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reply to post by BO XIAN
Interesting enough. At least we only have a week to wait. If it happens it may strengthen many peoples belief. the opposite is true as well. Time will tell.
I do not see these warnings as a waste of time, rather they can inform us if a source is true or otherwise.
The 1906 earthquake ruptured the northernmost 296 miles (477 km) of the San Andreas Fault between San Juan Bautista and Cape Mendocino. By comparison, the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake had a rupture length of only 25 miles. The San Andreas fault today has locked and creeping segments along its approximately 800 mile (1300 km) length in California. The 1906 earthquake ruptured all locked segments of the fault in northern California.
Soooooooooo, when the scientists get their act together in terms of predictions, THEN wail at me about the flawed and failed predictions of those with dreams and prophetic impressions.
I wish the size of the coming quakes had a delimiter on them . . . I don't know of one. I ASSUME that a magnitude 20 is impossible. At some point physics has limits, imho. But I don't know what they are in terms of POSSIBILITY. Do you have confidence that you really do?
IIRC, the Sumatra quake rang around the world in several reverberations, right?
I'm skeptical that a purported pole shift would do it. What do you think about that?
I'm skeptical that a quake/volcanic fostered landslide in the Canary Islands would do it. I don't know how high a Tsunami it would generate but I don't see it generating big quakes.
I don't know what to make of Stan Deyo's expanding earth hypothesis.
That we have not seen this happen is irreverent. Our life times and our collective records and musings are just silly short term as far as mother earth is concerned.
Major Earthquake Prediction for 2013-2014-2015-2016
Global Weather Oscillations Inc. (GWO), was formed in 1992 with the specific understanding that Earth has natural rhythms and strong cyclical natural forces that control much of the global cooling and global warming cycles of climate change, carbon dioxide cycles, annual variations in hurricane activity and seasonal hurricane paths, cyclical occurrences of the El Nino and La Nina, cyclical historical floods such as the 2011 Mississippi River flood, and earthquakes.
What is interresting, are the major earthquake predictions they made for the next years 2013,2014,2015 and 2016!
We read on their site: “In July of 2012, California will enter a three year window for PFM induced increased earthquake activity. The window is centered on the period December 2013 to March 2014.
There is an overall 90% risk for a major to strong earthquake (6.4 to 8 magnitude) during this period, a 75% risk for a major (7 to 8 magnitude) earthquake, and a 40% risk for a severe 7.5 to 8 magnitude earthquake.
Because this wave train swept up to an elevation of about 375 m on the island of Lanai (Moore and Moore, 1984; Moore et al., 1989), it must have had a widespread impact on Pacific shorelines. However, no evidence for its long-distance effects has been reported.
Recognition that many oceanic islands are shaped by giant landslides has highlighted claims that the Hulopoe Gravel on south Lanai, Hawaii, was deposited by giant waves (mega-tsunami) generated by such a landslide. This interpretation is controversial. Resolution of the controversy has global implications because mass wasting of oceanic islands has been a common process for as long as hot spot volcanism has affected the ocean basins. Thus, if mega-tsunami are attendant upon the mass wasting process, their effect on earth surface processes should be discernible for much of geological time and may be comparable to that resulting from bolide impacts that form astroblemes.Detailed facies analysis of the pebble, cobble and boulder gravels that form the Hulopoe Gravel type section shows that the gravels are composed predominantly of basalt clasts with appreciable amounts of limestone clasts in 8 of the 14 beds present. Deposition was not continuous: eight disconformities are recognized in the 9.2 m type section, three of which are associated with truncated paleosols. The Hulopoe Gravel was not deposited by a single tsunami at 105 ka, as has been proposed. One bed is clearly an alluvial deposit. The origins of others are unclear but the facies data do not exclude tsunami as one of the processes that deposited individual beds within the Hulopoe Gravel, either above or below sea level.
Enigmatic geological features described from south Lanai, including assemblages of marine faunas, apparently in situ, at elevations of up to 329 meters, and the occurrence of gravel deposits containing coral clasts dated at 101-115 Ka have been attributed to a ``Giant Wave'' generated by a large submarine landslide off Hawaii approximately 105,000 years ago (Moore and Moore, 1984, 1988). It has also been suggested that this wave traveled across the Pacific Ocean and impacted the coast of southeastern Australia. the ``Lanai tsunami'' runup is an order of magnitude greater than tsunami runups in historic times. It is critical to assessments of tsunami risk to verify that such a wave did indeed occur.
Our review of evidence cited in support of the giant wave hypothesis, including ongoing field studies, leads us to question the validity of the hypothesis.
An examination of gravel stratigraphy at the type section has identified and characterized a complex sequence consisting of 15 beds, rather than 6 beds of alternating coral-rich and coral-poor basalt illustrated by Moore and Moore (1988), and interpreted by them to reflect the run-up and seaward return flow of each of three waves in a tsunami wave train. Our studies also show that deposition of the gravel sequence was punctuated by at least three periods of subaerial exposure of sufficient duration to allow soil formation, and several other erosional breaks. This is inconsistent with a wholly tsunamigenic origion for the deposit.
Other observational evidence cited in support of the giant wave hypothesis includes soil stripping from the land surface up to 375 meters, deposition of a continuous blanket of gravel (the Hulopoe Gravel) up the slopes of Lanai to 329 meters, and thinning and fining of this gravel landwards, could not be verified in the field.
A single giant wave event was suggested by Moore and Moore (1984, 1988) based on radiometric dating of a limited number of coral clasts from two locations, which yielded a narrow range of dates. Larger numbers of recently reported dates tend to cluster around 220 and 120 thousand years, periods of former high sea level stands. While these dates record ages of material in the deposits, they do not represent depositional age(s). Without stratigraphic control of sampling, there can be no assessment of whether dated material is eroded and re-deposited.
We suggest that the Hulopoe Gravel is a product of normal events and processes occurring on a rocky, high-energy coast of a tropical oceanic island.
In the other camp we find “Support for the Giant Wave (Mega-Tsunami) Hypothesis: Evidence From Submerged Terraces off Lanai, Hawaii.
Webster, J. M., Clague, D. A. and Braga, J.
The upper limit of his modeling study shows that the east coast of the U.S. and the Caribbean would receive waves less than 3 meters high. The European and African coasts would have waves less than 10 meters high. However, full Navier-Stokes modeling of the same La Palma failure, brings the maximum expected tsunami wave amplitude off the U.S. east coast to about one meter.
Global Weather Oscillations Inc. (GWO), was formed in 1992 with the specific understanding that Earth has natural rhythms and strong cyclical natural forces that control much of the global cooling and global warming cycles of climate change, carbon dioxide cycles, annual variations in hurricane activity and seasonal hurricane paths, cyclical occurrences of the El Nino and La Nina, cyclical historical floods such as the 2011 Mississippi River flood, and earthquakes.
Nevertheless, I'm grieved that you think of me as a fear-monger.