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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 12:13 AM

blatantly wrong..

did you not watch the show at all?? are you only aware of the LRRR section?? the mythbusters did tackle the theories of hoaxers.. that was the whole point of that episode..

you sir, are a liar


Does it really surprize you he would lie to people really? Hes put forth no evidence of a hoax other than lies and innuendos.Show us what nixon watched and somehow thinks this proves something hes not been rational the entire thread.

It's so sad to see the Apollo Mythbuddies taking the easy road... name calling, bullying, calling me a liar because I have a different opinion about episode #104... calling me a liar for expressing my opinions and my interpretation of the Apollo narrative.

Let me put something into perspective for you.

It has been 41 years, 1 month and a day since the last time humans went into outerspace.

Who were those humans who went to outer space?
Employees of Richard Nixon the 37th President of the United States of America, January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974.

edit on 1/21/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: add data

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 12:31 AM


blatantly wrong..

did you not watch the show at all?? are you only aware of the LRRR section?? the mythbusters did tackle the theories of hoaxers.. that was the whole point of that episode..

you sir, are a liar


Does it really surprize you he would lie to people really? Hes put forth no evidence of a hoax other than lies and innuendos.Show us what nixon watched and somehow thinks this proves something hes not been rational the entire thread.

It's so sad to see the Apollo Mythbuddies taking the easy road... name calling, bullying, calling me a liar because I have a different opinion about episode #104... calling me a liar for expressing my opinions and my interpretation of the Apollo narrative.

Let me put something into perspective for you.

It has been 41 years, 1 month and a day since the last time humans went into outerspace.

Who were those humans who went to outer space?
Employees of Richard Nixon the 37th President of the United States of America, January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974.

edit on 1/21/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: add data

Its not name calling when its true or else you need to re watch the episode if you even watched it in the first place. When you make a false narrative its called lying.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Its not name calling when its true or else you need to re watch the episode if you even watched it in the first place. When you make a false narrative its called lying.

You along with your Mythbuddies are the ones promoting the false narratives. I have examined the Apollo narrative that you are Apollo Defending. It's full of Apollo holes, pal. Big, ripping holes.

If you wanna shill for Discovery, Mythbuddies, Phil Plait and Jay Windley then please go ahead and do that. But don't make it personal, pal. You won't drag me down with you, pal.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:17 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

Its not name calling when its true or else you need to re watch the episode if you even watched it in the first place. When you make a false narrative its called lying.

You along with your Mythbuddies are the ones promoting the false narratives. I have examined the Apollo narrative that you are Apollo Defending. It's full of Apollo holes, pal. Big, ripping holes.

If you wanna shill for Discovery, Mythbuddies, Phil Plait and Jay Windley then please go ahead and do that. But don't make it personal, pal. You won't drag me down with you, pal.

Your the one instead of arguing against them attacked there credibility easy to do from your living room do you have a PHD? Dr phil Plait does in fact worked on the hubble telescope. Youve shown a constant lack of knowledge in even the most basic science but ill tell you what. What was wrong with the experiments lets go after the ball shall we. So how about the study of the lighting in the apollo pictures. Or do you care to argue with special effects experts on the film of apollo? You know they examined it and you know being special effects artists that would know if its shot in a studio.How about them trying to slow down the video to mimic the astronauts gait but really couldn't move because of earths gravity.

And since you liked to attack them i figured maybe you would like to hear there response.

There seems to be a common tendency among conspiracy theorists, as well as among a lot of people with entrenched belief systems, to get stuck on an idea and never give up. Conspiracy theories are not really a special category -- maybe you can call them myths, but I look at them as an obsession that people want to maintain, like being abducted by aliens, Bigfoot and so on. You can't really expect that reasonable evidence will change anyone's mind if they are determined," observed Hyneman.

In my experience, you can't convince a conspiracy theorist that the sky is blue even if he is looking up," said Byron.

"The moon hoax shares its roots with every other conspiracy theory: the strangely comforting idea that someone is REALLY in charge, for good or ill. The idea of an overarching intelligence that moves things and public opinion with perfect precision is the subject of countless books and movies, but in reality it's far from true. We WANT it to be true, but good and evil are usually far more banal," explained Savage. "Do we really think that the same government that screwed up so badly during the Watergate scandal could have perpetrated the moon hoax? Come on!"

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Your the one instead of arguing against them attacked there credibility easy to do from your living room do you have a PHD? Dr phil Plait does in fact worked on the hubble telescope.

Frank Shakespeare was a TV executive for 20 years when Richard Nixon snagged him for Director of the United States Information Agency. Do you know what the USIA does?

Shakespeare was president of CBS Television in New York from 1950 to 1969[1] when he was appointed by President Richard Nixon as director of the United States Information Agency.[3] He returned to the private sector in 1973, and became an executive vice president of Westinghouse in New York. In 1975, he became vice chairman of RKO General.

Westinghouse, of course, built the TV cameras for the Apollo program and RKO General, historically, was linked to Howard Hughes. Who had the bright idea of putting Nixon on live TV talking with the Apollo 11 crew on the moon? You guessed it?
Frank Shakespeare.

And that's Frank Borman supervising the production.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:41 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

Your the one instead of arguing against them attacked there credibility easy to do from your living room do you have a PHD? Dr phil Plait does in fact worked on the hubble telescope.

Frank Shakespeare was a TV executive for 20 years when Richard Nixon snagged him for Director of the United States Information Agency. Do you know what the USIA does?

Shakespeare was president of CBS Television in New York from 1950 to 1969[1] when he was appointed by President Richard Nixon as director of the United States Information Agency.[3] He returned to the private sector in 1973, and became an executive vice president of Westinghouse in New York. In 1975, he became vice chairman of RKO General.

Westinghouse, of course, built the TV cameras for the Apollo program and RKO General, historically, was linked to Howard Hughes. Who had the bright idea of putting Nixon on live TV talking with the Apollo 11 crew on the moon? You guessed it?
Frank Shakespeare.

And that's Frank Borman supervising the production.

How do you explain the fact that Apollo 15-17 used the RCA J-Series GCTA ? See if you truly knew what you were talking about you would know this. And as usual making a connection that wasn't there great deductive reasoning you have there, Once again you have nothing but misleading statements.Do you even know why westinghouse was used for the first two launches?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 03:23 AM


It's so sad to see the Apollo Mythbuddies taking the easy road... name calling, bullying, calling me a liar because I have a different opinion about episode #104... calling me a liar for expressing my opinions and my interpretation of the Apollo narrative.

did the mythbusters attempt to tackle the moon landing hoax theories or not??

they pitted their theory to the moon landing hoax theory and came to the conclusion that the manned lunar missions occured as presented..

you just quoted from jay windley to show that the mythbusters did not do this.. and then you continued to focus on your super advanced robots..

so therefore you have lied..

Let me put something into perspective for you.

It has been 41 years, 1 month and a day since the last time humans went into outerspace.

and what does this prove???

let me put it in this perspective..

the concord hasnt flown passengers at supersonic speeds since 2003.. does that mean it never flew passengers at supersonic speeds??

Who were those humans who went to outer space?
Employees of Richard Nixon the 37th President of the United States of America, January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974.

cool story, but Nixon being president or not doesnt stop the missions from happening.. all the R&D occured before he was president.. they were going with or without Nixon.. but anyways, how does Nixon fake the lunar landing in such a short time frame?? is he omnipotent??

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 04:01 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

Your the one instead of arguing against them attacked there credibility easy to do from your living room do you have a PHD? Dr phil Plait does in fact worked on the hubble telescope.

Frank Shakespeare was a TV executive for 20 years when Richard Nixon snagged him for Director of the United States Information Agency. Do you know what the USIA does?

Shakespeare was president of CBS Television in New York from 1950 to 1969[1] when he was appointed by President Richard Nixon as director of the United States Information Agency.[3] He returned to the private sector in 1973, and became an executive vice president of Westinghouse in New York. In 1975, he became vice chairman of RKO General.

Westinghouse, of course, built the TV cameras for the Apollo program and RKO General, historically, was linked to Howard Hughes. Who had the bright idea of putting Nixon on live TV talking with the Apollo 11 crew on the moon? You guessed it?
Frank Shakespeare.

And that's Frank Borman supervising the production.

Shock news: TV camera company asked to make TV cameras for TV broadcast using cameras.

None of your post proves Apollo did not happen as described in the history books.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 06:52 AM


It has been 41 years, 1 month and a day since the last time humans went into outerspace.

....and the clock is ticking and ticking. And nobody seems to notice and nobody seems to care.....only hoax-believers seems to have a clear view thinking :

Something ain't right here for a long long time :-)

edit on 21-1-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:04 AM

How do you explain the fact that Apollo 15-17 used the RCA J-Series GCTA ? See if you truly knew what you were talking about you would know this.

You know what's funny, it's this bizarre comment from regarding the cameras used on apollo 15.

To save size, weight and power consumption, the TV camera on board the CM has only one imaging tube, rather than the three or four found in contemporary colour cameras.

How utterly ridiculous. Out of all the equipment that was supposedly aboard apollo 15, we are expected to believe the TV camera only contained one imaging tube because of weight constraints. Preposterous.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:35 AM


How utterly ridiculous. Out of all the equipment that was supposedly aboard apollo 15, we are expected to believe the TV camera only contained one imaging tube because of weight constraints. Preposterous.

and thats why you are not an engineer..

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:45 AM


How do you explain the fact that Apollo 15-17 used the RCA J-Series GCTA ? See if you truly knew what you were talking about you would know this.

You know what's funny, it's this bizarre comment from regarding the cameras used on apollo 15.

To save size, weight and power consumption, the TV camera on board the CM has only one imaging tube, rather than the three or four found in contemporary colour cameras.

How utterly ridiculous. Out of all the equipment that was supposedly aboard apollo 15, we are expected to believe the TV camera only contained one imaging tube because of weight constraints. Preposterous.


Did it work or not?

Feel free to explain why it wouldn't.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by choos

did the mythbusters attempt to tackle the moon landing hoax theories or not??

I already stated my opinion on the matter several times choos. Mythbuddies had a 1 hour program. Actually less than 1 hour because of all the commercials... you know the little advertisements in-between the segments?? Mythbuddies is entertainment, you ignorant fool!!

they pitted their theory to the moon landing hoax theory and came to the conclusion that the manned lunar missions occured as presented..

No, the Mythbuddies called their Apollo buddies, Phil Plait and Jay Windley. They wrote a script, performed simulations and broadcast it on TV, just the same way Apollo fooled everyone back during Nixon's presidency. TV is great for propaganda.

you just quoted from jay windley to show that the mythbusters did not do this.. and then you continued to focus on your super advanced robots.. so therefore you have lied..
That's name calling choos.

The Mythbuddies selected easy straw man arguments, performed questionable tests and declared victory after 1 TV show. That's called falsification of the narrative. Poor choos, why are you defending the Mythbuddies when they have been shot full of holes?

let me put it in this perspective..

the concord...

That's a transfer choos. You are now guilty of spreading propaganda?.

NASA has been studying the low earth environment for the last 40 years because they have never been in 'outer space'. Each Apollo mission must be taken on the merits choos. Every mission has faults, every mission happened when Nixon was in power.

One laser test does not prove Apollo 15 landed men on the moon. That is the major point I am making... and Mythbuddies are scientific frauds because that's exactly what they have done with the laser segment.

Think of all the kids who watched that show and adore the Mythbuddies. It's horrible scientific method and you know it is --
now these poor children will be misinformed and misguided by the antics of Phil Plait and Jay Windley, too.

The power of TV is like a mass mind control. Be aware of what you are watching and how it affects the world.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

You of all people talking about bad debate tactics you hit them all thats just hilarious. I noticed whenever you lose you go straight to that instead of debate the topic. You also never answer any questions and thats simply because you have no proof only lies. If you truly believe apollo was faked prove it but you cant can you?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:23 PM


I already stated my opinion on the matter several times choos. Mythbuddies had a 1 hour program. Actually less than 1 hour because of all the commercials... you know the little advertisements in-between the segments?? Mythbuddies is entertainment, you ignorant fool!!

yes and they presented their opinions based on hoax believer theories.. which you said they never did.. you lied sir.

No, the Mythbuddies called their Apollo buddies, Phil Plait and Jay Windley. They wrote a script, performed simulations and broadcast it on TV, just the same way Apollo fooled everyone back during Nixon's presidency. TV is great for propaganda.

yes to tackle hoax believer theories which you said they never did, you lied sir.

That's name calling choos.

thats denial sayonara

The Mythbuddies selected easy straw man arguments, performed questionable tests and declared victory after 1 TV show. That's called falsification of the narrative. Poor choos, why are you defending the Mythbuddies when they have been shot full of holes?

falsification of the narrative?? where in the narrative does the super advanced tranforming remotely controlled mobots with unlimited fuel fit in?? you sir are falsifying the narrative with your dream machines..

That's a transfer choos. You are now guilty of spreading propaganda?.

and your quote wasnt transfer?? how is the concord different from the lunar landing?? concord stopped ferrying passengers at supersonic speeds in 2003.. NASA stopped ferrying astronauts to the moon in 72.. yet it proves NASA never landed on the moon?? double standards much?? or is it another attempt to clutch at straws?

NASA has been studying the low earth environment for the last 40 years because they have never been in 'outer space'. Each Apollo mission must be taken on the merits choos. Every mission has faults, every mission happened when Nixon was in power.

never been in outer space?? studying LEO environment for last 40 years?? boy i feel sorry for all those probes on/around mars saturn and voyager probes.. hubble is just another spy satellite to spy on the soviets right??

One laser test does not prove Apollo 15 landed men on the moon. That is the major point I am making... and Mythbuddies are scientific frauds because that's exactly what they have done with the laser segment.

one laser test pointed at the laser reflection placed by the apollo 15 crew does actually prove apollo 15 landed on the moon..
it proves there is a man made object on the moon..

Think of all the kids who watched that show and adore the Mythbuddies. It's horrible scientific method and you know it is --
now these poor children will be misinformed and misguided by the antics of Phil Plait and Jay Windley, too.

and the antics of sayonarajupiter is what you believe people should believe?? hmmm let me see.. knowledgable people with expertise in their fields with credentials to back it up..

or some random poster spreading propaganda and making up lies for his/her own unknown purposes.. hmmm

The power of TV is like a mass mind control. Be aware of what you are watching and how it affects the world.

written from the greatest propagandist on this site.
edit on 21-1-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:25 PM

you ignorant fool!!

That's name calling choos.


posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by ppk55

PPK, I have nice piece of source material that talks specifically about the weight of NASA cameras. I'll post it when I can find it my old link to it.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:09 AM


you ignorant fool!!

That's name calling choos.


Come on guys What's with all the name calling? Why can't we all be pals?

I came here to ATS to vigorously debate the Apollo Believers. I found some well spoken Apollo Defenders vigorously defending the official story of Apollo. But there is a certain extremist sect within that body of Apollo Believers who basically operate like terrorists on message boards, using intimidation tactics and propaganda to achieve their main goal. The main goal for them is to maintain ignorance of the moon in the general population. Are you one of them?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:43 AM

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

You of all people talking about bad debate tactics you hit them all thats just hilarious. I noticed whenever you lose you go straight to that instead of debate the topic. You also never answer any questions and thats simply because you have no proof only lies. If you truly believe apollo was faked prove it but you cant can you?

What's wrong with reminding people, from time to time, about propaganda and how it can be identified? Go easy with those accusations, Dragon.

Let's get back to talking about

What is NASA hiding on the Moon?

edit on 1/22/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: for sure

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:52 AM

let me put it in this perspective..

the concord hasnt flown passengers at supersonic speeds since 2003.. does that mean it never flew passengers at supersonic speeds??

Well, according to the "logic" of some people here, yes, that means Concorde never flew any passengers at supersonic speed!

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