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Back to this: Papa John and His Anger at Obama Ruining his Business

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posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 03:53 PM
I think it's hilarious he complains about hurting his business , but gives away 2 million pizzas. I've never eaten there, because I saw him on the NFL network one time, delivering a pizza to the pre-game hosts and he refused to eat his own pizza or even take a bite. Strange. Stupid, I know, but I never forgot that. He seems kinda fake in those commercials too. I hate it how he bobs his head as he says "Papa Johns", dork.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Phoenix

You are correct that the problem is government policies, but who makes these policies?
The average american that comes from small and medium sized business or people that come from the same type of places like Big Wall Street banks and multi national corporations who have no problem passing bills for thier chums that come from these same companies as lobbyists.

Big money owns are government and it is quite clear, for a nation it is a failure. As a business, it is working perfectly where all the profits have shuffled to the top while everyone else suffers. The chickens are slowly coming home to roost, and rather than admit failure from their policies, they are asking American's that had no part in these policies to pay for it as if they are to blame.
edit on 22-11-2012 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Phoenix

The problem also, is that he is for the same government policies that are destroying this country.
I think both Obama and Romney are against Small and Medium sized Business's in this country and Pro Multi National Corporations and Banks that owe no allegiance to any country.

It may be fine that corporations and banks are amoral and owe no allegiance to any country, but with money, they have hijacked our government that is supposed to be moral and represent the country called America.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Glencairn
reply to post by Osiris1953

You guarantee that Warren Buffet wouldn't mind being taxed more? Warren Buffet? Really? The same Warren Buffet who owes right about One billion dollars (BILLION - with a B) in unpaid back taxes? That Warren Buffet? Last I knew there wasn't anyone stopping him from breaking out his checkbook and writing a check to the government if he feels the need to contribute more. Why would he, though? He can't seem to be bothered enough about it to actually pay his taxes at all, what makes anyone think he's going to go ahead and pay extra?

Take care,

Good Lord...Good God almighty!! I don't know where to begin. I don't want to offend you, but your comment is...I'll be polite and say "unfounded".
Do some research on Warren Buffet. The man is a multi-billionaire, and he's less material than probably you or me.

He eats cheeseburgers from Broncos drive in. He pays $30 to have his shoes re-soled, as opposed to "wasting" money on new shoes. He drives an old car.
He has donated 30 billion dollars to charity, most of it to the Gates' Foundation. That's right: Thirty Billion Dollars.
To feed, clothe and educate the needy, all over the world.
He's the biggest philanthropist of all time.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by VaterOrlaag

Giving back to the community. You are an ignorant moron. Papa John gave in 1996 gave the University of Louisville (the community he lives in is Louisville) $20 million. So how much have you given to your community. You do owe and appoligy for that BS statement. PJ has given around $100 million in donations to organization in his community and across the country. You just lost any credibility you might have had. Wow, you look up his house on Google read one article about is dislike of Obama Care which will be a nightmare for us all soon. But you did not research anything about his charitable donations, his back ground, or him. Unlike you I actually know John.
edit on 22-11-2012 by rgzing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

So, why do you care what he has? Still trying to figure out where you come into the picture.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Wisescarab

So when is enough enough genius? Who gets to decide? Right now Maobama has set the bar for "rich" at $250,000 for married couples. WTF???

You mastermind liberals are the real problem, capitalism, freedom, and the US Constitution are the answers.

Who gives a flying cr#p how much money this guy or anyone else has? It's none of your freaking business.

Taking away the freedom for people to wildly succeed by voting in evil people that will change the laws to steal the hard working population's private property will spread misery to all.

The pilgrims tried socialism and all almost starved to death. It was a complete failure until they changed over to capitalism. Everywhere in the world that socialism and communism have been applied they have failed miserably. No matter what the brainwashed liberals say.

The US has been under liberal assault since the creation of the Federal Reserve.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Just wait until Papa John figures out that whining like a spoiled brat means that the statistical majority of the country would rather starve to death than eat one of his crappy pizzas again.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:56 PM
So when are we going to get back to Free Market Capitalism and give the heads of Multi National Corporations and Wall Street Banks the boot out of Washington?

Is it Free Market Capitalism when companies lobby to their former cronies that are now serving as politicians, bills to favor their industries over the small and medium sized business in this country?

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by Wisescarab

So when is enough enough genius? Who gets to decide? Right now Maobama has set the bar for "rich" at $250,000 for married couples. WTF???

You mastermind liberals are the real problem, capitalism, freedom, and the US Constitution are the answers.

Who gives a flying cr#p how much money this guy or anyone else has? It's none of your freaking business.

Taking away the freedom for people to wildly succeed by voting in evil people that will change the laws to steal the hard working population's private property will spread misery to all.

The pilgrims tried socialism and all almost starved to death. It was a complete failure until they changed over to capitalism. Everywhere in the world that socialism and communism have been applied they have failed miserably. No matter what the brainwashed liberals say.

The US has been under liberal assault since the creation of the Federal Reserve.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by TheCelestialHuman
Corporate greed.. It seems Ayn Rand was incorrect in suggesting big business men are the heroes in society. All Papa John has to do is raise his pizza price by 14 cents to pay for Obamacare.

Raising prices means to increase INFLATION and WAGES and other things that everyone depends upon.
Why raise prices when you can lower them and force down INFLATION ??? Everyone will benefit in the end, but they all must sacrifice in the beginning.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by ColeYounger

Why isn't Buffett donating his extra billions in extra taxes that he thinks we all should pay? Why give it to charity?
Give it to his Democrat buddies through taxes instead.

Buffett wants to make it impossible to pass family business and private property to family members so he can come in and buy up their private property on the cheap. Look it up.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Lowering the tax rate stimulates the economy.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by Phoenix

Not in the least denigrating the hard earned dollars of these business men. I am denigrating their disgusting greed though.


I agree. Their greed is sickening. Papa John's CEO thinks he is a King, but unable to be flexible when the conditions in the business change...And their pizza is garbage. But to do this to his workers is just heartless.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Just wait until Papa John figures out that whining like a spoiled brat means that the statistical majority of the country would rather starve to death than eat one of his crappy pizzas again.

HAHAAHAHAH You are right about that!

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
Got it. So it isn't the "left" as in the left in the US. It is the international "left". The one you can pin blame on all day without identifying who they are. Again, nice to see you acknowledge the republican party is dead and
has done nothing for the American people in 100 years. At least we agree on something.


The Republican Party, when it was still Republican, tried as best as possible to slay the dragon the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS put in power... The fact that DEMOCRATS have been also infiltrating the Republican party, known as "neo-cons" didn't help, neither does it help the fact that dumbed down Americans, like yourself, keep falling for the same lies of the left...

Yes, the Republican party has been corrupted, thanks to DEMOCRATS and the LEFT in general...

BTW, if you don't know who the left, and who has allowed for the United States and the world to be controlled by madmen look in a mirror...

Keep rejoicing, there is an old saying "stupid is as stupid does".

Einstein was right, the stupidity of mankind in general has no bound... To this day there are still people who fall for the lies of the left and think it was their idea...

Well, you have to give it to those dumbed down, stupid people. They overran the republican party (who must be an extreme bunch a pansy lightweights) and rule the show. Way to blame lack of ideas and ineptitude for your own party on the left. Again, how is it the conservatives are sooooooo bad at government?


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Papa John's pizza is worse than dirt....sure, blame your woes on Obama....I don't hear the other major pizza chains complaining. Is the "ruining" of their business due to Obama or is it due to a serious lack in quality of product? Of course it's all Obama's fault

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Lowering the tax rate stimulates the economy.

Oh wait...wait...wait!...I'm rolling here!

If that were true, wtf happened when Dubya gave the wealthy the big tax break that Obama extended?

BTW...the only ones going over the "fiscal cliff" are the pricks that deserve it...job creators my @ss...they took the tax cuts and put them in their pockets...and didn't create any decent jobs...oh yeah...we have D-bags like Papa Jerks that gives crappier than crappy jobs...nice

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

You can eloquently speak what I cannot, thank you. I am so sick of this crap it really makes me seethe and I lack the vocabulary to say what I really want. Again thank you.

So many people on here post and then say they can't watch videos or something because they are at work and then whine about the common worker who actually runs a company wanting a little, tiny better sniff of the "pie", it really amazes me.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by nolongerblind
Yeah.... these greedy bastards... how dare they. I wish all the business owners and wealthy people would take their products elsewhere. We are Americans. We are happy with mediocrity and having everyone else decide what we want and dont want. We will make our own pizzas and write our own magazines. ...... I hope the sarcasm was picked up on.

These men created their own businesses. In doing so they built them based on a specific business model that allowed for growth and profit. All they are saying is that if they want to continue to be in business years from now... then they are going to have to modify their individual business models. If they dont make changes and continue operating as they have then they will eventually either become stagnant or will go bankrupt over time.

YES YES YES, and these men did ALL the work necessary to make these companies what they are. They did EVERYTHING!!! Yes they deserve a good chunk of the profit because it's their company, but if they are so damn smart and all, why did they have to hire other people to start with? If these people are so important, why, once the company becomes self sustaining ( not JUST because of them ) do they IMMEDIATELY abandon it for social standings?
edit on 22-11-2012 by mymymy because: can't spell

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

You're still at it?

Not everyone is a moron because they don't subscribe to your belief structure. Even I, agree with some of what you have to say, but half of what you post is utterly false, and most of the other half is so full of steadfast rigidity, anger and naïveté that it is hard to fathom someone could be this far gone. One of the biggest problems in this country is extremism, which you seem to embrace without a second thought. Whether you want to blame the president, the bankers, the wealthy, congress, liberals, or communists, TPTB are keeping America divided for a reason, and you are playing right into their hands.

It's time to start behaving like an adult and have a CONVERSATION with others. Guess what? Most political ideologies are not inherently evil.... And most often ideologies are corrupted , destroyed, and distorted by wealthy and selfish men who are in power, and then propaganda gets people like yourself to spread the propaganda. We are being duped, our country is in bad shape, and extremism, plutocratic thinking, social Darwinism, and rigid closemindedness will be its downfall, not any one party or person.

So try to listen and discuss with others, because based on the general level of intelligence in your posts you have no right to talk down to anyone. You may be a brilliant individual, but you are doing a really poor job conveying it.

So talk to people as if they were actually people, and post like an adult.... Or go sit on Santa McCarthy's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas.

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