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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:02 AM


So after you are thinking what the USA has told you...that they landed man on the moon you now fill in what you think that i think ? Please stop those silly thoughts.
edit on 24-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Like Rob48 I'm not American either, and I have no loyalty towards or general admiration of that country's government or politics - quite the opposite in fact. My pro-Apollo stance is because the evidence supporting the historical record is overwhelming and has never been disproven, no matter how many grandiose claims are made by anti-science web crusaders.

I am also old enough to have been around during the missions and don't have to rely on youtube for my understanding of the missions or their place in history.

What's interesting in your post here is that you ignore a point that criticises your maths and focus instead on attacking the poster by saying they are just repeating a government message. Says a lot.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:43 AM




Soylent Green Is People

reply to post by onebigmonkey

But I did speak for myself... and those are my videos.

edit on 24-3-2014 by FoosM because: (no reason given)

The videos are not working (at least not for me), so I can't address them.

However, in general, I have yet to see a convincing video made by a Moon hoax proponent. The "evidence" presented in the videos I have seen hold not water because they are usually made from ignorance of the subject matter (i.e., they are debunkable using real facts, real knowledge, and a real understanding of science, nature, photography, and technology -- and usually easily so).

However, I don't want to dismiss the evidence in your videos without seeing them, so please fix the links.

Are you guys saying that link I posted was not click-able?
Or did you just miss that post?

Welcome back Foosm in educating apollo believers in their wrong way of thinking.

Those youtube-video's are nice to watch and showing the obvious, that it all was a big hoax

...Thanx !!

Why DON'T you actually post something other than words, all we get from you is BS!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:44 AM
so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:00 AM


reply to post by webstra

Even if he'd managed to debunk those three images (which he hasn't), he'd still have 3,984 more to go, and that's just for Apollo 17.

Hoax believers really do have a mountain to climb. I wonder when they will give up...

Total minutes on the Moon amounted to 4834 minutes.
Total number of photographs taken was 5771 photos.

We have been told they were astronauts...not photographers...

It's all a BIG lie Rob.

5771 pictures WRONG!!!! how many were taken on the surface and how many were taken outside the lander because the total number of surface images from the 70mm Hasselblad cameras adds up to just under 4280 iirc .

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:03 AM


so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:09 AM

Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by wmd_2008

Obviously shadows follow terrain, but some hoax proponents also seem to ignore the effect of perspective has on shadows on FLAT terrain. Perspective (especially with relatively wide-angle lenses) will also cause non-parallel shadows. Hoax proponent often use images such as this to support their claims:

Yes I know that, I just used the image to show that even the simple idea of shadows following terrain was enough to confuse him into thinking that picture was faked.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:10 AM


so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well put it this way. There are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pieces if evidence that we did. However I can count the number of pieces of evidence that it was a hoax on the fingers of one knee.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:15 AM
OK, let's say Moon landing was real (I'm not 100%) do you all think there are other weird things surrounding the missions since NASA (or others) didn't do anything like it in quite some time.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by demus

What sort of "weird things"? If you mean "did they find things up there that they shouldn't have done?", then no. If you mean "why would politicians rather spend those billions on a messy and futile jungle jaunt in Vietnam (for instance) than on exploring the frickin' moon?" then yes, objectively I do find that weird but sadly it's human nature. If I was in charge of America's purse strings then you bet they'd have been back! Unfortunately I don't think the American electorate would vote for a Brit who likes geeky science stuff. They tend to prefer presidents who will go and blow up Johnny Foreigner, not waste money on boring astro stuff

By 1972 they'd been six times. They'd proved they could do it before the Russians, and they'd proved it was no fluke. Six out of seven ain't bad.

But it's insanely expensive to keep going back. You may have heard the soundbite that even if the moon were made out of solid gold, it wouldn't be cost effective to go there and mine it. Once you've been, taken some photos and brought back some rocks, the law of diminishing returns applies.

Anyway, we already have decent images of the landing sites thanks to the LRO. The LRO has mapped much of the moon in incredible detail, down to around 1 foot per pixel. As others have said, the tracks, footprints, rocks etc are just where they should be. This post from a few pages back has a lovely comparison of the LRO view with the view from the lunar module as it took off. Pretty conclusive huh?

Over the coming years hopefully more nations and even private enterprises will be back there. The question is, will anyone be able to make the financial sums add up?
edit on 25-3-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Rob48

so if there wasn't for competition with Russia, USA would never had visited Moon.?

reasons - 89% politics - 11% science

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 07:27 AM


so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Yes. I can introduce you to some of the astronauts if you'd like. They are 100% sure.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by demus

I wouldn't say never. I'm pretty sure they would have been by now, but certainly it was the intense rivalry with Russia in the 60s that sped up the process hugely. You can't beat a bit of ideological posturing to get things done

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 07:57 AM

reply to post by Rob48

so if there wasn't for competition with Russia, USA would never had visited Moon.?

reasons - 89% politics - 11% science

Everyone knows the only good reason to explore space is to spread the glorious worker's paradise to other planets.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by DJW001

don't spread your communism here...

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Again... watch the other videos

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:09 AM

reply to post by FoosM

I planted the goalpost.

OK, well I just set the rules of the game.
Still want to play?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by FoosM

So, are you going to show everyone where I lied, are you going to apologize... or am I going to have to report you to the Mods? Personal attacks like the one you made against me violate the T&C.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:17 AM

reply to post by webstra

Even if he'd managed to debunk those three images (which he hasn't), he'd still have 3,984 more to go, and that's just for Apollo 17.

Hoax believers really do have a mountain to climb. I wonder when they will give up...

No, thats not how it works.
If any of the photos have been faked, it invalidates all photos as evidence.
Ive shown clear evidence of fakery in the photography and apollo videos.
Therefore, photo and video evidence provided as proof of the moonlandings can no longer be used.

What else is there? Rocks?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:24 AM


reply to post by webstra

Even if he'd managed to debunk those three images (which he hasn't), he'd still have 3,984 more to go, and that's just for Apollo 17.

Hoax believers really do have a mountain to climb. I wonder when they will give up...

Total minutes on the Moon amounted to 4834 minutes.
Total number of photographs taken was 5771 photos.

We have been told they were astronauts...not photographers...

It's all a BIG lie Rob.

Indeed, and if I recall correctly NASA can't even account when & where
all the photos were taken when they tried to map them.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:28 AM



Soylent Green Is People

reply to post by FoosM

your video is of the assumption that schmitt jumped into the seat only once..

I think he jumped "into" the seat once, but going by what they said to each other, it could be that Jack Schmitt "bounced" up and down a few times to ham it up for the camera. Schmitt laughed after Gene Cernan said "I got three of them" (three pictures while Schmitt jumped/bounced in his seat).

It could even be that several seconds had passed while Cernan was taking the three pictures.

edit on 3/24/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

Watch the following videos in the series.
We will see how many of your "could be's" hold up.

did.. and its still of the assumption that it was only one jump into the LRV..

who is to say that Schmitt did not have a practice jump and realised the scoop/sampler was in the way (without realising cernan had already taken a photo)
thus he removed it holding it in his right hand and while jumping into the seat for the photo, not realising that he had dropped the scoop/sampler onto the ground..

being of the assumption that it all happened in one jump is also a "could be"
edit on 24-3-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

Who is to say?
Well NASA's own transcripts do.
They limit the time any of what you are imagining could happen.

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