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Have you noticed the backtracking from 'end of the world' to 'a new age' ?

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:34 PM
I am so glad to read your posts. You are awesome. Finally a fresh air of intelligence on ATS!
We need more people like you, ATS needs more people like you. In fact with enough intelligent people they would have to change ATS name to something else.

If indeed there was so ancient advanced civilization before us like some of these crazies claim then why can't we find their technologically advanced equipment. Where are their satellites? Oh i see, evil reptoid aliens wiped the other advanced civilization and now are hiding in their caves and underground facilities. What a bunch of utter nonsense. Welcome to ATS!

Originally posted by bknapple32

Originally posted by Scouser640

Originally posted by bknapple32

Originally posted by Juggernog
reply to post by bknapple32

The cell phone thing was just an example..
Anyway, I will say this. I am one of those people that believes that civilization has advanced before and something significant happened and had to start over.
Then people will ask, well what happened to all of the buildings etc? If youve seen that show, "life after people" or something like that, youll see that after only about 1000 years, the only structures left, are the ones made out of solid stone, everything else returns to the earth.

I can personally attest (been on actual digs)that there are remnants of mogollon (mimbres, NM) pit houses and they were basic as basic gets. And if we can find those, then what we have produced would be able to be found thousands of years after the end. IF a civilization was at the level we were at in the past, there would be evidence in the archaeological record, its that simple. And there isn't.

No. The archaeological record isn't complete. And different environments preserve better than others. People throughout history tend to live near water, if the water level increases it would destroy and/or hide a lot of artifacts. Then there is the idea of hidden archaeology. Things found that don't fit with mainstream archaeology and the Ex Luxe Orienta idea still cherished by so many. Remember absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. And I agree with AfterInfinity and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.

I never said the archeological record was complete. But there has never been one single discovery even HINTING at the notion of some kind of civilization as advanced as we are today. YOu can make all the wild claims you want, and its easy to say well ' no ones found it, so you cant prove it wrong'. At some point one needs to rely on facts and data. And so far there is zero.

Look, I would love it if a discovery like that could be made, It would change the planet, and I promise you the inner child of every archeologist would love to be the one to find such a thing. But this isnt like finding a new species that others claimed to not exist. We're talking about, in your words, a civilization as advanced as us. That means the use of plastics.. microchips, steel, iron, there would be something left. And it would have been big enough, and it would have been massive enough to have been found. A civilization like that wouldn't have been some small nook of the globe. If this existed in the past, then they would have had agriculture, which means ,they would have had a large population. Large enough for more evidence in the record. Yet.... nothing. I wonder why.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:42 PM
Do you have ANY evidence that a ruling elite controls this world? Well except what Alex Jones claims or Jordan Maxwell or David Icke? I mean REAL evidence? Where? I though so ... Nowhere to be found. Except pointing finger at some bankers who are supposedly involved in child sacrifice and black magic. Any person and I mean any sane person no matter where they are from, Africa or Canada or Bulgaria would think they are crazy and they will be correct. You might not be mentally crazy but you and people like yourself are TOTALLY Delusional. How do I know this? Because I have been there. Been there for too long and waking up from these delusions took me a lot of courage. When you allow yourself to be brainwashed but people such as Alex Jones and alike your mind cannot perceive reality. It's like being drunk or high most of the time only it's on conspiracy theories, paranormal, new age etc ...

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

Originally posted by scooter3200

First of all, the archaeological record is not only incomplete, I believe it to only reflect what the ruling class want everyone else to know . the scientific community covers up any profound truths that would change the perception we already have. It took the elite much work to create and maintain the worldview we all have, yes it is of their design. Now I don't care how long you been into archeology, how good you are at it, or whether you believe that you should know exactly how the scientific community runs things. you where educated and molded by a system that is false at best. If there "IS" or "WAS" ever any physical evidence that would suggest that there was advanced technology or anything useful, and quite different than what we think we know, anything that refutes the current claims of the scientific community will never be made public. you will never hear of it. Now some stories have leaked, but those are and have been for the most part been squashed, covered up and forgotten. If one was interested in looking to see if this was really how they do things, one could easily find proof in the way of examples how many scientists have lost their careers and been destroyed for trying to display any physical evidence or theory that goes against the mandate of the scientific community.

edit on 25-11-2012 by scooter3200 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-11-2012 by scooter3200 because: cause the quote didnt work

reply to post by scooter3200

reply to post by bknapple32

you both might want to take a look at Slayer69's "The Destruction of Human History"
which deals with the "editing" of the historical record by TCOTBIP

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyBuff
I also wondered about this. For some reason I decided to see what the numerology of 12/21/12 could be broken down into.

1+2=3 2+1=3 1+2=3






More of a stretch here:



30/6=5 24/6=4


To me 9 first represented simply "the end". But one could argue it also means "the end of the cycle" which goes hand-in-hand with the Mayan Prophecies. At first I believed the "mystery schools" aka "new age movement" used this to create fear, but now are utilizing it so some people think we are entering into some kind of golden age.

Interesting take on things, but maybe you should re-work your numbers and see what you come up with -- the year is 2012, not 0012.

To the OP, I don't really think this is a cop out. There has long been a school of thought that is the alternative to the End Of The World, group, and that other side has usually been that of "end of a cycle" or "great change" which is often seen or thought of as a "change in consciousness."

I think what's happening is that you're just seeing and hearing more about this other group as we approach the date. I will admit that prior to the early to mid 2000's, I never knew there was a such a school of thought, myself. But it's been there, and it's been steadily growing.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:59 PM
Here's my take on this. The 2012ers are just like the Republicans before the election. Predicting a landslide victory for the Republican party while at the same time poo-poo-ing the sound science behind surveys and even creating their own "unskewed" polls.

We all know how well that went for them. Karl Rove's LIVE melt-down on TV and Romney's refusal to accept it for days after the loss. What's worse is that many of them are still to this day saying the elections were rigged and reality is fake

Well picture the same outcome with the 2012ers. Us "skeptics" just gave up on trying to convince the faithful reality deniers that they're wrong. Time will take care of their delusion. And well if some of those 2012ers commit suicide or crimes expecting something to happen then it will only be natural selection at work

But fear not for the meaning of the end of the world will be transformed into the end of an era and start of a new one, or even spiritual awakening, just like the Republicans re-defined "acts of terror" in the context of Benghazi!

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Theres the rub... The change in eras cant really be measured. So some of those believing in the change of era stuff can easily say "yea it happened" but those of us asking what, will be told, well its not my fault you cant feel the change.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:23 AM
Apparently if you aren't ready for 2012 you are not going to ascend into the 5th dimension. Now that I come to think about it I would rather not ascend with a bunch of naive new age believers who will make my eternity in heaven a living hell.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:25 AM
In my experience, nothing really has changed recently. Those of us who were talking about this in the 1970s were having the same disagreement. (yes, the topic was around 'way back then'! And no, we weren't using cans and a string to talk about it!

Still the same relative percentage on both sides. What I see is not so much a change in people's beliefs as their continuing education on the subject. They come to it as a sensation from some panicked source which has pushed the 'end of the world' for nothing more than sensationalism or to get them to buy something. As they learn more about the subject they start to understand a little more of the Maya and become less concerned about the end of all things human. It's a natural progression that has been happening for a long time in regards to this subject.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

I have been predicting some sort of Cognitive Dissonace like this for a year.

edit on 26/11/12 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by thektotheg
reply to post by bknapple32

That's not true at all. As long as I've studied such things, there has been a strong corner of the argument claiming it was simply the "end of the world as we know it." That we were evolving or transcending to a new dimensional consciousness. This is not a new idea, nor is it anymore prevalent now. More people have joined the debate, is all.

I second this...

There are many who have never said it was the 'end of the world'...and I would seriously doubt that the 'backtrackers' did any real thinking on the subject...they are most probably the newbs to the subject, going for the exoteric interpretation of all cycle stories (if they even looked at these, at all)...

This is not a new idea...(the cycle story, that is)...what is new, is the preponderence for people with waaay too much time on thier hands to post in forums like ATS to have been doing any real reading on the subject...most everyone has a web connection, and we all like to use it to blow our little horns (as off key as they can be sometimes)...


posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:53 AM
Why would people get this end of the world idea ? Lets see , global warming , the oceans polluted and fish being depleted ,ozone layer being depleted , Fukushima fuel rod pool collapsing and could extinguish life on earth , economic system failing ,oil running out ,Agenda 21 population reduction . Then there is the fact that large seed banks are being built in case of an extinction catastrophe , Many deep underground bunkers being built by the Elite . Do they know something ? There is Yellowstone , increased seismic activity and then the Nibiru Planet X debacle to cause more worry . Then the bible . The world will not end for at least 1007 years per the Bible . The Mayan thing is quite extraordinary along with all of the unanswered questions brought to mind by the presentation called Ancient Aliens . People do not feel secure with their Government , National Treasuries and their interaction with the Global Government and Global Banking .
Then there is that very large astroid belt that orbits the Sun .A medium sized fast Asteroid could make us like that . Our moon could be easily destroyed and earth would die .

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:53 AM
Yes Mayan people are upset with those whom claim it's the end of the world. According to them all it really says it is the end of age, an end of a big cycle. So what is all the fuzz about then? Do we anticipate end of the year and the beginning of a new one like some of you for Dec 21st 2012? Why then give it so much attention if it's the end of an age? So what? Big deal ... Why should I even care? If on Dec 21 2012 there no spiritual, religious or otherwise catastrophic events then why even talk about it at all? I am just puzzled .... I think people need to move on with their life and live in the now. Stop worrying about aliens taking over your planet, Illuminati, end of the world etc ... Why not enjoy life for what it is?

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:56 AM
You basically summarized all of the articles you just read on the web for the past 5 years. I wonder what would have happened if I tuned off your internet. Would you still be taking about agenda 21 and such if you couldn't download Alex Jones show. Well I guess you could always listen to his crazy rants over the radio.

Originally posted by SimonPeter
Why would people get this end of the world idea ? Lets see , global warming , the oceans polluted and fish being depleted ,ozone layer being depleted , Fukushima fuel rod pool collapsing and could extinguish life on earth , economic system failing ,oil running out ,Agenda 21 population reduction . Then there is the fact that large seed banks are being built in case of an extinction catastrophe , Many deep underground bunkers being built by the Elite . Do they know something ? There is Yellowstone , increased seismic activity and then the Nibiru Planet X debacle to cause more worry . Then the bible . The world will not end for at least 1007 years per the Bible . The Mayan thing is quite extraordinary along with all of the unanswered questions brought to mind by the presentation called Ancient Aliens . People do not feel secure with their Government , National Treasuries and their interaction with the Global Government and Global Banking .

Then there is that very large astroid belt that orbits the Sun .A medium sized fast Asteroid could make us like that . Our moon could be easily destroyed and earth would die .

edit on 26-11-2012 by stanislav because: (no reason given)

Oh wait! You forgot to add Strange Sounds all over the world to you list of anomalies!
edit on 26-11-2012 by stanislav because: had to add something

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:56 AM
This shift in view happened a few years back, about 2006-2008 I think, as people started paying attention to the Myan Myths (and I firmly believe they are just that, Myths).

Many people believe that the new age will herald a dawning of spiritualism and enlightenment.

Unfortunately, I think it will be just another day.

Until there is a significant event that threatens the entire planet, mankind will never come together as one, and will continue to be a little blue speck in an insignificant area of the vast blackness of nothingness that is the Universe.

I wish that people fighting over their own little issues (even the big ones) could take a look at our planet from millions of miles away and have their whole little squabble put into perspective. Even viewed from a few hundred miles above, people and cities vanish away and you can just see the whole pointlessness of our little daily squabbles when compared to the big picture.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

Yeah you try telling that to a Muslim Extremist terrorist. I am sure THAT will make him think twice before blowing an entire bus of children and himself.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:03 AM
I have noticed it too, probably because when nothing happens they don't want to look like morons who bought into the hype.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:10 AM
its always been new age babble to me from the get go, deep down ive always wanted to see it end, but i always knew it would end up being new agey etc. the real terrifying idea nobody seems to point out, and that is what if it truly is a new age thing, what if some new energy or 'force' or even visiting beings bring this to light. i mean new agers are crazy until they are onto something right? supposed a new being visits us, something granting healing and energy etc all that new age stuff, then were gonna flock to the new agers.. and their agenda. see my point? there will be an agenda. i really have been feeling like less than 4 weeks away, TPTB have something planned, something very subtle, but something to get the ball rolling if you will. i feel many people will give up on the doom and gloom on the 22nd, but thats the best time to bring in the agendas, the new world order all that junk, and that is just when the watcher has left his post, wondering why he ever started watching anything, doubt kicked in and he turns his back and it all comes in. dec 21st just pushes the ball down the hill you will see

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by stanislav

a know it all huh? telling people how they should live their lives? heres an idea, the modern mayans know no more than we do about "2012" all the records from that age were destroyed. people just assume they know it because they have handed down traditions and etc. news flash know it all, theres alot of tourism over there and they promote the nonsense anyways, their guess is as good as ours. reading your last few posts, all you do is shoot down people, you have no proof of anything, if your so convinced why even bother convincing us? your just a blind man telling other blind man what they are seeing, surely you see the futility in it? if you havent noticed this is a "have you noticed" thread, not a "lets listen to the young boy know it all who has so much life experience and secret knowledge nobody else has". get over yourself.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by stanislav

Have you actually read into Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development . They are the same thin g . Bill Clinton signed the Sustainable Development proposal . It is real . Yes Alex is a little much but he does not own the Global Government program . It is real and working within your local government as we speak . If you are interested start looking up ICLEI and your local city and county governments .Their goal is to privatize police , fire and utility services . If your scared say your scared . I am very concerned at the least .
If the Internet was cut off I wouldn't know about the Federal Reserve being a consortium of 12 privately owned banks . They are owned by 10 Jewish Families . I would not know about the massive Austerity riots in Europe or in Canada . Our news organisations feel that Lindsay Lohan is more important .
You are pretty young I take it and Alex Jones rains on your parade . I can tell by your smart attitude . Well my parade gets that same rain on it ,but I can face the problem . I watched Kennedy and Eisenhower give their National TV speeches about the secrete societies trying to take over our countries destiny .You can't just deny this thing . It will not go away . The Banksters rely on people not wanting to know like you . That makes it easy .

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:40 AM
LOL! So many compliments in one paragraph. I guess being almost 32 is still considered young. Well it is young but I wasn't born yesterday. This is coming form someone who has been in it if you want to put it this way for at least a decade. I lost decade I will never get back. So yes I know exactly what I am talking about. I have been on this forum probably longer than you did. But that's not evidence of anything. I don't claim to know anything but i surely know something and more so because I was once a believer in all kinds of new age ideas. Thankfully I have had the chance to learn from the old timers. I listened to them carefully as my delusions slowly waded off, died as years went by. Nothing is going to happen. There is more chance for me to get struck by lightening on DEC 21 than an end of the world to come. And one more suggestion, you should immediately stop listening to Alex Jones. Agenda 21 and such nonsense. People don't realize how much damage Alex Jones and a like have done to young people in their mid twenties.

Originally posted by honested3
reply to post by stanislav

a know it all huh? telling people how they should live their lives? heres an idea, the modern mayans know no more than we do about "2012" all the records from that age were destroyed. people just assume they know it because they have handed down traditions and etc. news flash know it all, theres alot of tourism over there and they promote the nonsense anyways, their guess is as good as ours. reading your last few posts, all you do is shoot down people, you have no proof of anything, if your so convinced why even bother convincing us? your just a blind man telling other blind man what they are seeing, surely you see the futility in it? if you havent noticed this is a "have you noticed" thread, not a "lets listen to the young boy know it all who has so much life experience and secret knowledge nobody else has". get over yourself.

edit on 26-11-2012 by stanislav because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

Nope. No backtracking....Many people said it wasn't supposed to be a predictor of doomsday, it was to be a new consciousness and new age of enlightenment right from the beginning. There just always are and always will be the doomsday cults.

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