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To U.K. Members Suggesting A U.S. Repeal Of The Second Amendment

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posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Vidpci

Well that was the point of my post,I was saying that I don't think us in the UK should be telling youse what to do about guns cos I know how I'd react if youse began to dictate to us,not kindly thats for sure.

As for Hitler,well if we vote a Hitler in power we'll have ourselves to blame but feel free to say I told you so,if and when !!!

But no,no,no,NO !!!

We're well shot Piers Morgan so don't be thinking you can return him,doesn't work that way.

Is Guantanamo still in business ?? Just send the c**t there instead !!!

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by fastbob72

Is the Brits telling the Americans that it is wrong to carry hand guns any different to the Americans telling the Iranians it is wrong to have nukes?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:46 AM
I'm from England and I have never expressed an opinion about Americans owning guns. It's none of my business.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:54 AM
It's been my experience that many Brits love to criticize America about everything, and this one is just too good to pass up because there's dead kids involved, and that proves that the America critics are right.

Why are some Brits so hyper-critical of America? Two reasons. First of all, England was the America of the 18th and 19th Centuries. It ruled the world. Now it doesn't. But the pride is still there, the national narcissism. And what every narcicist does when confronted with someone superior? Instead of improving, they sulk and find fault. And that's just what some Brits do-they criticize. We'll do the same thing-when America falls, we will still be acting like we're number one, long after we've become like Greece, Italy and Spain.

The other reason seems almost like a contradiction to the first, but it has to do with the class system in England. Even though they claim that it doesn't exist, it does, and it's hardwired into people. If you're working class, you don't go putting on airs and acting posh. It's bad form. The peasants should know their place. And that's what Britain thinks of us. We're their retarded cousins, a land of debt criminals and religious crazies. We think we managed to rule the world for the 20th Century, but to them it's all a farce, like the house servants putting on a lord's clothing and pretending to be in charge.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by fastbob72

Is the Brits telling the Americans that it is wrong to carry hand guns any different to the Americans telling the Iranians it is wrong to have nukes?

No not really,I don't agree with the US dictating to Iran over nukes.Suggesting or expressing opinion ok but that's it.

If I was Iranian I'm sure I'd like some form of deterent to Israel and it's nuclear arsenal.


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

How many times have you visited Britain?

The Brits may criticise their American friends from time to time but it is not because of the reasons you state but mainly because of the USA's superiority complex and the often at times complete lack of common sense. Your Citizens would rather uphold a 200 year old constitution than protect its children from crazies. The answer to being safe from Guns is not more guns, surely you can see the logic in that?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

The British people are unique. First, they are the children of vikings and people that refused to ever give in... that learned how to rule through the greatest Empire ever known to man. I call England the bastard daughter of Rome for a reason. They are the only European state that refused to be conquered yet took so kindly to the traditions of the Empire. And with that, there is much respect to be given to the history of Britain.

With that said, America was not founded to be an empire nor was it to be the world's policemen. As an American, I do not take pride in the fact that we've moved so far away from our roots. In fact, I dread the fact that so many people are ignorant to the true founding principals.

The point is, looking at both Empires, America has become the grandchild of the Roman Empire - handed down from the Brits. The reason why Americans and Brits will always be at odds is because we're so much alike, and that point I will agree with. But we were founded for very different reasons.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

Aye I'm working class and proud of it.And no,I wouldnt go about putting on airs and graces,mimmicking the the gentry or landed,monied classes why would I want to.Neither do I believe their in anyway superior to me just cos they have the silver spoon.

I think Americans put much more significance to the 'class system' than we do.Are you saying you don't have incredibly wealthy connected families in the US and that those families have more opertunities than some kid of a blue collar worker from nowhere particular because it's exactly the same thing.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by CranialSponge

Ahh, Canada. Because you, yourself, know that when you give them the inch they take the whole friggin mile!

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:18 AM
Look the way I see it is USA are ALWAYS gonna have guns and lots of gun crimes UK will always say about it I don't need a gun to defend my home I have a baseball bat and hammer for that us Brits should just let the mighty USA keep there guns maybe one day they will think after more kids get killed that there needs to be something done not a total ban on guns but maybe something that will help stop the murdering of kids via nutters with guns.
edit on 24-12-2012 by geewizz because: Crap speller

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by rockoperawriter
reply to post by fastbob72

well i suggest saving up and vacationing in alaska or a state where open carry is legal, sought after and or encouraged. you will see that were quite mellow with our semi autos in the sense we walk softly and carry hi cap mags.. i'm collecting wwII allied guns to celebrate diversity and a victorious alliance over countries who banned guns getting carried away with their own manipulation of rights gone awry. also i encourage the uk citizens to have their voice heard be it by migration to america or however they got the beatles knighted. i suggest parliament examines the obvious negative in gun control that even the axis had put in place in the second world war resulting in malicious democide. also, PLEASE send me some of your finest brandy

What you don't seem able to get your head around is that there is no UK "voice" wanting us to have buckets of guns.

The tenor of the comments I have seen is that we are sorry you are in this gun mess.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Snsoc
It's been my experience that many Brits love to criticize America about everything, and this one is just too good to pass up because there's dead kids involved, and that proves that the America critics are right.

Why are some Brits so hyper-critical of America? Two reasons. First of all, England was the America of the 18th and 19th Centuries. It ruled the world. Now it doesn't. But the pride is still there, the national narcissism. And what every narcicist does when confronted with someone superior? Instead of improving, they sulk and find fault. And that's just what some Brits do-they criticize. We'll do the same thing-when America falls, we will still be acting like we're number one, long after we've become like Greece, Italy and Spain.

The other reason seems almost like a contradiction to the first, but it has to do with the class system in England. Even though they claim that it doesn't exist, it does, and it's hardwired into people. If you're working class, you don't go putting on airs and acting posh. It's bad form. The peasants should know their place. And that's what Britain thinks of us. We're their retarded cousins, a land of debt criminals and religious crazies. We think we managed to rule the world for the 20th Century, but to them it's all a farce, like the house servants putting on a lord's clothing and pretending to be in charge.

A lot of analysis in there but has it ever occurred to you that a country without a gun problem and which feels close to you, for whatever historical reasons., is just horrified and saddened by the latest event.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:15 AM
Just seen this on BBC news. Some of you don't think you have a problem ?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1

Just seen this on BBC news. Some of you don't think you have a problem ?

They were defending there right to burn there house down....

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:20 AM
I don't like to see kids getting killed no matter where they are from, But if you want to keep your guns you should start thinking about who is allowed to own one. Maybe a certain score on an IQ test or something.

No can agree that a moron with a loaded gun is a good thing, Can they?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:24 AM
I didnt have an opinion at all on this topic, but after reading the Americans comments and the so called comparison to the UK its made me think. Through a lot of the U.S comments shines fear this fear is based on a fundamental gun culture of your own creation. Some comment on we need guns to protect from this an that Like N.W.O or home invaders and so on. They only comparison i can say is the U.S is like a baby with a comfort blanket you take it away and it cries. They have had Guns for to long and FEAR not having them. I see it more as a psychological issue to keep there arms rather than a political one. One comment went on about protecting your family the thing with guns is it makes any age and sex a killer. I am in the UK and for me to protect my family consists of my fists rather than a grown man getting shot by a skinny little teenage boy with a gun.

Sorry about the rant at the end
i guess because its crimbo eve an i probably have had one to many.

Merry Christmas all

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

part of your comment made sense

keep your weapon for self defence...

but when people use the second amendment...they are not thinking right

the right to bear arms....has nothing to do with aggression....its a clause put in, giving you the ultimate rights for your bear arms....

it doesnt mean, pick up a weapon...put it in have the right to protect your freedom...

but who chooses what range of weapons are on offer?

i saw footage of a "gun store" on the news...he had a whole wall of assault weapons with 30+ mags, with grenade launcher attachments etc....he had many different types
quite frankly...this whole wall needs to be removed from public shocked that you can buy such things

pistols, rifles and shot guns are one thing.....but the need for it...unless your at war

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Underworlds


Guns aren't "outlawed".

Why truly bother explaining yet more fraudulent statistics to yet another "it's official so it must be true" American.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:42 PM
to all of you from the UK, bugger off. we kicked your arses out many years ago. we saved your arses in WWI and WWII. you surrendered your guns and gun violence and knife violence in you country is outrageous. the only thing that has kept Merry old England free from foreign occupation is Americans.

hell we have kept the whole world free right up until Obama gave the middle east back to the Muslims...

I got good new for any of you who think we will fail and faulter and become like the rest of socialized Europe, you're wrong we won't. their is a rifle behind every blade of grass, you want them? come get them.
edit on 24-12-2012 by ratedzero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ratedzero

Judging on the quality of your first post here I can see you becoming a well respected member of ATS.

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