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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:34 AM




Soylent Green Is People

reply to post by FoosM

your video is of the assumption that schmitt jumped into the seat only once..

I think he jumped "into" the seat once, but going by what they said to each other, it could be that Jack Schmitt "bounced" up and down a few times to ham it up for the camera. Schmitt laughed after Gene Cernan said "I got three of them" (three pictures while Schmitt jumped/bounced in his seat).

It could even be that several seconds had passed while Cernan was taking the three pictures.

edit on 3/24/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

Watch the following videos in the series.
We will see how many of your "could be's" hold up.

did.. and its still of the assumption that it was only one jump into the LRV..

who is to say that Schmitt did not have a practice jump and realised the scoop/sampler was in the way (without realising cernan had already taken a photo)
thus he removed it holding it in his right hand and while jumping into the seat for the photo, not realising that he had dropped the scoop/sampler onto the ground..

being of the assumption that it all happened in one jump is also a "could be"
edit on 24-3-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

Who is to say?
Well NASA's own transcripts do.
They limit the time any of what you are imagining could happen.

We settled all that here, remember?

Now stop evading and apologize.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:35 AM



So after you are thinking what the USA has told you...that they landed man on the moon you now fill in what you think that i think ? Please stop those silly thoughts.
edit on 24-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Like Rob48 I'm not American either, and I have no loyalty towards or general admiration of that country's government or politics - quite the opposite in fact. My pro-Apollo stance is because the evidence supporting the historical record is overwhelming and has never been disproven, no matter how many grandiose claims are made by anti-science web crusaders.

I am also old enough to have been around during the missions and don't have to rely on youtube for my understanding of the missions or their place in history.

What's interesting in your post here is that you ignore a point that criticises your maths and focus instead on attacking the poster by saying they are just repeating a government message. Says a lot.

Well since you are old enough to remember these moonlandings, explain how these astronauts managed to lift up their LM!

I mean, did you notice that before? And if you did, did you think it was normal?

How do you explain the LM not crashing if its leg was loose?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:37 AM



so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:40 AM




so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

Have the Russians proven the images to be fake?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:41 AM

reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:42 AM


reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:42 AM





so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

Have the Russians proven the images to be fake?

Have the Russians proven THEY can even go to the moon?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:44 AM



reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:48 AM




reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


The apology is for accusing me of lying. That makes you the liar, not me. I finally managed to see the video. Remember when we discussed it three years ago? The ladder doesn't move, the camera moves. It is mounted on a hinged platform that can shake when the astronauts bounce down the ladder. Remember?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:53 AM




so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

Hey SHADOW man it doesn't matter who owns it there are HUNDREDS of small objects/craters that can be seen on LRO images that match with Hasselblad images.

Now if you are still struggling with light paths and shadows I can get some school kids to show you how that works!!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:01 AM




reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


This is what your videos look like when you post them as youtube links and not urls

That simple enough for you?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:03 AM





reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


The apology is for accusing me of lying. That makes you the liar, not me. I finally managed to see the video. Remember when we discussed it three years ago? The ladder doesn't move, the camera moves. It is mounted on a hinged platform that can shake when the astronauts bounce down the ladder. Remember?

The ladder moves. And it moves while the astronauts are on the ground, not bouncing down the ladder.
Sorry, you fail again.
Watch this folks:

But if you insist its the camera moving, why doesn't the entire image tilt?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:06 AM





so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

Hey SHADOW man it doesn't matter who owns it there are HUNDREDS of small objects/craters that can be seen on LRO images that match with Hasselblad images.

So NASA's Hasselblad images match their own LRO images...
Wow. Amazing. Bravo. Who would have thunk?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:07 AM





reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


This is what your videos look like when you post them as youtube links and not urls

That simple enough for you?

Take it up with ATS, YOUTUBE, or your internet provider, why are you bothering me with it when
I provide directs links as well.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:07 AM






reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


The apology is for accusing me of lying. That makes you the liar, not me. I finally managed to see the video. Remember when we discussed it three years ago? The ladder doesn't move, the camera moves. It is mounted on a hinged platform that can shake when the astronauts bounce down the ladder. Remember?

The ladder moves. And it moves while the astronauts are on the ground, not bouncing down the ladder.
Sorry, you fail again.
Watch this folks:

But if you insist its the camera moving, why doesn't the entire image tilt?

It's called parallax. The ladder is much, much closer to the camera than the horizon, which is the only other thing in shot.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:08 AM






so guys, can anyone tell me for sure did "we" landed on the Moon or not?
I mean 100% sure?

Well all the landing sites were pictured by the LRO in orbit around the Moon and very small craters and rocks that are in the Hasselblad images taken by the Astronauts can be seen in the LRO images there are hundreds of these small objects so that alone is enough proof well for anyone with a reasonable level of common sense.

LRO was owned by who? The Russians?

Hey SHADOW man it doesn't matter who owns it there are HUNDREDS of small objects/craters that can be seen on LRO images that match with Hasselblad images.

So NASA's Hasselblad images match their own LRO images...
Wow. Amazing. Bravo. Who would have thunk?

They also match images from Chandra, Kaguya, Lunikh....

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:10 AM

Take it up with ATS, YOUTUBE, or your internet provider, why are you bothering me with it when
I provide directs links as well.

The problem is with the way YOU are trying to link it.
It's caused by improper formatting on YOUR end, not an ATS or YouTube issue.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:11 AM
I wish to apologize to any new member who has stumbled onto this thread. Moon Hoax debates aren't usually this lame. Much of the content here is being recycled from this thread:

edit on 25-3-2014 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:12 AM







reply to post by FoosM

Once again, you have posted a dead link. Are you doing that deliberately?

No, but I think Dave and Jim deliberately lifted the leg of the LM to show it was fake.

Where do they do that? Your video doesn't work. And you owe me an apology.

Im not going to apologize if you cant watch videos on ATS.
Maybe your job is blocking content.
Would that be NASA perhaps?


The apology is for accusing me of lying. That makes you the liar, not me. I finally managed to see the video. Remember when we discussed it three years ago? The ladder doesn't move, the camera moves. It is mounted on a hinged platform that can shake when the astronauts bounce down the ladder. Remember?

The ladder moves. And it moves while the astronauts are on the ground, not bouncing down the ladder.
Sorry, you fail again.
Watch this folks:

But if you insist its the camera moving, why doesn't the entire image tilt?

It's called parallax. The ladder is much, much closer to the camera than the horizon, which is the only other thing in shot.

So now you are claiming the rest of the LM and the astronaut(s) are far out in the horizon?
So that what we are seeing is only the LM's ladder in the foreground and the rest is in the background.

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