I've been crying off and on all day since the story broke.
It felt like something inside of me was dying.
Then I realized that crying is a sign of life.
And then I was just thankful that I haven't lost my humanity even though I have lost hope.
Truly, I think the crux of the problem is the growing detachment/disassociation that is bound to trend given the rise of mass media and digital
communication which has all but dwarfed true, meaningful interaction. We've replaced flesh and blood with gadgets and wifi. Corporations treat us like
mindless sycophants worth only what we spend. Sitcoms depict us as one-dimensional, flat, lifeless simpletons ... robbing us of all complexity and
nobility. Banks see us as commodities. Our Gov't sees us as a useful idiots at best, a threat by default. Food corporations see us as $$. Big pharma
sees us all as sick - mentally, physically, or both. We're dehumanized, divided, depressed ...
... degraded by commercials, ads, tv shows, social media, news agencies, politicians, corporations and on and on.
It's an endless deluge from all directions - "DO THIS, DO THAT", "CONSUME", "CONFORM", "BUY THIS," "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU - TAKE THIS PILL",
... SUGGESTION is consuming our field of vision, filling our ears and minds - overwhelming our entire sensory apparatus and retarding our ability to
think calmly, critically, and clearly. Too much stimuli, too much information, paralysis by analysis, sensory overload ... and all that jazz.
Treat the human creature like it is a receptacle long enough, to be exploited and discarded - and it will start to feel like trash after a while. What
happens to a mind, a person that feels no self-worth or value or significance or sense of purpose? It begins to believe that it along with everyone
else is is indeed worthless. Desensitization and demoralization in action.
This is only augmented by other obvious factors: poor diet, psychopharmaceuticals, inert lifestyles, GMOs, pollution, wireless waves, the erosion of
the family unit, hysterical news agencies instilling fear into everyone, etc., etc.
And how do we react? We play the victim - again and again and again. We don't rise. We don't fight. We don't reclaim our dignity and our courage. We
fall pray. We cower. We cave to the fear. Not all of us but too many of us.
We live in shadowy, abstract, cryptic times ... if I HAD to describe what it feels like to be alive on this planet at this exact moment it would go a
little something like this:
It feels like we've been tasked with drawing up blueprints of the Taj Majal using an electron microscope to study the layout WHILE being in a small
room with 20 people ALL talking to you ALL at once ALL the time in perpetuity. Those are our tools. That's what we have to work with and the setting
in which to work. It's NO wonder no one knows what the hell is going on.
People are lost. Those among us with fragile minds ... are cracking.
As for the rest of us, we're just trying to hold onto whatever semblance of hope and internal fortitude we have left.
The growing disconnect among families, among friends and peers, among communities is rearing its ugly insidious head. When at risk individuals (with
CONFIRMED diagnoses - at least in numerous cases) are able to withdraw socially, steal/purchase firearms, plan a massacre without raising ANY flags
... that's a problem. Where were the parents? The siblings? An aunt? A teacher? A grandma? Heck, a co-worker or classmate?
We're losing touch with each other, with ourselves, with our humanity.
Platitudes aren't enough for me anymore. This was too much. Vacuous, overstated emotionalism isn't going to cut it. Posting some vaguely sentimental
memes on Facebook and carrying forth like nothing ever happened is not going to work for me anymore. I'm going to spend the rest of the night in
prayer and in mourning ... appealing to God for direction and wisdom. Perhaps, just perhaps I'll figure out what to do because I HAVE TO DO
Blessings to you all. And to those directly affected by this tragedy - I only wish I could shoulder your burden, if even in part.
edit on
15-12-2012 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)