water heater, put it in, purchase all the adapters, connections, et al...etc etc..time on the job..getting rid of the olde one ..etc..and they just show up for hot water stress or be "Flashdanced" through this problem. "Oh What a Feeling!!"

So her's and my relationship now includes (by Default) smoothing out the bumps in the road for the daughter and grandchildren too?? Making myself expendable and disposable for offspring which are not mine?? So that they do not have to change or alter their lifestyles..but I do???

And being able to ask or even think this series of questions through is commitment phobia?? Are you thinking correctly???

A Smart man asks himself what he is being given or offerred for which to commit?? Do you not understand this concept??

Commitment is not determined by one person only. By a false social construct in which the male is voiceless and the female determines everything in a relationship ..particularly by her needs, desires, and maintenance costs.

This is the biggest problem I find with female default settings. That they do not believe a male should have a questioning thought or attitude of his own but should be ready to run touchdowns constantly without asking himself the nature of the game or if it is even worth playing. By default the male should be ready to rescue and work himself greatly to "Flashdance " a modern, intelligent , savvy , educated woman and what ever baggage she has through the goal posts no matter what it costs him or he will automatically fall below her line of sight into the gutters.

Today we call this equality. I call it ignorance. Particularly by the male. But again..I am not her door mat nor pit crew..nor her daughter and grandchildren's door mat or pit crew.

His own negative self-beliefs about commitment, love and relationships will guarantee that this relationship won’t last. He has no intention of making a commitment to her, and now that she is asking for a little more, he’s finding reasons to back away. My best bet is that he will sabotage this relationship fairly soon and it will be over.

LOL LOL LOL...InTheLight. This is called dating parlance or relationship vernacular...asking for more or getting indicators that one is worth more in the marketplace against the ones value in the marketplace.

Now..notice here carefully equality... InTheLight...notice what is missing from relationship advice like this one.

Who is sabatoging the relationship..the person who asks if they are getting more when expected to give more ..or the person who expects more without giving more. Notice this is not even brought up in this article?? Smart people know to think this far.

This is also often a strategy of many women to test their male to see how willing he is to commit to increasing demands or needs (Tryouts for the team) without him being aware that he is being lead down a path. He is often ignorant enough to think it is his idea all along to believe he is helping or rescuing. It was often never his idea...but he is being lead down this path.
His willingness to run touchdowns/Rescue (Sports Conditioning) blindsides him to this reality and maneuvering.

Remember...later on it will be something else and something else and else and nauseum. Alwaysmore. But will he be getting more and will more always be expected from him?? While being lead about by her and in times of equality!!??

This is what a male asks himself who can think further than a point spread or a beer commercial. Unfortunately ..not many today can so do. Particularly Mark and his wife. It took some 6 to 8 weeks for her alone to catch on. He should have been chewing out her backside when this 12 hour shift began to get her up to speed. Not have her increase his speed in addition to working the 12 hour shifts.

Which is exactly what this woman and her daughter/grandchildren were expecting of addition to the 12 hours shifts.

"Commitment Phobe" is the standard default setting of many women who try to use shame and guilt manipulation on a male who they think cannot see or navigate his way through this kind of false maze.

Guilt techniques do not work on me. I have seen them used and misused by so many others in addition to the womens movements.

Let me put this to you in another way and in a manner many of the male posters here "might", I dont hold much hope, understand and or comprehend.

I am not the "pit crew" for this woman and her children and that they can go on racing around the track while working others to death and neglecting the RISKS of these same others to keep them going around in circles on the track.

This, InTheLight, is where so many women have tried to sell me short and where they take great offense if I bring it up in such a manner..but it is indeed true as to how things work out here. More men and males need to know this kind of thinking.
I can tell this by figuring out how many men and males these women have burned out trying to keep themselves going around the track again. Not all the women but a great many of them. Because they work on the principle..that no one sees what we do.

Gotta go..Up this morning so as not to get to far off my schedule for next week.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 07:35 AM
I wonder Orangetom if that was the one and only time she asked for help from you with her broken water heater because she was deseperate due to financial constraints and turned to you because you were in a position to help (experienced) and a position as a 'potential'? boyfriend in her circle. Was it the one and only time she asked for your help?

She asked you because you had told the tale to her of how you had fixed your own water heater with success, recently. To me this was just a friend asking another friend for help, and I wonder if a male friend of yours had asked, I suspect you would have made the time or lent the money to hire someone else to do it. If it were my friend and I did not have the time to help, I would offer a "loan" because a water heater is very important, especially when one has children in the house.

Anyway, I wonder if you had fixed her water heater this time would she then "impose" on you again when she was in dire straits?

Insecurities rise from suspicions. Suspicions rise from lack of trust. Lack of trust rise from lies. And the lies stem from fake feelings.

Scientists say "become friends first."

edit on 1-12-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-12-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:17 AM

Feminism was absolutely necessary....and it didn't start to have a real impact until the 1990's. (In the UK it was still legal for a man to beat and rape his wife until 1992.)

Feminism (from the time of the suffragettes) was about women having the right to vote and the right to own property. At that time, the only way a woman could have her own wealth was if she was a widow. However, from around about the 1970's intellectualism invaded the movement and feminist intellectuals (males and females - you don't have to be a woman to be a feminist) became so caught up in trying to prove how clever they were they completely lost sight of what they were trying to achieve in the first place.

For example, I am, apparently, a post modern marxist feminist - as opposed to a post modern feminist marxist, which is, according to the feminist intellectuals, completely different.

I don't blame male or female feminists for the breakdown of the family unit - I blame the banks and the government
Why? Because in the early 1980's it was perfectly possible for a family to buy a house and pay their bills from one wage packet. Men were paid a family living wage.

Then, in the mid 80's the first property bubble occurred. House prices escalated at the same time mass unemployment was an issue. It became an employers' market and they slashed wages. As a consequence women were given no option but to get out there and work as well. Children were sent to daycare to be raised by some underpaid and, I'm sure, good soul, who not being the child's biological parent just didn't have the vested interest in ensuring the best environment and care for that particular child. Daycare from infancy breeds institutionalised human beings. There is no individuality. All the children have a drink at 10am - they all have lunch at noon, have a nap at 2pm - whether or not they are thirsty, hungry or tired.

The 80's was the time of the 'superwoman' - and if you think men have lost their identity now - you should have seen them then. I was a 'superwoman' - it meant I could 'have it all'. Ha ha - I had the children, took care of domestic chores and had a full time job as well - it was just exhausting.

Feminism was about choice - those who criticise the stay at home mum are NOT feminists - they're something else altogether. Feminism was about society recognising the value of motherhood to its well being.

And also from the 1980's we had a prolific rise in 'single parents' - a term that almost makes me laugh given that it's a biological impossibility. However, it became socially acceptable for men to make babies and not take care of them. This was behaviour that would have made such men social outcasts in previous generations. When was the last time you ever heard of a shotgun wedding taking place?

edit on 19-1-2013 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

I just had to repost this train of thought because I too believe feminism helped society recognize the value of a woman's work and/or contribution inside and/or outside the home.

Let's add up what a homemaker would be paid:

"The Bottom Line: Total for a year of all services is: $52,260 + $6,137 + $31,200 + $4,168 + $936 + $1,560 = $96,261 per year.”

Unless all of us are free, none of us are free. As long as women still feel the pulls of gender roles, men are forced by the laws of physics into an equal and opposing position. And as long as anyone in our world is subject to limitations because of an identity like those we construct around sex and gender, race and ethnicity, and our deeply held beliefs and loyalties, then any of us is subject to being limited for who and what we are, or for what we believe in.
edit on 1-12-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:12 AM

Go back to page 21 of this thread where I posted this..

The problem with equality is that most of the women out here are not looking for more RISK taking to make the male comfortable and Peaceful in his life. They prefer it the other way around. That the male take the RISKs running touchdowns while they get the goods and access to goods and"Options."

The male ..particularly in Western Cultures has a tradition of male to female giving ..not so much the other way around. This is one reason so many females are more atuned to social skills than are most males. For social traditions and customs are to them a source of power and control over the male and therefore his and services.
Can you say.."good provider??"

Socail are important psychologically and physically as a way to cash in on goods and services in which one does not want to suffer the inconvenience or hardship of learning to do or take care of them themselves. By social constructs one can be "Flashdanced" through these difficulties without work and without RISK taking. Someone else socially takes care of this burden for the female..they can now default thorugh...on the backs of a "Relationship."

This is not equality. It is a pyramid scheme. Because no one sees what we are doing ..except another woman.

Once I morally and ethically responsible for repairing her water heater for her and the addition to working 12 hour shifts?? Am I morally and ethically responsible to "Flashdance " her and the grandchildren through this hurdle such that they never have to suffer..alter their schedules..sleep, work al???
They can just sit back in comfort while I take all the RISK for them " In addition to " working my normal 12 hour shift???

Is this the lay of the land? Is this the new moral and ethical template verses the olde outdated way of doing things?

That one can take goods and services from an olde outdated dinosaur scheduled for extinction and feel good about ones self..feel moral and ethical about ones self?? Pass judgement on said dinosaur without taking into consideration the RISKS they are taking to keep the goods and services flowing???

And furthermore if said dinosaur dies and perishes the people involved just go about attaching themselves to another to "Flashdance " themselves through the same social default settings and beliefs in order to continue defaulting through without work and without RISKS???

More expendability and the name of "Relationships." Under the cover of Relationships...but no equality taking place. Relationships are often a cover for inequality. Thinking people know this InTheLight.

In Relationship parlance this is called the "Appearance of commitment so that you never really have to commit." Or "NO one sees what we do."

Another name for this is relationship politics.

This works best in economically affluent nations not third world nations.

However...continuing on with why men make more money...

Here is informations never covered by the feminists while screeming "Im a victim."
It is worth considering if one wants to see the whole picture..not just the emotional side of it but the whole picture.


posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 12:06 AM
It used to be the man would run off leaving the wife and kids, in recent years it seems to have flipped.
I have my theories. But somebody posted not so long ago that if you go to countries were women really need men for there traditional roles as provider and protector they view men completely different and stay in relationships longer. I think some, and really do mean some, not all, I am not even sure what percentages would be, women can't handle the full independence modern society has granted them. Some certainly handle it very well, I have some female sister in-laws that have achieved an amazing balance of this.

Not to say they shouldn't have that independence, they should, it's observing them handling it that is sometimes troubling, especially when a woman walks away from three small children and her husband, just because she wasn't happy like she was 10 years ago to be with some new guy.
Because she has her own well paying job and car it makes it all the more easier. And society doesn't condemn her it says "follow your heart, do what makes you happy"

If modern feminism has made more children motherless, is it worth it ?
Women of ATS please answer that question.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Blue Jay,

I agree..I have noticed today more and more women who are leaving their children. Hence not only are children being aborted before they are born..but the mothers are often and noticeably leaving them for the "Instant Gratification" lifestyle.
This because there is a system in place where for most of these women..." No one sees what we do!!"

And then when life does not quite work out for them and the biology begins to run is going to strike midnight out for that pumpkin...many opt for the safety getting married...because.."No One Sees What We Do!!"

When the biology runs out in the fast food lane runs out. Therefore it is then time to invest in a man..before the biology runs completely out.
But dont ever let him know this is happening. It is called a Safety Net.

Do I need to take a lie detector or a DNA test on this one??

What you have here in the west is a system heavily dependent on the womens vote to keep and maintain power in politics. And there are a number of vehicles in the economy to support this gaurantee of womens vote.

It is for this reason that the males in the last 25/30 years have been cast as all philanderers, drunks, and every other label which can be put on them while the women are screaming "Victimization."

Today, in order to keep this system going on an uninformed and unknowlegeable public you have the "Science or career of professional Victimization."

As I keep trying to say here in this thread as well as others.

Women do not want more RISK. They want options in a system which is already up and running...set up for them..the RISKS already taken away by someone else's RISKTAKING. Systems in which they believe themselves more suited and even entitled to running it while taking away from and enjoying the production of others without recognizing it is so..because no one sees what we do.

At the same time the males out here are pretty much dumb as a box of rocks. They are to busy living second hand behind the gods of sports and their jobs but never doing much thinking of their own outside of the phony media, politicians, and the gods of sports/alcohol, and cheerleaders. They can do a point spread but little thinking outside of those arenas.

I was surfing the web today and found this and was a bit astonished that someone would write it today ..much less get it posted in today's PC world and media.

This is somewhat the very thing I have been describing about RISK and RISKTAKING verses entitlement beliefs/PC. Women's Options verses RISKTAKING.

Also I found this one and noted it because of the name of this US Represenative... Gwen Moore.
I know of Gwen Moore's name because of all the stumping she was doing before the election on the very wolfie "War Against Women." Now that the election is over hardly hear anything about "The War Against Women." Gwen Moore had served her political masters and gotten the womens vote...on time and on schedule.

I really dont know much about Ted Cruz..and believe he is just another textbook politician. I have little use for or respect for the Republican Party and think they are only Democrat Lite.
Likewise I have little use for or respect for the Democrats.
I think both parties are nothing more than a Hegelian Dialectic being played on the American people. So too with feminism in the bigger picture.
If it means feminism is necessary to help in destroying the American Family to support the body be it.
And that is what I believe feminism's goals are in this too with other change agents currently taking destroy the American Family and way of life. I believe this is being done by fractionating the nation into opposing camps...for political reasons...without the people being aware this is going on about them.

But I would have liked to been a fly on the wall on that trip to South Africa.

Concering this statement of yours BlueJay....

If modern feminism has made more children motherless, is it worth it ?
Women of ATS please answer that question.

I would also like to add...modern feminism has also made many children fatherless.

I think that in certain corridors today..this is becoming an awareness of how important fathers are as well as where feminism has failed America and the American Family.

But for how ..most of this must needs be kept hidden from people in order to politically cultivate the predictable, mallieable, guaranteed womens victimization programming.

As our economy stagnates back towards a third world nation this is going to become obvious concerning the things which so many have taken for granted in our country..both male and female.


posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:09 AM
I'd say I feel bad for all the bright young women who will likely never find a man you wants her for anything but a passing fling, but society has served to turn us all (young men) into insecure, unhappy shells with bleak at best prospects of finding any sort of niche in our society.

I see it all the time the young guy trolling to bar or internet for easy, non-committal sex. And nothing more. Then you have guys like me who are just unwilling to even try that hard. The only things I care at all about anymore is expanding my knowledge on esoteric subjects and world events, while smoking too much and self medicating. I know for a fact that this group of which I am apart is growing exponentially.

Perhaps we should just re-legalize polygamy? Because for every 4 women who want a steady relationship there is maybe 1 man available to fill the role.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:22 AM

I'd say I feel bad for all the bright young women who will likely never find a man you wants her for anything but a passing fling, but society has served to turn us all (young men) into insecure, unhappy shells with bleak at best prospects of finding any sort of niche in our society.

I see it all the time the young guy trolling to bar or internet for easy, non-committal sex. And nothing more. Then you have guys like me who are just unwilling to even try that hard. The only things I care at all about anymore is expanding my knowledge on esoteric subjects and world events, while smoking too much and self medicating. I know for a fact that this group of which I am apart is growing exponentially.

Perhaps we should just re-legalize polygamy? Because for every 4 women who want a steady relationship there is maybe 1 man available to fill the role.


If you are able to think through esoteric subject seriously need to think through your post.. to see into the very nature of it as to what is missing.


posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Umm? If you don't like the nature of my post or think something is missing that's your hang up.

I mean seriously? Don't comment on the subject matter just make some vague comment about... nothing.

edit on 17-12-2013 by corvuscorrax because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:26 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

Umm? If you don't like the nature of my post or think something is missing that's your hang up.

I mean seriously? Don't comment on the subject matter just make some vague comment about... nothing.

edit on 17-12-2013 by corvuscorrax because: (no reason given)

Wow!! Sensitive!! the moment time is at a premium and will have to so comment at a later time.

Until then Bon Appetit!!


posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 02:59 PM

I on the other hand do not fell bad for them..for both males and females have bought into something in which much of the view or understanding is missing from their awareness.

Studying esoteric subjects this should be a snap for you corvuscorrax.

I see the picture you are painting all the time but today it includes women who are hunting and gathering for casual sex and or men with "Potential."

No male with any ability to think should ever have an "Oil Shortage." I say this because once you know the will change your thinking about how the lay of the land appears out there and attempts to cover itself up.

I know a number of women for whom their only skill or tool in their tool box is sex and sexuality...appearances. THey tend to go from male to male looking for the potential which escaped them with the last man. This because when the men finally figure out what their maintenance costs really are..they leave.
They are high maintenance..and attempting to hide...esoteric ..their high maintenance properties

There is no oil shortage out here..corvuscorrax. There is a thinking shortage.

A knowlegeable man ...corvuscorrax ..comes to a woman for Peace..not for Piece. Peace is the commodity for which a knowlegeable woman brings to a man. She has the potential to bring him from her labors and efforts ..a place where he is safe...sheltered from the wildlife of this world. A place where at the end of his daily labors he is happy to come...not afraid to come. A place where he does not come in last behind the pets and other animals.

This may include sex and sexuality but it not primary limited to it.

A woman who can do this for a man can put him on a drug for which he never wants to get off it.

Most of today's women do not understand this because so few men or males can define it for them. The males themselves do not understand ..instead substituting a phony oil shortage mentality. So how would most women or females ever know it??

This esoteric..concealed..known by only a chosen few. It is hidden and concealed from the view and understanding of most people out here and this is not accidental...but deliberately fostered ignorance on males and females both.

A proper male brings a female also Peace..not just Piece. He protects and shelters her and their progeny from the outside world.

What feminism has done is attempt to turn this around...and divide ...make disfunctional...this dividing template. To divide the sexes...not unite them in understanding. To promote entitlement beliefs..default settings...for votes to default through on a very destructive template.

As to trolling bars..I dont recommend it but then can do just as bad in churches today.

I have taught a number of young men to spot this template and how to straighten out their thinking on certain subjects and patterns of how some women think. I was surprised when I got the feedback on how it worked out in regards to an oil shortage.

Once again..must make haste as time this week will be at a premium.

Will expand on this more later.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

posted by Orangetom1999 back on 18 December 2013,

A proper male brings a female also Peace..not just Piece. He protects and shelters her and their progeny from the outside world.

What feminism has done is attempt to turn this around...and divide ...make disfunctional...this dividing template. To divide the sexes...not unite them in understanding. To promote entitlement beliefs..default settings...for votes to default through on a very destructive template.

Why do I say and declare this about feminism and it's dysfunctionality...because todays modern feminism adherent can now come to a man for love only...not for a security/safety net. But do they in fact do this??? Or do they tend towards asking for a complete resume??

A woman who can take care of a woman who can come to a man for love only. The very thing so many women claim is missing from their lives. Yet todays smart, savvy, educated woman cannot seem to figure this out while adhering to the "Victim Dictum" in so much out here. And the leadership of these "Victimized " women do not teach them this as well. If you learn to look carefully you can see this at work in so many of the feminism posts on threads like this one.

For you see corvuscorrax, This too is esoteric..hidden and concealed even from the women. Most haven't a clue. Most males as well.

I have broached this line with several women ..about the resume and this line of thinking. Coming to a man for love only. The conversation breaks down rapidly. You find out with a lot of women..they too are not accustomed to men catching on to this but instead ...;trying out like for a football or baseball team...a resume.

Does today's smart, savvey, educated, sophisticated woman come to a man for love only ..since she can so obviously take care of herself???


edit on 19-1-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:19 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

posted by Orangetom1999 back on 18 December 2013,

A proper male brings a female also Peace..not just Piece. He protects and shelters her and their progeny from the outside world.

What feminism has done is attempt to turn this around...and divide ...make disfunctional...this dividing template. To divide the sexes...not unite them in understanding. To promote entitlement beliefs..default settings...for votes to default through on a very destructive template.

Why do I say and declare this about feminism and it's dysfunctionality...because todays modern feminism adherent can now come to a man for love only...not for a security/safety net. But do they in fact do this??? Or do they tend towards asking for a complete resume??

A woman who can take care of a woman who can come to a man for love only. The very thing so many women claim is missing from their lives. Yet todays smart, savvy, educated woman cannot seem to figure this out while adhering to the "Victim Dictum" in so much out here. And the leadership of these "Victimized " women do not teach them this as well. If you learn to look carefully you can see this at work in so many of the feminism posts on threads like this one.

For you see corvuscorrax, This too is esoteric..hidden and concealed even from the women. Most haven't a clue. Most males as well.

I have broached this line with several women ..about the resume and this line of thinking. Coming to a man for love only. The conversation breaks down rapidly. You find out with a lot of women..they too are not accustomed to men catching on to this but instead ...;trying out like for a football or baseball team...a resume.

Does today's smart, savvey, educated, sophisticated woman come to a man for love only ..since she can so obviously take care of herself???


edit on 19-1-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

"Why do I say and declare this about feminism and it's dysfunctionality..."

Careful Orangetom, your sexism is showing. Actually, feminism is natural your thinking it's dysfunctional is dystunctional.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:51 AM

"Why do I say and declare this about feminism and it's dysfunctionality..."

Careful Orangetom, your sexism is showing. Actually, feminism is natural your thinking it's dysfunctional is dystunctional.

LOL LOL LOL..InTheLight...
I wondered how long it would be before you had to come in to make the last word on this issue and I could set the hook?? Not as long as I expected.

Oh no..InTheLight. Once again you have it backwards to try to make your point.

I said feminism was disfunctional...I was not speaking of natural. Feminism in its disfunctionalism only will work in economically affluent social structures where most of the RISK has been taken out of the every day living by the RISK taking of others. These others can now be cast to the side and if they do not count or are defaulted. Just as does the body politic today in it's sleight of hand.

Here, InTheLight, is todays sexism, racism and Homophobia in one fell swoop and to date I have heard no comments on this from the leading feminist groups.
And this type of program is being pushed by government. This is not leadership but the politics of division.

But thanks for coming back to get in the last word.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:07 AM
Here 's my last word on this Orangetom for your continuing education on this matter.

Definition of Feminism:

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute..." --Rebecca West, The Clarion, 11/14/13

and -

"Mother, what is a Feminist?"
"A Feminist, my daughter,
Is any woman now who cares
To think about her own affairs
As men don't think she oughter."
--Alice Duer Miller, 1915

Best last words.

edit on 21-1-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by InTheLight

"Why do I say and declare this about feminism and it's dysfunctionality..."

Careful Orangetom, your sexism is showing. Actually, feminism is natural your thinking it's dysfunctional is dystunctional.

You know while I am thinking about it. Here is a "Natural Default setting" for you
and in the same vein in which you are want to use or misuse on this thread to default through as the moral and ethical high ground. No problem with me. I make note of it as a technique and entitlement mindset.

Notice how much true Leadership there is here instead of representing the people of this state...they choose to cull out the herd and carefully select and or discriminate based on a "higher" moral and ethical law or calling.

Now InTheLight...this of what I am describing is a devout and zealous religion of entitlement when a person in a leadership position and supposedly highly educated and responsible..begins down this road in "Entitlement Beliefs" verses what the law was intended to do. The substance of the law...lawful..verses the form of the From Blacks Law Dictionary.

Now mind you here ..I have no use or respect for the Republican Party. To me they are only Democrat Lite and have long ago been hijacked to become something else. The appearance of what they advertise..the form..not the substance.

But it is interesting how far some are attempting to take this to play off the public ignorance and cull out a herd unto themselves. To divide a nation and people.

To mentally put in peoples mind that the new natural is something different...something new and improved with whiteners and brightners...fresh breath and all of that stuff. I dont think so. It is just recycled politics.

I have also found it interesting that those in New York and New Jersy who can are
moving out. Just like California. In the long run this will not bode well for New York, New Jersey, or California. Why is this InTheLight..because these people are finding these states to be "Disfunctional" to their basic belief systems of making a living.
No Rocket material needed here.


edit on 21-1-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I an not culling, I am calling kindred spirits, something that seems to elude you...especially of the female persuasion.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 06:13 AM

reply to post by orangetom1999

I an not culling, I am calling kindred spirits, something that seems to elude you...especially of the female persuasion.

LOL LOL LOL...InTheLight.

Thanks for confirming what I was saying in my previous post. Nice sexism you are using here.

The New Yorkers are calling kindred spirits too. That much is obvious. What is hidden is the culling out.

Notice your tack here from some time back in your posts on page 25.

The only redundancy and/or extinction I see for women and men clinging on to traditional gender roles, that no longer work in this modern age, are the ones that don't put every member of the family in a position of equality and respect, and I for one will be glad to see those types of men and women fade away into oblivion.

kindred spirits or culling out??

edit on 23-1-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:19 AM


reply to post by orangetom1999

I an not culling, I am calling kindred spirits, something that seems to elude you...especially of the female persuasion.

LOL LOL LOL...InTheLight.

Thanks for confirming what I was saying in my previous post. Nice sexism you are using here.

The New Yorkers are calling kindred spirits too. That much is obvious. What is hidden is the culling out.

Notice your tack here from some time back in your posts on page 25.

The only redundancy and/or extinction I see for women and men clinging on to traditional gender roles, that no longer work in this modern age, are the ones that don't put every member of the family in a position of equality and respect, and I for one will be glad to see those types of men and women fade away into oblivion.

kindred spirits or culling out??

edit on 23-1-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

I do understand the fear you must have in addressing and releasing traditional conditioning, so I will make this brief, as I am sure your next water heater, dubious parable is waiting in the wings.

Yes, we should all turn our backs to the bigots and sexists that hang on to hatred and outdated illusion that harms others equality and dignity, so as to move forward for the betterment of both genders, as well as other chosen lifestyles.

More last words ...

Feminism is that part of the progress of democratic freedom which applies to women. --Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale, 1914

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 08:49 PM
I agree, OP.

That said, I think people--ALL people of ALL genders--are completely stupid anymore.

Most of em, anyway.

See, humanity, nowadays, likes to label people and shove them into a box of their class. Liberals, conservatives, feminists, pro life, pro choice, etc etc... its almost as if the ability to compromise never existed in the first place. Like an individual can't have some combination of more than one belief. You have to pick a side, or you can't play the game. Its extremely childish.

For example;

Men and women should have equal rights. All people should.

That said, these movements are not going to eliminate the differences between men and women, what we're designed to do mentally and physiologically. Men are designed to be hunters and gatherers, while women are designed to be nurturers and care givers. Is that to say men can't be caring and women can't be strong? Of course not.

But you can't deny the science.

Here's another example.

I myself am not usually a very "feminine" woman in appearance. I dress in sports bras and track outfits, I'm almost always wearing a hat, and I love wearing spikes when I go out in public. Most people would look at me and think I'm some femi-nazi.

Quite the contrary.

I spend most of my time cleaning my fiance's house and cooking for him. I love being a house wife. Making the home comfortable makes me happier than any other job I've ever had.

My point is this; I'm a moderately strong female, and I don't buy into any classes that society tries to stick me in. Still, I like being told I'm beautiful, that my significant other would protect me from harm, and I like being cared for by my man.

Being an individual is the hardest label to obtain and retain.

But its the most worth while.

Women can be strong and independent.

That doesn't mean house wives are weak and pathetic slaves as some have suggested to me.

Moderation is a thing.

S&F, OP.

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