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Gangs Of Muslim Men Are Going Round And Raping White Kids In UK

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I'm saying your conclusion is wrong because they don't show any other factors that lead to an increase in crime...something you completely ignore

I haven't ignored what factors lead to these crimes, if you had read the sources and news articles I've linked you too already, you will see, its the muslims attitude towards women, and in the Pakistani muslim culture, it's ok to abuse and treat women as items to trade and use, and this is the factor that leads to these sex crimes of young white girls.

Maybe you should spend more time looking into the subject, and you may have a better understanding on what i'm saying.

Edit: I'm also a atheist.

How do I know the majority of Muslims aren't a problem? By living in Dubai and for 8 months in Saudi Arabia...and I'm an atheist. You'd think they would have discriminated me...but they didn't

This is about the Pakistani muslim communities in the UK, as they are the ones doing this, giving muslims from other cultures a bad name.

edit on 16-11-2012 by HumanObserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by HumanObserver

And all those attitudes are changing over time, just like Muslims over here often drink booze...especially 2nd generation immigrants. Adaption ALWAYS takes time.

Fact is, crime rates are higher in poor people...and it's one of the key drivers of crime. How do we know that? Because the countries with the highest per capita income also have the lowest crime rates...take Switzerland for example.

And as I said, first generation immigrants are often poorer than the naturally their crime rates will be higher until they had a chance to climb up the system.

Correlation isn't the same as causality

edit on 16-11-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Fact is, crime rates are higher in poor people...and it's one of the key drivers of crime. How do we know that? Because the countries with the highest per capita income also have the lowest crime rates...take Switzerland for example

No one disputes this, but this is about sex crimes, which is very different from stealing cars or robbing banks.

And it boils down to the attitude of pakistani men who have a culture of abusing women and young girls, and have clearly brought this culture to the UK, and it not sitting well.

If you go to trafalgar square in the week you will see young moderate muslims handing out rose's and leaflet explaining they don't support the radical and pakistani muslims, so even decent British muslims are turning on the pakistani muslims, which i totally support and glad some muslims are speaking out about this.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:47 PM
The issue is extremely real, and unfortunately this type of activity is confined to a certain extremist group, preying on the children, probably for agenda. No its not like the normal criminals doing it as this is seemingly political/theocracy/extremist agenda oriiented. Rather than just the random bad guy syndrome. Sweden has a lot of reports of this. Time to GET REAL and deal with it in an appropriate and swift, competent manner that doesnt target ALL members of the mentioned group, but appropriately targets the jihadist members and stop putting our heads up our back sides while it gets worse;.

edit on 16-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:55 PM
You get what you pay for, and reap what you sow.......
The Britain that conquered 3/4 of the world and spawned more than one modern nation, has to pay for its
top time ........Now their chickens have come home to roost they must learn to totally live along side of these peoples....rather than as conquerors......its called the karmic wheel, and it keeps on spinning for everyone....
From a spiritual/justice point of view, it highly appropriate.......IMHO.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by stirling

Not spiritual, in the least. For only Creator judges and the right people, not innocents. Ie. a person who actually rapes, murders, steals, enslaves, or abuses another. Not a child. Not parents or old people barely making ends meet in a democracy they are determined to keep FREE NO MATTER WHAT THE CIA AND THE BLOODLINES WANT AND ANY DEALS THEY MADE WITH THE BROTHERHOOD FROM HITLER YEARS ON!!!!!

What you wrote was really ugly and twisted. And every single thought you have for someone that isn't loving is a GIANT TAB WAITING ON THE OTHER SIDE.

This issue is about Democracy and NAZI's primarily.

And remember, the muslim minorities are very small. They don't have any rights over the citizens except to get along, and adopt to the countries they enter.

Anything else is treason by the government. And needs addressing.

Buddha had a saying, it went like this: If I refuse your gift does it return to you in full? The answer is yes! Chew on that.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by HumanObserver

And all those attitudes are changing over time, just like Muslims over here often drink booze...especially 2nd generation immigrants. Adaption ALWAYS takes time.

Fact is, crime rates are higher in poor people...and it's one of the key drivers of crime. How do we know that? Because the countries with the highest per capita income also have the lowest crime rates...take Switzerland for example.

And as I said, first generation immigrants are often poorer than the naturally their crime rates will be higher until they had a chance to climb up the system.

Correlation isn't the same as causality

edit on 16-11-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

I disagree with every single reply you have in this thread. You make things up on the spot. You take Switzerland and I will take the USA. The USA has the highest prison population on this planet. That blows your made up argument out of the water.

Poor people are not automatically law breakers. Those crime rates for offenses against children tell a story, a real story with real victims. 2.1% of a population causing almost a quarter of crimes of this nature against children. THAT IS A PROBLEM. These men come from a culture where women are suppressed. I would not want such violence around my children. I don't give a rat's behind what culture they come from. Their behaviour is simply wrong.


posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:02 PM
im not getting involved in the argument either way...but it wouldnt be the first time it has happened.

this was a major case here in australia.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I find it hard to believe you spent any time in Bradford and didn't notice a problem, did you leave your room?

I spent 6 months in Bradford and from day 1 found that the local Islamic population liked to try and intimidate what they thought were non-muslims. Sure, not ALL the locals, just the gangs of youths roaming the city centre and especially the bus station.

It is common knowledge that white christian girls are treated with no respect by this community but yet when the issue is raised some idiot liberal always pulls the race card.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:13 AM
They created so much hatred towards the Muslims, hoping to justify their actions in the middle east. They thought we would support their massacre just as we did in 2003...SHAME ON THEM!

We're not falling for it this time, freedom and equality!

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks

When a certain group of people deliberately go around targeting people based on their race,then yes it is a factor and therefore matters.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by openeyeswideshut

No race card being used here.

Do you even know what it is?

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

No his proof is thousands of rapes.Haven't you heard about Muslim gangs recently?

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Most rapes are actually done by Muslims.This is a fact as the statistics show that along with other immigrants,they do the most raping.They believe it is their religious right to rape unveiled foreign women.

Every rape is Norway a few years ago was committed by Muslims ffs.

Please stop branding people a 'racist' at every turn just because race is involved.It is not cool to be an anti-racist on your scale because it is clearly blinding your judgment and the issue here.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Integration,no matter the generation,has proven not to work.MANY third generation Muslims in the UK ARE the ones doing the crime.They detest the British and are very open about it.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

There is something in your argument. However, I think the truth is a little more convoluted than you've stated and the way you've presented it has made it easier to dismiss.

Poor people don't necessarily make for criminals. This has been one of the flaws in a fairly old argument, which, over the last 10 years or so, manifested itself with questions regarding 'chavs' and 'chav' behaviour. My first house (one bedroom terrace, no bathroom or indoor toilet) was demolished in slum clearances in the early 70s. I grew up in a house of 7 people (3 adults, a teenager and 3 young children spread across 3 bedrooms) have spent most of my adult life in a tower block on a 1960s sink estate in the north of England (I have an Oldham postcode). If poverty was the only factor, I'd have been a 'chav' myself.

There is truth in the adage that poor people are easy to radicalise as, poor people are often (rightly) disgruntled and angry about their lot in life. However, what skews this phenomena (a phenomena which has been seen world-wide and throughout history) is that the UK has reached a point where this anger no longer has a real voice or a real focus. The 'poor' are no longer genuinely represented in the UK. There's no real political voice that speaks for them and there's mass disenfranchisement. The 2000s are very different from the from the 1920s to the early 1980s. In this sense, we're back before the Peasant's Revolt and the Black Death where a factor outside of a man-made, artificial, class/social hierarchy is yet to intervene. This general disgruntlement is now inarticulate and is turning in on itself - which probably suits a political and financial elite. Compare all this to the united political anger spreading across southern Europe.

Things are also very different in the Muslim community. For them, their culture is less political in party sense and more political in a religious and cultural sense. Economics is as much a religious issue as it is political in the western sense. Take the Muslim stance on usury, for example. Interest on lending rates is fundamental to Western economics. The UK has been propped-up by this for a long time. Whereas in Islam it's massively frowned-upon, to say the least.

This means that Muslim poor, rather than having nothing to cling to like the disenfranchised UK (white) poor, can focus their discontent back into religion. This creates a feedback loop where the the Muslim cultural influence is endlessly reinforcing itself. And, where faith is concerned (in religions, generally), any failing associated with the religion and the religious culture is seen as being due to outside factors: here it's anti-Islamic feeling, 'western' values being imposed &c.

This is brought into sharper focus because a lot of the men involved haven't grown-up alongside 'western' values. The bulk of men in the Rochdale cases (and in Oldham &c) have come from the same areas in Northern Pakistan. They've moved en masse from (poor) small towns and villages in ostensibly backwater Pakistan to poor areas in northern England and brought their cultural/religious/economic values with them.

I genuinely don't think these actions of these gangs reflect the thoughts and mores of all Muslims or even all Muslims from Rochdale, Oldham and so on. Not all Muslims are the same, in the same way that not all white Christians are the same, for example. Yes, Islam has a lot of crap to say. However, Christianity also has a lot of crap to say but, as a still ostensibly Christian culture, most of us manage to filter out the stuff about stoning, cloven hooves, shellfish, the dangers of mixed fibres, tattoos and so on.

Blanket statements get us nowhere so we need to look at specifics and subgroups of people rather than look at wide-ranging demographics that tell us nothing of any real worth and only confuse the issue.

edit on 17-11-2012 by Merriman Weir because: .

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Anglo-Saxon culture is not compatible with middle eastern culture. The merging has no common ground to make the union possible.

If this is true why are the British so heavily invested in the middle east. It's okay to raid the middle east of their resources but middle easterners can't live in Britian?

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 04:10 AM
I think the saing goes 'When in Rome', It annoys me when they come to our country and make no effort to intergrate and be part of the community, instead sticking to thier own race, religion and culture and not even bothering to learn our language. We give them freedom of everything, including our welfare system that they never payed into and yet spout on about how much they despise us, our culture and way of life which i find insulting on many levels, Hell if i went to thier motherland in some cases i would have no freedoms whatso ever. If you dont like it, you know where the door is, cheerio! Where i live there are gangs of asian youths who activley go out just to beat up whites and blacks, for a laugh. If they happen to get arrested they then go on to play the race card and get away with it, there was a case not long ago where 4 asian girls set about a white girl beating her so badly it nearly killed her and they all got off with a slap on the wrist so to speak, despite crystal clear video evidence from the cctv operator, yet had it been the otherway round the girls would have all got 4+ years in jail for a racially motivated attack and attempted manslaughter. People arnt blind anymore and theres no wonder political parties that are pig ignorant like the BNP and the EDL are gaining popularity because they are the only parties willing to do something about it, however misinformed and misguided they actually are.

Cases like the one this MP is going on about seem to be on the rise unfortunately, with more cases actually coming to court and the media reporting on it the whole subject is getting alot of attention, but to be fair there are far more white peado's and rapists and these cases still make up the minority. I think its the 'Gang' element that is the key to the issue as you dont seem to get alot of white or black gangs doing this, or if you do it doesnt get reported on often.

I think that somthing needs to change/ be done but i dont have the answers, i honestly wish i did. The song goes 'Id like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony'.....

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz

Anglo-Saxon culture is not compatible with middle eastern culture. The merging has no common ground to make the union possible.

Anglo-Saxon culture? LOL. What is this Anglo-Saxon culture you speak of? How does it relate to Muslim communities? Britain is hamstrung by a class system that's ostensibly Norman . Most of the inherited family land in Britain dates back to families that split the spoils of the conquest a 1000 years ago. This Norman influence impacts British/English life like nothing else. The class divide started there. Even he North-South divide started with the harrying of the North.

Also, the idea of an 'Anglo-Saxon' culture is pretty much taboo even in England: it's a dirty word. Compare this to the way pseudo-Celticness is celebrated. Compare this to the way that 'English' - and by extension 'Anglo-Saxon' - has been subsumed within 'Britishness' whereas Welsh, Irish and Scottish still have some form of national identity.

Here's the truth about Anglo-Saxon and Englishness in England. I wrote these posts on ATS as I was sick of hearing how the Brits (and when Americans and the Irish write the word 'Brit' they, more often than not, mean 'English') were to blame for all the ills of the world since time began.

first post

second post

I like Britain, the idea of it, and us all pulling together across these Islands and facing the world shoulder-to-shoulder when necessary. However, I also think that Englishness has got the short end of the stick in the cultural stakes - to the extent that the idea that an Anglo-Saxon culture is pretty much a nonsense.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Most rapes are actually done by Muslims.This is a fact as the statistics show that along with other immigrants,they do the most raping.They believe it is their religious right to rape unveiled foreign women.

I find this very hard to believe and would appreciate a link to the statistics you are citing. For accuracy, please use a link to an official source and not a far-right or racist blog. In the UK, ethnicity of crimes (including rape) falls within the boundaries of population (Table 2).

Also pp 11-16 of Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2010 disputes your contention.

Furthermore, according to this wiki (see sources) around half of 'assault rapes' in Oslo were committed by 'non-Western immigrants.' Not 'Muslim' - they were non-western and came from Africa as well as Chile.

By trying to attribute 'all rapes' to Muslims you are actually removing the responsibility of the other offenders.

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