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Gangs Of Muslim Men Are Going Round And Raping White Kids In UK

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:24 PM
I think there may be something a little more sinister going on.
There's a thread on ATS where filmmaker Darcus Howe goes on the street to speak with Pakistani people on the street.
There seems to be definite racial tension going on between pakistani immigrants and blacks.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

two completely different people. We had more land in the US and could accommodate them. They were also willing to integrate into the American standard being that our two cultures had more common ground to work with. Religiously, and otherwise. Muslims feel threatened and jealously protect their culture. If they want to live in a foreign land they have to adapt.

IMO they need more time modernizing their culture in their own countries before they are ready to integrate with western society.

They are forced to avoid compromising their cultural beliefs and so fail to merge with their host nation.
That is not reasonable. They have a rich culture that maybe they should defend, but honestly it may not be entirely compatible with ours. Even in the US where we have allot of land and breathing room, they are finding it difficult to integrate their communities into ours. There are exceptions, but they are not the norm. Historically when this has happened conflict arises and problems ensue for all people.

I would look at Jewish populations that resisted integration and their expulsion from every host nation that they lived in. Even in Spain where they enjoyed more tolerance, they ended up dealing with the culture shock in the form of the inquisition.This ended for the most part when they adapted and integrated entirely into our culture. Compromises had to be made on all sides, but everyone was reasonable.

Muslims will face the same issues.

edit on 16-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: fix and add.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by HumanObserver
reply to post by MrXYZ

I don't appreciate you calling me a stupid racist clown for posting a thread on what was discuss in parliament, and as for saying stop reading the daily mail for my news...every newspaper in the UK is covering this, so are they all stupid..

Don't shoot the messenger, and i'm not racist.

I called that MP a stupid racist clown...because that's a FACT, just like Gohmert in the US is a stupid racist clown.

And your evidence doesn't support your claim that Muslims are all bad and that there's a "Muslim rape epidemic". That MP is condemning an entire race of people based on the actions of a MINORITY...and if you support him...well...sorry, but you're a racist, and that's a FACT.

It's the very definition of racism...and that doesn't change just because you don't like to be labelled for who you really are

If you base your opinion on that link and what that MP said, well is what it is, you are a racist, and yes, I will call you out. Don't call it an attack, call it an "observation" if it makes you feel better

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...well, then it's very likely to be a duck. Prove me wrong, show us how you aren't a racist

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Exactly. All it takes as one complete generation (as in the total life span of the oldest person still alive at the time...not sure if i put that right, if you want clarification let me know) to completely break a negative..or positive train of thought. But it takes an entire world working at it to achieve this. As long as someone is still alive to have knowledge of what happened the will still be subgect to it's infleunce.Like they say, ignorance is bliss. But I prefer, Awareness is always a key.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Integrate more easily? Are you KIDDING me??

Before Kennedy they couldn't even run for office

Integration always takes more than 1 generation, it's how it has always worked. Talk to second and third generation Muslims for crying out loud. Even most first generation Muslims are totally ok and the majority is definitely not on a raping spree

We have 6 Muslims at our office, 2 of them just came over from Saudi Arabia, one is a 2nd generation Afghani, and the others are Pakistani...they're perfectly nice people, just like the MAJORITY of Muslims.

Also, the guy who posted a video of Pakistanis ranting about the UK citizens, how is that any different from you and others ranting about them? It's a free country! Ranting and bitching (no matter how stupid) isn't against the law. That's why the UK isn't Nazi Germany or Saudi Arabia where public opinion is suppressed. You are allowed to make stupid comments...and yes, that includes the OP (again, not attacking the OP, just the content of his post...and I will always defend his right to speak his mind, no matter how ridiculous his views are).

By the way, I'm originally from Switzerland and we had the same nonsense...first with Italians where people called them "Dschingge" in a derogatory manner...and then Jugoslavians...and people from Kosovo. One after the other they are integrating, and now pretty much no one has anything against Italians.
edit on 16-11-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

And your evidence doesn't support your claim that Muslims are all bad

Well for a start, your misquoting me, i never once said all muslims are bad, i said there are reports of muslim gangs grooming young whites..

and if you support him...well...sorry, but you're a racist, and that's a FACT.

Again misquoting me, i do not support this man, and i'm a member of UKIP and can not stand the torys.

So your aggressive attack on me is unfounded and uncalled for.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

we were former colonies, we had similar religious beliefs, we were similar racially, we had the same mentality of Europe in most places, ect.

Using the presidency as some sort of example to show how they were not accepted, especially in the Kennedy years is just irrelevant. If you said the 1800´s, I may give you that, but 160 years later, no. They were completely American then. 100%

Presidents are selected not elected. It is not that leadership doesnt like Catholics, or Irish, it is that you have to belong to their circles for the most part and stay loyal. Apples and oranges bud.

oh and Europeans with similar cultures should have it easier for integration than people with no cultural reference in other than historical armed conflicts. Also, race has allot to do with it. I hate racism, but the fact is most people do not believe in mixing their race with another. Sorry, I don't like it either, but it is what it is. We are still too backwards to force integrate the world with idealism of multiculturalism.

Maybe in the future when we have solved the issues of our day, but for now, our ignorance is still fresh in our minds and we are still coming to terms with our capabilities as a modern society. That will take adaptation time for our own culture as well as any other that is trying to grow with us. growing pains. Sometimes you just need to separate kids while they are growing up so they can live in peace.

You can't force "idealism" on people. You can inspire it, talk about it and show them, but when you force it, it becomes an enemy of stability. Impatience for people´s progress and development leads to conflict and so bloodshed.

edit on 16-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by HumanObserver

Well, that MP is pretending most Muslims are bad and that there's a "Muslim raping spree going on"...and he bases it on the actions of a MINORITY. You support that view it seems, or are you admitting that only a small minority causes issues (as is reality)?

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

If you have been here 6 years my friend then you must pack your bags as it means like lots more you have over stayed your visa, so off you go like a good boy back to Afganistan and join your brothers.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by MrXYZ

we were former colonies, we had similar religious beliefs, we were similar racially, we had the same mentality of Europe in most places, ect.

Using the presidency as some sort of example to show how they were not accepted, especially in the Kennedy years, say the 1800´s and I may give you that, but 160 years later, no.

Presidents are selected not elected. It is not that they don't like Catholics, or Irish, it is that you have to belong to their circles for the most part and stay loyal. Apples and oranges bud.

And it took TIME for people to accept Catholics...just like it will take time to accept Muslims (and for them to adapt too).

For example: In Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries Muslims don't drink...but over here, pretty much every single 2nd generation Muslim I know drinks alcohol. They ADAPT, just like we adapt.

Either way, there is no issue of raping sprees going on...the entire argument of that MP is silly. Are there issues? Sure...but that's to be expected as cultures mix due to globalisation. But you can't stop globalisation unless you are willing to turn the country into Nazi Germany

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Alternative4u
reply to post by MrXYZ

If you have been here 6 years my friend then you must pack your bags as it means like lots more you have over stayed your visa, so off you go like a good boy back to Afganistan and join your brothers.

What visa?? I don't need a visa

Just like people from the UK don't need a visa in my country.

And how exactly are people from Afghanistan my "brothers"??

Also, I lived in Dubai for 2 years and also had to adapt...just like I had to adapt in Singapore when I lived there. It wasn't always easy, but you automatically do after a while. No porn in Dubai (unless you use a proxy server), and no online poker...
edit on 16-11-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

don't use the Nazi card so soon in the conversation, please.

We are still getting accustomed to globalization and we should be patient with people and give them time to grow individually as nations before we force an uncomfortable living situation for all. Everyone in their house and be guests visiting until you can say that "neighbor" is no longer a valid term, and you then naturally begin calling them family.

We are not yet a global family. Implying that we are is naive and dishonest, noble intentions or not. It is reckless.

You do not put two scared dogs in the same cage and hope they don't fight out of some "hope" for harmony. That is just irresponsible. You let them get to know each other and when they are ready, if ever, you let them live together.

We are still very much animalistic. You and yours will cause much conflict by inflicting your "idealism" on the rest of the world not ready for it.

I am done, have a nice day. Bye.

edit on 16-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by openeyeswideshut
Sounds like the PM is trying to pull out a race card for some reason. Notice when he mentions that the majority of child abusers are white, then goes on straight away to say that something needs to be done about the muslems abusing white kids. He is simply trying to get a reaction out of a certian population of britians citizens.

It's not a race card, it's a politics card. The Tories are haemorrhaging votes to UKIP:who are proving to be the vote-sink for the Tories that the NF and then BNP always threatened to be but never managed it. Since the BNP's almost comedic implosion, Farrage and co. have benefited from a lot of right wing vote transference from people who don't feel the Tories have done enough on immigration and the EU. Those votes are now becoming tangible in the by-elections &c.

Compare Kris Hopkins' comments with the Tories' party line on Gordon Brown's 'bigot' incident or, more recently, Jack Straw raising concerns about what's been happening within the Rochdale Muslim community himself.

This is a hot potato for the Tories as whilst they've traditionally courted xenophobes (don't forget they once campaigned with 'if you want a 'n-word' for a neighbour, vote Labour'), they've never really meant it or have had their hands tied as, whenever immigration caps are mentioned, the first people to cry 'foul!' are their friends in the big business community who want as much immigration as possible as that competition in the job market pushes wages down.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the government concluded after investigation that of known suspects since 2008:

38% were white

32% recorded as an unknown ethnicity

26% were Asian

3% were African American

less than 1% Chinese

2.1% of UK population is of Indian or Pakistani origin, so with these figures, 26% of young sex crimes by a 2.1% of a population, states that its is a problem that needs looking into.

And as for racist, Pakistani muslims are the most racist people on the planet, you say you live in north london, have you tried walking round luton town at night, its a no go area for anyone who is not muslim, and there are many many other locations in the UK with the same situation.


edit on 16-11-2012 by HumanObserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

We are still getting use to globalization and we should be patient with people and give them time to grow individually as nations before we force an uncomfortable living situation for all. Everyone in their house and be guests visiting until you can say that "neighbor" is no longer a valid term, and you then naturally begin calling them family.

Yeah, and that's what humanity did for how many thousands of years without success???

Globalisation is an unstoppable force, and yes, some people have issues dealing with that new reality...but the only way to solve this is by letting its run its course. Why? Because CLEARLY it works as people all over the world adapt to eachother, especially after the first generation immigrants...and those wouldn't even exist if first generation immigrants would be prohibited from moving.

As for the "visit as guests" do realise that most people can't afford to take multiple vacations to "get used to it", right?

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by HumanObserver
reply to post by MrXYZ

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the government concluded after investigation that of known suspects since 2008:

38% were white

32% recorded as an unknown ethnicity

26% were Asian

3% were African American

less than 1% Chinese

2.1% of UK population is of Indian or Pakistani origin, so with these figures, 26% of young sex crimes by a 2.1% of a population, states that its is a problem that needs looking into.

And as for racist Pakistani muslims are the most racist people on the planet, you say you live in north london, have you tried walking round luton town at night, its a no go area for anyone who is not muslim, and there are many many other locations in the UK with the same situation.

Poor people (like most immigrants are!) always have higher crime rates. Most Chinese coming over are wealthier on average than the average Indian...or Muslim. They also have a better education.

And again, first generation immigrants often move to communities that have a disproportionate amount of people from the same race. And those are the ones that often cause most of the issues as they're still adapting, like I said, it takes time.

The same goes for white people in other countries too. Go work in Africa and you'll notice that most white expats stick to their own, and they do the same in other non white or non Christian countries. After a while they start to mingle..just like people over here do.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

So after those official government figures from 2008, do you still think it's not a problem, and i'm being racist for even bringing up this subject being brought up in a commons debate.

And like i said before as you say you live in north london, have you ever been to luton town and the local area at night, if you haven't go take a trip there tonight and walk around the town, and you will soon find out what i mean about a no go area.

By the way, i'm not racist as you claim i am, i'm anti religion not anti race...big differents.

edit on 16-11-2012 by HumanObserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by HumanObserver
reply to post by MrXYZ

So after those official government figures from 2008, do you still think it's not a problem, and i'm being racist for even bringing up this subject being brought up in a commons debate.

And like i said before as you say you live in north london, have you ever been to luton town and the local area at night, if you haven't go take a trip there tonight and walk around the town, and you will soon find out what i mean about a no go area.

By the way, i'm not racist as you claim i am, i'm anti religion not anti race...big differents.

edit on 16-11-2012 by HumanObserver because: (no reason given)

I spent 2 weeks in Bradford...probably one of the most strongest Muslim/Indian communities in the UK. Never had a problem. And again, the issue there isn't race, it's POVERTY. Look at all the rioting poor people just a few months ago, that was WAAAAAAAY more of an issue than the few cases of rape. Poor people => more's as simple as that.

You blame those crimes on race, when in reality that's not the key component. The murder rate is higher too in poor people, so what? The problem is, a lot of immigrants are naturally poorer than others who already spent time in the system and climbed up the ladder...something that, again, takes time

So yeah, your stats aren't showing the full truth

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Are you a muslim by any chance ? as you seem to dismissed these figures as false, and we all know there is more crime in poorer areas logic dictates that.

This is about how a small percentage is causing a majority of sex crimes, and the muslim males treatment towards women, which doesn't sit well with the british way of life.

But you came out the block attacking me calling me a racist clown for bringing this subject up for discussion and telling me to stop reading the news... and people were staring you for this.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by HumanObserver
reply to post by MrXYZ

Are you a muslim by any chance ? as you seem to dismissed these figures as false, and we all know there is more crime in poorer areas logic dictates that.

This is about how a small percentage is causing a majority of sex crimes, and the muslim males treatment towards women, which doesn't sit well with the british way of life.

But you came out the block attacking me calling me a racist clown for bringing this subject up for discussion and telling me to stop reading the news... and people were staring you for this.

No, I'm not Muslim. And I'm not dismissing those stats, I'm saying your conclusion is wrong because they don't show any other factors that lead to an increase in crime...something you completely ignore

Check out the other threads I'm active in, I'm faaaaaaaaar from a religious person

How do I know the majority of Muslims aren't a problem? By living in Dubai and for 8 months in Saudi Arabia...and I'm an atheist. You'd think they would have discriminated me...but they didn't

edit on 16-11-2012 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

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