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Ancient Aliens Debunked (Full Length Movie)

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posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

What are you God's or Science's gift of knowledge? Everything the AA show had touched on, they themselves have stated..."it's all theories." Yet, you are getting defensive and calling everybody wrong because they won't watch a 3 hour tube you video. Some of us have better things to do than watch crap with the same theories itself. This is no better than Science vs. Religion.

In-fact, all of you science worshipers, should welcome the thought and theory of life on other planets. The evolution theory clearly supports it in every shape and form. Space, according to the evolution theorist, contain the building blocks of DNA. When the asteroid or comet reaches a planet, it sort of fertilizes the foundation, where life can evolve.

So, is it so hard to believe that maybe life was formed on another planet millions of millions before earth? Then on top of that, these so called aliens coming to earth and help jump starting our civilization?

To support my ownage of you, I will be taking something off the AA debunk site.

We all no about the Tolima “Fighter Jets”. Little gold, airplane looking thing. Stated in the reading: "Okay, so he admits that when these things were found there were hundreds of them that were clearly representing insects and animals and only about 10 of them that looked like jet airplanes."

Those who support the AA debunk need to realize that they didn't live in this time period. They had no idea how to describe what they saw, when viewing flying insects or birds. The Egyptians showed an ambitious nature to learn about everything. From random things like sex, to more important things like death. They had everything down to a "T." Everything but flying. So, sitting down and studying the way these things flew, anyone could understand. We don't now a days because we don't sit down and watch. We are too busy ripping on each about watching a stupid 3 hour, non-sense documentary. Anyways, they studied and studied, until they came up with this.

They we're able to come up with a way to describe flight in their eyes. An insect flying through the air. Plus, not to mention, the Egyptians we're not perfect. So, in turn this artifact is probably the final design they agreed upon and made one out of gold. The early designs we're most likely made of wood and rotted away.

Taken from the website:

"No they didn’t add an inch or remove an inch, unless you count things like totally removing the big curls on the front of the wings which would have rendered the model totally useless for flying. They also added curvature to the wings; they added flaps, a landing gear and, one more little thing, a propeller and an engine."

Okay, genius. They artifact was not meant to fly. It is a representation of how the Egyptians saw flight. In theory if the Egyptians we're not basically almost wiped off the map...They probably could have achieved flight. Instead they we're to worried about who was next heir to the throne and practiced incest more than knowledge. Back to the Tolima. The show itself is only an hour long. They would need to go into great detail of these objects to stop non smart people like Druscilla, from going ape crap over limited information.

By that I mean, Egypt is not a tourist attraction. Most of the monuments have 60% of the site closed off. Most of the information is kept secret because of the history. Incest, corruption, powerful astrological knowledge and the chance that most governments in this world we're started in Egypt. Which would imply that the so called heir's in the UK and the starting of the USA are founded on incest. That's a whole other story though.

Regardless, AA is not debunked and will not because of the limited amount of information joe schmo has. For example Druscilla.

One more final note to prove the AA debunkers wrong.
The website touches on the Egyptian Light Bulb.

"The idea that the ancient Egyptians used electricity is something that is not even hinted at anywhere else in the Egyptian records."

Completely stupid. The website tries so hard to debunk something but forgot that the same technology existed down the street from Egypt.

So, let me just leave this here.

Proof that electricity had indeed existed during the time period.

Anyone who believes that AA is full of it, is a blight to the archaeological world and are full of it themselves. Go eat your McDonald's and as always...have a nice day.

And I will bet someone will reply back to me saying I'm wrong with no facts but just their ignorant opinion...


edit on 28-9-2012 by johngrissom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:17 PM
did this idea need debunking ?

it was like the south park underpants gnomes

step 1 - ancient stuff I don't understand
step 2 - ?
step 3- aliens !!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by FaceLikeTheSun

Originally posted by Xdream
reply to post by Hardstepah

I'm with you on this one! I hope to have time to view the entire 3+ hour documentary, however, there are too many places, artifacts, etc., and Indian STORIES which have been passed down for many, MANY generations that point to ancient visitation from other worlds. I just hope they return while I'm still alive to prove they really do exist! I'm hoping that's what going to happen 12-21-12!

Actually when it comes to the claims about the Vedic text etc you might disappointed to find out where the AAT in regards to the Vedic traditions actually comes from.

Secondly, there is a worldview that explains the "sky gods" but you're certainly not going to like it. It's found in Biblical Christianity. Go read Genesis 6. The point is, they're not aliens from another planet...although in truth, it's entirely possible that alien species exist. But the "evidence" used to support it for the AAT are a far stretch to reality. Nevertheless, ancient myths, stories, folklore etc come from somewhere. Again, go read Genesis 6.

It seems to me that the Bible, if you take it as truth, proves the AA theory. Yes, Genesis 6, but also, Jacob's ladder and his wrestling an angel, Enoch, Ezekiel, etc., even the god of the OT, flying around in his pillar of fire, seems to be an AA! It's the only way the Bible makes any sense at all!

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by johngrissom

You come out of nowhere and personally attack me when I didn't even know you existed.

You then spend who knows how long crafting your public embarrassment, when, if you spent just 10 minutes of your time watching only that section about the Tolima "jets", probably less time than you spent on the response, you'd see that the "jets" are quite clearly representations of Plecostamus , also known as the Sucker Mouth Catfish, in keeping with depictions of birds, fish, and insects as with the over 100 other figurines.

The Tolima figurines represented birds, fish, insects, and animals common to the area.
If jet fighters were indeed seen and witnessed by the culture, I'm pretty sure there would have been a more prodigious showing in the figurine collection as opposed to just a few examples.
If jets were witnessed, it's likely they would have abandoned their fish, birds, and insects altogether in favor of something akin to the Cargo Cult Culture paradigm.

If you have any university education, you might know what a Cargo Cult is as there's documented historical precedence.

You, of course, are more than welcome to hold onto whatever beliefs you have in imagining whatever wild fantasy you want to about Mayans zooming around the planet in jet fighters if you want to.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:59 PM
Wait, do people actually take that show seriously? It's so full of speculation and conclusion jumping...

I've watched it a few times for fun, but never took much of what they said on that show to heart....

Because most of it is obvious nonsense, speculation and people jumping to bizarre conclusions...With little to no actual facts to back up their claims.

Popular or not, that is where I stand.

And yes, I am a believer...Just never put too much stock in that show...

edit on 28-9-2012 by DirtyLiberalHippie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:55 PM
Why do people who do not take it seriously spend so much time and effort trying every single tactic to debunk it then? If it doesn't threaten your faith, then why bother? Watch something else, like America Idol, or the 700 club.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:16 AM
I watched first 15 mins and got convinced that AA indeed is a joke.

Then I read a reply on a last page(about only reference about sandstone is wiki which references a doc which actually says granite) , makes the entire premise of pumapumku in segment AAD just as absurd. Either lowers vid's authors credibility to almost to null or makes him an intentional liar with perhaps some agenda in mind.

Interesting how Dryscilla is yet to reply to that one.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Borel
I watched first 15 mins and got convinced that AA indeed is a joke.

Then I read a reply on a last page(about only reference about sandstone is wiki which references a doc which actually says granite) , makes the entire premise of pumapumku in segment AAD just as absurd. Either lowers vid's authors credibility to almost to null or makes him an intentional liar with perhaps some agenda in mind.

Interesting how Dryscilla is yet to reply to that one.

Who Taught the Inca their Stonemason Skills - PDF

Substantial cramps of various shapes once pieced together the enormous sandstone slabs used in the construction of the four platforms at Pumapunku [Figure 31].

(FIGURE 31: Pumapunku: sandstone slab with cramp socket. Scale in I 0-centimeter units)

Architecture and art at Tiwanaku

Tiwanaku stone architecture usually employs rectangular ashlar blocks laid in regular courses, and monumental structures were frequently fitted with elaborate drainage systems. The drainage systems of the Akapana and Pumapunku include conduits composed of red sandstone blocks held together by ternary (copper/arsenic/nickel) bronze architectural cramps.

The red sandstone used in this site's structures have been determined ...

The walls are covered with tenon heads of many different styles postulating that it was probably reused for different purposes over time. It was built with walls of sandstone pillars and smaller blocks of Ashlar masonry.

Introduction to Geophysics (Tiwanaku & Puma Punku

The multi-sensor approach is very useful in discovering several subsurface features and distinguishing their depth and nature of construction materials. Ground-penetrating radar has proven to be the most useful and versatile method because it detects the majority of subsurface features and allows their depths to be estimated. Magnetometry provides a powerful complement by distinguishing between igneous rock (e.g. andesite) and other common rocks used in construction (e.g. sandstone and limestone).

I'm sure I can dig up some other resources.

I'm sorry that so many people have to be SPOON FED information.
You'd think with the wonders of the modern education system that people would actually be able to conduct their very own searches and research into something so simple as the construction materials used at an an ancient archaeological site.

Do I need to do ALL the verification and hand-holding?

Edit: On that note, I'm done. If anyone else has any challenges or questions regarding the video, do your own research, or not. Your ignorance is not my responsibility. If you want to lie to yourself and believe in fairy tales, have at it.
If you genuinely want to know the real truth of things, the video can point you in the right direction to search out all the answers if it hasn't already spoon fed and spelled everything out to your satisfaction.

Embrace Ignorance, or Deny Ignorance. Your choice.

edit on 29-9-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 01:36 AM
The Bible says our Heavenly and his only begotten son Jesus Christ.

Man says Evolution, Atheism, Ancient aliens, Buddha, Harry Krishna, Dali Lama ( likable at least ) and on and on.

Don't even have to open your eyes to know what's going on. Thanks for posting this OP !


posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by thektotheg

Originally posted by mark1167
I love these well put together, thought out, researched threads. " I watched a video on you tube and this is the way it is."

Dude seriously.

This is basically it. /thread

Way to summarily dismiss something you haven't even examined.

Seems a number of members have the ATS motto backwards in preferring to EMBRACE IGNORANCE.

Good luck with all that.

Keep closing your eyes and plugging your ears. Maybe one day, whatever it is you believe in might somehow magically happen.

Are you kidding me? I've only been researching this topic for 20+ years. But, as your posts always remind us, these forums are a far cry from what they once were. The fact that anyone would defend a thread that consists of a 3 hour video and nothing else in the OP, pretty well shows us what ATS has become. Unoriginal. Unsubstantiated. Uninteresting. Where the same hacks show up in every thread to present their opinion as fact, contributing nothing other than the perpetual dumbing down of an entire forum. I'm not impressed.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by thektotheg

Are you kidding me? I've only been researching this topic for 20+ years. But, as your posts always remind us, these forums are a far cry from what they once were. The fact that anyone would defend a thread that consists of a 3 hour video and nothing else in the OP, pretty well shows us what ATS has become. Unoriginal. Unsubstantiated. Uninteresting. Where the same hacks show up in every thread to present their opinion as fact, contributing nothing other than the perpetual dumbing down of an entire forum. I'm not impressed.

Ok so the guy found a video and wanted to share... whats wrong with that?

I really dont see why you and others like you are whining about - he found an interesting video and wanted to share - what else do you want? A bloody essay 10 pages long about the video? Come on... just watch the video and then comment - thats the objective.

Since when do I have to even give my personal opinion when I just found something interesting and want to share with a community I like? I mean... yer all a bit of cry babies arent you?

Now instead of acting like a jerk to a fellow atser with no reason at all... please answer me 2 questions. Why the hell should I care if it impresses you or not? I dont think this thread was created to impress you or with even the slightest hint that anyone cares if you're impressed. Second... this has become quite a trend, but do tell me why did you say "pretty well shows us what ATS has become. Unoriginal. Unsubstantiated. Uninteresting"? Is this something that you thought it would sound a bit more godly and mature than the rest of the members or is it based on your extensive experience of 2 years and a half as member of ATS?

Just watch the damn video and quit the stupid bickering... its making you all look like that family guy video with a bunch of italians shouting at each others windows "shaddappa" "no you shaddapaa" "you shuddappa wida shuddapa" - adds nothing to this thread - ironically since thats what you all are complaining about - stuff that doesnt contribute to the topic at hand.

Regarding the video:

Yes the points there are valid, at least some... but its not while I would call a study, research or investigation, but mostly mainstream archaeology quote hunting and A LOT of wikipedia screenshotting search. Well... most of it of course - the pyramids part is dodgy as any of the theories surrounding it. These "spirals" that houdin refers to are also found in other monuments and were used by priests to do their processions from "weird chamber to weird chamber" in their "weird rituals"... its not by chance that a theory such as a long ass stupid ramp theory is approved and his theory is laying still since 2009.

No antikythera mechanism, no piri reis map, no sumerian depictions of the solar system, no bahgdad battery, no weird nuke-like explosion out of nowhere thousands of years ago (and yes the results can be seen with no volcanic association anywhere near nor meteor impact)... thats ok.

So this is how it works, mainstream archaeology finds strange item and comes up with a theory, ancient aliens come and challenge the theory with some outlandish claims (thats their point anyway), then guys gang up on AAs, and then this guy comes, with all the work done by others, acts like a speaker for them, and debunks the AA theory using mainstream archaeology which is not HIS - ok... I guess that starwars tagline is appropriate - The circle is now complete. The video does nothing but keeping ppl in circles, it says nothing that the average historian, archaeologist, scholar doesnt already know like "omg ancient sumerians made a dictionary" - thats not the point you... person on the video, thanks for giving me nothing groundbreaking.

Oh yea and that painting issue with the ufos... well it sounded rather stupid "they're not aliens, they're angels you dumb person!"... sure that debunks A LOT - angels, #... OF COURSE THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW, THANKS OBVIOUS PERSON OF THE VIDEO. Wait... what if angels ARE aliens? Just messed up his debunking...with a stupid claim that might as well be true - who knows

Even the freakin image depicting viracocha is from wikipedia... come on, at least draw your own so it just doesnt look like you've been just "gathering info"... which he did - a lot more than he should may I add - but if at least he tried to look like as if he did at least SOMETHING of his own wouldnt hut. About viracocha tho, one thing he failed to mention, viracocha didnt come from the sea, came from a lake and disappeared at the sea (ocean) - still he is the creator of everything - everything but the lake I guess lol... but he is the god of the sun so... ppl tend to look up you know?
edit on 29-9-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

EDIT: oh btw... about Ancient Aliens - the show is about giving you other possibilities, a sord of a trip through a world of fantastic possibilities with fantastic settings, to feed and stimulate your creative and critical thought, its about something far more exciting for you to think about it - its about imagination and expanding horizons to different concepts - we are the ones with the task to believe it or not. Pretty much like the bible also...
edit on 29-9-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 03:36 AM
Whether AA is bunk or not is an individual opinion. For me what is more interesting is the hords of so called scientist who flock to this sites to study and to record. Jezzzz how many times does one need to visit a site to record the same data over and over again.

If ATS forums are going to get hung up on a 3 hour doc there is something seriously wrong here. Is it no wonder we cannot solve the basic of puzzles or reach a realistic conclusion. Meanwhile the PTB must be sitting there thinking this lot are like putty in my hands.

I have actually watched the doc and although they present so interesting arguments, like everything, one can quickly cross reference with a quick google. However it's always good to get a different perspective.

Therefore this is not about whether AA is bunk or not, it's about how one feel about the bigger picture and for me there is something seriously missing in our history.


posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 03:43 AM
lol and this debunking could just as easily be counter-debunked and it would go on back and forth into infinity as it's regarding stuff from ANCIENT days long gone

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 03:57 AM
I read the Nasca section and was not impressed. I've flown over the Nasca Lines and talked with the people of Nasca. The Astronaut Man is the the "astronaut man", and it's the only one built on the side of a mountain/hill. I didn't see any theories on how the Nasca people were able to make perfect drawings that can only be seen from the sky.

I agree with who ever posted....OP you missed the 100+page thread on the exact same subject, you could have just embedded your video in that thread, and done some research....

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Imtor

A thread already exists, it has been discussed into a hundredf pages or so... it is known that some wikll say Debunked and give no opinion just say Debunked.. and I will tell you that Ancient Aliens are on to something even if not quite right aboutsome things


OP, use the search button next time, and do some ATS research before creating a new thread on the subject.

I've been into the Ancient Aliens art debunked thinking for a while, but up until recently I've been kind of thinking the literal text book definition of these symbolic images in ancient biblical art could be interpreted in other fashions. A picture is worth a 1000 words. Regardless or not, they are putting things in the sky that aren't normally there.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 04:02 AM
thanks for the post , although i need to find time to watch this long movie.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:23 AM
Ignorance seems to be the more neutral term to describe what operates as archaeological arrogance (or fraud) when selectively speculating upon the global proliferation of ancient cultural 'gods from the heavens'...though for the sake of this thread, the movie and television show, suffice to say: Both looked at rocks and one said, "Humans!", the other, "Aliens!"...neither were actually there - so this, as with many things in our experience, is a matter of belief.
Its definitely extraterrestrial and human, and maybe robot!!


edit on 29-9-2012 by awake1234 because: ∞

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by johngrissom

You come out of nowhere and personally attack me when I didn't even know you existed.

You then spend who knows how long crafting your public embarrassment, when, if you spent just 10 minutes of your time watching only that section about the Tolima "jets", probably less time than you spent on the response, you'd see that the "jets" are quite clearly representations of Plecostamus , also known as the Sucker Mouth Catfish, in keeping with depictions of birds, fish, and insects as with the over 100 other figurines.

That's really cute except the gold figure has no dorsal fin, and the fish don't have those 4 cylinders on the back. Not to mention the gold figures are segmented, so is the fish they modeled really badly mutated? His back "fins" look worthless, and not like nature. What's with the triangle shape of the wings and the vertical stabilizer?

I tried to make it look like a fish. I did it a bunch of times cause I have previously seen that picture and my mind just goes "Airplane." I reset it Fish Fish Fish, but I can't make it work. It's a plane.

edit on 9/29/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

I deeply apologize for having to be 'spoon fed' the references provided to support the validity of AAD.


I appreciate the additional references you provide. A few notes:

1. Andesite, while not granite, is far from sandstone as a workable media for tools of the era.

2. Now we have conflicting references for what the place is made out of.

3. While it is not unusual for these places to be made out of various types of rock, e.g. sandstone bases as mentioned in one ref, granite walls in another, I still have not located any thing definitive.

While proponents of AA and AAD can cherry pick what they want, for me I would have to see it with my own eyes. So as a service to the ATS team, I volunteer to go to PP and get some definitive answers. Funded, of course by the good members of ATS. I'm thinking if everyone on this thread chips in about $500, I should have some solid answers in a couple of months.

Operators are standing by...

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by awake1234
Ignorance seems to be the more neutral term to describe what operates as archaeological arrogance (or fraud) when selectively speculating upon the global proliferation of ancient cultural 'gods from the heavens'...though for the sake of this thread, the movie and television show, suffice to say: Both looked at rocks and one said, "Humans!", the other, "Aliens!"...neither were actually there - so this, as with many things in our experience, is a matter of belief.
Its definitely extraterrestrial and human, and maybe robot!!



yep. Exactly. It's some koind of ancient technology. Until someone just tells us(someone who was there, or someone with better records) we just don't know.

While it's easy to say it's not some koind of aliuns, because there is not any proof, it's still impossible to say how they did it. If the alien theory is incorrect, which I actually think it is in most cases then how the heck did it all happen? I dunno, but it's so dang interesting.

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